How Unresolved Guilt Affects You

Unresolved Guilt

We all feel guilt. It is the usual reaction when we have a loss or other trauma, particularly when we feel that someone has been physically or spiritually victimized. Life events can take a toll on us on many levels.  The resulting guilt can diminish the way we feel about ourselves, particularly when our resources are challenged. In addition, we feel guilt when we don’t act in the way that we expect ourselves to.  This can lead us into a spiral of second-guessing ourselves and assigning blame when we don’t react properly.  Again, this self-assigned guilt can take a toll.

  • Guilt leads to cloudy thoughts

When our brains feel foggy, it leads to distracted thoughts, an inability to learn new things, and reduced concentration. If you have difficulty remembering key bits of concentration, it could be caused by guilt.

  • Weight gain can be linked to guilt

Guilt causes stress, and when you are stressed, you want comfort food. Unfortunately, these foods aren’t always good for you; the calories stick around permanently, even if they make you feel good temporarily. This leads to more guilt and stress, and the cycle continues. If you get into the habit of making good choices when it comes to nutrition, you will feel less comforted by doughnuts and the like.

  • Guilt can hold you back from your life’s enjoyment

If you feel guilty, relaxing and enjoying your life is impossible.  Guilt can tell you that you do not deserve the good things that come your way.  If you can’t respond happily to life’s joys like a wedding or baptism, it could be that your guilt is stopping you.

  • Guilt causes you to punish yourself

Guilt can make you feel like you deserve pain and suffering. It may be that you feel like you can achieve solace from penance, that it can make you better. It is only natural since we many cultures, feel pain helps purify the soul and spirit. This type of self-punishment can manifest as negative self-talk and even go so far as self-mutilation. If you have gone this far, seek medical attention.

  • There are better ways to survive guilt

It sounds simple, resolve your guilt to feel better. If you need to apologize, do it!  If you absolutely can’t, do kind things for other people. Ask the universe for forgiveness.  If the person you have wronged has passed on, seeking help from a psychic medium can help.   Your unresolved guilt can punish others like your immediate family and friends. When you can’t be your best self, others suffer.

Realize that everyone is only human and that you shouldn’t have to pay for your mistakes for the rest of your life. Make amends and move on.


  1. I found the discussion on the relationship between guilt and cognitive impairment particularly insightful. It’s a reminder of the profound impact that emotional states can have on our ability to function day-to-day. Addressing guilt seems not just beneficial but necessary for a balanced life.

  2. The article provides a comprehensive look at how guilt can impact one’s mental and physical health. It’s interesting how the cycle of guilt can manifest in various ways, such as weight gain and cognitive fog. I agree that finding ways to resolve guilt is crucial for overall well-being.

  3. I appreciate the article’s emphasis on resolving guilt. It’s important to acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and that carrying guilt indefinitely is detrimental. Seeking forgiveness, whether through direct action or spiritually, seems like a constructive approach.

  4. Interesting read. It’s eye-opening to see how guilt can lead to self-punishment and affect different areas of life. The suggestion to seek medical attention if guilt leads to self-harm is particularly important. Overall, a thought-provoking piece.

  5. The idea that guilt can hold us back from enjoying life resonates with me. It’s true that unresolved guilt can overshadow even the most joyful occasions. The suggestion to make amends and move on is practical advice.


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