How to Get Ghost Spirits Out of Your Home

Ghost Spirits

People often fear ghosts, which can happen because you hear spirits in your house. This can be someone you loved who has passed away, or it can be a poltergeist experience. Some people have spirits that inhabit their homes, and they want to communicate. Instead of removing them, find out what they want and what they are trying to say to you.


A poltergeist is a German word that means “loud spirit.” This is a ghost, but it doesn’t mean it is a ghost that scares people. Sometimes you can talk to a ghost and tell it to leave, and sometimes, you have evil spirits that invade your home. There are some spirits that like to play and have fun, but they can be scary to look at.

When you think about what a poltergeist is, you need to realize that each one will be different where; some want to make your home scary, and others are just trying to get your attention. No matter what kind of spirit is in your home, you need to let them know it is your house and not theirs. If they do things you do not like and you need to get the ghost out of your home, try things such as smudging and cleansing to change the energy in your home and get them to leave.

There are many places that have talked about ghosts being there, such as the Queen Mary cruise ship. This is thought to have a lady dancing around the home, and she was someone accidentally killed on the boat by being crushed.

In the 70s, Thornton Health, found in England, was bothered by spirits where things would fly through the house; lamps would turn on and off, and more. Finally, the family found someone that would bless the home, and the activity stopped.

Poltergeist is even a movie by Stephen Spielberg where there was a curse on the home. When they did this film, four people that were members of the cast died, and many believed that this was because of a ghost.

During the sequel of this movie, similar things happened to the cast, and one person did a real exorcism to get rid of spirits. Unfortunately, even one actress died during the filming. Some believe this is just a coincidence, while others believe it might have been a spirit.

A ghost or a poltergeist is one that can often move objects or make sounds. They will throw things, and sometimes, they will whisper. Sometimes ghosts are just doing their own thing when you run into them; they might try to communicate with you so that you know that they are there.

Sometimes you are aware that there are ghosts that are visiting you and doing things in your home. They might want you to leave your home, or they might be upset with you for something that happened while they were on earth. On the other hand, they might just want to tell you they are angry.

If you feel a spirit in your home and it hasn’t gotten your attention, it might just be there minding its own business. However, other spirits will do things to make you notice them, such as moving lamps, swinging chandeliers, and more.

Moving Objects

When objects start moving and falling off tables and cabinets, they can cause people to realize that they might have a ghost in their home. Of course, not all spirits will do these things, but some will.


You may hear the voice of a spirit. It might startle you, but the spirit might say things that you don’t understand or say something to joke with you. This can be someone that died reaching out to you or someone that is just trying to communicate with you.


This can be seen out of the corner of your eye when you see something move. It can also be an orb or something that is energy around you.


Some people feel ghosts touch or tap them but do not see anything. They will feel something rub their face, or they will feel body heat even though no one is there.

Some people are very fearful of spirits, and they think they will be possessed, but this is not always true. Some people cast out ghosts and get rid of them, but everyone has a spirit inside of themselves.

Spirits can attach to your home, and you can ask them to leave, which is the easiest way to get rid of them. If they don’t, you can tell them to leave, and then if they are visiting, they might be visiting a pet they left when they died.

Ghost Apps

People wonder about ghost apps on their mobile phones, and these are basically radars. Unfortunately, these things do not really work, and even though the app can be fun to use, the app cannot really detect ghosts in your home.

You can find people online who talk to ghosts, and they can show you how to communicate with them and know when they are around.

Spirits and Having Dreams

Some spirits will visit you in your dreams. For example, if you dream of someone you have loved that has died, or you dream of something that gives you information, chances are a spirit is giving you these dreams. They will give you messages so that you can get the answers you are seeking or so that you can be warned.

Some people have nightmares of spirits holding them down, or some even experience sleep paralysis, which is when a ghost comes and stops you from moving.

A dream interpreter can interpret your dreams and help you protect yourself from spirits that come to visit you. If the dead wants to tell you something, let them come and communicate with you, and things will be fine.

Ouija Board

There are many movies where people use the Ouija Board to play and call on spirits. They think this is fun. However, some will think that the board is full of demons and that it can become possessed.

Even though these are movies, you need to not play with an Ouija Board. Doing this can cause the spirits to show up and be angry with you. Also, you should never play with these things; sometimes, even strangers come because you call them out of the Ouija Board, which is disrespectful. If this happens, apologize to them immediately.

Plain Speaking

Spirits that talk to you like a human will say your name openly. You can talk to them plainly and communicate with them. Do not be afraid.


There are rituals that you can perform to talk to spirits. This is a way that you can welcome them into your life and into your home. In addition, you can observe them and find out more about them.

You can do this by lighting a candle and setting out a plate of food for them or giving them something to drink. Then, you will feel them come into the room.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is one way that spirits communicate. A person will go into meditation, and the spirit will take over. If the spirit wants to talk, it will talk to you while you write. Make sure that you are able to relax and be calm when this happens.

Mirrors and Pictures

People believe that when a mirror faces a window, the spirit will reflect things into the home, such as spirits. Unfortunately, this is not how spirits come into the home, but if you are afraid of this, you can smudge your home to keep it clean. This will help to protect you and your loved ones.

If you have a picture in your home, there are times when the spirits can show themselves. For example, if you see an orb in a photograph, chances are the spirit was visiting at that time.


A psychic medium is someone that can communicate with the spirit world. They can get messages and call on the spirits to come to them. They can be found online and can talk to you by email or even on the phone if you need to talk to the spirit world.

Protection from Ghosts

You need to make sure your home is protected from spirits. Remember that the spirit can be respectful or mean, and you need to be in control. When you speak to a bad spirit, talk loudly, and tell them it is your home and you want them to leave. If you have people in your home that are sick or afraid, tell the spirit to stop and leave you and your family alone.

Ask the spirit what it wants and see if it gives you a sign or an answer. If you don’t understand what it is trying to tell you, tell it. If you cannot get an answer and are afraid, find someone who gets rid of ghosts and can get the spirit to go.

Do not be afraid of ghosts that come into your home because they are usually there to love and respect you. However, if you are experiencing bad things, set your foot down and make them follow your rules.

Make sure that your home is full of peace and love and that any spirits that come in the know that you have boundaries and that you are there to ensure the boundaries are kept.


  1. The discussion about dreams and spirits visiting individuals in their sleep was particularly fascinating. It aligns with some dream interpretation theories, but it would be useful to see more integration with established psychological interpretations of such experiences.

  2. The article presents an interesting perspective on the interaction with spirits and poltergeists. The emphasis on communication rather than immediate expulsion is a unique approach that I haven’t come across often in literature on this subject.

  3. The article’s advice on using rituals and automatic writing as methods to communicate with spirits is intriguing. It raises questions about the ethical implications of such practices and the potential psychological effects on individuals.

  4. The historical references, such as the Queen Mary and Thornton Heath, add a layer of depth to the discussion of poltergeists. However, I would appreciate more scientific evidence or psychological perspectives on these phenomena.

    • Indeed, scientific validation would be beneficial. However, it’s also important to consider cultural and historical contexts when discussing supernatural events.

    • I agree, Margaret. Incorporating scientific studies on poltergeist activity would provide a more rounded understanding. The psychological impact of experiencing such events is also worth exploring.

  5. The mention of ghost apps and their ineffectiveness is helpful. It is crucial to differentiate between entertainment and genuine tools for investigation.


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