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Psychic Vampires Take All Your Energy Away

Psychic Vampires

As the name suggests, a vampire is a parasite that takes power, energy, or life force from its victims in order to survive. However, psychic vampires don’t creep in your windows and drink your blood. Instead, they drain you of your energy, sucking it up like a vacuum. And, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve heard the term “psychic vampire”; they can still be attacking you and siphoning off your energy.

It’s important to know that these psychic vampires can’t feed off of you if you aren’t somehow inviting them to. If you are projecting a lot of fear and anxiety, lighting a beacon will draw them right to you. If you exude a sense of powerlessness into the world, that’s all the permission that a psychic vampire needs. You don’t have to consent consciously, but feeling too weak to say no to anyone or anything is enough. And they can detect this without you ever saying it out loud.

There is a line between selfishness and selflessness, and most individuals fall somewhere in between the two on the spectrum. But the closer you are to the selfless end of that spectrum, the more willing you are to give people anything they want. Because you’re more likely to be viewed as a doormat, something to be walked all over, your psychic energy reflects this quality. And you’re likely consenting to give someone parts of yourself without even realizing it. Your inability to say the word “no” is taken advantage of by someone who falls on the selfish end of the spectrum, assuming that just because you don’t say otherwise, they can do with you what they will.

Through your willingness to give and please, and the vampire’s willingness to take, the two of you become connected metaphysically. But just because you can’t see the connection with the naked eye doesn’t mean that it’s not a strong connection. In fact, it has to be fairly strong in order for the vampire to siphon off significant amounts of your energy. The Hunas have described these connections as “cords” for centuries. In recent years, a therapist from California named Phyllis Krystal wrote a book called Cutting the Cords, which describes the cord/connection belief of the Hunans and then goes on to explain various ways of “cutting” cords that are harmful to us.

You may be reading this and have the mistaken assumption that all psychic vampires are bad people or that they are intentionally depriving you of your energy. This isn’t always the case, however. For example, you can develop a deep friendship with someone only to discover that they’re inadvertently draining you of your energy. In this case, it isn’t necessarily intentional on either of your parts. You would most likely give your friend anything they needed, giving unconscious consent without even knowing that they could drain you of your energy. And they may not even know they’re taking your energy. But fear not. There are ways to stop the attacks and to keep yourself from draining other people, as well.

How to stop psychic vampires from draining you of your energy

If you suspect that you’ve been unconsciously submitting to psychic vampires draining you of your energy, one of the first things you need to do is declare that you aren’t submitting to this anymore very consciously. You also need to make known to yourself and the universe around you that, from now on, you will only give in healthy ways. This can happen in the form of a spoken mantra, where you state these points clearly, out loud, and with purpose. You can then participate in healthy giving forms, such as charity work, volunteering, etc.

The next thing that you’ll need to do is a form of visualization through meditation. While sitting quietly and meditating, ask to be shown all of the unhealthy connections to you. For example, it’s helpful to know who your psychic vampire is, but not necessary. You then need to visualize yourself severing these ties in some way, such as pulling them out, cutting them with scissors, or whatever feels right to you at that moment. It’s important to note that you may have to repeat this visualization exercise until you feel it’s done, meaning you’ll likely have to do it more than once. But, once it’s done, be sure to forgive and bless all who were involved, including yourself. You should feel relief and a resurgence of energy within a few days.

How to stop yourself from draining energy from others

This is slightly trickier than simply dispelling a psychic vampire. If you suspect that you’re inadvertently draining others around you of their energy, it’s important that you first declare that you have no intention of doing this anymore. Say it out loud, clearly, and with intent. You need to believe that you won’t do it again firmly.

Whether you are a giver or a taker, you will likely encounter this interaction with some degree of frequency throughout the course of your life. Therefore, it’s important to know the signs that you are being drained or that you are draining someone. Some people who are being drained report feeling dizzy and light-headed, and they often experience headaches or feel faint. But everyone is different, and your symptoms may differ, so you’ll need to pay attention and take note. And, you now have the knowledge to solve the problem in a loving, not spiteful way.

The Right Way of Manifesting Power

Manifesting Power

Janice and I met for tea time at our usual spot on the first Sunday of the month. It’s a standing date of ours as she’s my Law of Attraction buddy, so we meet to work on our manifesting superpowers while enjoying the best micro-roasted java in our neighborhood.

As we settled in, I told her, “I’m really struggling with detachment this month—it’s like my brain is just on ‘replay.’”

“Me, too! What planet can we blame it on—Venus?”

We laughed and decided to let Venus’ retro take the blame. Then we began our conversation in earnest.

The Law of Attraction (L of A) is a pet topic of mine right now because there is just so much nonsense out there about manifesting your desires. I was sucked into the easy pop culture version of getting what you want, but, like many of my clients and friends, I found those methods didn’t work. So rather than getting cynical—tempting as that is—I went on a mission to discover how I realistically could make it work. The Law of Attraction is a powerful and real attribute of the Universe. But sister, it isn’t easy. So let’s get into what this law is really about and how to develop it as one of your superpowers.

Are You A Believer?

I’m going to say this straight up: if you don’t believe in something, then this law likely isn’t going to work for you. Whether you take the spiritual approach or the scientific angle, a fundamental aspect of the L of A is belief in a creative Universe. From God to quantum physics, there is a whole spectrum of ways to trust in the power of the human consciousness to create its reality.

Can You Just Shut Up?

Your monkey mind that is. Central to using the L of A is the ability to quiet and focus the mind. Deepak Chopra—arguably a guy who has manifested a pretty good life—says that the first step to using what he calls the “Law of Intention and Desire” is to slip into the “gap.” The place of no mind, the space between inhaling and exhaling, the silence that exists—maybe only for nanoseconds—in-between thoughts.

In other words, to really make this law work, you need a meditative practice. Inside the gap—in the brainwaves of alpha, theta, and even delta—you move past the lizard brain screaming out its alarms of scarcity and fear and release your desires to the Universe.

You’ve also got to shut out those negative, soul-sucking thought patterns that insist that you are powerless, too young, too old, too weird, too stupid—whatever. Instead, see yourself as a creative being with power over her own life. This will be easier with some kind of spiritual practice, but it isn’t necessary as long as you are aware. So, whether your thing is therapy, Tarot cards, prayer, or self-help books, work on opening your conscious awareness of your Self.

Tips for Manifesting

Once you’ve quieted your mind, you can start working on the process of manifestation. Practicing this law is actually fairly simple—not to be confused with easy! But isn’t creating the life you want worth the effort?

Here is a basic framework for working with the L of A:

  • Make a list of what you desire. Look at it several times a day, daydream about it, and imagine what it would be like to have these things. Read the list aloud, then take it into the gap—a meditation space—with you. Visualize releasing your list to the Universe. Practice trusting that you are giving these desires to something else—God, your higher self, the matrix. Do this every day, maybe even twice a day. Unwavering focus on what you want is key.
  • Don’t tell anybody what you want unless they are true supporters and aligned with your best good. This is where a buddy can be helpful. Amalie and I believe in each other 100%, but remember that there are many people with reasons to smack your desires down—even if they love you.
  • Release attachment to the outcome. Yeah. I know. The kicker. Because if you weren’t attached, you wouldn’t want it, right? Your meditation practice will help with detachment, but you have to really focus because most of us are grasping, scared, and hungry inside. We think things have to be a certain way. But when you’ve gotten something you wanted, was it exactly as you thought it might be? From jobs to lovers to dream abodes, usually, there’s something you didn’t anticipate, and often it turns out even better than we imagined. That’s because we typically dream pretty small, and the Universe dreams big. So if we can trust, we can open ourselves to receiving the best version of what we want.
  • Let the Universe handle the details. Remember the adage, “Don’t worry about the how; just put it out there.” Letting go of controlling every detail helps you release attachments.
  • Don’t try to manifest specific people doing specific things. Stick with your own desires. Many other Laws of the Universe are at play that also needs to be followed for the big stuff to really manifest, so just focus on you.

When you start working with the L of A, I recommend embracing it for a long time, like a workout regime or taking a class. Start smallish. Play with fun stuff like manifesting a certain article of clothing at the thrift store or a free cup of coffee. Once you see how this works, you can build your confidence for bigger things.

The Law of Attraction is not a vending machine from God dispensing Ferraris, diamond necklaces, and perfect boyfriends. It’s a spiritual law that is extremely effective but also takes some real energy on your part. Mediocre attention to manifestation will yield mediocre results. It does get easier with practice, but, like anything, you’ve got to do the work. Or play, as I like to think of it.

Consciously or unconsciously, our minds are always broadcasting signals of attraction. The more conscious we can become with manifestation, the more effectively we can create what we want (as opposed to what we don’t want, the specialty of the subconscious). Working on yourself is the way to becoming more aware and powerful in your life.

Better Life through Meditation and Affirmation


Life can be so poor and ordinary. Meditation, coupled with Affirmation, is the tilling and the planting of seeds for your most beautiful garden! What do you want to see bloom in your life? 

  • Do you want to lose weight?
  • Earn more money?
  • Find the love of your life?
  • Live your purpose to the fullest extent?

Understanding Meditation

Powerful studies show the effectiveness of meditation. Meditation is often misunderstood. It does not have to be boring, nor done in the morning or right before bed. Meditation does not belong to one religion or culture. There are no rules to meditation. However, I believe regular practice time is important for general well-being.

Meditation is…

A handy tool that is with you all the time, wherever you go and whenever you need it.

An emotional, mind, body, and spirit “go-to” for when you need to feel centered and grounded.

A connection to your highest state of being and communication with God, Source, the Divine.

The calming of your mind, body, and emotions, meditation may be looked at as an equivalent to prayer time.

The Power of Affirmation

Carefully crafted affirmations are words that seed your whole being. The power of affirmation, mantras, and chants is recognized all over the world in many different societies and cultures. An affirmation is a positive thought that affirms a positive feeling. Your word is your magic wand, speak it, and so it is.

Examples of Positive Affirmations:

  • I am slim
  • I am joyful
  • I am healthy
  • I am a 6-figure income earner

You can be detailed in your affirmations; the more detailed you are, the more clear and profound the seed is for yourself and the Universe to recognize (i.e., are you just planting flowers in your garden? Or are you planting white roses, Shasta daisies, and mammoth sunflowers?)

Go into your state of meditation and chant aloud or repeat the words in your mind of your carefully crafted affirmation, and begin to feel you are living the words of your affirmation. The “I am” is the most powerful statement you can say; the “I am” claims what words you place after it. You may find this effective when you need a tool to shift or change your habitual thoughts or behaviors (for example: combating negative self-talk, putting down the cigarette, stepping away from the donut).

Meditating by feeling emotionally connected to your affirmation, your highest self, and God, you will begin to radiate a higher level of energy. As a result, you will begin to see changes happening in your life; opportunities will arise as the affirmations will transform from your words and thoughts to become manifest and realized.

You truly can live your dreams; the process is in universe and mind, body, and spirit alignment. This is a manifestation and implementation of the law of attraction.

A colorful garden full of life blooms awaits you! Begin your seeding now.

Be Free Through Travel


You don’t have to make laborious plans to have a memorable trip.  Sometimes the best adventures happen in the spur of the moment.  Sometimes the universe presents the perfect opportunity for a quick, soul-refreshing journey.

Spontaneity vs. Planned

When you plan a trip, you can make arrangements for side benefits such as a spa day or restaurant reservations.  You can also work extra things into your schedule. However, the only thing to look forward to is the adventure if you choose to travel on the fly.

Distance and company do not matter

When you take a spontaneous trip, you can take anyone and go anywhere. You don’t have to make arrangements for travel or accommodation. Since you are making the calls, you can decide or not!  There is a sense of empowerment when you realize that you are the one in charge and nothing will stop you or get in your way.


If you do not think you are spontaneous enough to let yourself go, there are several apps you can out.  There are several that can help you take an idea all the way to an adventure.

Technology has many solutions. You can use GPS to help you decide what to do and where to go based on your location, even if you just jump in the car and head out.

TripAdvisor is a great resource for scoping out places to see and things to do.   If you don’t have access to a car, Zip Car may be a solution.  If you want to travel abroad, there is an app called Adioso. It can help you pick a place and keep an open agenda.

Your soul and your psyche need a break

Sometimes your very spirit wants a peaceful break and to get away from the routine. You will know when and where you need to go; your soul will tell you. It may be a quiet retreat in the hills. You may want to drive to the beach.   You can use your apps to help find the spot and set a budget.

No matter who you are, you deserve a respite from all of the trials and tribulations of daily life.  Traveling is an excellent way to get away from it all.  Any break is excellent for a change in perspective.

6 Steps to Dealing with a Lack of Motivation

Lack of Motivation

It’s quite natural to feel stuck from time to time. When you feel as though you’re caught in a rut, it’s always difficult to pull yourself out. There are some fairly simple solutions, though—following these six steps should get you out of your purgatory in no time.

  1. Come to terms with the situation you’re in

Don’t focus on your desired state of affairs. Your lack of energy will be much more quickly resolved if you address it head-on. While it’s useful that your mind will paint an idealized picture of how things should be and what your goals are, it’s worth remembering that you should not trust your mind to make all your decisions.

If you fully relax into the situation, you will find it much easier to come to terms with it. Bring your decision-making to a lull, and your newly instated ‘laid-back’ attitude should open up your mental focus to new possibilities.

  1. Stop thinking of yourself as ‘lazy.’

Inactivity is not necessarily ‘laziness.’ You should realize that, despite the negativity with which inactivity is viewed in our culture, not everything benefits from being 100% productive 100% of the time.

Cycles benefit from inactivity. Autumn and winter cause inactivity in vegetation and flora, yet spring and summer bring beautiful blossoms that allow life to proceed more efficiently.

Your productivity levels work similarly: ebbs and flows, peaks and troughs. In order for a renewal of energy and motivation, you need to accept that there have to be lulls in both. Once you come to terms with this and stop viewing the situation negatively, you will begin progressing to full productivity again.

  1. Stop, think, and wait

Until your energy levels return to normal, refrain from drastic decisions. If you don’t have the motivation for it, it won’t work. You will enter a burnout stage where your productivity is lower than ever. The restoration occurs within the body and mind, so your outward actions have no say in the matter. You’ll just make the situation worse.

  1. Acknowledge the temporary nature of your ‘lull.’

Everyone has at least a modicum of fear that life is finite, so most people try to rush to cram in as many things as they can before it ends. Once again, constant activity is never a good thing. The flip side of realizing that ‘nothing lasts forever’ is knowing that your lull will not last forever.

Acknowledging this is an important factor in aligning yourself with the flow of the universe. Once you are on board with that, you will find it much easier to get your mojo back. Rest is required to boost productivity, so try to refrain from stressing out over this current lack of energy.

  1. Have some ‘me time’

Pushing yourself forward when you don’t have the energy for it is, once again, a huge mistake. Try spending as much time as possible doing absolutely nothing. It’ll work wonders because doing nothing allows you time to reflect on life; you will become more mindful if you take time out of your routine to walk in nature. Once you have done this, you will find you are more aligned with the flow of your life.

  1. Believe in the integrity of the universe

Life will take you on the journey you need, so there’s no point in resisting it. As we said before, the ebb-and-flow is required for optimizing your productivity levels. Only through this current lull can your life become the best it can be. This, too, shall pass if you trust the universe to transport you to your destination.

Start Anew with New Surroundings

New Surroundings

Moving to a new environment can be frightening and open up many doubts, but you might need to face it anytime, so just be ready to make it work. The fact of the matter is that moving is difficult and stressful; it often compares to death and divorce as a leading stressor in relationships. In addition, throwing a possible job change, navigating a new city, and getting established in a new location can be positively daunting.

Even in the face of all these challenges, you should look at your relocation as a way to make a fresh start in a new location. So instead of stressing about the difficulties, focus on the exciting new opportunities that lie ahead of you and follow these steps to make yourself at home.

  • Get Involved

Think back to when you were a child, and it was so simple to make new friends. It seemed as though you could just orbit around another kid that was near you, and suddenly, you were friends. But, instead of shared history, proximity was the primary foundation of these quick friendships.

Take friendship advice from your younger self and get involved in activities that are likely to put you in contact with people who have the same interests, hobbies, or values as you. Whether joining a sports team, a church, or volunteering at a local nonprofit, getting involved in the local community is an excellent way to fast-track new friendships.

  • Get Lost… In Your Surroundings

Make a date with yourself and put it on your calendar to play tourist in your new home. See the sights and get to know the routes. Get adventurous and do it without the aid of navigation! Getting lost in your surroundings will help you know your new community and which grocery store you prefer. Who knows, you may even discover some alternative routes that will help you bypass morning traffic!

  • Get Inspired

Moving is a fantastic opportunity to evaluate your belongings and decide what stays and what goes. As you pack, take the time to think about what each item brings to your life and how it adds value. Don’t waste your time and energy packing and moving broken things or items that have outlived their usefulness in your life.

Once you’ve cleared the clutter and moved the items most necessary to you, add inspiring elements of your new location to your home. Whether you found a local artist whose work speaks to you or you frame a picture of a scenic local attraction, adding an element of your new community to your home décor helps bridge the gap between your past and present.

Whether you move often or are planning the move of a lifetime, there are steps you can take to embrace a fresh start in a new location. While you can’t ignore the work and effort it takes to start new, focusing on the new opportunities and potential of a place will help you overcome any obstacles that you encounter.

Are You Losing Yourself?

lose yourself in the relationship

It’s best to be in love, especially if they love you back, but you must be careful that you know the line between healthy love and co-dependent love. If you second guess yourself more than you used to and always ask your partner for their opinion, you might have slipped into a co-dependent relationship. Sometimes it feels so natural to lose yourself in your partner and to truly feel it is OK. It is not OK because you are losing your self-worth and independent nature at the same time. Take a step back and start treating yourself more healthily. Here is how you can get back to yourself and improve your relationship.

Take a step back and start treating yourself more healthily.

  • Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones

When people spend their free time only with their partner and forget the other people that care about them, this is considered a co-dependent trait. Visit your parents, or spend time with close friends who have missed your company. Commit at least one night a week to spending time with loved ones other than your partner. This will improve your relationship because you will have some space and more things to talk about when you need it.

  • Do What You Love

Listen to your heart and remember the things you used to love doing. Sometimes we drop our old loves, such as writing, painting, sports, or dancing, when we get together with someone new. They might not have the same interests as you, so you let yours go. Grab hold of these passions and start practicing them again. All of these hobbies and passions make up who you are. Find them again and let your creativity flow.

  • Exercise Your Rights

When couples get together, they reach a whole new comfort level. This can sometimes lead to a decrease in exercise and activity. Give yourself the pleasure of walking at least 3-5 times a week, going to the gym, or taking a yoga class. Remember that exercise is great for your health, and this should not be ignored because you are in love. Love yourself first.

  • Nurture Your Spirit

We tend to think we get all of our spiritual needs from our partners when we need to nurture our spirit. It isn’t about going to a temple or church. You can nurture your spirit by reading self-help or spiritual books or doing some meditation. You might even benefit from having a psychic reading to help you find your true self and direction again.

  • Know “How-To” Do It

Take that course you have always wanted. Whether it’s pottery or marketing 101, the more you know, the better. Sometimes we stay in one place when we are happy in love, and we even forget some of our goals. Share your goals with your partner and then take action to move toward them.

This will all help improve your relationship and allow both partners to have lives outside the relationship. Being able to love someone and keep some independence is important for relational health.

Creating a Bright Path With Good Thinking

Good Thinking

Are you tired of being fearful and bothered by the uncertainties of life and the future? People that focus on the negative or live in fear can never be completely happy. To find real, lasting happiness in your life, you must first learn to create your joy. However, being a positive, optimistic person does not mean accepting life as it is handed to you. Instead, you must understand the relationship between the present and the future.

To experience real happiness today, you must believe in the beauty of the future.  Happiness is not a moment in time but a journey. No matter how tired, fed-up and frustrated you feel, you can change your circumstances and create the joy you want. Today is the right time to take the first steps down the path to happiness.

Planting the seed

To start down the path from fed-up to happiness, you must start with optimism and belief in the future. Imagine that you hold a flower seed in your hand. There’s no way to know what type of flower that seed will turn into. It could be a red rose or a bright yellow sunflower. But, no matter what it is, you know it will be beautiful.

Just as you know that a plain seed will turn into a stunning flower, you must believe in the beauty of your future. Your walk down the path to happiness starts when you visualize your hopes and dreams for the future blooming into reality.  Even if your future isn’t clear today, you must trust that everything will work out exactly as it is meant to.

Tending your seedlings

Planting seeds of optimism and trust isn’t enough. You must protect your seedlings by putting an end to fear and doubt. Think of negative thoughts as weeds in your garden.  It’s normal for them to pop up, but you must pull them out before they overtake or crowd out your positive energy.  Stop negativity from strangling your positive energy by focusing on what is going well. When fear or doubt creeps in, replace it with thoughts of recent successes and improvements. It doesn’t matter how big or small the success is; celebrate it and allow it to bloom even more.

Staying positive does not mean being dishonest with yourself about areas of improvement. Instead, take a peek at areas of your life that aren’t headed in the direction you would like. Think about what might be holding you back. Replace thoughts and actions that aren’t proving helpful with more positive ones.

Nurturing growth

As you begin to grow and your future starts to take shape, you will need outside help to nurture your growth. The people around you feed your soul. Choosing the right relationships is critical to building the future you desire.  Are there people or environments in your life that are tossing negative energy into your path?

The flower of your future cannot hope to bloom in a toxic environment. To stay on a positive path, you need to surround yourself with people who truly want you to succeed. Tell the people you love about the future you envision for yourself.  Ask them to wrap you in positive thoughts, light, and love. More importantly, ensure that their jealousy, pride, or negativity won’t stand in your way.

You may also need to add a professional coach or psychic advisor to your team.  An advisor can be a powerful source of support as you nurture your dreams for your future. They will be able to help you stay rooted in positivity as you make the decisions that will move you forward. A psychic advisor can also help you see the right path to take and trust in the process. Plus, they will be able to help you examine the things that may be holding you back and expel negativity from your life.

Enjoying your bloom

You will surely see your flowers bloom when you stay on a positive path.  By surrounding yourself with positive people and the right advisor and by nurturing yourself, you will see your future take shape. You will see negativity exit your life and become a naturally positive person. Take time to rejoice in your success. Growing and creating the future you want is hard work, and you deserve to celebrate. But don’t stop there. Let your success and joy fuel even more growth and change.

Your joy and happiness will attract positive attention. Be sure to share your light with those around you so they can use your positive energy to nurture their growth.  You have the power to be a force of positive change in the world.

Finding the right advisor

No matter where you are on your path to joy, a psychic advisor can help guide your journey. Advisors understand the essential relationship between the present and the future and can help you find the next step on your path. Having a trusted partner on your path to happiness can help you transform your life as you become a stronger and more positive version of yourself.

Take a Risk and Live Your Life

Take a Risk and Live Your Life

As what we always hear… Life is short, so why not use it at it’s best? But the fearful side of you will just say tomorrow’s looking good. Does this feel like a familiar refrain? You see yourself in a completely different future from the life you are living right now. You just have to get through the next couple of years, and then you’ll be… what? Living the life of your dreams in a log cabin near a sparkling stream? Tramping the dusty roads of India? Running your own boutique B&B? Trust me, unless you start today, you’ll still be here in two, five, or twenty years. Dear reader, you need to know why it is important to take risks – now. Not tomorrow or next year, but right now.

Your Future is Now

You might have big plans for your future, and that’s great, but your life isn’t in your future; it’s happening now. This moment is the only time and place your life can unfold. The future is nowhere. It doesn’t exist. Anything could destroy your plans, throw you off track, and delay the dream. So why wait? Your beautiful life is unfolding in the present moment. Can you begin to take risks now in order to live the dream?

Can You Afford Not To Take Risks?

There’s only one currency worth more than gold, more than diamonds, more than all the riches in the world, and that is time. Everything you do is dependent upon time. Can you afford to squander any more of your precious time on unimportant things?

A Quick Life Assessment:

    • Do you feel fulfilled by your work?
    • Are you happy with your relationships?
    • Do you see problems as challenges?
    • Are you content with your own company?
    • Do you have a passion that is all yours?

If your answer to all five questions is ‘yes,’ you’re doing everything right. If you feel discomfort with any of the questions, you might want to delve a little deeper. Perhaps it’s time to make some changes? And, given that your time is currency, can you afford not to take one small risk today to make the first of those changes?

Connect With Your Authentic Self

Do you sometimes feel as though you are selling your soul to make a dime? Or to please someone else? Is there something you feel you want to do but put your own wishes aside? This is a disconnection from who you are. Your soul needs to express your authentic self, but you are blocking it. Take a risk to make the first small step, and you will begin to connect to the real you. Doesn’t matter what it is – maybe you have always wanted to be an artist, so buy a book on drawing and do the exercises. Maybe you were a good singer back in the day – go get a ‘taster’ singing lesson. Perhaps you fancied running your own business making chocolate tarts – start reading about how to start a kitchen table business. How about fronting a rock band? You’ll need guitar lessons first…

Taking Risks Gives You Confidence

Once you take that step, you will gain confidence. You took a risk, stepped outside your comfort zone, and boy, do you feel good. The next step will be easier than the first. It won’t feel like risk-taking but a natural progression.

You Learn When Taking Risks

Your brain begins making those new connections as soon as you take that first risk. Putting fear aside, donning your cloak of invincibility, and getting into a new situation, gets your mind into creative mode. You learn to think differently. For example, Lucy overcame her reluctance and did something she always wanted to do. Acting. She signed up for a drama class at her local community college. She was terrified even to do a read-through, but she did it anyway. She discovered that stepping into another character forced her to learn things about herself and how she interacts with people. She also learned that she will always feel fear before performing, but she knows that as soon as she is on stage, the fear disappears, and she connects with her inner being.

Your Big Adventure

You don’t have to leave home to go on an adventure. You can begin right where you are. There’s a myth that seems to percolate society that you can only have a great, fulfilling life if you are cycling in the Andes or ballooning over the Alps. Your lifetime adventure can begin at home if you are willing to take a risk.

Do you know many people on your block? In your building? In your street? The way we live, today means that most people don’t have a clue about their neighbors. So how about making it your mission to get to know at least five of your neighbors? Does that sound scary?

You have no idea whether you are missing out on the best friendships of your life simply because you didn’t make an effort to introduce yourself. Instead of counting up your Facebook friends, make some real live human ones right where you live. Of course, it means taking a risk. A good place to begin is with an elderly neighbor. Knock on their door before going to the store and ask if they need anything picked up. Or, perhaps you pass the same person every day – begin to say hello. Then one day, stop and introduce yourself. Maybe you have to take your dog out and see other familiar dog walkers – engage them in conversation. You might be able to arrange an informal dog-walking event.

Once you start thinking about how to engage with your neighbors, you’ll come up with lots of ideas. How about turning a piece of waste ground into a community garden? Imagine if you were the catalyst that brought your neighbors together in a newfound community spirit. What if you were the reason someone looked forward to their day? What if you could pour your creativity into building a neighborhood that cherished and nurtured its inhabitants? Imagine how the old and young could get together. Think of the power a cohesive group would have when it comes to important local decisions. You could do this. Take a risk and knock on the first door.

It’s Your Life, Your Time

Life is far too short to live in a less-than-fulfilling way. This is about your time. Your precious currency. How will you spend it today? Take risks; you’ll be happy you did.

Journaling: Communicate with the Higher Self


Is there a time you feel blocked from your intuition and higher wisdom? Is there a time when you have trouble making decisions or understanding your life’s path? Journaling is a wonderful tool to help you communicate with your higher self and receive guidance throughout life’s journey.


A journal is more than just a diary. While it can help you document your daily thoughts, feelings, and activities, it can be so much more. This is where you can get in touch and reconnect with the “real you,” your higher self. No topic or feeling is off-limits in your journal.

It is meant to be private for your eyes and uses only. Journals physically come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from a simple notebook to an elaborately decorated bound volume. Journaling software and programs are even available for your computer. Even Microsoft Word can serve as a journal. No matter which you choose, make sure it’s personal and private.

Journaling is a wonderful tool to help you communicate with your higher self and receive guidance throughout life’s journey.


A good way to begin a new journal is to set your intention. Commit to using your journal regularly. Whether for 10 minutes every day or an hour once a week, set aside a time when you can write in your journal undisturbed and without distractions. Once you have decided on the schedule, write it down as your first entry.

For example, “Today, on this date, I vow to make a date with my higher self through this journal every day for 10 minutes.” Seeing this in print will help to reinforce the promise in your mind. The next step is to start writing. The next section has some different exercises to help get you going.


Perhaps you have a particular question or problem. Your higher self knows the best answer. You can use your journal to help you find it. Start by writing down your question or problem. Use a different color ink to represent your higher self’s voice.

If using software, change the color or font to distinguish between you and your higher self. Then mentally, ask your higher self for guidance. Now start writing the first thing that pops into your head. Don’t worry if it makes no sense or is grammatically correct. Just keep writing and stop when it feels like you’re done. You might be quite surprised at the message you receive.

A similar exercise is to ask the question of your higher self, “What do I need to know most right now?” Perform the same routine with different color inks or fonts and write whatever comes to mind. Again, a lot of it might not make sense, but there will probably be a word or phrase that just clicks for you.

Another exercise to try is using your non-dominant hand when writing to represent your higher self’s voice. Although it may be difficult and feel awkward, it does provide a shift in the brain and can help you gain a new perspective in connecting with your higher self.

Finally, try a letter-writing exercise in your journal. Write a hello letter to your higher self, telling it what your expectations are and what you would like to learn from it. Discuss your spiritual goals and life path. Express gratitude to your higher self for being there and guiding you. On the opposite side, have your higher self write a letter back to you. Experiment and see what happens!


Continue your journaling ritual faithfully, and your intuition and higher self-wisdom will shine through. You might also find that insight comes to you more quickly and easily. Your journal entries will evolve and change as you do. You can even go back and evaluate your growth as time goes by. Most likely, you will be amazed at your progress. Good luck with your journaling!