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Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

There are seven main chakras in the body and each of the chakras is an energy center. The chakras affect a person’s mind, body, and soul. The chakra goes from the top of the head to the bottom of the spine. The chakras all have different names and include:

  • Crown chakra.
  • Third Eye chakra.
  • Throat chakra.
  • Heart chakra.
  • Solar Plexus chakra.
  • Sacral chakra.
  • Root chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is found around the upper part of your stomach. It is represented by the color yellow, and it helps to guide your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself.

If you are someone that has good self-esteem and you are strong and confident then chances are that your chakra is open which allows your energy to pass through. This will give you overall health and wellbeing.

An open Solar Plexus chakra is one that helps you to forgive yourself and others and to work through mistakes that you’ve made. Everyone makes mistakes and instead of hurting yourself over it, the best thing that you can do is to have your energy unblocked so that you can live your best life.

When you don’t have good self-esteem then chances are that your Solar Plexus chakra is blocked. This means that the energy can’t come through your body. You may feel like you can’t figure out what your life purpose is or that you feel helpless and when this happens the chakra is often blocked. No one wants to feel defeated in their life.

If your chakra is blocked, you will feel bad physically and in your mental state. You might feel cramping in your stomach, and you might also feel sick or bloated. This also can cause you to forget things, or it can lead to an ulcer or heartburn.

Having a closed chakra means that you can’t live your best life. You need to have all of your chakras open if you want to have overall good health. It is important to make sure that none of your chakras are blocked so that the energy can pass through.

Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra

It is important that your Solar Plexus chakra is open, and energy can flow through it. There are different ways that you can open this chakra and any chakra by doing things such as:

  • Meditating.
  • Eating healthy.
  • Using chakra stones.
  • Yoga.
  • More.

When you want to open your chakras with stones, yellow would be the best choice to use to open up your Solar Plexus chakra. Using stones like Amber are great to make you feel more confident and if you need to make a big decision, this stone is great to help you. Yellow Tourmaline can help you to have your chakras balanced and can get rid of negativity and boost your self-esteem.

If you don’t like chakra stones or if they doesn’t resonate with you then try yoga or meditating. Meditation can be easy to use when you need to get your Solar Plexus unblocked. Here is how to do it!

  • Focus on your upper stomach.
  • Imagine yellow surrounding you and turning clockwise as it covers you.
  • Let this energy be released through your entire body.
  • Use the Child’s pose to open up your chakra.

Using yoga and meditation will help you to open up your chakras and it can help you to get your Solar Plexus chakra balanced.

If you don’t want to do any of these things, then you can eat healthier. Increase your fiber intake and don’t eat as much sugar or fat. Add foods to your diet such as chamomile tea, corn, yellow peppers, bananas and more. These will help get your energy flowing.

Signs of an Opening Solar Plexus Chakra

When your Solar Plexus chakra starts opening, here are some signs of it:

  • Losing your appetite.
  • Unable to sleep.
  • Shaking.
  • Nausea.
  • Feeling light-headed.
  • Change of energy level.

All of this can happen because you need to rest and take it easy during this time. Your energy will change when your chakras are opening, and your body will have different changes. You can feel different symptoms, and these are normal. After they end, you will see that your chakra being open is a good thing for your life.

When You Really Love Someone

Really Love Someone

Just hearing the word love can often bring someone to mind. That person may be who you are with now, hopefully, or someone from the past that will forever remain in your heart. The problem is that attraction and affection can change over time and even feel different for and among people. We all need to make an effort when it comes to sustaining relationships, but as you put in the work, know the signs that you are still in love.

  • Your Thoughts Return to Them

You can know you are in love when your thoughts randomly float back to that person, no matter what you are doing. You may frequently think about your last time together or be planning your next outing. You will likely want to share everything about your day with this person and share about your time together with family and friends because they are on your mind. You may also think about how to help them when they struggle, wanting life to be great for the one you love.

  • Feel Safe

The person you truly love will make you feel safe when you are together. Trust is a necessity when it comes to love, especially if you have experienced heartbreak. When your person makes you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically safe just by their presence, it is love.

  • Life is More Exciting

Love can make life more exciting because of the hormone rush, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Though the excitement may die down over time, there will still be a touch of excitement when spending time with the one you love.

  • You Want to Be Together

If you love someone, you will want to spend time together. You may find yourself longing for their company, even if they just left, or feel like you are never together enough. A key sign to this is that you want to be with them no matter your mood. Even if you are tired, cranky, hungry, or sad, you want them to be by your side.

  • You are Jealous

You may not get jealous because they are spending time with other people but may be jealous of the other person because they are spending time with your love. This is not the kind of jealousy that will drive you to do stupid things, but it may eat at you that you are not the one by your true love’s side. As more trust develops in your relationship, the jealousy side will fade.

  • You Feel Compassion

When in love, you may find yourself wanting to take care of the other person. This is compassion. You will develop stronger compassion over time for the one you love, hoping that they never have to experience pain and helping when they do. You may also desire to know everything about them as you build your lives together.


Loving someone can be intense and amazing, but if you experience the signs above, there is no denying you are in love. Embrace the journey that is your relationship, and enjoy what you are experiencing.

What Libra Says about Love

Libra Says about Love

Libra loves relationships more than most other signs within the zodiac. A Libras world revolves around interpersonal connections. Libra strives for harmony in all their relationships and will do whatever is possible to keep their partner happy. Still, no one can be happy all of the time, which means being in a relationship with a Libra may have a few downfalls. This article will help you know the good and bad when it comes to love with Libra.

The Good

Libras are highly social and will love being in a group of people the majority of the time. This means that they understand how to be social and will handle themselves well in mixed company, whether partying with friends or attending a high-end event. Libras are naturally charming, classy, and sophisticated, so they will impress any crowd that may gather. You will likely feel proud when a Libra is on your arm.

When it comes to time alone with Libra, know that they are natural when it comes to collaborating, mediating, and understanding, so they will use these skills within the relationship. Your Libra partner will use their time and energy to make sure things are harmonious, fair, and balanced, so extreme arguments will be rare. Libras hate to fight, so if a disagreement occurs, they will try everything to restore balance to relationships.

The same effort that Libra puts into socializing and maintaining balance will also be found in the bedroom. They will do their hardest to make sure you are satisfied, but this may take time because Libra’s perfectionistic tendencies will want to make everything perfect, even in bed. They may spend a lot of time questioning you and setting just the right mood and environment, but they just want to get things right. At some point, you may want to tell them to just get to the fun. If you are involved in a relationship with Libra, you can rest assured they only have eyes for you while together.

The Bad

Libra is not perfect, even though they may try to make everything perfect. Libras are givers, not takers, which may sound great but can lead to some issues. Libra will sacrifice their time, money, energy, and own needs to make sure you are happy. This can be fun at first, but over time resentment will build, and Libra will need to break things off or take some time just for themselves. The problem is Libra will not discuss when resentment feelings start to build, and the feelings will eat away at the Libra.

Another issue, also related to Libra’s need to maintain balance and peace, is the fact that Libra can be highly indecisive. Since Libra is so focused on keeping balance, they can get stuck and be maddeningly indecisive. They will not be much help when it comes to planning a trip or special event, so expect to be the decision-maker in both big and small activities.

The point is that Libra, like all the signs, comes with both positives and negatives. Libra will become a great partner, but make sure you have them take time for themselves to avoid building resentment. Libra will make a wonderful mate.

Having Strange Connections

Having Strange Connections

All throughout your life you will make many connections with people from friends to family and coworkers to strangers. Sometimes you will meet people and it will seem so normal but then there will be times when you meet people, and it will be strange and unexplainable.

When you meet these strange connections, you will likely have met a soulmate or even your twin flame.

Karmic Soulmates

A karmic connection is one that has come from your past life. As you die and are reborn again, you will see your soul group throughout these lives. The souls that have come to you and have connected to you will be there and it will help you to learn about who you are.

Karmic soulmates can come in different kinds of relationships, and they don’t have to even be a romantic relationship to be karmic. Sometimes you will have these relationships and they will teach you things about yourself and who you are.

Twin Flame Connection

One kind of karmic soulmate is your twin flame. This is someone that you will only meet once. They share the other half of your soul, and they are destined to find you in some lifetime.

When you have a connection with your twin flame the experience will be hard to explain and you will feel like you’ve known that person for your entire life. Of course, the truth behind this is that you have known them, and they are part of your incarnation from another life. They were there since you were created.

Meeting your twin flame is a special thing but before you ever meet them the universe will start giving you signs such as repetitive numbers, synchronistic events, angel numbers and more.

What Happens When You Have a Strange Connection?

Whatever happens with your soul connection will have to do with what is going on in your life at that time. You might ignore this kind of strange connection and choose to keep a distance from that person. You might choose this because you are with another person, and you don’t want them to get in way.

Or maybe you just went through a hard relationship, and you don’t want to deal with getting your heart broken again. In either case, you might be able to have a friendship with this person and sometimes it can turn into more.

If you are in a strange connection situation and you decide to go out with your karmic soulmate then it might end up being hard, but you will learn a lot about yourself and them along the way. If it is your twin flame, then you will learn more than you imagined.

A twin flame relationship is one of the strangest and most magical connection of all karmic connections. No matter what you decide, be glad that you got to experience this soul journey.

Signs of a Strange Connection

Here are some signs that you have a strange connection with someone:

  • They Make You Feel Different

This person makes you feel different than other people make you feel, and you feel like you can be yourself. It is a good different and you love it.

  • They Make You Feel Like Home

This person makes you feel like you’re home and you can be yourself. You are comfortable around them, and they know you for who you are.

  • They Draw You In

For some reason, you are drawn in to this person and you don’t know why but their energy is magical.

  • Your Intuition Pushes You

Your intuition might push you towards this connection and you aren’t able to ignore that it’s there. For some reason you just feel like it’s meant to be.

  • The Connection is Strong

This connection might be stronger than other connections that you have with people even though you’ve just met them. Maybe they are the one for you.

  • They Know You

Even though other people know you, for some reason this person really knows you and understands you. You can even reach each other’s mind.

  • They Are There When You Need Them

When you need them, even if you don’t ask them, they are there. They help you with whatever you have going on.

  • They Help You

They help you when times are hard and when you’re down and going through things that are hard to explain.

  • You Are Attracted to Them

You will be physically attracted and drawn into this person. This will be something you’ve never experienced before.

  • Spiritually Connected

You will feel more spiritual when you’re around them and you will feel that you’re connected on a soul level.

  • Higher Energy

When you’re with this person, they make you feel like you have so much energy and you can’t even explain it.

  • Shared Values and Goals

You seem to share the same values and goals and you feel that you are connected and meant to be.

  • You Feel Like You’ve Always Known Them

You will feel that you’ve know this person for your entire life even if you’ve just met them.

  • You Share the Same Jokes

You will share the same jokes and humor with this person, and you don’t even know how they get you so good.

  • You Dream of Them

Even when you’re dreaming, they are in your mind. They are part of your subconscious, and you see them in your dreams and when you’re awake.

  • It Isn’t a Coincidence

The timing of meeting this person isn’t a coincidence and you feel like you have met them at the right time for the right reason.

Their Eyes Draw You In

You feel drawn into their eyes, and you are able to see into their soul and they can see into your soul.

  • They Make You Better

When you’re with this person they make you want to be better. They want you to be the best that you can be, and you can do anything as long as a they are by your side.

  • You Can’t Imagine Life Without Them

You can’t imagine what your life would be like without them by your side.

  • The Connection is Strange

No matter how you look at it, this connection is strange. They draw you in and you feel like you were meant to be together.

What Does This Strange Connection Mean?

When you have a strange connection with someone there is no real answer as to what it means. This can be different depending on the person and the situation. For some people it could be a strong spiritual connection that you have with this person but for others it could be a familiar spirit that has been in your life before.

These strange connections are normally a positive thing and are a special connection between two bonded people. The connection can make you feel supported and loved and it is something that you should cherish and care for because it is a rare thing sometimes.

Strange Connection with Friends

If you have a strange connection with a friend this can be a great thing that is based on trust and understanding of each other. If you have this connection, do what you can to keep this friendship strong.

Spend time with this person and share your feelings and your thoughts and make your bond even stronger.

Strange Connection with Strangers

If you have a strange connection with strangers, then it can be harder to understand where this came from. The connection is still real though, and you might not know what draws you to them, but you should take time to really think about the connection and why it feels so special.

Even if you don’t have an answer, which is fine, and you can have a connection that is strange without knowing the reason why.

Final Thoughts

A strange connection can be an amazing thing and you should love this connection and take care of it. If you have this connection with someone, enjoy their time and spend as much time as you can making the connection stronger.

This connection can have different meanings depending on the person or the place that you’ve met them but no matter what the connection is, it most likely has a spiritual and emotional bond with you.

What Do the Cards Say About You?

Tarot Cards

Most people have at least heard of Tarot cards, but not nearly as many have interacted or researched the real meaning behind the cards. Some feel it is little more than a New Age hobby while others immediately picture a traveling county fair with a dark booth draped in shawls and a slightly aging Gypsy woman sitting by a round table ready for a creepy reading. There is mystery, darkness, and the unknown surrounding Tarot, but there is no need for such fear of this form of divination tool. If you truly explore the origins of Tarot, it has roots as an Italian card game and has been around for centuries with a variety of uses. The exact uses of Tarot cards can be surprising.

Tarot Cards

Though there are numerous versions of Tarot cards, the most common today is the Rider-Waite deck which first appeared in 1909. The deck has 78 cards divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana has just 22 cards that represent archetypes. The archetypes include the emperor, judgment, the fool, justice, and the wheel of fortune. The remaining cards make up the Minor Arcana and are divided into suites known as swords, wands, pentacles, and cups. Each suit corresponds to the four elements and their related qualities. The qualities include:

  • Swords – Representative of air and the east; focused on communicative and mental abilities
  • Wands – Representative of fire and the south; focused on creativity
  • Pentacles – Representative of earth and the north; focused on boundaries, sensations, and form
  • Cups – Representative of water and the west; focused on feelings and emotions.

Each card has a unique image and each deck may come with its own style for the images. Some decks will have words or sayings, while others only contain drawings or illustrations in color or black and white. Depending on the deck you choose, more or fewer cards may also be present.

How It Works

Tarot cards can be used by anyone, but for professional readers, the readings may be more accurate due to practice with the cards and general ability. Whether just starting or a practiced reader, a reading begins with a focus on a specific question. A single card can be drawn to offer insight into the question. Other forms of readings can offer more detailed information in a specific area like work, love, or even health. The thing to remember is that a reading is about current circumstances and is not set in stone for future events. A change in your lifepath is possible if you make changes based on the reading.

The unique aspect of Tarot is that it changes for each person. While the cards hold specific meanings, the meanings are up for interpretation based on the reader and the one receiving the reading. For example, the cards are based on the elements. Some may hate the water and the presence of multiple water cards could mean an emotional time period is coming. For some, this can be horrible, but for others, this could be something that is welcomed as an outlet. Tarot is used as a tool, something to help people get to know themselves on a deeper level. It is not something to fear, but something to embrace and learn more about over time.

Sometimes, Being Wrong is Better


Life is what you make of it and while relationships are part of life, as are choices, these choices do not have to be pleasing or feel right to everyone. This article is not about a polyamorist lifestyle, incest, pedophilia, or even dating forever so you can shy from commitment, but about having unconventional relationships that make life interesting even if they seem wrong from the outside. For example, your crazy aunt who lives in a commune and makes ends meet by selling produce from her garden. She may have multiple boyfriends even though she is well past her prime, she may be odd, but it is likely that she is happy. The funny thing is, even though most see her life as wrong, she is probably happier than most other people on the earth. To fully understand, let’s explore conventional relationship norms that typically govern life.

Conventional Norms

  • Staying with someone because you fear being alone in the world
  • Trying to change or train someone to become your dream partner
  • Fully intertwining your social circles so that all friends are shared
  • Allowing your partner to be in charge of making sure you feel good and feel loved
  • Doing nearly everything together, including trips, building values, and setting boundaries
  • Foregoing any sense of independence
  • Releasing all friends of the opposite sex and ghosting exes
  • Allowing your partner to be what was missing from your life to make you whole

Instead of blindly committing to these conventional norms, why not define your own norms so the relationship you build is ideal for both people? This may sound impossible, but defining your own relationship guidelines, even when they feel wrong to others, can be healthy in so many ways. Below are a few ways that being ‘wrong’ when it comes to convention can be the healthiest way to be.

  • Complete Freedom

Conventional relationships tend to come attached to freedom-limiting norms. It is almost accepted that once you are part of a couple, you no longer get to be an individual or have any freedom, but being unconventional means that you get to be yourselves, but also have an identity as a couple. This is not a freedom to date other people, but to have lives separate from one another that only intertwine when both partners choose for it to happen.

  • Choosing to Spend Time Together

Being in an unconventional relationship means you and your partner set the guidelines for time together. You choose how much time to spend together and what it is spent doing. If you cannot stand time spent with your partner, then walk away and find someone you love to be with each day. In an unconventional relationship, you must wake up every day and make the choice of whether to remain together because you have that right.

  • Accept Your Partner as They are that Day

Convention often says we can change someone if we love them enough, but the unconventional accepts the partner as they are in that moment. Your partner may change, better themselves or worsen in some ways, but with the unconventional, it is always a choice of whether to stay or not. People change, it is a fact of life and we need to be honest about whether we can remain once those changes occur.

  • Choose Your Compatibility

Astrological signs, personality tests, and other ways that people try to decide if they are compatible no longer matter with being okay with being wrong. If you and your partner decide you are a good match because you have decided what is good for you, then that is all it takes. We choose our compatibility and must trust our natural instinct to make those choices.

  • Be Honest and Vulnerable

The healthiest relationships have people that can be honest and vulnerable with one another. This starts by being honest with yourself and then being honest with one another. Let your partner see the true you, the good, bad, and the ugly.

  • Learn to Fight

Couples fight, even those who are unconventional by the world’s standards, but sitting down and figuring out how to fight in a way that is helpful more than hurtful is important long before the first argument occurs. There are many books available to help you get started setting ground rules.

Being wrong in the eyes of the majority of the world can feel bad only if you allow it to. This does not mean you should break laws or hurt others because it is what you want, but you should not be afraid to toss norms out the window to create your own happiness.

Signs You’re Doing it Wrong

Concentrating on the Negative

Relationships, especially when first dating, can be extremely tough. You may want to find the right person, but cannot seem to get past the first few days or advance the relationship in other ways. This is not uncommon, but the good news is it can be corrected. The biggest obstacle we face in terms of a long-term relationship is often ourselves.

Below are eleven signs that you are sabotaging yourself when it comes to relationships:

  • Concentrating on the Negative

Whether meeting for the first time or have been in a relationship for quite some time, focusing on the negative is damaging. Constant complaining about anything, especially your partner can lead to a fast separation. Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on the good things and allow the minor negatives to fade away as you grow closer to one another.

  • Talking About Past Relationships

Though it is tempting to jump right in and discuss past relationships, get to know each other in other ways first. Eventually, past relationships may come up, but there is no need to push the issue. Even if you choose to get physical, take precautions and learn about their past as you grow closer. Make sure you are not comparing a future partner to a past one as well because this is not fair to you or your potential companion.

  • Pretending to be Something You are Not

Starting a relationship with a lie will always get you into trouble. Whether catfishing someone online, hoping they will forgive you once you meet, or lying about being interested in something you are not, just be honest instead. If you are not vegan, hate football, or know nothing about video games, be honest about who you are and how you typically behave. The truth will eventually come out, so start off on the right foot.

  • Needing to be Right

Most people know that one person that will argue about everything because they have a need to be right. If you do not know this person, you are this person. No one likes to be told they are wrong all the time or spend time with a know-it-all. Dial things back and allow some compromise in the budding relationship or you will remain lonely.

  • You Feel Unworthy

Self-esteem or a lack of it can tank a relationship. If someone agrees to go out with you or asks you out, know you are worthy of their time. We can often feel like others are better or know more, but the truth is we all have room to improve. Take the time to get to know the person you are with and know they just want to get to know you as well.

  • You Do not Express Your Needs

We all have needs, desires, and wants. Part of being honest with your partner is expressing these needs in a calm manner so the needs can be met. Never expect your partner to be a mind reader. If you need something, let them know what it is so they can consider fulfilling that need. This is not just about physical needs, but emotional ones as well.

  • Not Spending Time Together

Relationships cannot survive constant separation, nor being together at all times. While it can be easy to let life get in the way of the relationship, do not forget that you need to spend time with your partner. If you are never together, how do you expect to grow closer?

  • You Undervalue Your Partner

Just like constant complaining, undervaluing your partner will drive them away. Even if your partner is not the best at everything, value what they do bring to the table. Give them credit for trying and then work together to improve in different areas.

  • Walking Away is Easy

Challenges arise in every relationship, but how these challenges are handled says a great deal about you as a potential partner. If a problem arises, do not simply walk away and ghost someone, instead communicate with your partner to find a compromise. If things do not work out, break up in person and go about your lives without leaving issues unresolved.

  • You Panic When Things Go Well

When you have faced one or several bad relationships it can be easy to panic when things start to go well in a new one. This is a time when most people start to self-sabotage. When things start going well, enjoy the ride. We never know how long things will last, but there is no point in ruining something before it gets started. Calm down and enjoy your happiness while it lasts.

  • Disrespecting Boundaries

Everyone needs boundaries to help them feel safe, heard, and liked. If you enter a relationship and start violating clearly defined boundaries, it is a form of self-sabotage. If your partner does not want you searching their medicine cabinet or picking up their phone, then do not do so. Be respectful of their boundaries and expect them to be respectful of yours.

No one can guarantee a relationship will last, but if you can remove your self-sabotaging behaviors then there is a better chance that you two can get to know each other on deeper levels before making a lasting decision.

Real Love is Something Else

What is Love

One of the most asked questions in the world is, “What is Love?” If you are willing to ask 100 people that question, it is likely that you will receive 100 different answers because love is such a hard concept to define. In addition, there are so many types of love. We love our families. We love our friends. We even love our pets, but what if we want to know the meaning of real love?

Real love is unconditional love. Unconditional love is the type of love we all desire or at least hope for at some point in life. When you are able to find real love, there is no disappointment, anger, irritation, or even impatience. Put another way, real love is caring about the happiness of the other person without desiring anything in return.

Conditional Love

To fully understand unconditional, real love, you must understand conditional love. Conditional love is an imitation of love that is bound for disappointment, anger, impatience, and eventually hatred. When you have conditional love, it may feel like a typical love and relationship, but when you find unconditional love, you understand why previous forms of love felt like something was missing. Only unconditional love can heal your pain and make you feel whole.

Real Love and Happiness

Real love comes with real happiness because real love involves the other person or people caring about our happiness unconditionally. When you have real love, you are with people that are not disappointed or angry when you make a silly mistake or somehow inconvenience them for any reason. This does not mean that you will always behave perfectly with one another, but that resentments and anger are not allowed to build and decay under the surface. When you have real love, it is not about superficial pleasures that derive from sex, money, or even power. Real love is not even conditional on behaving in a way that the other partner desires or happiness earned from making people do as you desire.

Instead, real love is lasting and profound because it carries a sense of fulfillment and peace that satisfies the soul, seemingly enlarging it. This feeling remains even when circumstances are far from ideal and can survive and grow when struggles or hardship is calling.

Your goal, everyone’s goal, should be to obtain real love, if for no other reason than to share it with others. Real love shared, even with those closest to you, can be life changing. If the love is then shared within their groups, real love can be world-changing. Imagine people sharing real love with one another, forgiving differences, accepting mistakes, and living life to the fullest each moment. What do we have to lose by searching and hopefully creating unconditional love? Nothing but pain, discontent, and multiple other negatives. We are a single, real happiness and real love filled relationship away from this type of joy.

Read Your Own Mind: Tarot Spread

6-card tarot spread

There are many different types of tarot spreads. Some spreads are only 3 cards while others are up to ten cards. The tarot card spread described here is a 6-card spread which is considered middle of the road for tarot readers. A 6-card spread is full of harmonic energy creating balance. It is also a great spread when the reader desires deeper insight, but not to go so deep that it covers past lives or intensely involved future projection. The focus of a self-reading is what will be described here.

To begin with, choose 6 cards placing two in the top row, two in the bottom and the final two to the right of the 4 cards in two rows. Each of these cards will reveal something about your life.

  • Card 1:

The first card is how you see yourself. There are times in which we try to convince ourselves we believe something, but the truth is very different. The first card will reveal how we see ourselves in life, regardless of what we try to portray to the world.

  • Card 2:

The second card is related to the first in that it is how others see us. We may think we portray one image or vibe to the world, but the world is sensing something else. This card will reveal the truth.

  • Card 3:

The third card reveals what does not represent you in life. Perhaps you feel anxious, but this is not shown to the world so it does not really represent who you are. The tarot reading will reveal your truth.

  • Card 4:

Since the 6-card spread is more focused on what is projected in your current life, the fourth card is representative of what is important to you right now.

  • Card 5:

Though card four shows what is important, card five is going to show what is not holding importance in your life in this moment. You may be trying to hold onto something that really is not important. If that is revealed, then let that thing go.

  • Card 6:

The final card is very revealing in that it shows the things you do not need in life, even though they are currently present. This card may be your signal to release something that is holding you back if you choose to listen.

A Read Your Own Mind tarot spread is unique and can be enlightening. Do not fear trying to use this spread just as you would many others. Keep in mind that you need to be calm, centered, and focused on the reading. If necessary, take time to meditate before doing your own reading. Most of all have fun. This is a simple spread that can be used a couple of times a month or as you go through transitions in life.

Solemness for Developing Psychic Ability


Being solemn is defined as being formal, dignified, and sincere. Solemness is about being serious about what you are focused on at the moment. One way to enhance your psychic ability is to practice solemness in ways that help you focus on all that is happening around you. I am here to explain some simple ways to help you connect to nature and become more self-aware so your psychic hearing can develop in a stronger manner.

Clairaudience is the psychic ability to hear things that others ignore or cannot hear. Some of the signs that you possess clairaudience are that you hear things others cannot from the astral realm. This can be words from your spirit guide, animal noises, music, or other tones like bells. You may also be more likely to speak to yourself or hear a “wise voice” that comes from within you but from a different place. The sounds you hear will not be scary or critical but helpful as guides. Children with clairaudience tend to have imaginary friends that serve as guides.

Those with clairaudience usually crave peace and quiet, much like an introvert, but more because they have a sensitive soul that needs time to relax and recuperate. Many clairaudients are musically sensitive or gifted and can easily play by ear or truly relate to music. However, some may regularly hear ringing or unusual noises that others do not sense.

Clairaudience may also be experienced as part of telepathy with humans, plants, and animals. This may be demonstrated by things like sensing where your dog will sit, and it actually does. You may also sense what someone close to you is thinking with regularity, almost as if you can hear their thoughts. These are forms of clairaudience.

Using Solemness

Solemness and quiet can be used to strengthen clairaudience. To build up this ability, you must learn to tune in to what most others ignore. The easiest way to do this is by getting out in nature. Find a quiet spot, preferably after the stars have come out, and lay on the grass. Take the time to feel the grass and ground beneath you. Find a comfortable spot and close your eyes. Tune into the sounds that are all around you. Can you hear the winds moving leaves? Can you hear crickets? Can you hear animals making noise or moving around? Try to focus on each individual sound, honing in on the source. Try to hear the softest sounds, like a moth flapping its wings or a twig snapping. As you do this, allow your mind to clear and try to focus on other soft sounds.

This is the way you can build clairaudience over time, by focusing on the smallest and softest sounds. Over time, you will be able to do this even in noisy environments. You are training yourself to tune in to the sounds most others ignore. As you connect further, your skills will improve.