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Warning Signs Of A Dysfunctional Relationship

Dysfunctional Relationship

People usually call me for help with their dysfunctional and chaotic relationships, but what does it actually mean? Well, a “functional” relationship is one that works for both people involved. However, dysfunctional relationships just feel wrong. Maybe something is missing in your relationship, or you don’t like the way your partner treats you—neglect, disrespect, or hurt. Maybe being with them is tiring, or you are carrying or supporting them through life. These are all signs of a dysfunctional relationship, but there are still more signs.

Here are some other signs to look out for:

  1. You’re in Romantic Limbo 
    Do you feel like your relationship isn’t going anywhere? If you do, that’s one of the signs of a dysfunctional relationship. Instead of taking the next steps (the steps you want to take), like marriage, having a child, buying a home, or meeting each other’s families, your partner refuses to make any kind of commitment—you’re in romantic limbo. And they get angry or defensive whenever you try to talk about it. Perhaps they have a fear of commitment as a result of a previous relationship. Perhaps they have a negative view of commitment because their parents had a bad marriage. As a result, they may say things like, “I don’t see myself ever settling down,” or “I’m not good at relationships.” If they’re willing, they could work on these issues, but if not, anyone who is with them is in a dysfunctional relationship.
  2. The Relationship is Dragging You Down
    Is your partner’s negative attitude getting the best of you? Are they projecting their negativity on you? If they blame you for their problems, that is one of the signs of a dysfunctional relationship. It’s also called emotional abuse! They may pick fights over stupid or trivial things and accuse you of being argumentative. You may even blame yourself for their unhappiness, but the truth is you have a toxic partner, and if that’s the case, run, don’t walk away.
  3. You Just Make Each Other Miserable
    You may have shared some good times in the past, but now you just make each other miserable for no apparent reason. If the good times outweigh the bad, this is one of the signs of a dysfunctional relationship. The truth is you may just be incompatible, and a love psychiccan tell you that. In this case, no one is to blame; your personalities just clash, and you both want different things. It’s really better just to part amicably and not waste any more time and energy on your relationship.
  4. You’re Doing Most of the Work 
    If you’re doing most of the work, that’s a sign of a dysfunctional relationship. If you always make plans, work on your communication skills, and constantly try to make your partner happy, you must feel exhausted all the time. Do they cancel the dates you plan and say they’re too busy? They think their time is more important than yours. Relationships can’t be 50/50 all the time, but if you give 80% or more all the time, you are in a dysfunctional relationship.

Accept It or Let It Go

Every relationship requires compromises, and you’ll probably not get 100% of what you want, but if you love each other enough, you can work on it. Still, you may need professional help. For example, suppose the person you love is persistently unwilling to do their part in cooperating with the process. In that case, you must make a choice: Either accept things the way they are and try to be happy in your dysfunctional relationship or let it go because it won’t change.

Letting go of an unhealthy relationship is not easy, but it is a huge relief when you finally reach that point. How will you know when it’s time? Listen to your heart. Feel your pain. Some people are more patient than others; only you can decide when you’ve had enough. I’m not here to push you, but I am here to help you gain clarity. I will support you through the process of becoming free so that you can be ready for the real love you want and deserve.

Am I Too Big?

Am I Too Big

Our society puts so much pressure on a woman’s appearance that it leads many otherwise sensible ladies to obsess over eating habits, wrinkles, and wardrobe, to the point of misery.

Check out these signs that you’ve allowed your obsessions over weight to hold you, your life, and your happiness hostage:

  1. You Need Prozac After a Day of Shopping

For some women (of the past few generations at least), gone are shopping days with excitement and ease. While acquiring new things may still hold appeal, trying on numerous pieces of clothing that only make you feel bad about your body gets old fast. Suppose you aren’t in the small percentage of women who can look as good in the clothes as the perfectly proportioned. In that case, if not under-nourished looking—mannequins in the window, trying on the same outfit can definitely dampen your spirits. Suppose the thought of clothes puts you into a major funk. In that case, your negative obsessive thoughts impede your enjoyment of what most women for centuries have considered a fabulous female pastime.

A method for recapturing the joys of shopping involves a different perspective and learning to appreciate your finer points. It is easy to fall for the media’s skinny-crazed campaigns and messages. You don’t have to buy into it; instead, look around at the other women in your environment. You will discover that it is much more common to find women heavier and not perfectly proportioned. Knowing and loving your body makes all the difference in how you feel, carry yourself, and others see you.

  1. You’re Addicted to the Gym and Maniac Workouts

Exercising can be a wonderful and healthy addition to any lifestyle but in moderation. Unless you are training for the Olympics or planning on taking on the superstar of WWF Wrestling, working out for hours on end, day after day, can quickly go from a healthy habit to an unhealthy obsession. Exercise has many benefits for your body—and a healthy diet can aid in weight loss—but taking the exercises too far and hard can cause potential injuries, blackouts, and a gym-obsessed persona that often alienates others in your life.

  1. You’re Counting Calories Like Ebenezer Scrooge Counts His Coins

Being conscientious about what goes into your body can be a great benefit for longevity and good health. If your goal is weight loss, it is important to remember to get the nutrients your body needs as well. Obsessing constantly about every calorie that crosses your lips will quickly make you miserable. Eating is one of the pleasures of being human, and while it is good to eat responsibly, life is too short for every thought to revolve around what you can and cannot have. Better to focus on living a balanced and healthy lifestyle where you can occasionally savor the sinfully caloric treats you love.

The focus needs to remain on being happy and healthy, not counting calories and being miserable. Enjoy the body you have, flaws, scars, and if you do make changes, take it slow.

Your Astral Element

Astral Element

The physical world is made up of four different elements. These elements interact with each other and are dependent on each other.  These elements are Earth, Air, Wind, and Fire. These are also viewed as temperaments in people.

These temperaments represent the different characteristics along with the strengths and weaknesses of the various signs of the zodiac.

  • The signs that align with Fire:

Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Fire is destructive as well as life-giving.  These signs are as powerful and energetic as their element.  These signs also indicate impulsivity and great passion. They are persistent and goal-oriented. However, they need to take care to avoid burning out.

  • The signs associated with Earth:

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

These signs are grounded and the most stable of all of the elements.  So it is no surprise that these are connected with  Earth. Those who are born under these signs make excellent friends, and they are loyal.  The downside to this is that it may be hard to shift from their comfortable environment.

  • Air Element Signs:

Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius

Movement and change are directly connected to these signs. Thus, people born under these signs are very persuasive.  They also love to shake things up.  They are lots of fun to take on and adventure.

  • Signs connected with water:

Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio

Like the fire signs, the water signs can be hurtful and helpful.  They are very imaginative and extremely passionate.  They crave security to help contain them.

Understanding the elementals assists in our understanding of the fabric into which each sign is woven.  This information helps us connect with each other with patience and understanding. People with complementary elements will get along very well.

Is Being an Angel to Others Hurting You?

Being an Angel

Whenever we think of angels, we think of spiritual light and wings filled with unconditional love, assisting for the purpose of our highest good. My guides tell me that there are incarnate angels here on Earth.

Some angels incarnate as humans simply to experience the contrast of painful emotions. I am also told that some souls take on angelic traits for many reasons—some relating to past life experiences or some connected to soul purpose experiences.

For this purpose, it does not matter which path of origin—there are still common angelic traits linked to creating your human personality. The combination of those qualities gives people what I call Angelic Eyes. When I help people identify and understand their Angelic Eyes helps bring clarity to relationships, both past, and present. Those with Angelic Eyes stand out with their level of compassion, love, understanding, and forgiveness. They tend to be selfless, and others find them to be great listeners. In fact, many have such mesmerizing energy that they attract others, even strangers, with little to no effort. Strangers often overshare simply because they feel the security of their brilliant aura.

Healers and Helpers

Angelic Eyes want to see the good in all. Most are intuitive and insightful and genuinely want to help. They are healers at the very core of their being. They are very giving, tend to give more than they receive, and often have difficulty saying no. Generally, those with Angelic Eyes will not ask for help because it goes against their core.

Loving a Person’s Potential

Seeing and experiencing life through Angelic Eyes can be very rewarding and fulfilling when you attract those who appreciate and respect you. However, having Angelic Eyes can mean taking on relationships that refuse to be helped. Remember, we are human and feel pleasure, pain, conflict, and joy. Relationships created through Angelic Eyes can be very rewarding at first and then stall. Yes, you see a beautiful soul with the potential to have a wonderful life together, and you fall in love with that person’s potential. You feel drawn to help them be better. You want to heal their pain. You want to help them achieve love and balance. You want to help them create a happier life you truly know they deserve.


However, having Angelic Eyes can also attract relationships that leave you feeling helpless and hopeless or exhausted and overwhelmed. Those with Angelic Eyes can find themselves feeling frustrated. Sometimes the one you love so deeply cannot see their fears or issues, and a cycle begins to emerge. The more you try to help, the more they will resent you and feel you are trying to change them. People with Angelic Eyes often stay longer than they should, even when the relationship becomes dysfunctional. They accept the abuse and negative experiences and sacrifice their happiness because they hope their partners will finally start to appreciate them. Is it possible? Yes. Is it probable? No.

A Familiar Feel

If you put others’ needs before your own and you stay longer than you should, it begins to stagnate the growth within you. You must find a way to empower yourself to stop. Remember, you are in control of your decisions. As healers, you want to heal. You see a wounded soul and are drawn to heal and help, sometimes even subconsciously—all because of your Angelic Eyes. When you start to look at yourself and your relationships—both past and present—you may start to notice a familiar feel to these Angelic Eyes.

A Perfect Life?

Just because you take on the characteristics of the angelic realm doesn’t mean you’ll have a perfect life. Sometimes, quite the opposite is true. Set healthy boundaries, learn to say no, and acknowledge your angelic qualities within. Sometimes, just understanding yourself helps you understand why and what you are doing with that person. It is okay to help. It is okay to offer support, but you must remember that free will exists. Please understand that you can only do so much.

You Can’t Fix People

Understand that you cannot fix people. They have to fix themselves. Did you hear me? You cannot fix them! You must stop beating your head against those unmovable objects because it’s unhealthy. Remember, you are a good person and deserve to be with someone who honors and respects the angel you are. So be an angel and take care of yourself!

If these words resonate, I can help bring clarity to your angelic self. Let’s talk! I would love to help.

High Season For Breakups

High Season For Breakups

It’s a high season for break up. New Year, new you, and maybe a new lover…, right? Well, many couples break up after the holidays for various reasons. Maybe it’s the pressure to get engaged or the expectation of meeting friends, family, or coworkers.

Whatever the reason, if you’re thinking that staying with someone if you aren’t happy, any more is a big mistake.

You’re Suffering From Seasonal Stress

Seasonal breakup disorder is about to unleash itself on many relationships, and the main culprit is the additional stress and spending that the holiday season brings. Then there is the surge of guilt and that desire to start a new year off on the right foot. So if you feel like things between you two are getting worse, it could just be due to the added stress of the holidays. So why not get through the holidays and see how you feel early next year?

You Think Only an Expensive Gift Will Do  

Do you think you have to blow your budget on an expensive gift for them to prove your love? You don’t! You can get creative and sentimental for your true soulmate. They’ll care more about the message your gift sends than the actual gift you give them. And if they’re not your soulmate, all will be revealed.

You Need to Sort Out Your Feelings

People tend to get caught up in the romantic nature of the season. As a result, they may feel like something is missing from their relationship because they aren’t as in love as they “should” be. But the holidays shouldn’t define where you are in your relationship. If you aren’t committed or as close as you think you should be, you could have the holidays to blame. Wait until they’re over to sort out your feelings.

You Don’t Want to Bring Them to Your Office Holiday Party

Just because your office is having a holiday party doesn’t mean you must bring a date. Some people like to keep their work and private lives separate, and you can explain that to your significant other and your coworkers. Also, you can leave your significant other at home instead of dumping them.

You Realize They’re Just a Hookup

Maybe the holidays have made you reevaluate your connection to your significant other, and you realize they’re not that significant. That’s okay. There is nothing wrong with having a casual, sexual relationship if both of you agree to it. Don’t feel like you need to be with your soulmate just because it’s the holidays. You may not be ready for a serious relationship, so why not enjoy something casual and fun?

It’s Just Marketing

The holidays have the tendency to cloud our judgment. We’re bombarded with romantic ads wherever we turn, but the truth is, it’s just marketing. Don’t break up with someone just because they don’t fit the mold of what you think a holiday relationship is supposed to be. Instead, get through the holidays and then reevaluate your relationship once the seasonal madness ends.

Too Independent to Be in a Relationship?

Too Independent to be in a Relationship?

Being in relationships is usually a wonderful thing for some but for others… it’s not at the top of their priority list. If you’re looking for love and having difficulty finding it, you could be giving off the vibe that you’re too independent for a relationship and may not even realize it. And how is anyone to know who you are—the one looking for love or who’s just fine on their own? You must let people know because most people don’t read minds.

The best way to fix something is to find out why it’s not working in the first place. So, here are three clues that your independence may be killing your chances of finding love and having that great relationship. I’ve also included three ways to bust that dam wide open and start flooding your calendar with dates.

  • Clue No. 1: You Never Ask for Help

We know you’re no stranger to rearranging furniture or hanging curtain rods. We all know that you’re perfectly capable of climbing that ladder you bought at the home improvement store and driving a few screws with your handy-dandy, pink power screw gun. But what if you asked someone to help? Just because you can do something on your own, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to. So here’s your chance to open up and let others in. It could be curtain rods, a flat tire, or tax advice—it doesn’t matter. What matters is that seeking advice helps you connect with others, and it’s good practice for when you’re actually in a relationship. No man/woman is an island.

  • Clue No. 2: You Only Socialize With Single People

If you and your friends are all single, you’re probably still in your 20s. What? Are you not? Then why don’t you have any married or in-a-relationship friends? Nothing says “I’m independent and don’t need a relationship,” like having single friends. Friends with spouses have friends and family— a whole new group of people you’d probably never meet on your own and certainly not meet if you’re out at some random bar with a gaggle of girls in a sea of singletons. Let me throw you a life raft: If you’re really serious about finding love, then let people who are already in love give you a hand. Sure, it can suck being the third, fifth, or even seventh wheel. But your married friends will rush to your side and help you find someone who could be just right for you. Who knows you better than your closest friends?

  • Clue No. 3: You Ignore Unsolicited Advice

Do you blow up at friends when they offer advice? Do you blow them off and ignore them when they ask uncomfortable questions? If so, you’re not only independent, but you’re also probably pretty lonely. For example, what would you say if a friend asked you if you liked being single? If you say “yes,” (even if you don’t mean it), then your friend won’t give you advice or try to set you up.

How’s Being Single Working for You?

We’re taught that people who are independent don’t express needs, wants, or desires. When they have a goal, they get it done on their own and in their own time. Okay. So how’s that working for you? Exactly.

Swallow Your Pride

Don’t bite off the hand that’s offering you advice. Instead, take a healthy chunk out of that pride of yours and swallow it. Tell your friends, “No, I hate being single. Do you have any suggestions?” Be honest with yourself and them. Being independent is an asset, but not accepting help when it’s offered is just asinine, and that certainly doesn’t describe you. You’re not only independent, but you’re also smart too. Aren’t you? I knew it.

Creating a Drama Free Zone on Christmas Eve

Drama Free Zone on Christmas Eve

You might think and feel like your family is quirkier, more annoying, and more dramatic than anyone else’s. Still, the truth is most everyone experiences family drama this time of year. Do you have to hang out with your family for long stretches of time during the holidays? You may daydream about your clan sitting around a cozy fire and enjoying each other’s company.

However, the reality is far less relaxing. So, if you’re bracing yourself for political diatribes, excessive drinking, or your mom criticizing your home décor decisions yet again, here’s how to make it through the family drama without going insane.

  1. Make Amends Ahead of Time
    If you’re part of the family drama, don’t wait until everyone’s tucking into the meal to talk about the situation. Instead of making things uncomfortable for everyone, try to mend the relationship before dinner. That way, you can air your grievances and get to the heart of the problem privately. Then, hopefully, you’ll come to some kind of agreement to let bygones be bygones for the sake of the holidays.
  2. Don’t Take Sides
    If you’re on the sidelines of the family drama, stay there. Resist the urge to choose sides and let the people involved know that you don’t want any part of their drama. The fewer allies your warring family members feel they have, the better the chances are that they will either stay mum about whatever is going on or turn to each other to work things out.
  3. Practice Self-Care When Things Get Stressful
    If family drama is getting heated before or during the holidays, and you’re getting stressed, take time to decompress. This could mean offering to do a grocery run so you can get some time alone (and maybe get your nails done or see a movie if you really need to unwind), or it could mean going to the guest room to do a quick meditation or read a book for a few minutes. Know when you need a break and take it for the sake of your sanity.
  4. Focus On the Positive
    Instead of worrying about what could happen at the holiday dinner table or pointing out all the annoying things your family members do, focus your attention on what you love about these people instead. Perhaps your sister’s endless stories about work are getting on your nerves but maybe take her to the spa so you can bond and she can relax. Maybe your dad always burns the mashed potatoes, but, you know what, you can eat around the blackened parts. The more you can focus on the positive, the more positive you will feel.
  5. Hang Out at the Kid’s Table
    When all else fails, turn to the children. Befriend your surly teenage niece and watch trashy TV with her in her room (away from the arguing adults). Offer to hold the baby and take him for a nice long stroller walk as an excuse to get out of the house. Pull a chair up to the kids’ table and make sure everyone eats their vegetables. Kids can be tough to deal with, but they’re straight shooters—you won’t have to deal with any real family drama when you’re with the younger members of your family.

Easiest Way To Beat Stress

Beat Stress

Stress is an equal-opportunity energy-sucking, free-for-all condition of life. No one takes on stress willingly or says, “Stress? Yes, please.” And because we can’t avoid stress, nature has equipped us with ways to counteract it—we can use our five senses to beat it.

Stress causes us to disconnect from ourselves, causing us to become absorbed and distracted. Still, by using your 5 senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste, you can counteract the negative effects of stress and bring a little Zen into your hectic life. Mother Nature compensates for those who are cut off from one sense, like sight or hearing, by heightening the other senses. So try using your five senses and see which ones work best for you in the battle against stress.

  • Sight

It’s amazing how the power of colors can calm the mind. Light blues and greens, as well as earth tones, can evoke the peaceful feeling we get from nature, similar to blue skies and green grass, plants, and trees. If your stress derives from not being able to accomplish goals, hanging pictures with an inspirational color like red in your office can help your brain light up with ideas.

  • Sound

Speaking of nature, to beat stress, take a few minutes out of your busy day to get outside and listen to the wind, birds, and other sounds of nature. If you’re not in a position to do that, try a soothing symphony to calm your mind or listen to anything you know will lift you out of the stress zone. Of course, if calm isn’t your path to beating stress, you can always turn on some dance music and dance your stress away.

  • Smell

An olfactory experience can transport you back in time and conjure good (and bad) memories, so surround yourself with scents that put a smile on your face. Scents can be enjoyed individually or in combination, like eucalyptus and mint, to relax and renew. For example, lavender has long been used to promote relaxation and beat stress. Still, if that’s not your cup of tea, an article on psychologytoday.com mentioned a study wherein jasmine tea was inhaled for five minutes, causing the participants to experience a calm feeling and the benefits of a lowered heart rate.

  • Touch

Hugging, touching, and feeling the warmth of human contact is not to be overlooked when it comes to ways to beat stress. Even petting your pet can create a similar effect—increasing levels of the good hormone oxytocin in both you and your animal friend and lowering blood pressure. Similarly, getting a massage releases toxins from your body and increases oxygen flow. In addition, it relaxes those stressed-out muscles, like your tight neck and shoulders—the region where we carry stress most.

  • Taste

It’s official! Chocolate not only tastes good, but it’s one of the most enjoyable ways to beat stress. The antioxidants in dark chocolate can help you fight the ravages of stress, and chocolate is also effective in lifting your mood. But if chocolate is not your thing or you’re looking for a more health-conscious way to use taste to beat stress, try eating healthy fats like those found in nuts, seeds, or avocados, for example. Also, lean proteins taste good and go a long way to balancing out the spikes and depressions in blood pressure. You can’t be relaxed if your blood pressure is out of whack! Finally, spices also help beat stress through their scents, taste, and the many different benefits they provide to the body for an all-over experience.

Use what Mother Nature gave you! Use your five senses to beat stress and reconnect your mind, body, and soul!

Let Feng Shui Work The Charm For Singles

Let Feng Shui Work The Charm For Singles

 You’ve been looking for love, but it seems like forever, and you’re not finding it yet… The great news is, you can attract it — and doing so is easier than you think! At least, that’s what practitioners of the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui say. In fact, singles looking for love may be the perfect people to try this long-used method of creating abundance in life, specifically in love!

Take these 3 tips (both practical and theoretical) for drawing in the partner you’ve been seeking.

  • Make room for love

The first thing you want to do to make room for love is quite literally to make room for a lover! This means your bed should never be flush up against a wall. Instead, there should be room for two people to climb in on either side; ideally, side tables should be on both the left and right sides of your bed. This tells the universe that you’re prepared to accommodate a mate and, in turn, open yourself up to finding one.

While you’re at it, consider how this ideal can be applied more figuratively. Are you a closed-off person? Do you tend to shy away from speaking with new people at social events? Are you so focused on not appearing desperate that you come off as aloof? One of the most important things you can do metaphysically if you want to find love is to be open to it. You have to try your best to be welcoming rather than apprehensive. And even if you are frightened (after all, change is not easy for any of us, and having someone in your life would certainly add a new element into the mix), you must be brave. You have to believe that the right person will come along and accept the truth that you’re going to have to kiss some frogs on the way to your prince. Otherwise, how would you recognize him?!

  • The power of two

Feng Shui experts say one of the best ways a singleton can promote finding love is to decorate with the magical number two in mind. What does this mean?

Well, if you want to be stringent in your Feng Shui following, you should place two swans or two cranes (any animals that mate for life) in the far right corner of your bedroom. But if two animal figures wouldn’t exactly go with your décor, consider instead two red candles in that same space. On that same note, try to keep most decorative flourishes in pairs, particularly in the bedroom and kitchen. Symbolically, that’s the heart and soul of a home — relationships (and people) are “fed” there.

In a less practical (but equally vital) way, start thinking of yourself as part of a pair. If you can’t imagine yourself as anything but single, it’s going to be harder for you to find love. It may be a stretch (particularly if you’ve been single for a while), but try to imagine what it would feel like to be in a relationship — or even better, what you want to feel like in your ideal pairing. As you start to envision yourself not just as loved but as loving, you will begin to feel as you imagine yourself feeling. This energy shift may be just the thing you need to attract the partner of your dreams!

  • It’s in the eye of the beholder

Love depends upon your ability to see yourself in it (see the last tip)! This isn’t just some New Age gobbley-gook; it’s true. Most people who date easily do so because they expect to have a partner. While they may occasionally doubt themselves, on the whole, they believe they are worthy of love and can — and will — wind up happy with someone. On the other hand, those who struggle the most allow themselves to live in fear of never finding someone. They settle for the easy rather than the right way and often either cling to the wrong mate despite knowing they’re not well-matched or steer clear of potential partners altogether. Feng Shui practitioners believe that we must envision ourselves in the relationship we desire, with a mate we desire, in order to see that relationship come to fruition.

So what can you do, practically speaking, to express your newfound vision of love? First, buy yourself a gift that symbolizes your ideal (not idealized) relationship and place it somewhere prominent in your home. That way, you can look at it often and imagine yourself where you want to be. Imagination, as we know, is the first step to creation, and by envisioning yourself as part of a pair, you’re on your way to finding that other half!

How to Tell if You will End up Heart Broken

End up Heart Broken

Dating is hard. It’s not just hard; it’s nerve-wracking. You never know when you go on a date if it will work or won’t or if you are going to invest time, make-up, and hair products only to get your heart broken.

If only there were a way to figure out if someone is going to break your heart.

It turns out there are a few signs to look for to determine whether or not your heart will survive.

Some things to be aware of include meeting the family, how he treats you, and if he is still in contact with his ex.

A terrific indicator is if he tells you straight out that he is not looking for a relationship. This is a very clear sign.  Suppose he tells you that he is not looking for anything serious.  Sometimes a man will say this to see if you are truly interested. It’s a big trap to fall into, so be wary.

  • He can’t decide one way or the other.   So don’t look for excuses if he waffles between being sweet and available and being aloof and cold. His interests clearly lie elsewhere, and it is not with you.
  • He avoids your family.  If he doesn’t want to join you on any family outings, it means that he is trying to remain removed so that he doesn’t have to introduce you to his family.  This doesn’t mean that he has a big secret to hide just because he doesn’t want to go to your Aunt Edna’s funeral. If he continually avoids family affairs, that’s a big warning sign
  • A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. This is all well and good for Shakespeare, but if he won’t refer to you as his girlfriend or date, he is distancing himself from you.
  • No phone calls, please. If he doesn’t answer his phone when you are around, or even if it’s not in plain sight is not always a bad thing. He may have excellent manners and is trying to focus on you.  However, if he is edgy every time his phone rings and he sneaks away to look at a text or answer a call, he could be juggling a few relationships and is not ready to settle for one.
  • He’s a dreamer: He always talks about things he is going to do. It could be planning for the two of you in the future or plans he has of whisking you away on vacation, or even the home he hopes the two of you will share once he gets a big promotion. If he makes big plans but doesn’t do anything to make them happen.  He is not deeply rooted in the realities of nurturing a relationship
  • He keeps in contact with his exes.  He may be the nicest guy in the world who is genuinely interested in maintaining friendships with everyone in his life, or he could just not be over the relationship he had with his ex or exes. He may be comparing you to them or may not be ready to embark on something new. He can only commit to you when he lets them go.
  • He turns to you for advice over and over and over

If he constantly complains and comes to you with a litany of events in which he was wronged, be warned. He may never see you as anything but a friend to whom he can vent.  It’s nice to be needed, but not if you need more than that.