Are You Having a Psychic Attack?

Psychic Attack

Are you experiencing unexplained pain, fatigue, or illness? Are you having horrible nightmares, experiencing doubt about your direction in life, or feeling like you’re being watched?

You may be under psychic attack.

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone is sending you with the intent to harm you, your life, and possibly everything you have. This harm may be aimed toward your emotions, spirit, physical being or mental state.

Most of the time, the psychic attack is inflicted by someone you know. Even friends or family members may be attacking. The attacks are not always intentional, as it’s possible to send negative energy unconsciously. When it’s sent unconsciously, the person sending the energy is unaware that they are doing so. Jealousy, envy, or anger are usually the motivating feelings behind it.

A conscious attack is launched by someone who deliberately means harm to you. Conscious psychic attacks can be compared to black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting.

Reasons Behind a Psychic Attack

The negative energies of a psychic attack are projected in the form of thoughts based mainly upon the attacker’s jealousy toward you. But they can also happen for many reasons other than jealousy. Here are some other reasons why someone may attack you psychically:

  • Your life is progressing forward, while theirs is stagnant.
  • They want something you have that they don’t: your looks, your career, your spouse, your environment.
  • They are living in their dark side at the moment.
  • They have no self-conviction.
  • They are full of fear.

If you consciously send negative energy toward someone else with the intention of inflicting harm, then what you send is exactly what you will attract upon yourself in your own life. The Universal Law of Karma states that “as you sow, so shall you reap;” in other words, what goes around comes back to you but multiplied.

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

While no two psychic attacks are the same, here are some symptoms you may experience if you’re under a psychic attack.

  • You’re having very frightening nightmares.
  • You see your attacker in a devilish way, either in your dreams, your meditations, or front and center in your thoughts.
  • You constantly feel tired and depleted of energy for no apparent reason.
  • You’re experiencing pains in the same place at the same time on a regular basis or in areas of weakness that your attacker is already aware of.
  • You can’t concentrate and feel lazy and lethargic when facing routine tasks.
  • You’re experiencing painful or severe headaches accompanied by vomiting or dizziness.
  • You’re questioning or feeling doubtful about your direction in life, even after having been aware of your direction beforehand.
  • You feel like you’re being watched and see shadows around you from the corner of your eye, even when you’re certain you’re alone.
  • You feel like you’re beginning to have a heart attack.
  • You want to commit suicide.

Guarding Yourself Against Psychic Attacks

Becoming aware of the psychic attack by identifying the unusual events that are taking place in your life will help diminish the attack’s negative effects.

Here are some other ways you can reduce the impact of the attack:

  • Be strong and work on yourself.The most important way of protecting yourself from the effect of a psychic attack is to be emotionally strong and stable. Don’t allow others to identify with your fears because this reveals your weakness. Try to identify with your emotional issues and fears and heal them. This protects you from being emotionally vulnerable and makes you less likely to absorb the effects of the negative energies.
  • Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for guidance.Ask them to protect you and help you stop the attack. Even if you don’t know them or believe in them, asking them is enough. While your faith is not required for them to do their work, it does help.
  • Don’t mirror your attacker’s actions.Do notsend similar energy or thoughts against your attacker. Send only the pure white energy of light directly from the universe, the source, or from the god of your own beliefs.
  • Send loving thoughts.Remember that your attacker is the weaker one. So instead of returning thoughts of anger, hate, or fear to them, try to feel compassion toward them and send light, love, and blessings to help them see and heal their own darkness.
  • Protect yourself.Every time your attacker comes into your mind, imagine that you are showering them with the pure light of the universe. Always change the way you send your light by imagining it being sent in different ways, and always remember to keep your protection around you.

Remember, psychic attacks have little to do with you. They have more to do with the personal weakness of the attacker.