High Season For Breakups

High Season For Breakups

It’s a high season for break up. New Year, new you, and maybe a new lover…, right? Well, many couples break up after the holidays for various reasons. Maybe it’s the pressure to get engaged or the expectation of meeting friends, family, or coworkers.

Whatever the reason, if you’re thinking that staying with someone if you aren’t happy, any more is a big mistake.

You’re Suffering From Seasonal Stress

Seasonal breakup disorder is about to unleash itself on many relationships, and the main culprit is the additional stress and spending that the holiday season brings. Then there is the surge of guilt and that desire to start a new year off on the right foot. So if you feel like things between you two are getting worse, it could just be due to the added stress of the holidays. So why not get through the holidays and see how you feel early next year?

You Think Only an Expensive Gift Will Do  

Do you think you have to blow your budget on an expensive gift for them to prove your love? You don’t! You can get creative and sentimental for your true soulmate. They’ll care more about the message your gift sends than the actual gift you give them. And if they’re not your soulmate, all will be revealed.

You Need to Sort Out Your Feelings

People tend to get caught up in the romantic nature of the season. As a result, they may feel like something is missing from their relationship because they aren’t as in love as they “should” be. But the holidays shouldn’t define where you are in your relationship. If you aren’t committed or as close as you think you should be, you could have the holidays to blame. Wait until they’re over to sort out your feelings.

You Don’t Want to Bring Them to Your Office Holiday Party

Just because your office is having a holiday party doesn’t mean you must bring a date. Some people like to keep their work and private lives separate, and you can explain that to your significant other and your coworkers. Also, you can leave your significant other at home instead of dumping them.

You Realize They’re Just a Hookup

Maybe the holidays have made you reevaluate your connection to your significant other, and you realize they’re not that significant. That’s okay. There is nothing wrong with having a casual, sexual relationship if both of you agree to it. Don’t feel like you need to be with your soulmate just because it’s the holidays. You may not be ready for a serious relationship, so why not enjoy something casual and fun?

It’s Just Marketing

The holidays have the tendency to cloud our judgment. We’re bombarded with romantic ads wherever we turn, but the truth is, it’s just marketing. Don’t break up with someone just because they don’t fit the mold of what you think a holiday relationship is supposed to be. Instead, get through the holidays and then reevaluate your relationship once the seasonal madness ends.