Magically Improve Your Sex Life

Improve Your Sex Life

Good sex is for everybody

How’s your sex life these days? If you’re reading this post, I’m guessing it could be better. Maybe you wish it were more active, adventurous, or simply more satisfying. The good news is YOU have the ability to improve your sex life. You have the power to upgrade your sexual experiences. And it doesn’t require studying the Kama Sutra or buying any kinky gadgets (though they are fun).

All you have to do is break free from some negative feelings that are probably floating around in your psyche. For example, you probably never noticed the feelings of jealousy, guilt, shame, laziness, and fear that are tied to sex in your mind. Unfortunately, these types of feelings are usually ingrained in us early, leading to a lackluster sex life and an unwillingness to explore our sexual desires.

  • Laziness

First, it’s not your fault you struggle to put much effort into sex. If it hasn’t been enjoyable in the past, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do it again or try to make it better. Instead, try to imagine what a positive sexual encounter would be like. Use this daydream to motivate you to change what you’re doing in the bedroom for the better.

  • Fear

The fear of failure is a natural human response to any new challenge. The intimacy associated with sex only magnifies this fear in us, keeping us from trying new things. But how amazing would it be if you succeeded? Isn’t that feeling of satisfaction worth the attempt? How much happier would you feel tomorrow if you had amazing sex tonight? And this is just one hurdle you can overcome. Once you learn how to face and overcome your fears, how many other hurdles could you defeat? Make this step one to improve your life, one challenge at a time.

  • Jealousy

Why do you want a better sex life? Is it for yourself? Or is it because someone else around you seems to have a great sex life, and you envy them? You cannot work on yourself if you’re busy focusing on someone else and what they have. For all you know, whatever they are doing won’t even be fun for you. Plus, you cannot build on what you have if you cannot see it. Look at where you are and be appreciative. Think about what you already know you like, and focus on building from that foundation. If you’re looking at the next car, you can’t see where you’re going.

  • Shame

Sex is one of our most basic instincts. It is a natural, biological act that we have only become more creative with over time. Do not let negativity and shame make you feel like you are doing it wrong. Blaming yourself or your partner is not sexy and will not help you fix the situation. Instead, think positively. Think about the parts of sex that you do enjoy and go from there. Maybe heavy petting is the best part of your sexual encounters right now. That’s completely fine. Work with that and explore it until you both find more sexual activities you enjoy.

  • Rage

Rage and anger are such wasteful emotions. They require so much of our energy and rarely contribute to any solutions. Your disappointment is valid, but anger alone is not the answer. Instead, use that energy to design a positive plan to make your sex life better.

  • Guilt

This is a common sentiment among people having lackluster sex on a regular basis. You know you’re unsatisfied but don’t know what you want. It’s probably because you never really took the time to explore sexually, and now you feel it’s too late to admit you don’t know what you like. Perhaps you have low self-esteem and don’t feel like you are attractive enough to deserve good sex. For whatever reason, your environment has not been very open or positive about the act of sex itself. This can leave you feeling guilty about your own curiosity, frustrated by your lack of knowledge, and regretful that you didn’t figure this out sooner.

Stop all that negativity today. Just because your past was in darkness does not mean your future can’t be sex-positive. So resolve today to move in a different direction. You may be surprised to hear that a Love Psychic can be a helpful mentor on this journey. They can help you unblock your obstacles and have amazing sex for the rest of your life.


  1. The exploration of jealousy and its impact on sexual satisfaction is particularly insightful. Focusing on one’s own experiences rather than envying others seems like a practical approach.

  2. The author makes a compelling case for overcoming negative emotions like fear and laziness to improve one’s sex life. The idea of using positive daydreams as motivation is quite creative.

  3. It’s refreshing to read a piece that addresses guilt and rage in the context of sexual dissatisfaction. Redirecting energy from anger towards positive planning could indeed be beneficial.

  4. I appreciate the discussion on shame related to sex. Recognizing it as a natural act and focusing on positive experiences seems like a constructive perspective.

  5. The article is quite comprehensive in addressing common emotional barriers to a fulfilling sex life. It’s interesting to see the suggestion to use a Love Psychic for guidance; I’ve never considered that angle before.


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