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Find Comfort in Intimacy


Sex is one of the ways that you can be intimate with your partner but there are other forms of intimacy as well. This can be the emotional bond or connection that you have with someone outside of sex.

Having sex is more than intimacy and even though there can be a problem with this, people can have healthy sex and still have problems with intimacy. This can happen because having an emotional connection is what it takes to have the feel-good hormone, oxytocin. When couples have this together, it can make there be more trust between each other.

Intimacy is something that adds trust and vulnerability to a relationship, and it allows you to be honest with each other without being afraid of being judged.

Intimacy Discomfort

If you are someone that isn’t comfortable with intimacy or expressing your emotions, it can be weird to be around your partner sometimes. There are some people that will get on their cell phones instead of having an emotional connection with their partner because this seems easier, and this is called technoference.

People are so attached to their phones now that they have a hard time giving their attention to people right in front of them. This causes there to be a lack of social interaction and it can be hard to show the desire that you have with your partner when you are always distracted by the phone.

Having Intimacy

This is what makes it hard for many couples to have intimacy and to make intimacy stronger. Here is how you can make it work:

  • Cultivate Intimacy

Intimacy can start without sex. You need to start having a stronger relationship and having more comfort in sharing your emotions. Start small. Talk about things that worry you and things you are afraid of. As you do this, note what your partner tells you and show them that they can be comfortable with you.

You don’t have to make declarations at first with your partner but start with small things until you are comfortable and then open up more and more.

  • Talk About What You Like

Allow yourself and your partner to talk about what you like when it comes to sex. People like to have sex, and everyone has different pleasures in bed. Allow yourself to really have a good time when you have sex with your partner and embrace the desires you each have.

  • Find Out How to Foreplay

Being in a relationship for a long time can make it boring so you need to keep the excitement happening. Start having foreplay and showing affection before you start. Try kissing, whispering, getting naked and anything that makes a connection.

  • Eye Contact

Keeping eye contact when you’re talking to someone can help make a connection. If you want to make an emotional connection when having sex, look your lover in the eyes. This helps to show affection and can make love making more passionate.  If you have a hard time keeping eye, contact at least make sure that you are opening your eyes some.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

Don’t be afraid to ask what you want when it comes to intimacy. You can build trust with the person that you love and open yourself up to them by being open to what you want. Most people are afraid of being judged but when you are open to pleasing each other then you need to have a place that is safe that you can talk about it and communicate.

  • Show You’re Having Fun

When you are having sex and you are enjoying it, show your partner that you are. Sigh and moan and deep breathe so that they get the point that you are enjoying your time together.

  • Take Time

It can be hard to make time to have intimacy, but this is one of the most important parts of being in a relationship. It doesn’t have to be a certain set time, but you need to make sure that you are taking time to make sure that your partner knows that you want to be intimate.

When you are out and about, drop hints to your partner that you want to be intimate and build up the excitement. Let your partner look forward to getting you home and making love to you. This will build the anticipation each time.

Using Crystals to Find a Soulmate

Rose Quartz

Are you someone that is trying to find love or someone that wants to keep their soulmate close to them forever? There are ways that you can form connections and that you can use to keep your connections strong.

There are some crystals that are great to help people find and keep their soulmate. When you work with crystals, you will see that this is a great way that you can set your intentions high, and you can get what you want, and you need.

The stones that you should use should be kept close to you. Try to wear them as jewelry or keep them close to yourself or by your bed to help you to remember your intentions and to have love in your life.

Crystals can help you if they have the right programming and this means in love or in other things.

Here are some stones that can help you with love issues in your life:

  • Healing from the Past

If you need to have healing from your past, the Rose Quartz is a great crystal to use. This is one of the stones that can help your heart. If you have things that you need to forgive from yourself or from others, this stone can help.

Do you hold on to emotional things that you should have let go? Charge your Rose Quartz during a full moon and let the vibrations of the stone bring you healing.

  • Get Ready for Real Love

When you are ready to find love and your heart chakra is opened, use the Malachite to bring love to you. You can use this to make sure that your heart is strong and that you are secure in who you like and in what you do.

This stone can help you to feel stable and safe and it can open up your heart or help to get rid of blockages in your heart chakra.

  • Finding Real Love

Once your heart chakra is opened, you can use the Green Jade to help you to find love that is attracted to you. You can put jade in jewelry, and you can use it to bring peace and harmony to your life. This stone can help you to build friendships or roman tic relationships.

  • Keeping the Love Strong

If you are dating someone and you want to make sure that the love is going to stay strong, try using the Amazonite. This is a great stone to use when you are in relationships that are new or when you are in relationships where you might have some back baggage.

Amazonite can help you to have better energies and help you to have clear communication and to love each other openly.

Will Your Ex Come Back to You?

Ex Come Back

Some people are in strong relationships, but some are in insecure relationships with their partners or had this with an ex.  There are signs that an insecure ex might come back to you, and this is a person that has an insecure attachment style where they are overly avoidant or anxious or even both.

Even though an ex might come back to you even if they aren’t insecure, this article talks about signs that an insecure ex might come back to you and here are some of the signs:

Nudge Principle

The Nudge Principle is an attachment principle. This talks about how an ex will come back if they have an anxious attachment style and is someone that wants to be intimate, but they don’t let very many people close to them to give them the intimacy that they want.

They are someone that is self-sufficient and independent, and this plays over into their relationship. They are with someone, but they can leave at any time. If this sounds like someone that you dated, most likely they have avoidant attachment style, and the Nudge Principle says that the dumper will think of reconnecting with you, and they will show this by sending you texts to see if you react or show that you would take them back.

This can include:

  • Flirting.
  • Talking about the future to see how you respond.
  • Bringing up the past to see how you talk about it.

This works with the attachment styles that are insecure and they will test you before they ever try to open up to you that they want you back.

Nostalgic Reverie Principle

This is when someone won’t allow themselves to miss their ex until they feel that their ex has moved on with someone else and then they can take time to grieve for their loss. This is sometimes why an ex will take so long to reach back out to someone.

When the Nostalgic Reverie Principle kicks in, they will grieve and then they will reach out later after the breakup. This happens when they start thinking about the good times that they shared with their ex. It can even take up to a couple of months for them to come back to you.

Emotional Intimacy

People that have insecure attachments want to be independent and they like to have space, but they also want to have you close enough to give them what they want. They want to be intimate but won’t ever let you get close enough to be intimate.

A person like this will do what it takes to get a girlfriend or boyfriend but then as soon as they do, they will leave because they don’t want to be vulnerable. If you do get this person to open up to you then the next day, they might leave you.

Pulling Back

One way to handle this kind of attachment is when they start to pull back from you, you pull back from them. This can be someone that has an anxious personality, and they do this because they are afraid of being abandoned. They might want you back, but they can be both hot and cold.

They might do whatever it takes to get you to want them back but then as soon as they are successful, they will disappear again. They do this over and over again and once you start to get close, they let you go again.

Focusing On the Good Times

People with avoidant personalities are people that often focus on the peak of the relationship. They base all of their memories on the best times in the relationship and they forget to look at the bad times.

Final Thoughts

The best way that you can figure out if your ex wants you back is to pay attention to the moments that they bring up to you. If they are bringing up the best moments in the relationship, then chances are that they want to be back with you.

An avoidant ex might bring up a memory that has emotions, but this is rare and if this is happening then it can help you to understand more what they are doing and what they are thinking.

Ask the Right Tarot Questions the Right Way

Tarot Questions

If you are new at getting tarot card readings or if you decide that you are going to do your own tarot reading, the best thing that you need to think about, before you ever get started, is the questions to ask. In order to get the information and insight that you need, you want to make sure that you are asking and phrasing your questions right. Asking the wrong kinds of questions or not phrasing them the right way can lead you to be more confused.

There are some tips that you can use when you are getting a tarot card reading and this will be the same tips that you should use when you are doing your own spreads.

Best Way to Ask Tarot Questions

You might find that there are some clients that ask questions that aren’t the best questions for a tarot card reading. Don’t let this bother you. When someone is new, they will not really know how to have the best readings and they might have different expectations than you have when you get your own reading.

Sometimes if you are giving the reading, you can ask them to rephrase their question. Listen to what your intuition is telling you and try to find out what question they are really wanting to ask. Sometimes the questions will only get to the top of what they really want to know.

Open Ended Questions

You need to make sure that you aren’t asking yes and no questions during a tarot card reading if you want to get the right answer. You can definitely ask these kinds of questions but when you need to go deeper, a yes or no answer isn’t going to suffice. The cards want to give you information and to explain what possibilities lie before you.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for these kinds of questions:

  • Don’t ask: “Am I going to get this job?”
  • Do ask: “How can I reach my career goals so I can get the best job for me?”

Focus On You

Instead of focusing on other people, learn to focus on yourself. Focusing on other people might end up even being unethical because the tarot cards about someone else can’t be controlled. This can lead to stress when getting answers.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for these kinds of questions:

  • Don’t ask, “Does the person I like, like someone else?”
  • Do ask: “How can I make the bond between me and my crush stronger?”

Know the Situation

You might want to put responsibility on someone or something else and become a victim. This happens because you are human, and humans are emotional. There are times when you might be the victim but there are things that you can do to change your situation even if it just changes it a little bit.

Make sure that you are looking at the things that give you power and not about things that make you more of a victim. The way that you word your question can help to improve your journey instead of making it harder.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for these kinds of questions:

  • Don’t ask: “Am I going to win the lottery?”
  • Do ask: “What can I do to make my finances better and what is blocking me from being successful?”

Focus on the Now

Make sure that you are focusing on what is going on now. Even though tarot card readings can focus on your past, present and future, the best kinds of questions focus on what is happening in front of you now.

When you are stuck on what the future holds, you need to remember that the things that you do today will change the future for you. Don’t use the tarot card reading to find out about your past or your future but focus on what is going on now.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for these kinds of questions:

  • Don’t ask: “Did I do the right thing in my past?”
  • Do ask: “What can I do to make the most of what is going on in my life?”

Questions to Ask During a Tarot Card Reading

Here are some of the best kinds of questions that you can ask for different kinds of readings:

Regular Tarot Questions

  • What should I know so that I can change this situation?
  • What is blocking me from getting what I want?
  • What kind of lesson do I need to learn to get past my challenges?
  • What is influencing me the most?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What are my weaknesses?
  • What do I need to focus on right now in my life?

Tarot Card Love Reading Questions

  • How can I attract someone that will help me reach my higher self?
  • What stops me from finding love?
  • How can I make my love stronger with my partner?
  • How can I get past issues in my relationship?
  • What connects me with my partner?

Tarot Card Career Reading Questions

  • What job is going to be best for me?
  • What is challenging me from reaching my goals?
  • What should I change jobs?
  • What can I do to make my career stronger?
  • How can I talk better with my employer?

Tarot Card Financial Reading Questions

  • What is holding me back in my finances?
  • What is my feeling about money? Where did this come from?
  • How can I find success?

Understanding the Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

There are 12 different zodiac signs, and they have to do with the sun and the consultations. The movement of the sun and the constellations will sometimes align and as they do, it is what makes the zodiac signs. This has been around since the Babylonian time, and it is what influences the way that people behave. There are different traits to the different signs.

Here are the 12 zodiac signs:

  • Aries.
  • Taurus.
  • Gemini.
  • Leo.
  • Virgo.
  • Libra.
  • Scorpio.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn.
  • Aquarius.
  • Pisces.

All of the elements of the zodiac are associated with one of the four different elements of water, fire, air, or earth. The signs have different characteristics that fit most people in the signs.

Understanding Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs are based on the alignment of the stars and the time that the person was born. There are different kinds of astrology and some of it will have to do with Western or Chinese astrology. These also use horoscopes. 

Horoscopes will go over a certain amount of days and they will have to do with when the person was born and what sign they are in. Each of the signs are attached to one of the elements and this is when they can understand the characteristics of people.

Each sign has different characteristics but some of them will overlap. You can see the horoscope and see how it helps you to know who you are and to understand what benefits you in your life.


If you were born between March 21st and April 19th, you are an Aries. This is a person that is goal oriented, and they do what they can to meet their goals. They are confident and they have strong characteristics that attract others. They are bold and sometimes command too much, but this is just a downfall of their traits. This sign is compatible with Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Gemini.

Traits of the Aries

Here are some traits of the Aries:

  • Fire element.
  • Ruled by Mars.
  • Determined.
  • Takes action.
  • Leaders.
  • Great public speakers.
  • Attractive.

Compatibility of Aries

When getting into a romantic relationship, they are going to be very passionate. They are not compatible with:

  • Cancer.
  • Virgo.
  • Pisces.
  • Scorpio.

This sign is most compatible with:

  • Leo.
  • Geminis.
  • Aquarius.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn.


If you were born between April 20th and May 19th, then you are a Taurus. This is someone that is going to be stubborn, and they have strong emotions. They are very smart, and they love to be at home and enjoy spending time with people that they are close to, like family or friends. 

Traits of the Taurus

This sign is one that is stubborn and strong in their emotions, and they love to have their own comforts. They are also:

  • Homebodies.
  • Love to be around people they care about.
  • Earth element.
  • Ruled by planet Venus.
  • Stubborn.
  • Arrogant.
  • Won’t change.
  • Grounded.
  • Practical.

Compatibility of the Taurus

They want to be in relationships with friends and they will attract those that are opposite of them. Since they love to be home, they are not very compatible with the Aquarius sign. They are most compatible with the Scorpio.


Anyone born between May 20th and June 20th are considered Gemini. These are the twins and each one has a different side. They are reliable and the yare good at creating things. They love to have fun and are devoted. 

Traits of the Gemini

This sign is one that has a good temperament. They understand others but they often show a different personality depending on who they are talking to. Here are more traits:

  • Air element.
  • Ruled by Mercury.
  • Great communicators.
  • Life of the party.

Compatibility of the Gemini

This sign is likely compatible with a Leo or other fire signs because they match the energy and personality of the Gemini. The need to avoid relationships with Scorpios because they are conflicting. They don’t like to get into deep conversations, and they are proud of focusing on being happy and avoid deep problems.


If you were born between June 21st and July 22nd, you are considered a Cancer. This is a sign that makes great teachers and nurses because they are caring and sensitive. Sometimes they are thought to be too emotional, but they are strong int heir spirit.

The Cancer is a homebody and they like to be around people that care for them. 

Traits of the Cancer

Here are some traits of the Cancer:

  • Ruled by the Moon.
  • Have strong emotions.
  • Overemotional at times.
  • Strong in their spirit.
  • Don’t get taken advantage of.

Compatibility of the Cancer

The Cancer is most compatible with water signs and they care about friendships and about relationships. They will get along and understand other people and they are sensitive.

The least compatible sign for the Cancer is Aries because they are trouble and defensive and this doesn’t work well with an empath.


Being born between July 3rd and August 21st makes you a Leo. This is a person that is brave like a lion, and they make good leaders. They get something on their mind, and they go through with it, so they are best with people that are peaceful.

Traits of the Leo

Here are some signs of Leo:

  • Fire sign.
  • Good leaders.
  • Courageous.
  • Brave.
  • Loving.
  • Passionate.
  • Outgoing.
  • Ruled by the Sun.
  • Love themselves.
  • Have power.
  • Struggle with being patient.

Compatibility of the Leo

Leo is most compatible with other fire signs. They understand the passion and they make mistakes and so they don’t judge others when they do. They are a vain type of sign, and they struggle to be the center of attention. 

A poor match for Leo would be the Scorpio because they also want to be the center of attention.


If you are born between August 22nd and September 22nd then you are a Virgo. They are people that are perfectionists and very organized. They work well in a team, and they want to be stable and have order. They don’t like it when things don’t go as planned.

Traits of the Virgo

This sign is a perfectionist sign, and they like to be around people that are collective. They are ruled by the planet Mercury and are an earth sign. They scare off other signs sometimes because of their organization and order.

A Virgo will have a meltdown when things don’t go their way and they will be critical of others.

Compatibility of the Virgo

Virgo’s need to be able to do what they want without someone fussing at them and so they work well with Libras. The Scorpios are also another good match for them.

Virgos don’t like to compromise, and they make a bad match with Leos because of this.


Being born between September 23rd and October 22nd makes you a Libra. The Libra is a great friend, and they are very loyal and dependable. They want justice in life, and they don’t like favoritism or discrimination.

Traits of the Libra

Here are some traits of Libra:

  • Loyal.
  • Dependable.
  • Air sign.
  • Don’t play favorites.
  • Don’t discriminate.
  • Ruled by Venus.
  • Love sign.

Compatibility of the Libra

The best sign for a Libra is the Gemini, Aquarius, and Leo. This works because they are all air signs. They like to be attracted to those that want to be good friends. 

Scorpios are a sign that won’t be compatible with the Libra and the Cancer as well because they are too demanding.


If you are born between October 23rd and November 21st, you are considered a Scorpio. This is someone that is ambitious and someone that will do what it takes to get what they want no matter what. They will reach their goals. They are protective of who they are close to, and they want friends that are trustworthy.

Traits of the Scorpio

Here are some traits of the Scorpio:

  • Strong willed.
  • Independent.
  • Goal reaches.
  • Work hard in relationships and careers.
  • Headstrong.
  • Ruled by Mars and Pluto.
  • Determined.
  • Powerful.
  • Water element.
  • Deceitful to get their wants.
  • Critical.
  • Overly aggressive.

Compatibility of the Scorpio

The Scorpio is one that will match well with the Taurus, and they are grounded and make a good pair with the Virgo and the Capricorns as well.

They love to be private, and they have a hard time dealing with Leos and Geminis because they like to tell everyone about their personal lives.


If you were born between November 22nd and December 21st, you are a Sagittarius. This is a sign that is very mindful of others and people that like to think deeply. They have strong intuition and are very intelligent.

Traits of the Sagittarius

Sagittarius are deep thinkers, highly emotional and intelligent and they are fun. They are easy to get along with. They are ruled by the planet Jupiter and are part of the fire element. They have short tempers, and they sometimes are restless.

Compatibility of the Sagittarius

This sign is most compatible with other fire signs such as the Aries and Leo. They have a hard time with Virgos because they clash with their pickiness.


If you were born between December 22nd and January 20th, you are a Capricorn. These are people that are very smart, and they are able to make good decisions when the times are heard. Sometimes people think that they are void of emotions. They like to focus their energies on important things and don’t like people that don’t care about them.

Traits of the Capricorn

Here are some traits of Capricorn:

  • Great business people.
  • Intelligent.
  • Level-headed.
  • Fearful.
  • Ruled by Saturn.
  • Like to be high in their career.
  • Part of the Earth element.
  • Emotionally cold.

Compatibility of the Capricorn

This sign is most compatible with Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpios. They are also a great match with Virgos. They have a hard time with Aries because they are stubborn, and they don’t like to compromise. 


Those that are born between January 21st and February 19th are Aquarius’. These are people that are honest, and they will tell everything about themselves to friends and family. They don’t like people that play games, and they are often too independent.

Traits of the Aquarius

Here are some traits of Aquarius’:

  • They aren’t complicated.
  • Honest.
  • Don’t play games.
  • Self-assured.
  • Independent.
  • Don’t like people being manipulative.
  • Air sign.
  • Ruled by Uranus.
  • Distant.
  • Aloof.
  • Unpredictable.
  • Impulsive.

Compatibility of the Aquarius

This sign is most comparable with Libras, Aries, and Sagittarius. They are great at romance, and they like to do the same things that Aquarians do. They are not compatible with water signs like Cancer and Pisces.


People born between February 20th and March 20th are Pisces. These are people that are sensitive and emotional. They don’t like to pay attention to themselves, and they like to live an honest life. They love the feelings of being loved by others. 

Traits of the Pisces

Pisces are people that are sensitive and honest. They are considered to be romantic and charming. They are ruled by Neptune and are dreamy and creative. They often have low self-esteem because they put other people ahead of themselves. They need to be reassured.

Compatibility of the Pisces

This sign is most compatible with Cancer, Aquarians and Taureans. They are least compatible with Sagittarius and Gemini and the Sag is going to be the most opposite because they are so blunt.

Believing the Zodiacs

It is a good idea to know the different zodiacs and to find out the traits and who you might be compatible with. This chart doesn’t mean that you can’t find someone outside of your chart that you are connected with. Relationships take work rather you are compatible or not.

The zodiac signs and horoscopes shouldn’t be the only thing that you believe. People have been looking at these things for years and when you take the suggestions of the zodiac you will see that you can understand relationships more.

Drawing to Manifest Dreams

Manifest Dreams

People have different ways that they like to manifest and if you want to manifest your dreams, you can do this by drawing. This is something that you have to have patience with, and you have to learn to trust the time that it takes but it is something that not everyone can see.

To manifest things in your life, you have to be confident in what is going on and you have to listen to your intuition. You have to know that there are changes in your life that are going to be unique and that is okay. Using drawings to manifest your dreams is something that takes patience and something that goes in steps.

Don’t stop moving forward even if you aren’t sure that you exactly know what is going on. There are many other tools that you can use to manifest things besides drawing but if you take time each day to practice drawing what is in your dreams then you can be successful.

Manifest By Drawing

You can manifest your dreams by drawing things that will attract your future. These are drawings that go in steps just like building something. You don’t just automatically have a house up; you have to build it brick by brick.

Drawing the manifest thing is a way that you can connect with your intuition, and you can increase your energy. Drawing and what you put into the drawing is full of energy. This is a way that you can take what is happening and increase your vibrations.

Even if you don’t have any idea what is going to happen, you can put your creativity into your drawings and you will see that you are manifesting things that you want. Rather you are just starting, or you have done this for a while, you can make your dreams real.

Starting Your Drawings

Here is how to start drawing:

  • Find a relaxed place to sit.
  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Clear your mind.
  • Imagine what you would like to manifest.
  • Think about what you would feel if your dreams came true.
  • Let this play like a movie in your mind.
  • Connect with the images that you see. Feel their energies.
  • Do this until you feel the outcome.
  • Take a piece of paper and draw things that you want to manifest.
  • This can be an easy drawing or something with a lot of detail but whatever you draw make sure the feelings are there.
  • Put your drawing away and when you feel like things aren’t working out for you, pull out the drawing and look at it. This is all about energy.
  • Know that this drawing went to the universe and didn’t time limit it.
  • When you see the things, you’ve drawn be happy.
  • Know that your manifestations are coming to you.

Drawing to Manifest Dreams

Think of what you want to come to you in your life. Imagine them like you are watching a movie and try to connect with the energy of these things. Keep your solar plexus chakra open and strong and don’t ever give up on the drawing.

Take out your picture or buy yourself a sketch book and try this more than once. You don’t have to be an artist to draw something. Draw your best, use outlines, stick people or whatever you can do.

If you want a new house, you can draw a house. If you want a new career, draw yourself doing that job. If you want a special relationship, draw yourself meeting that person.

When the drawing is done, put it away and don’t focus on anything except the drawing. You can even put it away for a while but don’t forget that you drew this and make sure that you keep your energies up when you think of your picture. Keep thinking about what you want and be positive.

Can Drawings Affect your Dreams?

When you draw what you want to come into your life you are telling the universe about what you want. You can draw your dreams and you will see that this can connect with the universe and with your physical body. Once you make the body and mind connection, it will make your energies stronger and so doing this drawing shows the universe you are ready.

This can make your dreams deliver to you and you need to know that your dreams are coming and not let your energy get weak.  This will work on an energy level to keep you feeling positive and strong. As you connect with your emotional energy you will manifest things by just thinking about them.

Drawings can help to make your dreams come true and when you trust your inner being then you will see that this is all possible.

Manifesting by Using Meditating

Meditating can help you to reach your dreams as well. You can meditate on what you want and what you need, and this will help to make your manifestation process stronger. Once you meditate and you put your emotions into something then you will be able to manifest things to your life.

Meditation gives you peace and it can help you to learn how to be more mindful. This can help you to get things coming on your way.

Using Drawings to Manifest

Drawing to manifest can make your dreams become a reality but it takes practice. When things are hard in your life, being positive isn’t as easy and drawing can help you with this. When you can’t focus on being positive you can draw, and this can help you.

Your drawings don’t have to be anything fancy or anything easy to understand as long as your soul understands your mission. You will see that these drawings can come to life and that you will get what you put into the universe.

Final Thoughts

You can manifest your dreams and it isn’t just getting things in your life, but it is about raising your vibrations and your energies and learning to make changes. This can be changes that you need to make to give up bad habits or something that will make you feel happier or more fulfilled.

You can manifest these things by drawing and you will see that these drawings can go into the universe and then you can get what you want and what you need. Draw something that represents who you want to be and what you want in your life from others.

Let this drawing be magic to you and unlock your subconscious mind and the power behind it. You don’t ever have to show anyone your drawings because those are between you and the universe, just keep drawing and enjoying your life.

What Do Face Moles Mean?

Face Moles

Having a mole on your face can say a lot about your personality. There are moles that are put on you and they don’t just land there by chance, but they have a meaning meant for you.

Most people will have a mole here or there that they hate and even though they don’t like them, these moles say a lot about who that person is.

Moles on the Forehead

Having a mole on your forehead can mean something for you. Here are some things this mole can mean:

  • The middle of the forehead: This can mean that you are wise.
  • Mole on the left side: This can mean you have bad luck.
  • Mole on the right side: This can mean that you are a good partner in business or in love and you will be successful.

Moles on the Chin

A mole on the chin can mean that a person is loving but it can also mean that this person is successful and has balance in their life.  These people love to travel, and they want to always face change.

A mole on the chin can also mean that you love to be around new people and that you want to visit new places. A mole to the right can mean you are diplomatic but a mole on the left can mean that you are an honest being.

Moles on the Cheek

Having a mole on the cheek can mean things depending on y our culture. This is often seen as someone that is beautiful and caring. This mole position can mean that you make people feel safe.

A mole on the left cheek though will say that you are an introvert and that you like to hang out by yourself more than in a group.

Moles on the Lips

Having a mole on the lip can mean that you are ambitious. This can mean that you are a foodie, and you love to try new things. A mole on the lower lip can mean that you are great at acting and love theater and other arts.

Moles on the Temple

Here are some meanings of having a mole on the temple:

  • You have a sudden marriage.
  • You will lose your business fast.
  • A mole on the right side: Early marriage and money coming out of nowhere.

Moles on the Nose

Having a mole on your nose can mean that you have a lot of respect for who you are. This can also mean that you have a short temper. A mole on the right can mean you are passionate and sexual and a mole on the left can mean that you struggle a lot.

Zodiac and Numbers

Zodiac and Numbers

The zodiac sign is associated with both planets and numbers. There are different meanings for these things. Numerology and astrology run together, and they can work with the zodiac for you to understand things about your life.

There are 12 different signs in the zodiac and there are 9 planets in the solar system. Some of the signs share the same planet. Numerology is when someone studies the importance of numbers and what they mean. Some numbers can tell you more about who you are and about your past, present and future.

  • Number 1

This number can mean something new and a new beginning. It can mean courage and enthusiasm and it can also mean innovation and leadership.


Leo works with the number 1, and it can mean being a good leader. You can have a lot of energy when you decide to take action. This sign also means that you like to take risks and you have courage to reach your goals.

  • Number 2

This number can mean peace, being a good partner and having balance. It can bring unity into action.


Cancer and the number 2 work together. They are more than emotions and they can use their intuition to make things happen. This number can unite people together and bring peace. It is a sensitive sign and can be creative.

  • Number 3

The number 3 is a creative number and works with both the number 1 and 2. It is a curious and a number that wants to learn.


The number 3 works with the Sag sign, and it means that you take action and that you are ready to learn lessons that the world wants to teach you. You can learn from education and from other things and you will have an impact on humanity.

  • Number 4

The number 4 means a strong foundation. This also means divine energy and being practical.


This is a number that is hard to understand sometimes because they are people that are misunderstood. They look at things and they are creative and innovative.

  • Number 5

This is a number that means movement and risk taking. It is an exploratory number and uses the five senses.


The Gemini sign and the number 5 go together. This is a communicating sign and someone that can work through their moods for the good. It is someone that can communicate and that can take care of things that need taken care of.

  • Virgo

The Virgo is one that can change their thoughts and feelings often and someone that can forgive easily in relationships.

  • Number 6

This is a number that means support and to nurture. It is a warm and compassionate number.


The Taurus is one that is in love with pleasure, and it is one that benefits having nice things. They like to support and nurture others.


This sign is one that loves beautiful things and is compassionate and harmonious. They are an air sign and one that brings harmony and wisdom.


This sone is an attraction sign and wants to have clues to attract other people and they love material things.

  • Number 7

This is a number that means reality and that brings the past into the future.


This sign is one that is gifted, and hat loves the universe. They want to bring space and earth together and they love water, creativity, and mysticism.


This planet is a spiritual truth planet and wants to change the idea of living to a new perspective.

  • Number 8

This number is a secure number and means strength and financial security.


This sign is one that can use tools to reach their goals and dreams. They love to create and love to dream.


This planet is one that wants to see order and growth. They are dedicated to reaching their goals.

  • Number 9

This number means to change and to transform. It is associated with psychic gifts, love and tolerating others.


The Aries is a sign that is passionate and desirable. They want to make the world a better place. They can develop this tolerance and they will meet people along the way that they want to be with.


This is a planet of passion and desires. It likes to take action and to use its energy wisely.


This is a sign that is strong and has unconditional love. It changes the way that you connect with people and uses the idea of Pluto.


This is a changing planet and means rebirth and knowledge. It is evolving through experiences. Pluto rules over death and this can mean physical or spiritual death.

Final Thoughts

Numerology and astrology work together to help you to understand how the planets influence your personality and who you are. Evaluate your decisions and your life and find a plan that will work out for you the best.

Why Use Astrology?


Astrology has been around for thousands of years, and it uses signs and symbols and the placement of the planets to understand people more. No one knows exactly how astrology started but it is something that is important to those that use divination. Astrologers use the different patterns of the sky and the planets in order to know when it is time to plant a garden and to harvest.

Why Astrology is Important

Astrology is important because it helps to understand how humans react to the changes of the stars and planets. Even animals might have different actions and different personalities based on when they were born. Astrology is something that has been around for years, and it spread throughout Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Babylon. It was around during different civilizations.

Here are some predictions that were made using astrology:

  • Nostradamus predicted the rise of Hitler.
  • John Dee predicted when Queen Elizabeth would become queen.
  • William Lilly predicted the Great Fires of London and the Great Plague.
  • Evangeline Adams predicted the Wallstreet crash in 1929.

Who Uses Astrology?

There are many people throughout history that have used astrology such as Queen Elizabeth, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Isaac Newton, Franklin D. Roosevelt and more. Here are some of the reasons that they used astrology:

  • To get insight into who they were.
  • To build confidence.
  • TO have more peace and partnerships.
  • To assist in future events.
  • As a career guide.
  • Enlightenment on what to do.

Benefits of Astrology

There are many benefits of astrology and some of the benefits are that you can use it as a guide to overcome things that are hard in your life. It can give you strength to deal with negative things in your life.

Astrology uses horoscopes to help you to know what your life is going to be like in the future and to give you guidance towards something better. Your birth chart is there to help understand how the moon, sun, Mercury, and other planets affect how you act and what your personality is.

Astrology has changed over time, but it is still there to help you understand what kind of life path you are on and how you can live to the fullest of your destiny. Everyone has their own birth chart, and this means that you can discover what relationships are better for you and what will be helpful in your life.

Final Thoughts

Astrology is something that you can look at and you can find balance in your life. If you have negative things, you can see them from a different perspective and you can do something different with the help of astrology.

Some astrologers use science, math, and other things to help them understand things more. You can get a reading with an astrologer, and it can help to make your life better. The universe always knows what is best for you and so when you get a reading, be ready to get some good advice.

How to Cut Energy Cords

Cut Energy Cords

Energy cords are things that are attached to people mentally and emotionally. Attachments are things that are connected to you, and this can be people, thoughts and even things. Everything has energy and when you have a bond connected to you then this is likely an energy cord.

When you have emotional changes, you will see that this can be a cause of energy cords. Energy cords can have positive and negative energies, and this can work through your chakras.

Energy will flow through everything and the emotional attachments that you have will bind you to something. Everyone has these cords attached to something and this can be different things, ideas, traditions, and relationships.

Why Cut Your Energy Cords?

Energy cords can be good or bad. They can take your energy and they can bring courage and they can give you power. If you are connected to good people, then having an energy cord with this person can be a good thing and it can help you to grow.

If you have a connection with people that bring you jealousy and obsession, then you will have an unhealthy mindset to this. This can lead to habits and negative actions in your life.

The cords can change your energy and even if the cords are positive or negative, it is a good idea to cut some of these cords. You can cut these cords differently. You can use crystals or stones, or you can meditate. As you focus on the cords, you can cut them, and they can then fill you with positive energies.

What Energy Cords Do You Have?

Before you start cutting energy cords, it is important to know what kinds of cords you have. The chakras will show you how to look at your physical and mental state. The chakras will change energy and you will see that this affects your life.

As you have different emotions it is the heart chakra that you will feel these emotions through. Cut the energy cords that are both positive and negative so that you can have an open mindset. You can see positive things can happen to you as you get rid of these bonds.

Negative Energies

Negative cords can bring negative energy, and this can cause you to have physical symptoms and to have bad feelings inside of you. This can cause you to feel nauseous or to have a loss of breath.

The Solar Plexus also can help you to know if you feel threatened or if you have someone in your life that will need to be broken. This can be people you know or people in the community around you.

Energy cords should bring you energy and not make you feel tired or drained. If a cord is negative, it will drain you.

Positive Energy Cords

There are positive cords that you can be connected with and even though these are positive, it can cause you to feel stressed because it can overload you. You need to share the abundance of your love and compassion with others.

As you see yourself grow, reach out to others, and make sure that you are taking care of the cords that are positive. But, if you need to, you can cut these cords so that you can have peace and calmness. Cutting good energy cords gives you space to be able to have other energy cords that can help your journey.

Cutting Energy Cords

When you are in an emotional bond with someone and you know that it is no longer helping you, you need to cut the cord. People will often think that this is hard, but you can do it by meditating and it can be instant.

You can use a few simple things in order to cut energy cords and if you want to go deeper with it, talk to a healer or a psychic.

Make Your Space Available

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that your space is available and cleansed. Cleanse it by smudging the area or do it outside such as in your garden. Then make your place comfortable by putting down some pillows to sit on or a yoga mat. Do whatever will make you most comfortable.

Put candles and crystals around your area and make sure that you are using ones that have a positive meaning in your life.

Clear the Mind

Next, clear your mind so that you aren’t triggered by feelings or emotions. This is a way that you can get rid of the energy cord. Close your eyes and say a mantra that is positive. Say positive affirmations out loud so that you can increase your vibrational frequency as you speak to them.

Imagine the Cords

Imagine that the cords are there, and you can see them and touch them. Look at the ones that you feel that you need to take care of. You will see different energy cords in your life.

Take time to make sure that you don’t cut the ones that are strong for you or the ones that keep you safe and grounded. These are ones that will grow along the floor and will go down into the dirt. Pay attention to the energies that still help you.

Be mindful and look at your body and the cords that are there. Find the ones that bring you discomfort or pain. These are the ones that you are going to need to cut. What does the cord look like? Most negative cords look messy or tangled.

Pay Attention to the Cord

Now that you know which cord is which, you have to get rid of the strands and the tangles. These are from relationships, connections and other types of energies that might no longer serve you.

Once you find the cord that is negative and you are bound to it, imagine that you are holding this and that you are aware of the connection and that you need to get rid of it. Imagine having scissors in your hand and that you are using them to cut your cord. You can also imagine a knife or a sword.

Be Light

Keep meditating as you imagine these cords and then as you cut them, know that you are going to heal. This energy cord might bleed out and you might feel sad at first and this is okay. Allow yourself to be emotional as you tie off the cord.

Brush your hands over the energy cords that are positive and know that they are there for you to bring goodness and to help you to grow. Breath deep and allow yourself to increase your energy and to bring positivity to your life. Be thankful for the cords being broken for you.

Do It Again

Once you do this, you might need to do it again. Afterwards though, you can take a salt bath and use essential oils to make you stronger. Do this to cleanse your chakras and to bring peace to your life.

Using Crystals to Cut Energy Cords

There are different crystals that you can use to cut your energy cords such as:

  • Selenite

This crystal works with the crown chakra and can clear your mind and let you see the cords that you need to cut. You can also use a selenite rod or wand.

  • Black Tourmaline

This crystal is a protective crystal, and it can be used to cut out negative energy cords out of your life. This can be heated and can have an electrical charge. Use this with positive energy flow.

Final Thoughts

Cutting energy cords might be stressful but it is the best thing that you can do in your life. Get rid of things that no longer serve you and learn to live a better and happier life.