Loving Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

The chakras are the energy center of your body. There are seven main chakras that go from the top of your head to your feet.

If you have never taken time to think about energy in the body or how energy shows itself, then you might not know how to understand energy in a way that you can see and feel it. This is where the chakras play a role.

One of the chakras is the heart chakra, and this is a thing you can relate to. For example, having your heart broken, getting excited about falling in love, or even learning to have unconditional love is part of the heart chakra.

The energy in the heart chakra allows you to feel compassion for others and ultimately to love others. The heart chakra, also called the Anahata Chakra, helps you find joy, forgive others, and know and understand other people’s feelings.

You can feel your emotions and direct your life towards others. This can help you also to learn to accept who you are.

When you have a blocked heart chakra, it can bring about bouts of anger and hate. It can make it where you have a hard time forgiving or connecting with other people.

Showing kindness to others will become hard, and you will feel hateful when you see people, even the ones you love.

If your heart chakra is overactive, you might be unable to say no to others. This can mean you are too giving or too forgiving, and you are allowing people to use you and not setting boundaries.

Emotional trauma is something that can cause your heart chakra to be unbalanced. For example, if you are hurt by someone you love or if people are not showing love to you, it can cause you to have blockages in the heart chakra.

Being emotionally, physically, or sexually abused can also cause you to have conflicts and unforgiveness and can make it where you have a hard time loving and forgiving people.

Trauma can make you feel lonely and isolated and can make you feel that you are out of balance in all of your relationships.

If you want to heal, you must go through a process, but even the process is easy and can change your life and help you be more open.

There are ways that you can heal your heart chakra, and you can give your heart the care and love that it needs.

  • Green

The heart chakra is associated with green. If you want to open up your heart chakra, wear something green. This can help you to have peace and to support others.

  • Plant

Pick a plant that has green leaves and keep it. Put it outside and go out and water it and look at it. Put it on your porch, and you can touch it and talk to it.

You can even buy a plant that goes in your house, such as a peace Lily with green leaves and sometimes a flower that adds extra color to your home. Take time each day to talk, care and admire our plants.

  • Creativity

Find something you love to do and do it. Find new hobbies that make you feel excited and at peace. You can do things that are creative such as paint or write. Write down your feelings or write poetry about what you feel.

Do something that makes you feel creative. Doing creative things can help you share your emotions and take away your anger and pain. This is a great way to let go of grief.

  • Talk to Someone

Most people have people in their lives that support them and care for them. This can be a friend, co-worker, teacher, or family member.

This can be someone that you love and look up to. Maybe you have someone that is happy and that you have unconditional love for.

In this world that is negative, this can be the person that sets a model to tell you things and to make you feel at peace.

Talk to this person and let them help you through your pain and your heartbreak. Let them show you love. Be kind and patient; talking to someone can help you feel that way.

Being kind to yourself will make you more positive, and your energy can flow through your heart chakra without being blocked.


  1. The article effectively breaks down how an imbalanced heart chakra can influence one’s emotional state and relationships. The advice on using plants and creativity for healing is intriguing. It also underscores the importance of self-care and seeking support from others in the healing process.

  2. The article offers a detailed look into the functions of the heart chakra and its significance in emotional well-being. The suggested methods for healing, like wearing green or engaging in creative activities, seem both practical and beneficial. I appreciate the comprehensive approach to understanding and balancing the heart chakra.

  3. It’s important to consider the impact of emotional trauma on our energy centers, as mentioned in the article. The connection between emotional health and the heart chakra is well-explained, and the steps suggested for healing are thoughtful. This piece provides a good introduction for those new to the concept of chakras.

  4. Understanding the role of the heart chakra in our emotional lives is crucial, as highlighted by the article. The practical tips for healing, such as engaging in creative outlets and connecting with supportive people, add value. It’s a clear and insightful guide for anyone looking to explore chakra healing.

  5. The discussion on the heart chakra’s impact on emotions and relationships is very informative. I found the suggestions for wearing green and nurturing plants to be unique and accessible ways to promote healing. This article serves as a useful resource for understanding and balancing the heart chakra.


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