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Living a Good Life Is Sweet Revenge

Living a Good Life

Some people would judge you that you’re being overly dramatic when someone leaves you, but they don’t have any idea that being dumped is one of the worst feelings on earth. The worst part is knowing that while your ex is off living a fabulous life, you can’t stop thinking about them.

Here are our top three ways to get your ex out of your head and get sweet revenge:

  • Let go

Letting go of love is the hardest part of being dumped. While your ex has been letting go of you in preparation for the breakup, you’re still as attached as ever. So when they suddenly pull the rug out of from under you, you’re not necessarily ready to let go of your life together. In the beginning, it’s natural to cling to whatever souvenirs you have left of your relationship. You may find yourself eating at their favorite restaurant, sleeping in their old t-shirt, or re-watching the movie you saw on your first date together. You do these things because you want to feel close to the person you miss so much.

But whether you want to or not, eventually, you have to put distance where there was once closeness. Bit by bit, you must begin to let go of the tiny pieces of your relationship. As you let go of your life with your ex, embrace the new life in front of you: the amazing life that is yours and yours alone.

  • Love again

Your first impulse after a breakup may be to move on into someone else’s arms. Not only will it ease your loneliness, you’re sure it will make you feel wanted again after the sting of rejection. And most of all, the idea of you and another love will infuriate your ex with jealousy.

But as exciting as vengeance between the sheets may seem, having a one-night stand might not end up hurting anyone but you. Instead, the morning after, you could end up feeling even more lonely and insecure than before the tryst.

While rebounding with a perfect stranger sounds like a delicious way to get even, real revenge is moving on in a meaningful way. First, open your heart to all kinds of people – not just potential lovers. Be kind to friends and family, reach out to neighbors in need, and learn to love yourself in a more profound way. Then, once you’ve brought more universal love into your life, you can move on and begin to look for the right partner to share romantic love with.

  • Live well

Some people say that the best revenge is living well. They’re right. The only way to get your ex out of your life is to fill your life with so many other wonderful things that there’s no room for them anymore!

Being dumped often leaves you feeling helpless and out of control. But you can reclaim the power over your destiny by channeling your pain and anger into positive energy. Use this time as an opportunity to grow, change, and become the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Spend time with friends you’re usually too busy for. Study something you’ve always wanted to learn about. Take up a new hobby. Get into shape. Go on vacation.

Not only will your new life distract you from the pain of your breakup, but it will also leave you happier and healthier than you were with your ex. And really, what’s sweeter revenge than that?

Will there be Rules to Follow During Holiday?


There are times when it feels like the holiday season is an endless merry-go-round of social gatherings, from office parties to neighborhood socials to family get-togethers. In the flurry of activity, it’s easy to feel a little dazed. As a result, some people tend to get a bit uptight, others play wallflower, while others get way too wild.

But it’s actually pretty easy to find some merry middle ground. So here are our top tips for having holiday fun — without regretting it the next day.

  • Do: Let loose
  • Don’t: Let it all hang out.

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to make everything perfect. But when it comes to holiday parties, take a step back and remind yourself that Christmas is a season of joy — which means it’s okay to let go and have a little fun! Pour yourself a glass of egg nog. Eat an extra cookie. Dance the night away.

Of course, no one wants to be the holiday partier who crosses the line from letting go to losing his mind. With all the stress leading up to the holidays, some people have a bit of a meltdown once the festivities finally arrive. Remember, you can have a good time without getting wild by following a few basic rules: think before you speak, mind your manners, and above all, go easy on the booze.

  • Do: Toast the season.
  • Don’t: Get toasted

Overindulging in alcohol is one of the fastest ways to kill your holiday spirit. The next day, you’ll be haunted by an aching head and churning stomach – and maybe worse. If you said or did anything to embarrass yourself or hurt someone else, you’ll be regretting a lot more than your hangover. And who wants to spend the holiday season feeling groggy — or guilty?

And while we’re on the topic of drinking, there’s one-holiday rule you simply can not break: don’t drink and drive. Arrange a ride ahead of time so you won’t be tempted to tell yourself you’re “okay” to drive. A DUI will ruin your Christmas, and an accident could ruin your life — and someone else’s.

  • Do: Make new friends.
  • Don’t: Forget your old friends.

Maybe it’s the mistletoe, but something about the holidays brings out the romantic in everyone. Holiday parties are a great way to meet new people, and most folks people to let their guard down in the spirit of the season.

But if you become preoccupied with meeting a man, you’ll end up missing one of the most special parts of the holidays: spending time with your favorite people. So it’s okay to keep an eye out for Mr. Right, but make sure you raise a glass to your girlfriends, too!

The holidays are a special time to get together, reminisce about the past, and hope for the future. With a little planning and some common sense, you can make it a true season of celebration.

What Is Your Spirit Animal?

Spirit Animal

It’s easy to figure out your zodiac spirit animal.  Whenever you had a dream, vision, or encounter with an animal that spoke to your soul, chances are they’re your spirit animal. Not quite sure you’ve met your zodiac spirit animal? I can help you with that! Just search for your Sun sign below to discover the spirit animal of your sign.

  • Aries the Ram

Your animal is the Ram. Experience reverence for your sacred animal at Luxor/Karnak, Egypt, to see their regal statues. The fearless Ram is relentless as he protects those he loves. The Iroquois relate the Turtle, while the Chinese relate the Pheasant or Dog to Aries.

  • Taurus the Bull

Your zodiac spirit animal is at least 17,000 years old. Today, the bull (or cow) star known as Taurus appears in Lascaux cave. With determination, no one can stop you, yet you are also a nurturer. You are also known as the Venus Dove.

  • Gemini the Unicorn

You’re the twins, Castor and Pollux. They’re brothers who love and support each other so deeply, knowing “all are one.” Unicorns are also tied to your sign. They’re a symbol of a pure horse with a pair of eyes that see separately but come together through a single horn. Also, dogs, as perfect partners, are Gemini zodiac spirit animals.

  • Cancer the Crab

Crab Cancer loves water and silent peace. They’re tenderness inside a protective shell. Great chefs are often born under this zodiac sign. The Iroquois relate the Swan with Cancer, while the Chinese relate the Sheep to Cancer’s zodiac spirit animal too.

  • Leo the Lion King of the Jungle

Most Leos know they’re “Lion, King of the Jungle.” Leo nurtures children, along with creative imagination. The Native American Mic-Mac saw the Chickadee and Robin as zodiac spirit animals related to Leo too.

  • Virgo the Bird

You are the sign of the goddess of the harvest. Bread and wine are delivered through Virgo as the sign that ends the gestation period. Virgo’s zodiac spirit animals include Crow, Horned Owl, and Blue Jay. The Chinese associate Deer and the Snake with Virgo too.

  • Libra the Wolf

Lupus/wolf is related to Libra. He’s the humans’ first loyal friend. Libra is also associated with the beautiful young dove and the wise elder owl. The Chinese associate the Badger with Libra’s zodiac spirit animal too.

  • Scorpio the Scorpion

Your constellation is pre-historic, like Taurus the Bull—your opposite sign. “Heart of the scorpion,” Antares is fiercely loving.  It beautifully screams its protective care like one of its goddesses, Tina Turner. Yet it’s also related to great healers—Ophiuchus and the earthy Centaur. The tail of the Serpent and the tail of the Scorpion represent healing medicine as well.

  • Sagittarius the Horse-Man

You’re not only the sign of the Horse-Man, but like Scorpio, you’re the sign of the Great Healer with his Serpent of wisdom. In addition to that, you are the high-flying eagle with a great overview of life or the swan/shaman. To the Pima, you are a clever Fox, while the Maya saw you and Scorpio as the Crocodile. The Chinese saw Tiger Tail, Leopard, and Griffin as your zodiac spirit animals too.

  • Capricorn the Sea-Goat

The ancient Sea-Goat is another constellation that is pre-historic, representing humanity evolving from sea to mountaintop due to its search for new knowledge and accomplishment, all the while carrying ancient wisdom. It’s no mistake that the wild, wise Dolphin also represents Capricorn. To the Chinese, you are also the Bat—reborn every day from the womb of the cave/Earth.

  • Aquarius, the Fish

The ancient Water-bearer measured the depth of the Nile, feeding Egypt for a year. Aquarius relates to the intuitive/charismatic Southern Fish, the fiery, eternal Phoenix, and the winged Horse too. The Chinese saw the clever Rat, the Swallow (representing freedom, hope, and loyal love), and the Porcupine, representing joy, playfulness, and recovery from grief.

  • Pisces the Fish

Present-day Pisces is the Fishes joined by the Sacred Knot of love. Its zodiac spirit animals include a connection between the soaring horse, Pegasus, and Cetus, the loving whale/sea monster who carries the memories of humanity. The Chinese associate Pisces with the Wolfs, Roman, Romulus, and Remus too.

Simple Things That Can Make Us Happy

Make Us Happy

Yes, it is the time of year again when we start feeling the pressure to spend money and be cheery. But the holidays usually mean stress for most of us—our emotions run high, and we feel like we don’t have time to take a breath or live in the moment. But if you want to enjoy the holidays, that’s exactly what you need to do, and you can start by learning to appreciate the little things.

The Little Things Count

Joy is not found in one great big thing. While big things are wonderful, they are few and far between. They are not the things that make you happy from day to day. What does make you happy, day to day, are the little things. They are what counts, my friends.

  • The Gentle Blessings

Remember the little things, or the small wins, as I call them, this Thanksgiving. They’re the little things that bring a smile to your face, whether it’s a text from a friend you haven’t seen or heard from in a while or watching children playing in the snow. It’s really anything that makes a moment pleasant, like coming home to someone else doing the dishes, having the door open for you, or getting home in a reasonable amount of time during rush hour. The little things add up, so don’t forget them and be grateful for each and every one of them. They are gentle blessings!

  • Mood, Stress, and Awareness

Think back to a day when one good thing and one bad thing happened. Perhaps your barista spelled your name correctly on your coffee cup for the first time in ages, and then your boss got snippy with you at work. What experience from that day sticks out to you the most? Chances are, it’s your snippy boss. What about the day you came home to clean and fold laundry, but your partner broke up with you? When there’s so much on a bigger scale that goes on in your life, it’s far too easy to oversee the small blessings you are granted. But I tell you that taking time in your day to recognize those seemingly insignificant events will naturally raise your mood, decrease stress, and heighten your awareness of the world around you.

  • Pay It Forward

When someone does something nice for you, remember to thank them. That shows gratitude. Thank the person who made your coffee. Thank the person who did the dishes or the laundry. If someone holds the door open for you, hold the door open for someone else. If someone compliments you, be sure to compliment them back. Not only does this kind of active engagement elevate your heart and soul to a higher vibration, but it’s also infectious as well.

  • Engage More, Receive More

The more you engage, the more you’ll receive. If we all spent more time appreciating and being grateful for the little things, the world would be better. And that is something you can take to the bank! So take care this holiday season, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

Saving the Friendship

Saving the Friendship

As we all know, friendships pass through phases. It’s just a part of the human condition.  Every relationship has up and downs.  However, sometimes a friendship can be challenged to the point that it seems there will be no return. It could be a huge fight or an even huger disagreement; it could be the thing that destroys your friendship forever.

If you want to salvage your friendship, there will be some intense work that has to be done. It may be necessary to make a clean break of it and move forward with the plan to make it past the challenges and rescue your friendship.

Choose to make necessary repairs

Before you go through all of the heavy lifting, both of you have to make the choice that you want to stay friends. Really think about it. Are you fully committed to making this work?  If so, then you can start to do all of the repairs.

  • Discuss the conflict

Have a serious conversation and get everything out in the open. Discuss every single thing you feel and think about the conflict.  Don’t leave anything out unless it’s truly hurtful.  Then, make sure everything is said.  You have to get it all out before you move on.

  • Let the past pass

Once all the talking has been done, commit to never mentioning it again. It’s all out in the open, so you no longer have to bring it up.  Put it behind you and move on.  You can move on without reliving the past hurt when you agree to this. If you have really forgiven each other, there is no reason to bring it up again.

  • Gently move back into the friendship

It is only natural that you won’t feel as close to your friend as you once were.  Don’t be disappointed if you can’t just move seamlessly back to where you once were.   If you used to be in constant contact before the disagreement, ease back in by casually meeting once a week or so.  Keep in touch via text or email instead of calling. This will help slowly rebuild the relationship.  It will take time, but you will eventually be back to the closeness you once shared.

If you are uncertain about areas of your relationship with friends or other loved ones, you can always consult a love psychic to guide you through the repairs of your friendship.

Ready for Romance?


Everyone says that summer is when the time is ripe to fall in love. It may be because people go on trips and vacations, and an air of frivolity and casualness opens us up to new romance.  But are you truly ready for a new relationship? How do you truly know?

  • The first step is Forgiveness

If you hold hostility and grudges in your heart, you are getting in your own way. As desperately as you want to hold on to this, it is not in your best interest.  Once you have started working through the anger and blame, you can purge yourself of this negative energy. And once this is gone, you can focus on building a new relationship without bringing old feelings into your new romance.

  • Love yourself

Many people do not love themselves and create an aura of doubt and negativity around themselves.  This can keep a new romance at bay.  Much of this negativity comes from a lack of acceptance of their physical appearance. This feeling of not being good enough can lead to people settling for less-than-perfect romances.  This will eventually lead to mistrust.  If you don’t trust someone, you will draw in people who are actually untrustworthy. If you really want to bring a long-term relationship to you, you have to love yourself.  Think about how often you tell yourself you are not good enough. When you think this, it sticks in your brain and plays over and over again.  Once you become aware of your false beliefs, you can work with a therapist to help you transition into a state of self-love.  You can start by nourishing your inner child. If you actually picture a child, you won’t easily be able to insult it by what you have been telling your adult self.  This will remind you that you love this child and want them to feel cherished.

  • Don’t be afraid

Be fearless as you go about your life journey. Focus on what you want to do, and don’t go into every situation as if you are seeking your one true love.  It has been said that you will find love if you stop looking for love. Don’t let your fear manifest as desperation.  This is a negative energy that is not only unhelpful but will also leave you vulnerable to the wrong kind of relationship. Instead, focus on being happy with yourself.  Accept yourself and your life as it is, and don’t judge yourself.  This acceptance will free your spirit, and this may lead to the love of your life.

Good Karma or Bad Karma

There are those who don’t particularly want or need a relationship. This may be directly caused by what their soul tells them.  Their mission on this plane of existence is to work on themselves and their personal journey. Most of these souls are aware of what they want. If you think you have this kind of soul, you can consult a psychic or astrologer to understand what you want and need fully.

Even though the world around you may be springing into summer with the thought of new love and romance, only you know when you are ready. There is no timeline that you must adhere to.

Stop Being Afraid and Take Chances

Stop Being Afraid and Take Chances

As you go on your journey through life, you may decide to do something extraordinary and different. Taking chances is the stuff dreams are made of, and many have planned to do something different and take some risks.  But, unfortunately, very few people actually follow through.  This is because veering from your routine can be terrifying.

You shouldn’t let your fear or anxiety keep you from going after your dreams. Here are a few tips to keep moving forward:

  • Remember your reasons. While things may seem stressful initially, don’t back down.  It will help if you keep a journal and/or meditate about your goal.   A vision board will also help guide you with visual reminders and motivational quotes.
  • Get moral support. You probably have more of a support system than you realize.  You have friends and family members who will help cheer you on and encourage you.   You can call them or text them to get them to back you up. In addition, you may try finding an online support group for whatever you are striving to do.
  • Put it in writing.  Face your fears and worries by giving them a voice through your words.  Write down what you are afraid of and take a look at it.  It will help you put a face to these fears and will provide you with a safe way to examine them.  Once you see them on paper, they will be easier to conquer.
  • Just breathe. As you grow through your life journey, you need to remind yourself to be   When you feel afraid, breathe in and out. This will keep you at the moment and give you a chance to take things one step at a time.  This will also give you time to reach and relish the success you deserve.

Does He Have Fatherhood Potential


You may think your partner is a great person, friend, and husband, but how can you tell if he will be a good father? Any man can be a father, but a special man must be a dad.  Is the man in your life qualified?

This is important because while any guy can be a father, it takes a true man to be a dad.  If you want the best for your children, you should provide a love-filled home.  As you may know, being a good parent means that you put your children first.

There are a few ways to find out if your partner will be a good father:

Ask a few questions:

Can he handle life’s disappointments with grace?  Will he be able to deal with the daily messes and frustrations that come with raising children?  Will he be a true partner if you are sick or tired?

  • How does he behave around his mother?

A good way to tell if your partner will be a good father is to see if he has a good relationship with his mother.  If he is a kind and helpful son, chances are he will also be a good nurturer.

  • Is he generous?

Does the man in your life put others before him? Is he kind and considerate? Or is he too attached to his lifestyle to adapt?  Find out if he is ready and willing to adapt.

  • Is he good with other children?

Watch how he interacts with the children who are already in his life. These can be nieces or nephews or the children of friends. See if he is attentive and caring towards these children.  This will be a good sign of how he will behave with his children.

  • Are you compatible?

Do the two of you get along with each other? The two of you should examine your relationship before you think about having children. If you are unsure, you can consult a trusted psychic. A thorough reading can answer this question.

  • What’s his psychic profile?

After your reading, ask your advisor to help you find out how your horoscopes work together.  Then, see if your life paths will move in the same direction.

While these are not the only determining factors, they are highly important questions to ask before considering having children together. Children are a lifetime commitment that should not be taken lightly, so be certain of your partner.

Meeting Your Guardian Angel through Meditation


We have used meditation for hundreds of years for different reasons, including developing inner peace and promoting mental, spiritual, and psychical health and well-being. While there are many reasons to meditate, there are no right or wrong reasons to practice it. It can also be used to contact the spiritual world, and many people feel that they can connect with themselves, their guardian angels, and spirit guides through this method.

If you believe in guardian angels and have a strong feeling that you have one out there waiting for you, you can make any attempt to try and reach out to them. Meditation is a fantastic way to ground yourself and discover more about your authentic self, a self that is free from the outside world and societal pressures. So, if you want to meet your guardian angel, try using these meditation practices:

  • Clear Your Mind and Your Head

If you are about to sit down and spend some time meditating, make sure you refrain from having anything mood-altering in your bloodstream, such as caffeinated teas and coffees, alcohol, or any over-the-counter or recreational drugs. Clear and cleanse your body for at least 5 hours before you start meditating.

  • Cleanse The Room You Will Be Meditating In

It is paramount that the room you choose to meditate in is clean from dust, grime, and negative energy.  Burn some frankincense or sage, or just open the windows to allow the static energy to flow out. You might clear out some negative energy while you are doing so.

  • Choose A Comfortable Position

It doesn’t matter how you want to sit or lie, but many people who meditate like to lie flat on their back or sit in the lotus position. So the main thing to do is find a position you are completely comfortable in to achieve maximum relaxation.

  • Be Prepared To Take Some Notes

If you can place a pad and pen beside you while you meditate, this will be helpful when you see images or notice things in your meditation that may link you to your guardian angel. You may also see or hear your guardian angel’s name or see visions of your guardian angel when you meditate. While your eyes are closed, write what you see or notice in your subconscious, and don’t worry about what it looks like on paper. Do not force anything onto the paper; just allow your inner guide to take over. You might be able to make out your guardian angel’s name through your scribbles, giving you a chance to call them directly.

  • Get Ready To Possibly Meet Your Guardian Angel

Now that you are prepared to meet your guardian angel and have kept an open mind to meet them during your spiritual journey of meditating, you can relax. Imagine yourself in the place you feel most comfortable. Some people may refer to it as their “happy place.”

Allow your worries, stresses, and past pains to leave your body and welcome your guardian angel. Welcome your guardian angel internally, or you can physically speak out and ask them to come to you. Be prepared that they may present themselves in all types of forms in your meditative state. For example, you may see an animal or figure you do not understand. Whatever you see and feel, welcome it with open arms and embrace the moment.

You will know within your soul whether your guardian crossed your spiritual path; as you repeat this process every chance you can, you will become closer to them. This connection will lead you onto a path of spiritual enlightenment, and you will, without a doubt, feel less alone in the world and protected.

Numerology and How it Works


Have you ever watched the movie (the number 23)? Did you feel puzzled and interested after watching the movie? Did you become more interested in numbers and what lies beneath them? If you want to know more about your life path or obstacles that object to your life, you may need to calculate your birth date.

How to calculate your number?

Write your birth date down; for instance: if your birth date is May 1st, 1982, write 05011982, then add all the numbers together as follows: 0+5+0+1+1+9+8+2, and you will get a total of 26. Now, you need to simplify your number further; add 2+6 to get a single number; most of the birth path numbers are single digits, and if the number you get is 11 or 22, don’t reduce it further. Keep this number in mind because it is a very important number.

What does your number mean?

To get the best information, it is recommended to consult a numerologist. However, we provide you with some of the numerology basics below. So find your number and know what lies beneath.

  • Birth Path Number: 1

Advantages: People who have birth bath number 1 are top leaders and independent people.

Disadvantages: They also may be seen as stubbornness, arrogance, and impatience

  • Birth Path Number: 2

Advantages: People who have birth path number 2 are gentle, peace lovers, and considerate

Disadvantages: They may become so dependent

  • Birth Path Number: 3

Advantages: He or she is probably a people person, fun, energetic and sociable.

Disadvantages: They are still seen as confused, obsessed, and superficial

  • Birth Path Number: 4

Advantages: They are very organized, hardworking, and practical.

Disadvantages: They may be seen as narrow-minded, bull-headed, and argumentative.

  • Birth Path Number: 5

Advantages: You are very adaptable, meaning you can easily adapt to situations, no matter what happens.

Disadvantages: Some people may see you as irresponsible

  • Birth Path Number: 6

Advantages: They usually gain harmonious relationships in their lives

Disadvantages: However, they may be seen as controlling and unwilling to change

  • Birth Path Number: 7

Advantages: They are deep thinkers and spiritual

Disadvantages: They are still gloomy and melancholic

  • Birth Path Number: 8

Advantages: They are strong, successful, and ambitious

Disadvantages: Some people may see them as materialistic, forceful, and tense.

  • Birth Path Number: 9

Advantages: very  sympathetic and tolerant

Disadvantages: They are also moody, emotional, and restless.

  • Birth Path Numbers: 11 and 22

11 & 22 are master numbers, and if you have birth bath number 11, then you are probably an innovator and a giver; however, people may see you negatively as manipulative and too dependent.

Those who have birth path number 22 are idealists and visionaries; however, they can be seen as dramatic and destructive.

If you want to reveal many things about your personality and destiny, you need to know your bath number. Consult with a psychic now over the phone or online to learn more about your birth path number.