4 Ritual Ways to Elevate Your Sex Life

4 Ritual Ways to Elevate Your Sex Life

Many may want to juice up the sexual chemistry between themselves and their partner. This is especially true if you’ve spent years together. There are ways to get out of the routine of life and sex, and herbal remedies may be just the thing to empower your love life.

Some rituals also can be used to increase your lovemaking potency. While some may not believe or wish to do a spell,  a key component of the rituals is that it psychology boosts your confidence. So, doing something ritualistic may psychologically change your perception about yourself and your partner to the extent that it enhances lovemaking.

Below are four ways you can use herbs to increase your love potency:

  1. Sexual Empowerment

This can be used for either a man or a woman. You will need either a male or female designated red candle, musk oil, musk incense, and dried jasmine flowers.

This is stated as a spell and takes several days to accomplish. You start this during a waxing moon by carving the name of the person targeted (either yourself or your partner) into the candle. Then you put a drop of musk oil on it and stroke the oil nine times from the base to the top of the candle.

Then you pass the candle through the musk smoke from the incense what stating that you are empowering the person with love potency and that you will it.

Put the candle on a fireproof surface and sprinkle the flowers around it before lighting it. Let it burn down a half-inch to an inch. As it burns, think about the perfect sensual relationship. Do this every night until only a candle stub is left. Then place the stub under your pillow or put in a red mojo bag to carry as you travel.

  1. Bath Ritual

This involves patchouli root, a Pomba Gira candle, and perfume like Afrodita Mystic Musk Oil, Hechizo Gitano, Garrapata Extract, or Amarra Hombre, if you are trying to attract a man.

Boil the room, strain, and add to bathwater. Take a bath, visualizing your incredible sexual energy. Get out, air dry, and light the candle. Then put on perfume.

  1. The Root of Power

The High John the Conqueror room is known to boost strength and confidence. It is used by those handling court cases most often but can be helpful in lovemaking too. You can bathe in the bath salt, anoint yourself with the oil, and dust yourself with the powder. Stating a mantra while you do this can also help increase your confidence.

  1. A Couple’s Ritual

This is an involved ritual for a couple to set the mood. It involves jasmine tea, nutmeg, sugar, glasses, and a candle.

Brew the tea and add about a quarter teaspoon of the nutmeg to the tea bag or infuser. Sweeten it to your taste when done. Let it coll and then rim each glass with a mixture of brown sugar and nutmeg. By the way, nutmeg is a natural aphrodisiac.

Fill the glasses with the tea and place them on either side of the candle.

As a couple, light the candle and join hands. Then say:

May the warmth of this candle increase the warmth between us

May our union be filled with pleasure and joy

By jasmine flower and fragrant nutmeg, may our love be strong and our passion bright.

Then lick the sugar and drink the tea.

These types of things may help those who are lacking in understanding of how to fulfill their partner’s intimate needs. They add sensuality and natural herbs to have chemicals that help with various aspects of both the body and mind.


  1. The suggestion to use herbal remedies and rituals to boost intimacy is intriguing. While more empirical evidence may be required to validate these claims, the use of natural substances like herbs has historical precedent in various cultures for enhancing love and potency.

  2. The article presents an interesting approach to enhancing sexual chemistry through herbal remedies and rituals. While some may question the scientific validity of these methods, the psychological aspect cannot be overlooked. Rituals can indeed have a powerful impact on one’s mental state and confidence.

  3. The article provides a variety of techniques, from simple herbal baths to more complex couple’s rituals. While personal belief systems will determine one’s openness to these methods, the underlying idea of focusing on each other and breaking routines is universally beneficial.

    • Exactly, the emphasis on mindfulness and deliberate action can be very helpful in reigniting passion and intimacy. Whether or not one fully subscribes to the use of herbs and spells, the psychological focus is undeniably beneficial.

  4. Although the methods outlined in the article may sound unconventional to some, they do provide a unique perspective on how to enrich one’s love life. It’s noteworthy that the psychological boost from rituals could be beneficial for those looking to break out of their routine.

  5. The concept of using rituals and herbs to enhance sexual potency is fascinating. It’s important to consider both the psychological and physiological effects that these methods might bring about.

    • I agree, Gretchen. Even if one is skeptical about the mystical aspects, the intention and effort put into these rituals can certainly create a positive psychological influence.


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