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Is Staying Friends with an Ex a Good Idea?

Staying Friends with an Ex

When a couple breaks up, one of the other of them asks if they can remain friends.   Each partner may have a range of motives, not all of them negative.   Regardless of the motive, staying in close contact is not a good idea. This is because each partner needs to get some distance from the relationship so they can heal.

There are no good reasons to stay close immediately after the breakup. Staying close can keep you from moving on.

   1) No Hope

If you stay in close contact, one or both of you may feel that there is hope to getting back the happiness you once had. That is not necessarily bad, but it is too easy to fall back into the patterns that pulled you apart in the first place.  Also, it is hard for your emotions to just shift from romantic to platonic.   You need the time apart to create some distance.

2) Avoiding the middle ground

Shortly after the breakup, one of you will be more attached than the other. You will suffer either pain or guilt, no matter which one you are.  If you are not in a truly equal state, this will only end in disaster.

3) Slowing yourself down.

If you decide to stay friends, you are emotionally roadblocking yourself. Whether you know it or not, you are parking yourself in the same place. When this happens, you can’t find room in your life for new things. This includes new experiences and new people.   It can also keep you from loving yourself a little more.

4) You will still be lonely

One of the reasons people find it so hard to let go of an ex is that they are afraid of being alone.  If you are in a situation where you are so numbed by grief that you would take whatever you can from your ex.  Not only will you still be lonely, but you will also definitely feel a drop in your self-worth. You would be deprived of your own friendship

5) Your mind needs to be at ease 

When you survive a breakup, everything about your relationship with your ex has changed. You can not be openly loving and affectionate. If you have had harsh words with your ex, chances are good that there will be bitterness underneath everything you do. No friendship is worth losing your peace of mind and mental health.

In conclusion

Ultimately it is up to you if you want to move on with your lie.  It is hard to let things go. It does take strength of character to let go.  It is understandable that you would rather fight to stay in a place where you are familiar.   It is daunting to think you will have to start over.  But to grow as a person, you need to move on, even if it means going through pain temporarily.  Once you move on, you will find that you are happier than you thought you could be.

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Forgive Even If It Is Hard


We encounter many troubles and face strife as we move through our life journey.  From time to time, we try for a fresh start.   However, sometimes when we try to begin again, we feel empty and unsatisfied.   Forgiveness, or lack thereof, can keep you from moving on.  That means it’s time to face your past and see if some wrongs need to be righted.   Once you have done this, it is time for you to forgive.   

Forgiveness means you must let go of the actions and the pain associated with your past.  If you can’t bring yourself to do this, ask, “Why?”  This can be a first step towards self-discovery, leading to a happy spirit.

Healing is Cathartic and a Release

When you go through the act of forgiveness, you lift a spiritual weight off your shoulders.  This will lead to a lighter heart and spirit as you let go of anger for giving in to bad influences and perceived injustice.   The negativity you hold on to is an anchor that holds on to you as strongly as you hold on to it.  Healing can be hard, and if you can’t meet with the person with whom you are angry, simply write down your feelings toward this person and let go of the negativity.

Invest in Forgiveness

You must forgive now if you wish to receive good things in life.  This release will pay off by helping you transform and transcend.  Forgiveness will pay off in spiritual purification.  Forgiveness changes the way you look at the world.  As you forgive, you start to free yourself from bias and begin to walk in someone else’s shoes.  You will feel better as you start to see the humanness in others. 

Let Karma do the Work

Possibly the best reason to forgive is by leaving justice in the hands of God, and the power of attraction will free you spiritually and help console you on your life journey.  This will remind you that what you present to the universe will return.

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Are You Having a Psychic Attack?

Psychic Attack

Are you experiencing unexplained pain, fatigue, or illness? Are you having horrible nightmares, experiencing doubt about your direction in life, or feeling like you’re being watched?

You may be under psychic attack.

A psychic attack is a negative energy that someone is sending you with the intent to harm you, your life, and possibly everything you have. This harm may be aimed toward your emotions, spirit, physical being or mental state.

Most of the time, the psychic attack is inflicted by someone you know. Even friends or family members may be attacking. The attacks are not always intentional, as it’s possible to send negative energy unconsciously. When it’s sent unconsciously, the person sending the energy is unaware that they are doing so. Jealousy, envy, or anger are usually the motivating feelings behind it.

A conscious attack is launched by someone who deliberately means harm to you. Conscious psychic attacks can be compared to black magic, witchcraft, and spell casting.

Reasons Behind a Psychic Attack

The negative energies of a psychic attack are projected in the form of thoughts based mainly upon the attacker’s jealousy toward you. But they can also happen for many reasons other than jealousy. Here are some other reasons why someone may attack you psychically:

  • Your life is progressing forward, while theirs is stagnant.
  • They want something you have that they don’t: your looks, your career, your spouse, your environment.
  • They are living in their dark side at the moment.
  • They have no self-conviction.
  • They are full of fear.

If you consciously send negative energy toward someone else with the intention of inflicting harm, then what you send is exactly what you will attract upon yourself in your own life. The Universal Law of Karma states that “as you sow, so shall you reap;” in other words, what goes around comes back to you but multiplied.

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

While no two psychic attacks are the same, here are some symptoms you may experience if you’re under a psychic attack.

  • You’re having very frightening nightmares.
  • You see your attacker in a devilish way, either in your dreams, your meditations, or front and center in your thoughts.
  • You constantly feel tired and depleted of energy for no apparent reason.
  • You’re experiencing pains in the same place at the same time on a regular basis or in areas of weakness that your attacker is already aware of.
  • You can’t concentrate and feel lazy and lethargic when facing routine tasks.
  • You’re experiencing painful or severe headaches accompanied by vomiting or dizziness.
  • You’re questioning or feeling doubtful about your direction in life, even after having been aware of your direction beforehand.
  • You feel like you’re being watched and see shadows around you from the corner of your eye, even when you’re certain you’re alone.
  • You feel like you’re beginning to have a heart attack.
  • You want to commit suicide.

Guarding Yourself Against Psychic Attacks

Becoming aware of the psychic attack by identifying the unusual events that are taking place in your life will help diminish the attack’s negative effects.

Here are some other ways you can reduce the impact of the attack:

  • Be strong and work on yourself.The most important way of protecting yourself from the effect of a psychic attack is to be emotionally strong and stable. Don’t allow others to identify with your fears because this reveals your weakness. Try to identify with your emotional issues and fears and heal them. This protects you from being emotionally vulnerable and makes you less likely to absorb the effects of the negative energies.
  • Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for guidance.Ask them to protect you and help you stop the attack. Even if you don’t know them or believe in them, asking them is enough. While your faith is not required for them to do their work, it does help.
  • Don’t mirror your attacker’s actions.Do notsend similar energy or thoughts against your attacker. Send only the pure white energy of light directly from the universe, the source, or from the god of your own beliefs.
  • Send loving thoughts.Remember that your attacker is the weaker one. So instead of returning thoughts of anger, hate, or fear to them, try to feel compassion toward them and send light, love, and blessings to help them see and heal their own darkness.
  • Protect yourself.Every time your attacker comes into your mind, imagine that you are showering them with the pure light of the universe. Always change the way you send your light by imagining it being sent in different ways, and always remember to keep your protection around you.

Remember, psychic attacks have little to do with you. They have more to do with the personal weakness of the attacker.

Love And Social Media: Is It A Good Mix?

Love and Social Media

There are millions of people who rely on social media to stay in touch with family and friends all over the world. However, while social media has many positive aspects, it can also have some drawbacks. For example, people can misconstrue your words and intent in posting a comment or sharing an article. Therefore, as you engage with people and content on social media, you need to consider how it can impact your relationships.

A Source of Jealousy

There are two primary ways your social media activity can spark jealousy. First, the photographs and information you share can make friends jealous of your love life, home, family, and career. When a friend or family member is jealous of what you share on social media, it can create friction in your relationship.

The second way social media creates jealousy is when your significant other likes or comments on photographs or posts in a way that makes you uncomfortable. For example, seeing your beloved writing, a flirty comment on someone’s Instagram post never feels good. If your partner’s social media activity makes you suspicious, get an online psychic reading to sort out the situation before having a confrontation.

A Way to Grow Closer

While social media has the potential to expose inappropriate activity by your partner, it can also bring you together. Take advantage of private messaging to send each other romantic notes throughout the day. If you find an article or photo your significant other would appreciate, send it to him or her.

As for friends, social media is a great way to feel connected, even when you live in different parts of the world. Photos of family, celebrations and significant milestones that you post on social media help you and your pals have glimpses into each other’s lives. Likewise, when loved ones fall sick or face a challenge such as depression, they may use social media as a means to seek support. Anytime you’re uncertain how to comfort someone who’s posting about a struggle on social media, ask a phone psychic for tips on the best way to reach out to your friend.

A Strategy for Healthy Social Media Use

To reduce the negative impact of social media on your relationships, you can develop some rules to follow. For example, you can commit to avoiding ex-partners on social media. It’s also important to remember that your activity may be visible to others, so be careful what you like and the comments you make. For example, if you wouldn’t make the comment out loud in front of your significant other, then don’t post it on social media.

Ultimately, you have to ask yourself why you’re using social media. Are you trying to make other people jealous? Or do you want to deepen your relationships by sharing parts of your life through photos and updates? You’ll feel best when you engage in an activity that strengthens your connections to people who love and appreciate you.

Can You Make Time for Me Time?

Me Time

Life moves really fast, and it seems that it is all we can do to keep up.  Unfortunately, sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves.  And while the vacuuming and dusting can wait another day, can your sense of well-being really wait? 

Here are 10 ways to help yourself and put yourself at the forefront:

  1. Take a deep breath. By breathing deeply, we can oxygenate the blood and cause the release of endorphins. Endorphins reduce stress and pain.
  2. Don’t overthink! Do you get in your own way by obsessing and worrying? Instead, practice being in the moment. It’s not easy, but you can do it with practice.
  3. Forgive others. This means you too! It is amazing how important forgiveness is to free your soul for full happiness. The longer you hold on to a grudge, the longer you hold yourself back.  Think of it this way; you have to let go to grow.
  4. Remember your strengths and attributes. Remind yourself how great you truly are.  Think about what you truly excel at and listen.  Applaud your success, and don’t dwell on the negatives.
  5. Create joyful rituals.  Build a set of easy routines to help you find peace within yourself.  It can be as easy as setting aside time to have a cup of tea a the end of the day.  Sticking to this habit can help you find peace.
  6. Enjoy your friends. As life goes by, you begin to realize that life is about the people you share your time with. The problems you face are easier to handle when you have a good friend by your side.
  7. Disconnect yourself from the world. It’s easier than you think. It will help you calm down.
  8. Exercise regularly.  Take the time. If you only have a few minutes, take that few minutes to do it. It will center you and increase your blood flow.
  9. Find ways to give to others. There are always ways to help out and be of service. You can volunteer to help animals, the environment, or anything else.
  10. Be comfortable with yourself. Remember that you are enough for yourself.

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The Sure Way To Getting Slimmer

Getting Slimmer

You’ve been telling yourself time and again that you’ll going to get back in shape, but it’s been a long time, and you still have that unwanted fat with you… you’re not alone if you consider getting in shape to be one of your top goals. If you’ve ever started and stopped a workout routine before, however, you know how tough it can be to stick with this kind of resolution.

Find out how you can set realistic goals and make small changes to your daily habits to get in shape and improve your lifestyle for the better.

  • Set Realistic Fitness Goals

When January rolls around, it’s normal to feel a sense of excitement about new beginnings and a feeling of determination that you can exact change. But, while you can do anything you set your mind to, establishing timelines is important. This will help you break down a major goal into manageable chunks and set yourself up for mini achievements along the way.

Rather than setting a goal to lose 25 pounds over the course of the year, establish a monthly or even weekly goal. Make sure you put in enough time at the gym or in the yoga studio to make it happen, week after week. This will help you stay on track and stick to your goals.

  • Change Your Everyday Habits

If you’re feeling especially positive about the year to come, you might be tempted to change everything all at once. While making a big change can greatly impact your overall fitness, you’re bound to have more success when you start small.

Begin by making changes to your everyday habits, and take care to address one thing at a time. For example, at the office, make a point of taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Once you’ve changed that habit, set a goal of going to the gym three times each week or taking a healthy lunch to work every day. You’ll find that together, the little things create big changes.

  • Share Your Resolutions

Making and sticking to fitness resolutions can feel lonely, especially if you’re changing your habits in ways that limit your time with friends or family. But you don’t have to feel isolated!

Make a point of vocalizing your goals and sharing your resolutions with those around you. Not only will saying your goals out loud help keep you accountable, but you might also gain support from friends, family, and coworkers.

  • Practice Self-Compassion

If you have a competitive streak or you hold yourself up to impossibly high standards, you might find that your results don’t quite measure up to your fitness goals. When you fall short, however, resisting the temptation to be tough on yourself is important.

Instead, practice self-compassion. Strive to understand where and why you didn’t meet your goals and make a plan to do better tomorrow, next week, and next month. If you have trouble taking it easy on yourself, seek out accurate psychic advice for finding self-compassion.

You won’t get in shape overnight, but with dedication and commitment, you’ll improve your health and fitness for the better. Get a psychic reading online for even more insight into making positive changes in every aspect of your life this year.

Have You Find Your Soulmate?


Have you already met your soulmate? Or are you aching with emptiness, hoping to meet them?

There’s nothing quite like the rush of feelings that comes from meeting a soulmate. The feelings go way beyond the typical “butterflies in the tummy.” In fact, meeting your soulmate can be overwhelming in wonderful ways. But sometimes, it can be overwhelming in frustrating ways.

You’ve most likely already met at least one soulmate in your lifetime. And it’s possible you didn’t even know it! Soulmates come in many different forms. Sometimes the experience of finding them can be a challenge. But the type of soulmate we all wish for is the one that fills us with joy and delight.

Once we look at soulmates from the proper perspective, we can understand what they truly are and why they are sometimes challenging.

Following are seven tips that can help us:

  1. Soulmates are not always love But soulmates that are love mates can be some of our most difficult relationships.
  2. Soulmates can be any gender, including your own.
  3. A soulmate can be your best friend, your professor, your boss, or even one of your parents.
  4. Soulmates exist due to our connection with them from past lives. They have a specific path with us.
  5. Soulmates can be here to teach us or to learn from us. But, until we learn or teach those lessons, our soulmates will remain in our paths, both in this lifetime and in future lifetimes.
  6. A soulmate can frustrate us, challenge us, or even anger us.
  7. All soulmates are important.

The rush of meeting a soulmate that is a lovemate can cause a flurry of strong emotions. We feel we know them more deeply or even have “memories” of them that couldn’t have happened in this lifetime. That feeling is your soul’s connection to the other person’s soul from an experience of a past life.

Weeding through challenging soulmate connections in search of a lovemate can be tiring. Yet, we may not appreciate that these types of soulmates are preparing us for that one true lovemate we hope for.

For some, the experience of finding a lovemate takes longer than for others. That’s not because you’re doing anything wrong; there must be a synergy between the two of you. As you go through your changes and learn your necessary lessons, so is your soulmate. In time, the synergy builds up to a perfect unison.

Be patient. You and your love mate will find each other when the time is right.

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Things to Remember to Better Your Life

Better Your Life

When we’re in a very difficult situation, when we’re in times of strife… it can seem so swift and simple to detach from our being and lose sight of who we are and the power that holds us together. The power of the heart and mind are so deep, so powerful, and yet life’s customary ebbs and flows can still cause us to get lost in the surfs of worry, anxiety, self-doubt, or self-pity.

Do you ever find yourself stumbling with your life goals, duties, and dreams? When you begin to spiral like this, getting out of this pattern can seem impossible. It’s not. You have the power to change and feel back to your strong, motivated, and powerful self in no time at all.

There are words that can change your thoughts and life and get you through anything. When life presents us with unwelcome obstacles to overcome, an affirmation can make all the difference.

Here are three affirmations with the power to help you get through anything:

  1. Everything is happening exactly as it is meant to. 

Repeat this to yourself every day, and remember that we don’t have the power to change the past, but we have the immense capability to shape our future how we want and deserve it. So stop the negative thinking about being powerless over the product of your daily life.

  1. I can do whatever I put my mind to. 

Do you believe this to be true? If you don’t, you need to start saying it to yourself daily to begin believing it. It is absolutely, 100% true, and once you start believing it, you’ll start seeing just how much you can shape your world the way you want.

  1. I am loved. 

Who doesn’t want to be accepted and loved by the people around them? Whether we recognize it or not, so much of what we strive for is driven by our desire to be liked by our peers. Too often, though, instead of believing that we are good enough and appreciated, we worry about the approval of others. This worry that lives within us is damaging and can stunt our personal growth and achieving full happiness. Tell yourself, “I am loved,” and believe it to be true. It is, and it will change your life.

Making affirmations of your daily routine is the first step in changing your life and helping you overcome your personal struggles. Not only will they help you overcome any obstacle you face, but they’ll also help ground you every day and teach you to lead a life of mindfulness and authenticity. So take a brief moment every morning to look in the mirror, see your beautiful, vibrant self, and feed your soul with these three simple phrases. Everything is happening exactly as it is meant to. I can do whatever I put my mind to. I am loved. Life is good.

Changing Your Life for the Better

Changing Your Life for the Better

We are told that the secret to happiness is to “live light” While this seems to mean living without clutter, inundated by material items, there is more to it than that. Living light also means sparing yourself from the kind of thinking and behavior that lead to stress. Here are a few ways to do just that.

  1. Get rid of toxic thinking

Stop any negative self-talk.  We are often our worst critics, and we prove this daily by putting ourselves down and taking responsibility for things we have no control over.   If you can bring yourself down, you can also bring yourself up.  Counteract negative talk by boosting yourself with affirmations and switching the negatives to positives.  It will take some practice, but soon it will become second nature.

  1. Get rid of toxic people

You may not recognize toxic people for what they are, but they strongly affect you.   Take a minute to inventory the people in your life.  Do you know anyone who resents you for any success? These are people who react to you with negativity and frustration. Does anyone try to manipulate you?  Once you identify these people, either remove them from your life or manage them so they don’t stand in your way.

  1. Get some sleep

You may think you don’t have time to rest, but getting enough sleep is the most important thing you can do to improve your life. You can reduce your stress through relaxation. Detach yourself from worry before your bedtime so that you may rest easy.

  1. Get some exercise 

Self-care means just that. Take care of yourself.  Exercising will help you think more clearly by distracting you from worry and increasing the flow of oxygen to your brain.  Just adding ten minutes a day can work wonders.

  1. Eliminate clutter

Get rid of things you don’t need. Stop any unnecessary spending.  Take a look around and see what is really important. Start eliminating clutter, and you will feel better.  A good way to do this is to eliminate anything that doesn’t bring you happiness.  (This is a great time to get rid of any storage container that doesn’t have a lid).

  1. Detox your finances 

Everyone has had money problems at one time or another. Money issues can lead to extra stress. A good way to reduce this stress is to create a budget and stick to it.  Look at your spending and honestly evaluate what you need to do to become more financially secure. This security can greatly reduce your stress level.

Taking any of these steps can improve your life hugely. Try doing one step first and see how it impacts your life before you move on to another.  

Stop Looking For Other Psychics

Stop Looking For Other Psychics

It’s very easy for anyone to get a psychic reading online, which means that more and more people are starting to do so. Now, in order to meet that demand, there are a ton of websites out there that offer online psychic services. These websites tend to host many psychics, all of whom offer varying types of psychic readings. The first step you’re going to have to take if you want a reading done is to select a psychic from among many. However, many people choose to try out different psychics on subsequent visits in order to get a different experience each time. But is that the best way to ensure that the readings you’re getting are accurate?

A Bond is Important

You don’t need to be best friends with your psychic in order for them to be able to do a reading for you, but it does help to feel some kind of connection to them. Look at it this way: would you want someone you can’t stand to read the Tarot for you? Probably not, and this is why you want your psychic to be someone you actually come to like and respect. The easiest way to do this with an online psychic is to keep returning to them whenever you get a reading. Unfortunately, if you opt to keep selecting new psychics, you’re forgoing the opportunity to really get to know them and form a bond with them.

Psychic readings are usually intensely personal, which is why it’s so important to have a psychic you appreciate instead of one you hardly know. If you don’t like or trust the psychic reading for you, it can mess up the energy between you, the psychic, and the tools he or she is using to do the reading for you. Once that happens, it can affect the accuracy of the reading.

You Save Money

Not all online psychics will charge the same, which means that if you hop around to different ones, you’ll end up paying different rates. This might not seem like a big deal at first, but consider that maybe three of the five psychics you visited in one month charged more than the other two. If you’d just stayed with the first, cheapest psychic you found, you would have paid far less than you did by hopping around. If you’re operating on a budget, it’s probably best for you to find an affordable psychic and stick with them.

Loyalty Pays

Be a loyal customer! On many psychic reading websites, psychics tend to reward the people that keep coming back to them. For example, if you become a regular, they may charge you less per reading than what they charge others. Additionally, they may have some kind of program in place where you get a free reading every other month or something similar. This is good news for both you and your wallet, and it makes it worth it to keep coming back to the same psychic instead of picking a new one every time you visit the website.