Psychic attacks can come from two places; other people and negative forces. Attacks from other people are the most common. Negative forces can be connected to a person or a place. These forces do not include ghosts, as ghosts are an imprint of energy that emerges over and over. Entities that will attack you are a force on their own.
There are effective ways to protect yourself from attack by a living person or by an entity. Generally speaking, psychic attacks from other people are usually unintentional and are caused by anger or negativity. It is rare that someone will direct black magic toward you.
The people most likely to have dark energy around them are those who do drugs and are heavy smokers and drinkers. This is because healthy people have a naturally stronger aura of protection. A weekend aura can be the result of a long illness. The thing to remember is that no spirit can influence us unless we allow them to. This means we have to consent or be open to the will of that spirit. When you consciously try to rebuke that spirit, it will go away.
A protection prayer from a trusted psychic will help with this.
Even though it’s rare, someone occasionally casts a harmful spell on someone else. Usually, this results in a feeling of mild discomfort for the other person and not much else. Dark energy will always return to the spell caster. It could take years for someone to rid themselves of this dark energy. It is pointless to rage at someone if you think they are casting a dark spell on you. This only brings back negative energy to yourself.
Here are a few ways to build up your natural sense of protection:
- Crystals
Crystals block negative energy, particularly if you can feel their negativity. Black tourmaline and shungite are effective, as is amber for protection. You can either wear or carry these crystals.
- Smudging
Smudging is an ancient practice that involves burning sage or other herbs. When the smoke clears, the space will be cleansed of bad energy or spirits. This can be done as a ritual or ceremony or just with the intent to clear your space.
- Visualization
Visualization is a little more difficult. You will need to quiet yourself and meditate to visualize. Take a few deep breaths and picture yourself inside the safety barrier. If neighbors are harassing you, picture your entire dwelling surrounded by this barrier. You should practice this visualization every day.
- Reflective Surfaces or Jewelry
A small mirror placed in a mirror by your front entrance can deflect bad energy. Silver jewelry with a reflective surface also works if you wear it with intent. That means you think it will protect you when you put it on. Mirrored pendants work very well.
- Calling White Light
White light as a shield can protect from negative energy; it is not the strongest means of protection. However, it works well for an empath because it keeps negative energy from trespassing on their emotions. Therefore, empaths can call a white light to protect them. White light can also be good for driving away internal darkness and cleaning the aura.
- Meditation to Strengthen the Aura
Mediation requires us to work on ourselves. We can balance our chakras through meditation. This will help increase the strength of our aura and thoughts.
- Positive Energy and Affirmations
Work in the same way mediation does; building our own aura with positive energy and self-affirmation increases our inner strength.
- Flower or Gem Essences
Essences can remove depression, build confidence and build positive vibrations. You can also use an essence that is specifically designed to get rid of negative energy.
- Relocating to a New Place
Sometimes a dwelling is so clogged with bad spirits and negative energy that it seems impossible to clean them. If yours is an extreme case, you will more than likely need to move.
- Cord Cutting
Sometimes people with negative energy are tied to us with etheric cording. If this is the case, you willed to be released from their psychic hooks. A psychic advisor can help you find someone who can do a cord-cutting for you.
- Invoking Angels of God
Sometimes you will encounter someone who prescribes Angels or God as the answer to everything. Keep an open mind, as they may just be right. Divine and angelic right can remove all the negative power and entities away from us. After all, it doesn’t hurt to ask.
- Words Can Work Magic
If we have tried everything else and the negative energy keeps us down, we can always try something simple and obvious; tell the energy to go. Tell it to return to its source; do that, and don’t allow this energy to come back into your thoughts.
- Mantras and Prayers
There are mantras and prayers you can use to help protect yourself. Since these are very personal, you can either create our research one to use for your purposes.