Have You Lived a Past Life?

Past Life

It is almost impossible to figure out information from your past life.  Some people remember things from their reincarnation, while others will see them only in hypnosis.  However, you can see clues about your past life if you learn to pay attention and see what is happening in your life.  Different ebbs of life go in cycles, including birth, flowering, aging, dying, re-growing and more.

It makes sense that our lives are always changing because of our energy, and the energy cannot be gotten rid of or destroyed, so it has to go somewhere.

The biggest thing to remember is that there is a difference between your ego and your essence, and it is your ego that dies and is afraid of dying, and your inner being or your essence never dies and travels to different places.

Reincarnation is when you experience living, and there are clues, if you pay attention, that will tell you if you have lived a past life.

  • Beyond Your Age

When you feel uncomfortable or feel that you have sensory overload because you are beyond your age, chances are that you used to have a simpler life.  You long for this and wish to reconnect with that part of yourself.  You only feel good when you are close to nature and outside.

  • Dreams

If you always have the same dream, specifically of certain people or places that you have probably never been to, chances are that they are trying to connect to your current life from your past life.

  • Being Psychic

When you can read other people and their past life, chances are you can see their successes and failures.  You can see where they have lost things and loved other people, and you know their enemies.  Sometimes you can connect with people from your past life.

  • Intuitive

Being intuitive means that you are sensitive to things around you.  This can be feelings or spirits.  For example, you might just have a feeling about your past life and know that you have experienced that same thing at some point.

  • Memories

Remembering things that you don’t know about or having flashes of memories can mean that you have lived a different life.  For example, if you remember telling a secret or hearing something, this can be a sign.  However, memories are not déjà vu and need not be confused.

  • Déjà vu

Déjà vu is when you feel you have done something or been there before.  This can be a situation, a place, or a person.  Sometimes, even smells can bring about feelings of déjà vu.  It is said that at least 1/3 of the world has experienced some type of déjà vu.

  • Healer

Being a healer in your past life brings up the possibility that you will be a healer in your present life. For example, you might have been a nurse in the past life or healed other animals, plants, or people at some time.

  • Fears and Phobias

Having dread or worry can be a sign of past life trauma.  For example, if you are afraid of water or spiders, chances are you had a violent death by those means in your past life.

  • Rebirth

There is no real guide about reincarnation, and there are many stories that people tell.  There are also different theories, such as that people are conscious beings and individuals but that the soul will need to mature, and that is why it will sometimes attach to another body.

When you feel alone or separate, chances are you need a different body to live in to experience being accepted and whole.

Why Reincarnation?

No one really knows why people reincarnate; it is just what happens.  However, when someone lives a past life, they don’t completely lose those thoughts or experiences, and they need to understand that their soul can go to a higher level.


  1. The concept of reincarnation presented here aligns with certain philosophical and metaphysical beliefs. It would be interesting to see more empirical research or evidence backing these claims.

  2. While the notion of reincarnation is fascinating, the explanations given are quite general. Specific case studies or historical accounts could add more depth to the discussion.

  3. The article provides a detailed overview of how past lives might influence our current experiences. However, it would be helpful to see scientific perspectives or scholarly references to support these ideas.

  4. The various signs of past life experiences mentioned, like déjà vu and phobias, are intriguing. It raises the question of how much our subconscious mind influences these phenomena.

    • Indeed, Peppermint. The interplay between subconscious memories and past life experiences could be a rich field of study for psychologists and neuroscientists.

    • I agree. Understanding the mechanisms behind these experiences might also help people better deal with unexplained fears and anxieties.

  5. The distinction between ego and essence is a compelling aspect of this article. Exploring this further, perhaps with inputs from psychology or spiritual traditions, might provide greater insights.


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