How to Find the Right Relationship

Right Relationship

Finding a relationship can be overwhelming at times because we want things to be right and perfect. It is easy to rush into something without really knowing how it will turn out. If we instead take the time to truly think about finding the right relationship, then we will not have to question it when it comes.

Check out the tips below to find the right relationship:

  • Know Yourself

The right relationship with someone else cannot happen until you know yourself.           Knowing yourself is all about honesty. When you can be honest about what you want, who you are, and what you like, then it is easier to find the person that will help meet and enhance those needs. This does not mean that another person will offer fulfillment but that the right person will help you reach your highest goals and lead the life you desire. One person cannot complete another but can support the growth of another.

  • Know Exactly Who You are Looking For

The right relationship will be impossible to find and identify if you are not clear on what you want out of that relationship. Do you want someone that loves sports? Prefer a partner who is content to stay home and chill? Do you want an open relationship? Prefer someone who is goal-oriented or impulse-driven? There are no right answers, but you must be honest about what you want in a partner. If your goal is marriage, you may want to consider whether you want children, if you want to keep working, or where you will live. Part of knowing yourself is also knowing what you are looking for in a relationship. This area can consider looks but go deeper into what you truly desire for a long-term relationship.

  • Put Yourself Out There

Though it would be nice, the right relationship will not arrive at your front door. Make sure you are putting yourself into the dating world if you are looking for the right relationship. Accept those invitations to go out with friends and spend some time flirting if it feels right. If you are unwilling to try, then the right relationship may be overlooked.

  • Allow Them to Pursue You

Desperation does not look good on anyone. Though the goal is to put yourself out there, do not be too available when someone shows interest. Allow the other person to pursue you to a degree. This can be as simple as not always being available when someone calls and continuing to live your life until you are certain that you have found someone you like and want to enjoy a relationship with over time. Men typically enjoy the pursuit aspect of forming a relationship, so be available, but not too available.

  • Give People a Chance

Everyone has an idea of what their perfect mate will look like or do, but do not count someone out simply because they are not what you pictured. Some of the strongest relationships are formed between people who are physically very different. Be open to those who meet other criteria you have chosen instead of dismissing them based on looks alone.

  • Stop Wondering if You are Right for Them

If you have gotten into a relationship or have been asked out, do not worry about whether you are right for the other person. Be who you are and be honest about what you want. Allow the pieces to fall into place naturally. When a relationship is right, it will all work out.


  1. Allowing the other person to pursue you is an interesting point. It shifts the traditional dynamics of dating and can help in gauging genuine interest.

  2. Giving people a chance despite initial appearances is a valuable lesson. Sometimes, great connections can be missed due to superficial judgments.

  3. The suggestion to put yourself out there is crucial. Without taking that step, finding the right relationship becomes a matter of luck rather than effort.

  4. The advice on knowing what you are looking for in a partner is quite practical. It can save a lot of time and misunderstanding.

  5. I appreciate the emphasis on self-awareness. Knowing oneself indeed plays a pivotal role in forming any meaningful relationship.


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