Forgive Even If It Is Hard


We encounter many troubles and face strife as we move through our life journey.  From time to time, we try for a fresh start.   However, sometimes when we try to begin again, we feel empty and unsatisfied.   Forgiveness, or lack thereof, can keep you from moving on.  That means it’s time to face your past and see if some wrongs need to be righted.   Once you have done this, it is time for you to forgive.   

Forgiveness means you must let go of the actions and the pain associated with your past.  If you can’t bring yourself to do this, ask, “Why?”  This can be a first step towards self-discovery, leading to a happy spirit.

Healing is Cathartic and a Release

When you go through the act of forgiveness, you lift a spiritual weight off your shoulders.  This will lead to a lighter heart and spirit as you let go of anger for giving in to bad influences and perceived injustice.   The negativity you hold on to is an anchor that holds on to you as strongly as you hold on to it.  Healing can be hard, and if you can’t meet with the person with whom you are angry, simply write down your feelings toward this person and let go of the negativity.

Invest in Forgiveness

You must forgive now if you wish to receive good things in life.  This release will pay off by helping you transform and transcend.  Forgiveness will pay off in spiritual purification.  Forgiveness changes the way you look at the world.  As you forgive, you start to free yourself from bias and begin to walk in someone else’s shoes.  You will feel better as you start to see the humanness in others. 

Let Karma do the Work

Possibly the best reason to forgive is by leaving justice in the hands of God, and the power of attraction will free you spiritually and help console you on your life journey.  This will remind you that what you present to the universe will return.

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  1. The concept of forgiveness as a means of spiritual purification is intriguing. The idea that forgiving others can transform our worldview and reduce biases offers a compelling reason for making forgiveness a priority in our lives.

  2. I appreciate the emphasis on the personal benefits of forgiveness, particularly the notion of lifting a spiritual weight. While the process can undoubtedly be challenging, the long-term rewards for our mental and emotional well-being seem significant.

  3. This article provides an insightful perspective on the importance of forgiveness in our lives. The notion that unaddressed wrongs can inhibit our progress resonates deeply. It’s a reminder that emotional and spiritual growth often require confronting and overcoming past grievances.

  4. The recommendation to write down feelings when direct confrontation isn’t possible is practical advice. It’s a constructive way to process emotions and release negativity without the need for interaction with the offending party.

  5. Allowing karma to handle justice as a rationale for forgiveness is a thought-provoking approach. It aligns with the concept of trusting in a larger cosmic balance and can potentially bring peace to those struggling with unresolved anger or resentment.


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