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How to Channel Your Inner Psychic

Channel Your Inner Psychic

Some psychics are able to reach spirits that have moved on to another world. There is a difference between channeling and mediumship, and you may have one or both of these gifts, rather you are a psychic or not.


Mediumship is a way that you are able to feel or hear the spirits that have died and moved on. A person that is a medium is always a psychic, but a psychic is not always a medium.

A medium can help to talk to someone that has died, and they can also interpret messages between the person and their spirit guides or their angels.


Channeling is another way that a person can connect to the spirit world. This is a psychic that is able to use their own body or other means in order to make a connection with the spirit world.

A channeling psychic will use their mind and allow the spirit to enter their body or their mind and take over their body so that the spirit can talk through them.

Another kind of channeling is called trance channeling, and this is when they are able to know the feelings of the spirits by allowing their body to have these thoughts and feelings, but they say it by using their own words and expressions.

Types of Channeling

There are other types of channeling, including:

  • Mental channeling is channeling where the psychic allows there to be messages to the mind.
  • Clairvoyance is receiving feelings or messages from the spirits to get the message or the signs.
  • Clairaudience is when you hear voices or are able to hear things in your mind.
  • Clairsentience is feeling things from the spirit world, such as a temperature change or a change in emotions or feelings.
  • Trance channeling happens when the psychic goes into a trance, and the spirit takes over their body to communicate.

Choosing a Reading

When you want to connect with a spirit you lost, chances are it is someone that you have loved while on earth. This might mean that you want to connect with them to ensure they are okay or apologize for something.

If you want to have a psychic there that can give you the message from your loved one, then you would want to go and seek out a medium to talk to.

If you want someone to channel your loved one and let it enter their body, you will need to find a psychic channeler. This will allow you to have a conversation with the spirit as if they are in the room with you.

Psychic Channeling

Everyone has some kind of psychic powers, which means you have some abilities that help you connect with the spirit world. These psychic abilities are gifts that people are born with, but you can develop your gift and make it stronger.

If you want to connect with your giftings and develop your psychic abilities, here are some ways you can do it:

  • Practice using your gifts each day.
  • Imagine a white light surrounding you and protecting you.
  • Write a dream journal and jot down all of your dreams.
  • Learn to understand your emotions.
  • Notice the intuition that you have.
  • Pay attention when you know something will happen, like who will call or what they will say to you.
  • Pay attention to the energies that come and leave the room.

You can learn to channel and connect with the spirit world, and you will see that you can increase and develop your gifts at any time.

Connecting with Your Spirit Guide

Connecting with Your Spirit Guide

If you are going through hard things in your life, chances are that you will have a voice in your head that tells you to keep moving forward. This is your intuition, which can be your spirit guide trying to communicate with you.

The spirit guides are connected to you, and they are there to help you to be the best that you can be. If you think about all people on the earth, having a spirit guide is someone there to help you make it through your life lessons and get advice in your life when it is good or bad.

Your guides want what is best for you, and they want you to win in life. They want to help you when you are hurting, stuck in life, or even in traffic. Imagine how hard life would be if you had to do everything in the world on your own.

Spirit Guide

A spirit guide is a spiritual being that has been given to you in your life. They are in the afterlife and have not reincarnated back on the earth; instead, they choose to soul evolve by becoming a spirit guide. They are there to help you, and they have a level of mastery.

Everyone has spirit guides that are there to help them, and they are there to help you when you are suffering, trying to make a decision, and when life is even easy.

Your guides are there to help you to overcome problems in your life and help you to be a better version of yourself. They are meant to bring you healing and to help you grow.

A Lifetime of Spirit Guides?

Your guides are there with you for your whole life. They are there even when you do not know them or even when you don’t feel them.

Some guides are there from the moment that you are born, and they are there to help you through pain and trauma in your life. Some guides are there based on your relationships; they come when needed and then leave.

Other guides are there when you need help with your job or with experiences in school or other things. They are there to guide you over your lifetime, and what you are going through matters to them.

Most people have at least one guide that stays with them their whole life, but some will have multiple guides that come and go. They are there to ensure you can reach your goals and find your purpose in life. They are there to give you light when things are hard and dark.

A guide can guide you and help you be clear about things. They are there because they know that you need someone to guide you in things that you do in your life, and they have the power to help you be better.

Loved One Guides

Some people have guides that are their loved ones that have passed over. They are there in the spirit to help guide you and to help you move forward, but they are not your spirit guides.

A spirit guide must be someone who has mastered life and chosen to be a spirit guide. They will be there to teach you. Your spirit guides will help you along your path, and your loved ones that are there will be there to give you peace and to love you.

Communicating with Your Guides

If you want to communicate with your guides, it is easy. First, just talk to them and be confident that they are listening to them. Then, make the intention to connect with them; you can do this by lighting a candle or automatic writing. Finally, you can even imagine that they are there for you and having a conversation with you.

The spirit guides live in the astral plane; sometimes, you can channel your energy there with dreams. For example, when your temperature increases or you feel tingling, your guides probably show you that they are there.

The spirit guides exist in every way possible, and they are not held back by time or space. They help you to do things you need to do, and they help you when your heart is broken or when you need motivation.

Names of Guides

You can ask your guides to give you their name, but most do not really have names. Since our minds want us to name something, we can use the connection with the energy to give them a name so that we can call on them by its name.

The name can be there to help you focus your energy on them and if you hear a name when you ask for it, allow it to be your guide’s name. You do not have to have a name to connect with them, but if you want to have a name, you can ask them if you can call them something specific.

Try connecting with your spirit guides. It can take practice, but will be worth the effort.

A Reading Can Help Find Your Purpose

Find Your Purpose

Psychics report many interesting threads they encounter during their readings.  No matter the question, their goal is always to help resolve the issue and convey a profound spiritual message sent to their clients.  By getting to the root issue, the psychic is able to help the client discover their gifts and life purpose.

Everyone has been sent to Earth as equals.  Each has a unique physical body and talents, but we all have a deep desire to grow personally and spiritually.  The challenges we face are meant to free us from our fears and help us learn valuable lessons.  Dr. Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist and author of Journey of Souls, discusses the concept of a “soul pod,” or cohort we interact with during our spiritual period between lifetimes.  When we get sent to Earth, we continue our bond.  Sometimes we instantly recognize our spirit friends in their human form and feel a strong connection to them.  They may appear as treasured family, friends, lovers, or teachers.  Yet, they can also manifest as advisories that challenge us in ways that allow us to grow.  In the words of Buddha: “Imagine every person in the world is enlightened but you.  They are all your teachers, each doing the right things to help you learn perfect patience, wisdom, and compassion.”

Growth arises from any challenge.  Never condone behavior that is reckless or cruel.  But notice how tough situations empower us to become spiritually stronger and release unhelpful patterns.  Lessons from our challenges reveal themselves in hindsight when we can see our growth.  Although it will be difficult, pay attention to what you have learned, the gifts you have gained, and your new placement on your life’s journey. As new challenges arise, learn new lessons and collect these lessons to improve your life and journey.

The spirit world tells us that no matter our human problems, it will never harm our essence as a Being of Light.  What is truly important is that we acknowledge and embrace our passions, interests, and skills so we may offer them as acts of service to the world.  Embrace the silence so that you may learn that everything in life has a purpose.  There are no mistakes or coincidences.  Each experience is a blessing of insight.  Areas that block our gifts or blur our spiritual wisdom are featured so that we may do the necessary work to grow and achieve our life’s purpose.

At your next psychic reading, ask your advisor what Spirit is asking of you.  How does this message relate to your life purpose?  As you grow in your journey, your peace and alignment will minimize the struggles of everyday living and empower you to succeed in your soul’s mission. The information you learn may not always be exactly what you want to hear, but it may be exactly what you need. What do you have to lose? Seek a reading with the trusted advisor of your choice and ask the questions you desire to be answered. It may change your life’s journey in new and exciting ways.

What Does it Mean to Have a Spider as Your Spirit Animal?

What Does it Mean to Have a Spider as Your Spirit Animal?

A spider may have appeared recently in your dream.  Maybe it seems like spiders are suddenly constantly appearing in your home.  You may be sent signs that a spider is your spirit animal.  Spiders appear when you need to freshen up your creativity and purpose in life.  Seeing spiders speaks to a transition happening in your life and a need to address your fears.  They also represent your capacity for creation and guidance towards working with your shadow self.

Spiders as harbingers of creativity

People marvel at the nuanced patterns spiders create with their webs and their complex ability to engineer such structures.  People with a spider spirit animal have keen creative talents and a knack for implementing their proactive ideas to create lasting and meaningful solutions.  Throughout history, the spider has been emblematic of the Divine Mother, sacred feminine energy, and the creation of the natural world.  Spider totems implore us to observe issues from all possible sides like a spider creates an impressive web.  If one solution works, take a step back and build to formulate an alternative strategy that may be more successful.  Learn from all your “mistakes” to grow as a person both professionally and personally.  Seeing spiders indicates a need to increase flexibility in your life and bravely forge new paths or ways of addressing issues, similar to how the spider creates and repairs its webs.

Spider symbolism

Spiders are teachers of patience, creativity, feminine energy, addressing one’s shadow self or fears, and embracing the web of life.  Much like a spider waiting for prey to ensnare themselves in a web, so too does it compel you to patiently wait for an idea to fully form or a plan to materialize before you should take action.  Begin to look at this idea or plan as a puzzle that is waiting to come together in a manner that best suits your needs.  Then, live your life in a bold and innovative way that feeds your creative essence.  Spiders can also be tied to the concept of infinity since it has eight appendages.  In numerology, eight reflects the continuous beginnings, endings, and renewal cycle.

Harnessing the power of the spider’s spirit

Call on the spider totem when you require a jolt of creativity or clarity on a path forward.  If you feel lost, enlist the power of the spider to discover a new way to overcome any obstacle.  Consider how a spider repairs its web whenever it becomes damaged, and use this change in circumstance to improve your situation.  With every ending, a new beginning is around the corner.  Every negative moment has a positive facet.

  • Spiders in dreams

If you dream about a spider, notice how you felt during the dream.  Did you feel curious, inspired, or fearful?  Pay attention to any situations you might have experienced during the dream.  Killing a spider could indicate a need to end a negative part of your life.  If you feel positive, then you may be about to fulfill an idea or plan that you have been delaying, or you may be about to embrace your feminine spirit.  Feeling fear in a dream could warn you about possibly entering into a dark phase, and the spider is calling you to forge a new trail.

  • Knowing if a spider is your spirit animal

If you want to understand if a spider is your totem, consider how it appears in your life.  Do spiders seem to follow you?  Do they frequently appear in dreams?  Perhaps you recently bought one as a pet.  Spirit guides enter (or depart) our lives for a purpose.  They can be sent to provide a message or teach us valuable lessons.  When we honor their insights and significance, another spirit animal may then enter our lives or return when we need them again.  Totems are symbols of your animal guide and remain with you throughout your life.  If spiders have always been a part of your existence, then this is a clear sign that a spider is your spirit animal.


If spirit animal guides resonate with you, then a spider can be a true blessing to your life.  It doesn’t have to be your totem in order to improve your life.  Call on the spider to visit you during mediations, dreams, or in real life.  They are helpful when you need to refresh your creativity, discover a new path forward, or address a hidden dark side in your life.  With every ending, a new opportunity is soon to appear.

Rising and Ascendant Signs in Astrology

Rising and Ascendant Signs in Astrology

What do you know about your astrological sign, and what does it mean to you? Knowing your sign can help you understand your personality more, which is more important than you realize.

Astrology is part of the normal conversation now; people are always trying to know more than just their sun sign and birth chart. People are now looking to know their natal chart and moon signs and even want to know the big three.

People do not even realize sometimes that they have rising signs, and they do not know what they mean. Understanding your rising signs can help you know what is happening in your life.

Rising Signs

The sun goes 30 days in each sign, and the moon spends two and a half days in each sign., The rising sign is a sign that is on the horizon when you are born. This is a sign that is understanding of the birth and the natal chart.

The sun represents yourself, and the moon is your inner emotion. You can look at these things to understand the world, yourself, and your relationships.

The rising sign is sometimes called the public mask or the front door because it is the energy that the planets carry. This is the sign and the rule of the sign, and it has to do more than with the birth chart or the sun, moon, and rising signs. These just play a role.

Finding Your Rising Sign

In order to find your rising sign, you have to know what time you were born. So you need to look at your birth certificate to know the exact time so that you get it right.

Once you know the time, astrologers can use Astro.com to create a chart for you. You can then calculate your rising and sun and moon signs, giving you horoscopes.

Understanding Rising Signs

Rising signs are part of astrology; if you are not interested in this stuff, this is just part of your life puzzle. But first, you have to understand your own chart and the planets and how they relate.

There are different combinations and possibilities of the rising sign, but here is more information:

  • Aries

The Aries is someone that is strong, independent, and has a lot of opinions. They have a strong presence when entering the room and are considered warriors. They will be in charge and will lead people. However, they compete with others, and it is not easy to ask for or give forgiveness.

  • Taurus

The Taurus sign is a soft sign, and they love beautiful things. They like to have stuff and are considered to be materialistic. They work hard to earn money so they can buy things, and they are very creative.

A Taurus is good at cooking, painting, and being creative.

  • Gemini

The Gemini is a sign that is bright and likes to talk. They like to be around Aquarius and always multi-task and do things fast.

This is a double sign and can be two different people simultaneously, but they can also be highly creative while overwhelmed with things.

  • Cancer

Cancer is a warm sign and loves to care for others. They are very sensitive and want to have close friends and relationships. They look for people who care for themselves and want to be around them.

  • Leo

Leo is someone that is fun and confident. They are the center of attention when they walk into a room and are funny and carefree. This sign lives life at the moment and is not demanding.

  • Virgo

The Virgo is a big sign, and people will come to you when they have problems that need to be solved. You will care for others and are natural as a caregiver.

This is an earth sign and is connected with the planet.

  • Libra

The Libra wants to know more about you and likes to dig deep for information. They like to do projects and have a hard time not trying to make everyone happy.

  • Scorpio

The Scorpio is mysterious and will spend most of their time wanting to know people more. They are intense and have had experiences that cause them to be guarded. As a result, it can be hard to get to know this sign.

  • Sagittarius

The Sagittarius is fun and bright. They like to be happy, and they always see things in a positive way. They are great teachers, and they are very outspoken. However, they are often blunt and rude sounding.

  • Capricorn

The Capricorn is someone that wants things to be great, and they try to do things that people would never imagine. But they are grounded, and they reach high in their goals.

  • Aquarius

The Aquarius is someone that is smart and is a water sign. They work well with others and want to share their emotions and feelings with people around them.

  • Pisces

A Pisces is a dreamer, and they are known to be psychic. They are intense, and they love others highly. When they meet someone, and they are not giving them attention, they will not be able to concentrate on them.

A Pisces is always trying to read the body language of others to really figure them out.

Different Types of Astrology Explained

Different Types of Astrology

Are you familiar with astrology, and do you know where the stars and the planets are and how they move around the solar system? If you are, then you have the basic ideas of astrology. Astrology affects how people behave but did you know there are different types of astrology?

In today’s world, people practice more than 10 different kinds of astrology, and these do not even include the ones from historical traditions.

Most people and cultures have used some kind of astrology, from the Aztecs to the Incas. No matter what kind of astrology you believe in, there are three that are major, including:

  • Western or Tropical
  • Vedic
  • Chinese

Each of these astrology types can be used when you do a psychic reading.

Western or Tropical

Western and Chinese astrology are very similar because they are based on 12 different signs and symbols with different meanings and when you were born. The practices are different, though, and here are some practices of Western astrology:

  • Discovered by the Greeks and Babylonians more than 2,000 years ago.
  • Believed that the Earth and the Sun are most important.
  • Uses the Tropical Zodiac because of how close the sun is to the earth.
  • Uses the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn
  • There are 12 signs, including Scorpion, Sea-Goat, Water Bearer, Fish, Ram, Bull, Twins, Grab, Virgin, Scales, Lion, and Centaur.
  • The 12 signs are for each month of the year, and there are different constellations that are named after these signs.
  • They believe that people born in the same months are similar.
  • The calendar looks like a regular calendar.
  • The zodiac stars are known as sun signs.
  • The Vernal Equinox happens in the Spring.
  • The planets are used in Western Astrology and help motivate people’s actions.
  • The system uses 2 moon nodes.
  • There are four elements in each astrological sign that works with the earth, fire, air, and water.

Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac is seen at most Chinese restaurants, which is how their astrological system works. For example, if you were born in 1978, you are a horse. Here are some other things about Chinese astrology:

  • There are 12 signs, including Pig, Dragon, Ox, Rat, Rabbit, Tiger, Snake, Horse, Goat, Rooster, Dog, and Pig
  • The 12 signs are believed to be created by God because there was a race.
  • Each zodiac animal has a specific month, and some are related to 2 out of the 24 terms of time.
  • People that are born in certain years have similar traits.
  • The Chinese use three keys to know your sign, including your birth hour, month, and date.
  • They use the lunar phase of the time you were born.
  • There are four moon phases, including the full moon, waxing moon, waning moon, and new moon.
  • Each phase of the moon can determine your personality.
  • This has five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.
  • Animals are on 12-year cycles, and the zodiac cycle lasts 60 years.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is also called Jyoti’s and means “science of light.” This is one of the oldest kinds of astrology and comes from around 2,000 BCE. This has a reputation for being spiritual and being able to make predictions from these practices.

  • Uses modern-day names.
  • Known as Hindu or Indian astrology.
  • Planets are part of the karmic soul.
  • Karma is the central theme.
  • Karma can affect you negatively or positively.
  • Incorporates medicine, gemstones, yoga, and more.
  • Uses the Sidereal zodiac or the stars.
  • Vedic practices do not believe there is a relationship between the earth and the sun.
  • Uses planetary periods.
  • Uses to make predictions.
  • Can be used for psychic readings to determine a person’s career, life, health, and love.

Astrology practices are fun and interesting to study. Which version do you prefer, and which would you like to learn more about? Expand your horizons by learning about each form, starting with those shared here.

Loving Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

The chakras are the energy center of your body. There are seven main chakras that go from the top of your head to your feet.

If you have never taken time to think about energy in the body or how energy shows itself, then you might not know how to understand energy in a way that you can see and feel it. This is where the chakras play a role.

One of the chakras is the heart chakra, and this is a thing you can relate to. For example, having your heart broken, getting excited about falling in love, or even learning to have unconditional love is part of the heart chakra.

The energy in the heart chakra allows you to feel compassion for others and ultimately to love others. The heart chakra, also called the Anahata Chakra, helps you find joy, forgive others, and know and understand other people’s feelings.

You can feel your emotions and direct your life towards others. This can help you also to learn to accept who you are.

When you have a blocked heart chakra, it can bring about bouts of anger and hate. It can make it where you have a hard time forgiving or connecting with other people.

Showing kindness to others will become hard, and you will feel hateful when you see people, even the ones you love.

If your heart chakra is overactive, you might be unable to say no to others. This can mean you are too giving or too forgiving, and you are allowing people to use you and not setting boundaries.

Emotional trauma is something that can cause your heart chakra to be unbalanced. For example, if you are hurt by someone you love or if people are not showing love to you, it can cause you to have blockages in the heart chakra.

Being emotionally, physically, or sexually abused can also cause you to have conflicts and unforgiveness and can make it where you have a hard time loving and forgiving people.

Trauma can make you feel lonely and isolated and can make you feel that you are out of balance in all of your relationships.

If you want to heal, you must go through a process, but even the process is easy and can change your life and help you be more open.

There are ways that you can heal your heart chakra, and you can give your heart the care and love that it needs.

  • Green

The heart chakra is associated with green. If you want to open up your heart chakra, wear something green. This can help you to have peace and to support others.

  • Plant

Pick a plant that has green leaves and keep it. Put it outside and go out and water it and look at it. Put it on your porch, and you can touch it and talk to it.

You can even buy a plant that goes in your house, such as a peace Lily with green leaves and sometimes a flower that adds extra color to your home. Take time each day to talk, care and admire our plants.

  • Creativity

Find something you love to do and do it. Find new hobbies that make you feel excited and at peace. You can do things that are creative such as paint or write. Write down your feelings or write poetry about what you feel.

Do something that makes you feel creative. Doing creative things can help you share your emotions and take away your anger and pain. This is a great way to let go of grief.

  • Talk to Someone

Most people have people in their lives that support them and care for them. This can be a friend, co-worker, teacher, or family member.

This can be someone that you love and look up to. Maybe you have someone that is happy and that you have unconditional love for.

In this world that is negative, this can be the person that sets a model to tell you things and to make you feel at peace.

Talk to this person and let them help you through your pain and your heartbreak. Let them show you love. Be kind and patient; talking to someone can help you feel that way.

Being kind to yourself will make you more positive, and your energy can flow through your heart chakra without being blocked.

How to Be Your Own Guru

Be Your Own Guru

Everyone has psychic gifts, and people just have to learn to move forward in their life and know how to use them.

People do not always believe that they are psychic, but everyone is born with this gift. It takes work and devotion to increase these gifts and to become stronger. You can become your own guru when you commit to this gift and choose to use your knowledge and powers.

You must understand that everyone has time and energy to look for people who can heal their minds, body, and soul. However, even though many people can do these things for you, there are things you can seek in your own self that can prove to you that you do not need an expert but can depend on yourself.

How can you be your own guru? Find out how:


If you believe someone can help you, you give your ideas and power to this person. Instead of following after what they tell you to do, you choose to follow your own path and do your own thing. You look at yourself and the power that you have.

The people that you seek to help you learn just like you are learning, so instead of trying to give them power and look at them like they are better, learn to look at yourself.

What kind of things have you been told that have helped to make your life better? How can you take those ideas and messages and use them for yourself and to help others? You are already a spiritual guide on this earth because you have been given power from the universe. All you have to do is pass on what you know.

Your Values

You need to learn to choose to believe in yourself. Knowledge is like a seed, and when you plant it, it helps you grow and become a better person.

When you hear something that changes your life, you can make this message work for you and help it to work for others. If you don’t understand what you hear, learn about it, and decide what you are going to do with the message.

Spread light to others and share messages of peace and hope. You can be one of the best teachers out there if you spread what you have learned.

Do Something New

Learn to find your inner guru, and here is how:

  • Think of your spirit guide and write about what you are looking for in a guru. Focus on the strengths and qualities of this person and what you think is important. Then, find out what you need most and what would be the most helpful if you were their student.
  • Once you write your letter, ask your guides to show you themselves.
  • Listen to what your guides tell you. Find out if the guru that they are sending to you is a reflection of who you are. Ask for a description and to have the guides show you your qualities.
  • Read your letter again and put your own name in the place where you wrote guru. Then, learn to empower yourself to be your very own guru.

Finding New Hobbies by Your Zodiac Sign

New Hobbies by Your Zodiac Sign

Hobbies can become boring and can make you want to try new things instead. It is not always easy to give up your hobby, and when you want to try something new, it can take effort to do so. You have to find things that bring you joy and make you happy so that you can improve your life.

Finding a new hobby can be like a new adventure, or it might even give you some extra cash on the side. Find something that gives you peace and happiness.

Look at your zodiac sign and see what hobbies you might enjoy.

  • Aries

Aries love to go outside. Going on a hike might be fun, but if you want to try something new, work a word puzzle or paint a picture. You might even want to write a novel.

  • Taurus

A Taurus loves to go places and to, work out and be healthy. So try something fun like going for a walk with a friend or rock climbing as a sport.

  • Gemini

Gemini love to be sociable, and they don’t like to be alone. They have a hard time finding things to do by themselves, but this can be good for them. Take time to meditate and take a yoga class.

  • Cancer

Cancer wants to do things that make them feel uncomfortable, such as hunting or hiking. However, they like to have adventures. They can find adventure and new hobbies in new areas, such as hiking in the desert or going mountain climbing. They also would love an animal safari.

  • Leo

Leo would love to go camping and to do something outside. But they also like being glamorous. So a great idea for a new hobby might be bird watching or joining a society.

  • Virgo

The Virgo likes to work hard and have fun. So, taking a cooking class or learning to cook healthy meals might be right up their alley.

  • Libra

A Libra is great at planting and growing things. They might love to plant vegetables and research trees in the area.

  • Scorpio

Scorpios like to travel and have fun. They love to meet new people. So a good hobby could be to travel to new places and to meet new people in life.

  • Sagittarius

The Sagittarius wants to be outside. They like to be active but also like to use their mind. One hobby they could do inside would be playing a musical instrument. They could learn piano or take up drumming.

  • Capricorn

The Capricorns love to give their time to their psychic abilities. They can reach big places in their mind. They can have a hobby of increasing their intuition and making it a lifestyle.

  • Aquarius

The Aquarius loves to go for walks and go to the beach. They love nature. They would love to do things such as going out in the woods and recording nature.

  • Pisces

The Pisces are sometimes shy, but they also like to do fun things and put themselves out there. A great hobby for this sign could be an acting class. This would allow them to show off their mental capacity and win trophies and competitions along the way.

Meeting Your Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides

Rather you are a psychic, a teacher, a doctor, or whatever career you have; you must have a team to help you. When you have a team, you will rely on them daily to support, help, and maybe even inspire you.

Even though you will have a team of people that are there to support you, you have to know that not every member of your team is a person or a human being.

Everyone has spirit guides, and these guides are there to help you and to help you to find your mission in life. When you talk to your guides or are doing a project, your guides can be there to help and assist you. They can help you with your problems and can help with different things that happen in your life.

The idea of having these different guides can be captivating to some people, but the truth is, the spirit guides can help you to connect with other people, to help you connect with the right people that can give you strength and wisdom.


Some spirit guides will express themselves through visual means or through writing. Maybe you are trying to reach your higher self, and when you are writing, you find that you understand things and you are experiencing things that you do not always understand.

Maybe you have guides that are there so that you can be kinder to yourself and so that you can be more compassionate and kinder to others.

Some of your guides will be there to teach you not to judge others and not to be unfair to people around you. You might have to learn to appreciate other people, and maybe you have a hard time understanding your talents. Your guides can help you to recognize these things.

Identifying your spirit guide can happen through your writing. When you feel the need to write messages down, consider what your guide is telling you and what you need to tell others.

Your power is with the earth and the universe, and the souls are responsible for helping you to clear your mind. You are brave to figure out your energies and to get rid of the negativity in your life. The laws of the universe help you even if you are imperfect, and you will heal as your vibrations get stronger.


Once you realize that you are wise and aware of your spirit guides, you will feel that things are clearer.

You might be inspired by your spirit guide team because they are there to give you extra encouragement and to give you wisdom, and knowledge.

Once you realize that your spirit guides are there for you, you will see that you can be strong and learn from your spirit guides to get you through all the hard things in your life.

Always be strong and communicate with your spirit guides. Learn to talk to them and be thankful for them and for what they do for you.