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Are Your Romantic Expectations too High?

Romantic Expectation

We generally have the expectation that our romantic partners will be supportive when we need them.  From time to time, our subconscious will take inventory of our partner’s successes and failings to see if they measure up to our expectations.

If you find your relationship lacking, here are eight reasons you may be setting standards too high:

  • You are too self-centered.

While we think we will be happier if others behave the way we want them to, there is no rule, nor should there be any expectation on our part that they should.  Scholar George Valliant has studied human happiness and states,” A cardinal rule for happiness is not to think less of ourselves, but to think of ourselves less.” This means you will feel happier if you think about your significant other before you think about yourself.  Your relationship will be more satisfying if you focus on your overall happiness rather than expecting your partner to live up to your unspoken demands.

  • There’s No Commitment

If there is no understood commitment between two people, it is ridiculous to expect partners to make the kind of compromises that are key parts of relationships. You are setting your expectations too high if you want your partner to act as if you are committed when you are not.

  • You’ve Cheated (or Considered Cheating)

If you have been unfaithful or considered being unfaithful, you have no room to claim your partner is making you unhappy.   People who have cheated on their partners often say they strayed because their love didn’t measure up in some way. It is absurd to expect one person to be the sole source of their happiness. It is setting the bar far too high to demand that one person fulfill all of your needs.

  •  You Rely on Them for Your Excitement and Romance

You expect them to do all of the work.   You need to work together if you want a romantic and exciting relationship.  You need to take on some of the responsibility.  Provide some of the adventures you crave, and you will find that both of you are thrilled.

  • You want mind-blowing sex, but don’t work at it.

In a committed relationship, sex can become routine.  This doesn’t have to happen if both partners are willing to work together to keep things interesting.   Communicate your needs to your partner, so they know what you like and need.

  • You aren’t willing to make sacrifices.

If you don’t want to make sacrifices or compromises, you can’t expect your partner to do so. You are setting the bar too high if you want something but aren’t willing to meet them halfway.

  • You Let Technology Get in the Way

Too often, we are distracted by our phones, computers, or televisions. This can keep us from engaging with the person in the same room as us.  Communicating solely through technology can also cause a strain on a relationship. If you have a problem, wait until you can speak to the person rather than relying on texts or emails to push your point forward.

  • You Expect too Much Out of Life.

Your overall expectations are too high if you push yourself to the point of exhaustion trying to reach an impossible goal.  While it is important to have goals, if we expect money, looks, or a perfect home to make us fulfilled and happy, we ultimately will be disappointed. This disappointment can lead us to find our relationships to be lacking.

So, learn to set realistic expectations and talk about expectations with your partner. Make sure they feel safe to share their own expectations so you can help one another.

Change Your Mantra, Change Your Life


It’s part of human nature to talk to ourselves. The key is to discover what we are saying and figure out if the message is right. When we change from a negative message to an empowering one, we can alter the course of our lives. For me, I know I’m going to talk to myself, the question is: What am I saying?

Becoming mindful of the messages we rehearse allows us to modify them. Adopting a new mantra empowers transformation as we internalize a new life script. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you regularly tell yourself that you’re stuck or that you don’t know what to do next. On the surface this may look like discouragement and worry. Underneath it is an internal script made up of messages replaying in your mind and heart that shape how you think about yourself and how you respond to your situation.

Your Mantra Keeps You Positive and Strong

Do you buy new outfits to change your look as the seasons change? Do you change your mantra just as often as you can? If not, it may be time to. That’s because the same mantra doesn’t always work for us, year after year. If your well-being or path towards change is feeling stagnant or slow, it may be time to change things up. Ask yourself these questions to see if it’s time for a change:

1. Am I happy?
2. How is my health?
3. Am I using my creative energy?
4. Do I have a good life?
5. Do I enjoy the company of others?
6. Do I pay my bills on time?
7. Do I have a savings account and do I put money into it regularly?
8. Do I like my job?
9. Do I have good friends who treat me as well as I treat them?
10. Do I have a Plan B?
11. Do I have a strong sense of self?

11 is the Number of Enlightenment

You should ask yourself these 11 questions because 11 is the number of enlightenment. If you’ve answered “no” to any of these questions, you are not working toward your highest good and it’s definitely time to change your mantra. Mantras are a sound that you can say out loud or in your mind to bring a sense of peace and joy to your life. It is also possible and a good idea to have positive affirmations that can be used as mantras to deal with special needs that occur at different times.

Some of My Favorite Mantras


One of my favorite mantras is from the lovely Tim Gunn. He says, “Make It Work.” This can be used when frustrated and in a mood where you are feeling like there is no way to get it done.

“I am bigger then my problems” is another mantra that lets you release negative thoughts about situations and allows you to find peace of mind so that you can accomplish your task.

“Today I will live in the moment” helps you take it one day at a time to develop what is needed to stay focused.

“Challenges and hurdles allow me to rise to my highest self” means that you are ready to take on a good challenge.

“I give as good as I get” makes you think about whether you give freely or with condition. This mantra rings in karmic energy.

“I will have ‘me’ time today.” How often do you really take time for yourself? Life moves so quickly that we often find ourselves too tired to do anything other than the daily grind.

Positive and Strong

If used properly, mantras work throughout our lives to keep us positive and strong. Mantras are the keys that unlock worry, ease the mind and release more mental energy. When we commit to taking care of ourselves on all levels (mind, body and spirit), we find that we can run like a finely tuned machine.

The Importance of Your Dreams

The Importance of Your Dreams

We all know that dreams are otherworldly. We are right to be baffled by the significance of our dreams, especially since they can shift focus and meaning, seamlessly confusing us. Nevertheless, our dreams are fascinating and can be so vivid and compelling that surely they must have some meaning.

You must pay attention to your dreams to understand your feelings and even yourself.  Pay attention to what your mind is opening up to you.  In dreams, the opportunities are limitless.  They are a playground for your imagination.  To get them most out of the dreams, you should record them. Try keeping a dream journal and doing some research into lucid dreaming.

Dreams can help you have fun with the facets of your life. Dreams can affect your mood, so make the most of them.

You can also look at dreams as a way to gain knowledge. They can also provide you with information as you learn to interpret their symbols. Some even say that our dreams are the most honest our brain can be since it gives our subconscious to stretch and flourish.

This is another reason to learn what our dreams can mean.

Dreams can mean many different things. This is because we first have to understand how our brain makes an association.  Dreams can have many meanings in just one symbol.   This can also change if you are ill or under the influence of medication or alcohol.

Since you are the only one who can assign meaning to your associations, you are the only one who can determine what they mean. Dream dictionaries can help as guidelines to help you figure out the meanings for yourself.   A good way to start this is by recording your dreams. Once you get into the habit of recording the dreams, you can start to see a pattern in your dreams and can begin to interpret them.

You can understand dreams by learning more about your subconscious’s messages.   Pay attention to things that are plaguing you in your waking life and record your subsequent dreams.  Your dreams are important to life, so make the most of them.

What is I Ching and its History?

I Ching

The oracle of the Chou people, the Chou I, came to be when the Chou were trying to overthrow the Shang dynasty.  There was social and spiritual turmoil at this time, and it is said that a total solar eclipse on June 20th, 1070 BC gave the Chou king Wu the perfect opportunity to invade.   The Chou I eventually evolved into the I Ching.

The I Ching called the Book of Changes in English, is the representation of sixty-four archetypes in six line combinations of yin and yang. These combinations are called hexagrams. For example, Yin/Yang, represents the duality of the universe and creates the dynamic tension that shapes all of the changes in the world.

Examples of yin/yang are female and male, the heavens and the earth, dark and light.  The descriptions of the energy of humanity can be interpreted by the sixty- four hexagrams.  The hexagrams can be analyzed in different ways.  First, they can be divided in half to get trigrams that are representative of the fundamental elements; sky, earth, thunder, water, wind, and fire. These trigrams help establish the points in Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement.

In addition to this, the I Ching is the most ancient of all divination tools.  It is one of the oldest books in the world.  It was composed in or around 1000 BC.   Its ancient and early history is legendary.

One of the myths of the origins of the I Ching involves the first emperor of China, Fu His. He is said to have watched a turtle emerge from the Yellow River.  He knew that wisdom comes from observing nature and noted the eight symbols on the back of the turtle.   This led him to the realization that the trigrams were reflective of the movement of energy in life on Earth.

Fu Hsi contemplated other patterns in nature through animals, plants, meteorology, and his own body.   His myth tells how his understanding of the connection of all things through yin and yang led to his interpretation of the trigrams.

Early Chinese divination involved tortoise shells being heated over a fire until they cracked so the emerging patterns could be read.  Some of these shells were stored for reference, along with the interpretations. These can be seen at the National Museum in Taiwan, China.

Yet another myth describes an ancient clan of female diviners who read the shells of live turtles.  The myth states that they became queens and royalty in the Shang Dynasty. The Dynasty was considered mythological until archeologists unearthed relics in 1899.  Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism, is said to be descended from this group.

Taoist and Confucian traditions say that combining the possibilities of yin and yang with Chinese creation myths created the I Ching.   This combination made the eight trigrams emerge.

The first I Ching interpretations were authored by King Wen towards the end of the Shang dynasty when he was imprisoned by the emperor Zhou Wang.  Wen used his meditations on the trigrams.  This mediation took Wen to a heightened mental state, and he assigned each hexagram a name and a meaning.   His son  King Wu added more interpretations, bringing the I Ching to its present-day form.

Confucius was I Ching’s greatest supporter, and he added his own wisdom to the interpretive texts.  He uses  I Ching as a resource for living a life of high virtue, not a divination system.  He wanted to live his life studying the I Ching.

Evidence states that the Book of Changes and its hexagrams are part of an ancient oral tradition that was part of Chinese history before the written word.  According to this, the basics of the I Ching were composed in the eighth century BC.

Using the hexagrams for interpretations didn’t happen until the fifth century BC. During the period known as the Warring States period, the I-Ching written texts were put into a book. To make them easier to review and share.   It was spared the book burnings of the Ch’in Dynasty; it was considered a great piece of literature.

The Book of Changes was studied intently and canonized during the Han Dynasty.

Additions were made at the turn of the millennium. These additions regarded the individual lines of the hexagrams and the definitions of the trigrams.  The commentaries are attributed to Confucius.   After that, more changes were made, and it came to resemble today’s I Ching.

Chinese rules and the general public used the I -Ching before printing was available by weaving it into their culture. The influence of the Book of Changes has greatly influenced how the Eastern world is viewed. Over the last century, Western Culture has been exposed to the basics of Taoism.  Carl Jung explained the value of of the I Ching’s psychological validity. This led to the Western World’s acceptance of the I Ching.

Today, the I Ching is consulted by tossing three coins six times to create the hexagram. This is much simpler than the tradition of casting fifty yarrow stalks to divine the hexagram. After the coins/stalks are sorted out, the sacred book is consulted to discern the meaning.

Advanced I Ching Oracle – Psychics

Amazing Facts About Your Dreams

Amazing Facts About Your Dreams

Dreams are Mysterious, bewildering, eye-opening, and sometimes a nightmarish hell. Your dream’s length can vary from a few seconds to as long as 30 minutes. The average person goes through 3-5 dreams a night, mainly occurring in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep; it’s in this stage where the brain is at its most active, almost as if you were awake.

Below are 20 Interesting Facts About Dreams that You Might Not Know:

  1. You Forget 90% of your Dreams

Many people keep a dream diary by the bedside table to help them record their dreams, and with good reason. Within 5 minutes of waking, half of your dream is already gone; within 10, you will have forgotten 90% of it. Freud has theorized that dreams are forgotten because they contain repressed feelings or thoughts we don’t want to remember. Dream researcher L. Strumpell, on the other hand, blames the vagueness of dreams; because we tend to remember things by association and repetition, remembering dreams can be quite challenging.

  1. Women have More Nightmares than Men

In a 2009 study by Jennie Parker, British researcher, and psychologist for the University of the West of England, it was discovered that “women, in general, do experience more nightmares than men.” Women’s nightmares were also reported to be more emotionally intense than men’s. The test involved 100 women and 93 men between 18 and 25, who were asked to record their dreams in diaries.

  1. Night Owls Have More Nightmares

A study conducted by the Yúzúncú Yil University in Turkey has shown that those who stay up and wake up late have a higher chance of belonging to the 2-6% population with weekly nightmares. The study states that, although cortisol levels rise in the morning, irregular sleep patterns disturb circadian rhythms and lead to the stress hormone affecting dreams.

  1. Your Dream Might be the Next Big Thing

According to Harvard University psychologist Deirdre Barrett, several game-changing ideas came about from dreams. In a weeklong study conducted on college students, Barrett asked them to incubate answers to school assignments and other problems they were facing. The study concluded that 50% of the volunteers dream about their problem, and 25% dream of a solution.

  1. Dreams Can Help You Lose Weight

For those who want to lose some extra pounds, you’ll be glad to know that dreams burn calories. In a study conducted at St. Luke’s Hospital in New York, volunteers went under a strict diet regimen for 4 days under various sleep conditions. They were then asked to fast on day 5 and were allowed to eat as much as they liked on days 6 and 7. The results showed that those who slept longer and had more dreams each night were less hungry, specifically for fat- and carbohydrate-rich foods. On the other hand, volunteers who slept only 4 hours each night found that their metabolism slowed down, and they ate more on the 6th and 7th day.

  1. Depressed People Have Better Dreams

In a study that involved 23 women and 26 men going through a divorce, psychologist Rosalind Cartwright from Rush University found that those diagnosed with clinical depression were better off than their more resilient counterparts. While the depressed subjects had shorter, more pleasant dreams, their better-adjusted peers had more ruthless dreams, usually involving their exes.

  1. Nightmares Help Pregnant Women

Researchers at the University of Messina in Italy found that pregnant women with bad dreams about birthing traumas or losing the baby often experienced shorter labor periods.

  1. Violent Dreams Can be Warning Signs

If you think nightmares are bad, imagine having a rare sleep disorder wherein you act out violent dreams by kicking and screaming. According to a study published online on 28 July 2010 in Neurology, this can be an early sign of brain disorders as you age.

  1. Dreams are Stress-Busters

In a study published in the Nov. 23, 2011, issue of Current Biology, UC Berkeley scientists found that the brain showed decreased levels of chemicals associated with stress during REM sleep. According to Matthew Walker, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience, previous emotional experiences lose much of their negative effects the next day because they have been reprocessed in a neuro-chemically safe environment during the dream state.

  1. People Tend to Dream about the Same Things

A 2004 study conducted by scientists from the Sleep Laboratory at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, Germany, showed that most of the 55 typical dream themes occurred at least once in most participants’ lifetimes.

  1. Sexual Dreams are a Common Occurrence for Everyone

Psychologist Antonio Zadra, in a study conducted in 2007, showed that dreams about sex account for approximately 8% of all reported dreams for both men and women. The most common type of sexual dream involved intercourse, while some dreams involved kissing and fantasies.

  1. Not all Dreams are Colourful

While many people dream in colour, it’s estimated that 1 person in 8 has dreams in black and white. Dundee University’s Eva Murzyn suggests that “…there could be a critical period in our childhood when watching films has a big impact on the way dreams are formed.” She concluded this from the fact that dreams during the 20th century were almost always devoid of colour; the shift to coloured dreams occurred only during the 1960s, coinciding with the advent of Technicolor.

  1. Dreams Paralyze You

During REM sleep or dream-phase sleep, your body suppresses the release of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine, which are vital in stimulating motor neurons. This effectively paralyzes the body and puts it in a state of REM atonia, a condition wherein the muscles are in a state of relaxation that borders on paralysis.

  1. Our Pets Dream Too

Studies have shown that REM sleep and its associated brain states also occur in a number of animals.

  1. There is a Science to Dreams

While dream interpretation focuses on understanding dream meanings and deciphering their symbolisms, Oneirology, the scientific study of dreams, is more concerned with the mechanisms and processes involved in dreaming.

  1. Blind People also Have Dreams

Not all dreams are visual, making it possible for blind people to dream. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Glostrup Hospital in Denmark published a study in Sleep Medicine stating that blind people’s dreams mostly involve auditory and gustatory sensations. While people who become blind after birth have visual dreams, those born blind also have vivid dreams, thanks to a broader array of sensory inputs.

  1. Dreams are More Vivid for Quitters

According to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 33% of 293 smokers who were abstinent for between 1 and 4 weeks reported having at least 1 dream about smoking, with these dreams being described as more vivid than usual. It was concluded that they resulted from tobacco withdrawal because 97% of the test subjects did not have them while smoking. The dreams were also rated as common as most major tobacco withdrawal symptoms.

  1. Déjà vu is a Thing

If you’ve ever felt that you’ve already seen or felt something you’re only experiencing for the first time, you’re not alone. A survey found that 18-38% of people who participated in the survey have had at least one precognitive dream, and 70% have experienced déjà vu. It’s also interesting to note that up to 98% of these people believe in the possibility of precognitive dreams.

  1. Familiarity Breeds Dreams

You may not be familiar with all the characters in your dreams, so it might surprise you that those strangers are actually people you have already seen. Throughout your life, you have already seen thousands of faces that you may not necessarily remember. The mind does not invent faces for the people in your dreams; it already has an ample supply in your memory.

  1. Dreams Can Melt into Reality

Sometimes, you may dream of frolicking in a meadow and then suddenly hear the shrill sound of bells, only to wake up to your alarm clock. This phenomenon is known as Sensory Incorporation, wherein elements of your physical surroundings merge with your dream. A study conducted by Nielsen in 1993 has shown that the physical sensation of pressure on the participants’ legs was incorporated into their dreams, subtly yet directly.

Dreams really are amazing things. Rest easy knowing that your dreams have meaning and purpose.

Finding Your Path to Success

Finding Your Path to Success

Finding the best career for yourself is difficult, leading to the perfect life.  The only way to ensure this is through focus, commitment, and dauntless effort.  Overall, success will be the best reward.

What would you do to obtain the perfect life?

The happiest and most fulfilled have found the best job that suits their skills and goals.  However, you may not find happiness in that type of life.   The best life is as different and varied as people themselves, but it is not impossible. Through hard work and dedication, anyone can obtain their best life, and this path won’t be easy.  

  • Look for change

Many put things aside because they don’t want to do them.  If you find yourself avoiding things at work, it may be time for a new job.   One thing that holds people back is the unwillingness to recognize when they are heading in the wrong direction. As hard as it is to face, being trapped for years in the wrong career is much worse.

  • Starting on the path

Everyone has to begin their journey somewhere, and depending on your talents and abilities, you may find yourself starting over at the beginning.  This may feel disappointing but congratulate yourself on taking charge of your life, staying focused, and heading forward. Don’t get in your own way, and keep working.

  • What do you call success?

Only you can define what total success is for you.  Set aside time to establish what that is and define what you need.  A good way to do this is to ask yourself what leads to happiness for you.   Don’t pay attention to what the rest of the world says. Really think about it. Discovering what happiness means to you is an important first step.

  • Determine your goals

Once you have established what you need to be happy, you should set a goal. Then figure out the best way to reach this goal.  Set something specific to accomplish, and don’t forget to add some celebrations along the way.

  • Don’t be afraid to take a risk

Far too often, we are held back by being overly concerned with what others think of us.   This kind of behavior keeps us from exploring what will make us truly fulfilled and happy.  Take a chance at your happiness and do whatever you need to reach your goals.

  • Forgive yourself

If you are truly taking risks, you will have to face some failures. The best way to handle this is to see your failures as lessons. Don’t see your stumbles as falls.  Instead, look at them as a means of reexamining your path.

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