The Power of Human Touch


download (1)As much as people try to recreate the power of a good massage with high tech devices, anyone can tell you that no matter how high end a product is, it’s not even close to the real thing.  It’s something more than skin on skin. There is a comfort in the power of the human touch. It is not a unique. Cultures all over the world have use the mysterious magic of human touch.  Touch can heal and soothe. Even today, modern science acknowledges the benefits.

When we feel lost and alone, the simple touch of another person can ground us and help whether the pain be from mental or physical sources.   There are five main benefits of touch that you may not know.

Comfort and Reassurance

As children and babies, we find comfort in a hug or reaching out to a loved one. This need doesn’t fade when we get older.  Everyone appreciates and wants human contact.  The touch of another can help us to  relax and grow as we are  meant to and reach our full potential.

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Stress release and relaxation

Human contact not only relieves stress, it is relaxing.  This is easy to see when you think of how effective a massage is. When someone you love is rubbing your shoulders or giving you  massage, it can definitely work wonders as far as feeling stress and tension lift away.

Confidence boosting

Think about the last time you got a pat on the back for doing a good job or a hug from someone. Remember the confidence and pride you felt? These are just additional benefits of human touch. When a child feels the need for comfort, they reach out to take a hand.

Demonstration of Love

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Some have problems saying how they feel. However, they feel perfectly comfortable giving a hug or gentle caress to show how they feel.  Touch is wonderful way to show love.


Touch heals. It’s not just a feeling.  Immune cells in the body increase with touch.  This helps physical and mental problems heal.   Touch can also change moods and alter behavior.

Everyone needs touch. It’s not just the healing, it’s the happiness. When you are feeling ill and low, just hug someone.