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Why Beauty on the Outside is Not Enough

Beauty on the Outside

Many people strive to be kind. They strive to be caring and compassionate. Others do not put kindness and compassion first. These people may have bad habits that make them annoying or irritating  to the point that no one wants to be near them.  You may have these traits and not know.

Here are a few that you might want to be aware of:               

1) You appear self-centered

This is a hard one to be aware of. If you focus on yourself, and find yourself the most fascinating topic to the point where you aren’t listening to anyone else, stop. No one wants to be around some who only cares about themselves.

2) You are only concerned with outer beauty


Most of us know that to be truly beautiful, your attraction has to come from your heart and soul as well as your body.   Physical appearance isn’t the only thing that matters.  Look deep inside and see who you truly are. It’s not to late to become truly beautiful.

3) Everything is a contest

You seem to be in constant competition with everyone.  Do you have to be the one on top, to the point whenever anyone celebrates a victory, you have to top that? If this sounds familiar, it’s time to celebrate someone else for a change.

4) You see your friends as competition

If you find yourself in constant battle with your friends to the point where you seem to be stabbing people in the back rather turning the other cheek, it is time to reevaluate your friendships.

5) Your importance is in question.

It is extremely unattractive to constantly question that if you are important or valued in your peer group.  If you consistently want to know why you aren’t the center of attention, get over it. Face the fact that you are not the center of the universe.

6) Bossy

Everyone in a group of friends should be considered equal.  It is very off-putting for one to always to decide and control. If that is you, it’s not very attractive.

7) Dishonesty is your policy

It should go with out saying but you should always be honest with your friends.  Lying and cheating is not honest behavior.  And it is true that honesty is the best policy

8) Rudeness

Impoliteness and embarrassing behavior, particularly in public can definitely drive your friends away from you. This is not to say that you can’t have disagreements or mild conflict, but constant rudeness is in excusable.

9) Unreliability

If a friend calls on you, do you help? If you can’t ever be counted on to follow through or help, you are not being a good friend, especially if you expect others to help you out whenever you need it.

10) Negativity

It’s hard to be positive every minute of every day, but if you are consistently putting others down or looking askance at activities, you could be pushing others away.

Ideal Partner But Unwanted In Love?

Unwanted In Love?

Ideal person, beautiful and smart yet unlucky in love?

Many beautiful women reported a history of bad relationships: unfaithful boyfriends or husbands, frank physical or verbal abuse by their partners or a loss of interest by the men from whom they most wanted that interest. There are lots of reasons for this. Here are a few:

  1. If you have come from a home where you were neglected, criticized, or abused, your self-worth will likely be less than it should be. Recall Marilyn Monroe: famous, beautiful, and talented, but insecure and unlucky in love. A woman with the background I’ve just described often looks for approval from someone who unconsciously reminds her of the person who failed to love her as a child. It is as if the unconscious mind is still looking for the thing that was never achieved before (love or approval), and it only has value if it can come from a similar kind of person. Of course, since the parent in question was neglectful or critical, the chosen substitute will likely be that way as well, providing the woman with another chance to prove herself. Unfortunately, given her poor choice of a partner, the sought-for affection and approval often are no more likely than they were in childhood.
  2. Whether male or female, if you moved too often as a kid, the insecurity of being the new kid on the block is hard to shake. You may also feel the never-ending need to prove yourself. Once again, insecurity can lead to choosing someone less good and kind than you deserve.
  3. Are you too needy? Are you too dependent on your boyfriend or husband to decide for you? Are you unable to support yourself financially? Can you bear to be without a boyfriend for very long? Do you need regular reassurance that you are “the one and only?” This gets old quickly. While that reassurance will temporarily calm your fears, your friend will almost surely tire of it, leaving you less secure if you don’t ask again for a sign of his devotion and him feeling put upon if you do. As with a number of the concerns mentioned above, therapy is suggested if your self-worth requires the presence of an escort along with constant bolstering from him; and if you have a tendency to lose your sense of self in the relationship, forget about your friends when you are with a romantic partner and give-in to your new love for fear he will otherwise leave you.
  4. Is your beauty (or sex) all you believe you have to offer? There are tons of gorgeous, sexy women out there, and, unlike you, they won’t age! (Or at least, that will be the way it seems since, as you get older, there will be a new cohort of young females who eventually will look preferable in purely physical terms). Although men can be pretty primitive in their response to the physical characteristics of women, qualities like wit, kindness, intelligence, good humor, and integrity grow in their value to all but the most unenlightened men. As someone once said, “Beauty fades, but stupid is forever.”
  5. If a man shows interest in you too early, are you turned off? It’s true that there is an element of gamesmanship in dating and mating, but don’t choose the intrigue of a man who is hard to get and misses the devotion and decency of some others.
  6. Are you too entitled? Do you believe your boyfriend or husband should keep you on a pedestal, shower you with gifts, and buy the best house in just the right neighborhood? Do you value money, status, and material things too much? If you do, a well-grounded man will tire of you or avoid you. One who is less secure or less enlightened may simply become weary of your demands for “more” and instead seek a less self-involved and shallow woman.
  7. Are you a good listener? I hope so because relationships demand this of both parties. If you aren’t, your partner will not feel understood by you. Unless you respect the differences between yourself and your lover (which very likely were initially attractive), you will find the relationship works poorly or not at all.
  8. As I’ve said before on my blog, sexual interest, and enthusiasm are necessary parts of a good relationship. Abandon them at your own risk. However, this is not to suggest you should have sex simply because your partner wants (or worse) demands it.
  9. Do you allow yourself to be demeaned in public by the man you are with? I always ask marital couples who seek therapy what initially attracted them to each other. When I asked this of one male, I recall he said, “She ‘shows’ well,” about his physically attractive wife. The tone made it clear this was a demeaning statement, not a compliment. Indeed, the man might as easily have said the same thing about a show dog or show horse. The wife made no objection to the comment. A more self-respecting woman probably would have walked out of the room.
  10. Do you have a drinking or drug problem? Does your male friend? How do you know you don’t? Just because everyone you know seems to drink about as much as you do, doesn’t mean that you can avoid the alcohol or drug-driven downside of heartache, arguments, and a bad end to the relationship. Read up on alcohol abuse to get a sense of where you stand: alcohol screening dot org
  11. Do you tend to wind up with men you feel sorry for? Not a good choice. Do you give in to men who pursue you relentlessly, even though you aren’t enormously attracted to them? Again, this is not destined to lead to a good match.
  12. Do you believe you can change the man you are with? It is unlikely this will happen, or if it does that the change project will be accomplished even within a few years. As the old therapy joke goes, “How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?” Answer: “One, but the light bulb has to want to be changed.”  Take a measure of who you are with while you are still capable of being objective, which means your evaluation needs to be done early in the relationship. Once your heart takes over, and you are in love, rational judgments are either too late or altogether impossible.
  13. As a father to two career-minded, married daughters, I applaud independent women who forge careers. But just as a man needs to remember his wife and children need attention, so do women in high-powered careers need to live by the same rules. If you are neglectful of your partner, mentally or physically exhausted by the work you do between 9 and 5, and consumed by issues related to your vocation, the relationship is at risk.
  14. Are you too critical? If you experienced or observed a fair amount of criticism growing up, it is easy to become like the person who did this. Indeed, we are often at risk of becoming the thing we hate or of normalizing the unfortunate characteristics we observed in our parents because we had no other family experience to compare it to. Yet, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance are needed in any good relationship and in large quantities.
  15. Do you expect your boyfriend or husband to fulfill your life and make you happy? No one can really do that for you, although having a companion can be worthwhile and important. But a relationship will not solve all problems or make life perfect. So don’t expect it to. The weight of that expectation on your lover is more than most relationships can bear.
  16. One final point, and a sad one. If you are smart and beautiful, and especially if you are professionally accomplished, a fairly large number of men out there will be intimidated by your competence, intelligence, authority, and attractiveness. As a result, you might have to generate more than the usual amount of effort to find a good match. That is unfair but true.

In closing, I should say that making a good choice of mate, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, is challenging. But there are a lot of good people out there (albeit fewer men than women), so if your history shows a pattern of failed choices, it’s best to look in the mirror and ask why. And, if you can’t come up with an answer or change your pattern even though you are aware of repeating the same mistakes, therapy often helps.

Finding Love

romantic intuition

Is it possible to fall in love with someone before we even meet them?  Possibly, especially when you consider the circumstance of having an instant dislike for someone.  Love is indeed based on our latent intuition.   How does this intuition work?

What is romantic intuition?

It’s not a big mystery. We have been building on our past experiences and former relationships all our lives. This is layered with our personal backgrounds, both social and familial.   These layers are the frame of mind with which we meet potential partners.

We feel drawn to them when we meet someone who clicks with our background requirements. However, if we also find this person physically attractive, we can think of this as love at first sight.

This immediate reaction does not necessarily mean that the attraction will grow into a deep and lasting love.  True love involves growing with your partner as both of you bloom and grow.  As you get to know one another, you will grow closer. The initial attraction helps you fit together from the beginning.

Can you have love without the initial intuition? Probably not.  While few people are lucky enough to know someone before they fall in love, it is even rarer to fall deeply in love without having the initial pull or attraction to them.

Some acknowledge that their pursuit of perfection has left them lost and lonely.  They have turned down potential lovers because they don’t fit their image of perfection.  While feeling that you know someone before you fall in love is rare, there is no chance of finding love if you seek the ideal that is only found in romance novels.  This only leads to loneliness and wasted time.

Your time is better spent nurturing your current relationship to meet your ideal. Then, the ideal can be created.

Because no true love is easily found, we should not disqualify what we see in the everyday.  Real love does not occur out of pure feelings.   It takes time and examination.  This does not mean overthinking things.  Pay attention to your heart as well as your head.

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What to do With a High Psychic Sensitivity

High Psychic Sensitivity

Have you ever had headaches when you’re around certain people for no apparent reason? Then, you’ll find out that the headache disappears when that person is far enough away. Or do you experience the same thing with tiredness-whether that person is in front of you or on the phone? Do you get waves of anxiety when you are in crowds? When someone you care about is suffering, do you feel their pain inside your own body?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you might be experiencing the effects of hyper-psychic sensitivity.

Cutting-edge science has proven that when you look at another person across a room, just the mere act of your observation affects the way the cells interact in that person’s body. Research also proves we can influence other people’s emotions and thoughts (and be influenced by others), regardless of our physical contact with them.

Psychic Sensitivity – According To Top Scientists, We All Experience This

Have you ever felt someone looking at you while sitting in traffic and then turning your head to catch someone staring at you? This is just a minor example of the psychic sensitivity phenomenon, which can sometimes occur on a much deeper level and sometimes with more profound effects. Sometimes this sensitivity has its benefits. For example, suppose you meet a new potential mate or business partner. In that case, it’s good to be able to sense that person’s true motivations on a psychic level before you make any decisions concerning that person.

On the other hand, if psychic sensitivity isn’t harnessed and under your control, it can sometimes be more of a curse than a blessing. One of the most intense examples of psychic over-sensitivity I’ve encountered was a gentleman who couldn’t shake anyone else’s hand because he would get psychic flashes in his mind of all the trauma the person had experienced. As you can imagine, this was quite painful for this gentleman to experience.

Through various methods, I was able to teach this man how to control the ability, to turn it on and off like an electrical switch. He also was able to filter what psychic information he received when he was using the ability.

This is much better than shutting the ability off altogether, an ability that could be used to make his life easier and maybe help others along the way.

When managed properly, psychic sensitivity can be a powerful tool to help you transform your life – with relationships, career, business, and personal awareness.

In his book “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill referred to intuition, or psychic sensitivity, as the “Temple of Wisdom.” He called it the most powerful aspect of our subconscious mind. It’s what separates the genius from the average person.

Although I’ve taught more people how to strengthen psychic sensitivity over the years, I’ve encountered other situations where students needed help controlling psychic over-sensitivity. A more common example is individuals who dream at night about all the murders occurring in their local city. When someone is killed, especially violently, it puts out a strong “psychic charge,” which is easy to pick up if you don’t have control over your internal awareness. As you can imagine, this can create quite a bit of discomfort in one’s life.

Methods For Controlling Psychic Sensitivity

If you experience psychic over-sensitivity, the good news is that you don’t have to be a “psychic sponge” for the rest of your life, soaking up other people’s stuff. The catch is that you may have to do a little work to get control over your psychic sensitivity. If you are experiencing this, even occasionally, here are some beginning-level techniques that should help you to get control of your experience.

The first method has to do with learning how to control your curiosity. Curiosity has a strong influence over what information you receive psychically. For example, if you are at a hospital walking by rooms of people who are sick, and you allow yourself to get curious about what is wrong with each person, you are likely to get “psychic feedback” from each person. If you are highly psychically sensitive, you may feel each person’s pain in your own body.

When you catch yourself curious about something that will not benefit you, immediately shift your focus to something more productive. For example, if you see an ambulance racing by with sirens roaring, if you ask yourself, “I wonder what’s wrong with the person in the ambulance?” immediately shift your thinking to something like “I send healing to whomever that person is and now, what do I need to do today to make a better life for myself and the people I care about?” From there, focus on what you need to do next (make a phone call, sort some paperwork, run an errand, etc.).

Control Your Psychic Ability – Simply Keep Your Mind Out Of Other People’s Business

The next technique requires a bit more practice and involves controlling what many spiritual disciplines refer to as your “energy field.” Start by finding a quiet room where you can practice undisturbed for a few minutes. Sit down and get yourself relaxed.

Now pick a simple object in the room which is a few feet from your body, such as a doorknob. Now close your eyes and imagine being right next to the doorknob, as if you were a fly sitting on top of it. Now imagine being a little point at the ridge of your nose inside your body. Now imagine being on the doorknob again, as if everything you are is at that location. Shift back and forth from being at the doorknob to being at the ridge of your nose for a few minutes.

With some occasional practice, you should start to feel a “shift” when moving back and forth. The eventual goal is to be able to “energetically shift” your awareness completely inside of your body. This is good to do when walking through a crowd of people – it will allow you to pick up less psychic garbage from those around you. You can look around at people while at the same time holding your “energy field” into your body.

Of course, if you want to get a psychic sense of someone or something, you can shift your “energy field” onto that person/object. From there, you pay attention to any new emotions, thoughts, etc., you are feeling. With some practice, you can use this technique as a powerful method for attaining psychic-based information for other people, objects, and events.

These are beginning-level techniques, but they can be very helpful if you are too psychically sensitive.

The Most Import Thing – Keep Practicing And Pay Attention To The Results You Achieve Through These Exercises

The important thing is to start taking action. This is what I decided to do many years ago – I had no interest in just sitting there as a victim to circumstances to so many things like this.

I took it upon myself to study in person with a formal Military Intelligence Project (US Air Force) centered around developing and controlling psychic ability. I studied with the founder of this project for about 15 years.

Then, I ended up working with literally the most famous psychic in the world; I gained so much training and experience under my belt over the years that it just seemed selfish not to pass this on to the people who needed it. This is what led to my development of the Life Mastery Program.

The point I’m making is that if you want to change, do whatever you have to do to get this change.

Now you may not need to go to the extremes that I have, but if you want to change, I suggest doing something about it instead of just “sitting in it.”

As many of my students have over the years, you may achieve major control over your psychic sensitivity with just a little training and practice.

Using Numerology to Boost Your Luck

Using Numerology to Boost Your Luck

Numerology as an occult science has its roots in India. Thought to be inspired by Divine Revelation, they made scientific discoveries that built and advanced their culture. Their conclusions in both astrology and numerology have been verified by modern science.

Scientific Discovery

India pioneered numerous discoveries in the science of Astronomy—namely, the solstices, eclipses, and the precession of the equinoxes. Modern astronomers still marvel at how the Ancient civilization was able to make the necessary calculations without modern technology.

We believe they were reacting to revelations revealed during higher consciousness states.

Science Tries to Understand

Records dating back millennia reveal these numerical discoveries in works of poetry and other versed writings. Modern science has spent centuries just making the calculations to verify the work of the wise Indian men. How did they achieve this without so much as a calculator?

In the Vedas

The Ancient Indians studied their canonical sacred texts, the Vedas, to draw conclusions about the universe. This is how they discovered the link between the numbers, planets, alphabet, and names. These findings form the basis of Numerology.

Numerology is useful when you are naming a variety of things. From your business to your pets, a properly chosen name can impart luck by raising your vibrations. The goal is to vibrate in tune with your lucky numbers and lucky stars. Your lucky planets are set at birth. Learn what they are and apply this knowledge in all aspects of your life.

Lucky Famous People

When you look at celebrity personalities, they often have lucky names that translate to positive numerology. Stage names and nicknames can work the same way. Changing your name may be all that stands between you and good fortune!

Lucky Names and Numerology

Research and use lucky names when you have a new baby or a new business. Being in tune with your lucky planets can set you up for lasting success in your new venture. Strive to use names that vibe well with each other and with your own name to maximize your vibrations.

Other Numerology Resources

One definitive resource for those looking to study numerology in depth is the book Numerology by Cheiro. Numerology is a fascinating branch of the occult sciences, and we can only hope to understand it as thoroughly as the Indus River Valley civilization did.

Limiting Belief Effects on Our Psyche

Limiting Belief Effects on Our Psyche

When it comes to success and winning in life, it’s been said that it’s because one has the heart and bravery to make it happen. And with it comes to losing and missing out on things you’ve wanted or desired, even when you possess the talent and skills to make it happen, it’s because of limiting beliefs. So, what exactly is meant by a limiting belief? Limiting beliefs means a way of thinking that constrains us…limits us from succeeding or getting to a better place or position in our lives, jobs, or relationships.  And unfortunately, these limiting beliefs do exactly what they imply by their name…they greatly limit us. So, here are a few examples of limiting beliefs to look out for and be aware of so that you may try to determine them and work on improving your psyche so as not to let these limiting beliefs be so limiting.

  • Limiting belief of “I do/I don’t”:

Most of the time, we tend to define ourselves by what we do or don’t do. This could mean what you do for a living or what you don’t do when it comes to a relationship. The point is, in limiting yourself to a specific “I do” or “I don’t,” you aren’t opening yourself up to new possibilities.

  • Limiting belief of “I can’t”:

Much of our life, we base things on the premise of what we can or cannot do without even giving it a second thought. If we think we can’t sing without even attempting to try a few notes or take a few lessons, then we are limiting ourselves greatly. Because of this belief of “I can’t,” we think our abilities are limited and we can’t learn something new.

  • Limiting Belief of “I must/I mustn’t”:

Values, rules, norms, and laws constrain our thoughts of what we must or mustn’t do. We feel bound by these constraints. However, not all of these constraints are always mandatory, thus limiting us and holding us back as a limiting belief. For instance, if you think you must clean your house every day with no exception, that deprives you of time you could spend doing something more enjoyable or productive.

  • Limiting Belief of “I am/am not”:

Thinking that you are or are not something can definitely keep you from achieving new and exciting things, whether it be a new profession or even a new relationship. For example, you may conclude that “I am an artist” and therefore conclude that you are not good at mathematics, science, or manual labor. Or perhaps you’re frustrated with the subject of mathematics and therefore determine, “I am not intelligent.” When you limit yourself to being something or not being something, you’re limiting the belief that you can’t be something else.

  • Limiting Belief of “Others are/will”:

We often judge ourselves against the abilities and accomplishments of others around us. And this can be severely limiting. If we think others are more capable or superior to us, then we’ll never try to challenge them or better ourselves. If you can’t get out of the mindset of comparing yourself to what others are doing or saying, then you’ll always be held to the limiting belief that you’ll never be as good as them.

A number of factors help contribute to our limiting beliefs in society. Experience, education, and faulty logic are just a few examples that help hold us back. We use excuses and fear to stay within the realm of these limiting beliefs because we’re afraid of what change may bring if we are actually able to break free from the cycle of limiting ourselves. Remember that to free yourself from these limiting beliefs; first, you must recognize them. Then you can act accordingly and perhaps gradually and finally change your beliefs.

Scientist Says that Psychics are Real

Scientist Says that Psychics are Real

Would you still say that psychics are not for real when a scientific study shows that they are? Yes, they’re real!

Credibility has been given to psychics through a recent scientific  study.  This includes a healers ability to see a person’s aura as well as the ability to feel what someone else is feeling.   This scientific proof has come through a study of  the neurological condition synesthesia.  According to the University of Granada study, published in the prestigious journal Consciousness and Cognition:

Many people attribute “paranormal powers” to El Santón, such as his ability to see the aura of people “but, in fact, it is a clear case of synesthesia”, the researchers explain.
El Santón presents face-color synesthesia (the brain region responsible for face recognition is associated with the color-processing region); touch-mirror synesthesia (when the synesthete observes a person who is being touched or is experiencing pain, s/he experiences the same); high empathy (the ability to feel what other person is feeling), and schizotypy (certain personality traits in healthy people involving slight paranoia and delusions).
“These capacities give synesthetes the ability to make people feel understood, and provide them with special emotion and pain reading skills”

Synesthesia is responsible for people to be able to see smells or hear colors and is the result of a kind of cross-wiring in the brain.   Those with this condition  have a different perspective on the world.   Through treatment , these people can use this condition as a gift to enhance their art. In fact, artistic geniuses such Kandinsky and Tesla had synesthesia.

According to the scientific study, psychics can see auras because they have a form of synesthesia.

While this may be seen as a gift, those with synesthesia can be a curse.  Because synesthesia is so confusing when it comes to processing information given through the senses, those who have it can experience severe trauma and possibly become mentally ill.

Can you become a synesthete?

Synesthesia is genetic and in some cases can be gained through head trauma.  Synesthesia can develop when someone has to create or alter their neural pathways to compensate for the brain trauma.   It is possible to gain synesthesia by meditating or taking mind altering drugs.

While this study does not explicitly say that all kinds of psychic ability is linked to brain trauma it is possible to become in tune with other sensory input by improving your brain function.

Secrets to a Happier Life

Happier Life

Happiness is not something anyone else can give us or take away from us. Happiness is what we make of our lives or don’t. Whatever our circumstances, we can create a joyful or miserable life. It is up to us.

Take Note of What Makes You Happy and Unhappy

First, take some time and think about the things you do. What makes you happy? What makes you unhappy? Sometimes people do things because they think they have to, but if they’re unhappy doing these things, they should consider doing them less or not at all. So when you realize something makes you unhappy, make a mental note to do less of it or stop doing it altogether if you can. When you realize something makes you happy, make a mental note to do more of it for a happier life.

Where You Are and Who You’re With

It’s not just about what you’re doing. It’s also about where you are and who you’re with. Look around you. Do you feel happier here than in other places? If you do, spend more time there; if you don’t, find another spot that makes you feel good. Next, look at the person you’re with. Do they make you happier than other people you’ve spent time with? If they do, spend more time with them. Suppose they don’t spend little or no time with them. This concept may not seem like a secret to you, but you’d be surprised how many people fall down the rabbit hole of unhappiness because they don’t do the things that make them happy, go to the places that make them happy or spend time with the people who make them happy. Good places and good people make for a happier life.

A Happy Home

When you think about your home, does it make you smile? Or does it frustrate and aggravate you? “There’s no place like home,” but if thinking about your home doesn’t bring a smile to your face, then it may be time to change something about it. If moving isn’t an option, you can still do many things to make your home happier. First, give your home a good cleaning. Get rid of old clothes and old furniture. Get rid of gifts from people who are no longer in your life. Paint the walls a bright color and start a garden. Do whatever you can to create a home environment that makes you happy. A happier home is part of a happier life.

A Happier Job

Do you enjoy what you do for a living? Do you feel excited every morning while you get ready for work? How about your boss? Are they kind and fair or micromanaging tyrants? You spend a lot of time at work, so it’s important for you to be happy there. If you love your job, there’s no need to change it to be happier, but you should do something about it if you don’t love it. First, look for a new and better job. If corporate life isn’t for you, look for jobs where you can work from home. Or, consider opening your own business and working for yourself. If none of these ideas are an option, think about ways to make your personal life more fulfilling, so work issues bother you less. Then, if you have something to look forward to after a hard day of work, you’ll live a happier life.

Your Happiness Meter

If your happiness meter is low, try these quick fixes: You can dance, sing, make music, make love, or play an instrument. You can watch a sunset with a loved one or get a four-legged companion. You can start eating better and exercising—just get moving and be active. Remember to be grateful for what you already have. Gratefulness is the key to a happier life. And learn to forgive—yourself and others. It’s time to get happier!

Repairing Damaged Relationships

Repairing Damaged Relationships

It’s impossible to form complex relationships with other people and not encounter disappointment. Maybe someone forgot your birthday or anniversary. Or perhaps it’s your partner who is putting their friends before you. Whatever the case, no matter how big or small the disappointment was, it’s important to learn how to move forward.

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

One way to reconnect with a loved one after a disappointment is through empathy. Reflect on the other person’s circumstances. Empathy can counteract feelings of betrayal and disappointment. In fact, psychologist Guy Winch calls empathy “the antidote to anger and frustration.”

You’re recalling the kindergarten lesson when your teacher encouraged you to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” When you frame your loved one’s actions in the context of his or her struggles, you might find empathy, which will strengthen you to forgive and move on.

Reach Out to Someone Else

You are too close to the situation after a loved one disappoints you. You are vulnerable to the related emotions that can hit you like a flood, making you incapable of making good choices and reaching objective conclusions.

Confide in a trusted friend. Or consider meeting with a psychic or a medium for a reading, either in person or online. They are generally very sympathetic and caring. Use this opportunity to vent your frustrations.

But make sure this communication is a two-way street. Don’t forget to listen to the person you’re confiding in! Because they’re not as invested in the situation as you are, they might be able to give you some helpful insights.

Bridge the Gap

Communication offers the healthiest coping mechanism. Talk to your loved one about how you feel. Whether it’s a result of an unintentional insult or of something more serious, such as infidelity, it takes time to recover from disappointment. You should decide first that you want to save the relationship. Then, try to create a list of steps you need to do to repair it.

But be sure to leave accusatory statements out of the conversation at this point. Instead, try to focus on why you feel the way you do and how you would like to prevent the problem from occurring again in the future. Spending time together can help relieve pain and re-establish your relationship’s foundation.

Know Yourself Better

When it comes to feelings, disappointment often has two sides. One side is what the other person did. The other side is how you processed that information. It helps to figure out why you took such offense, especially if it was not serious. This doesn’t mean the disappointment you’re feeling is your fault. It’s simply an opportunity to know yourself better and learn ways to gain control over your emotions.

For instance, maybe you’re disappointed in your partner because he or she made a thoughtless comment about your appearance. On the other hand, perhaps you’ve always struggled with your own self-image, so the remark cut particularly deep. Acknowledging your own feelings can help you figure out how to approach the situation.

In summary, disappointment comes in all strengths and flavors. If you got disappointed by a loved one, take a step back and try to analyze the situation with a clear head. Then, assuming you believe in the relationship and hope to save it, take a proactive approach that honors your own emotions and repairs the damage with the other person.

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A Guide to Aura Colors

A Guide to Aura Colors

Everyone has an aura, the colored vibration that emits from people every second of every day. One way to view it is as a psychic field that reflects one’s physical health, chakras, or mood. It also reflects one’s future and past, and aura-sensitive individuals are the ones who can pick up on these colors.

  • Red refers to the heart and the circulatory system. Positive red is a healthy ego, but negative red reflects anxiety, anger, and a lack of forgiveness.
  • Deep red reflects a person who is realistic, grounded, and strong-willed.
  • Muddy red reflects anger.
  • Clear red reflects sensuality, energy, competition, passion, and power.
  • Orange red reflects confidence.
  • Bright pink reflects clairaudience, compassion, sensitivity, love, affection, and sensuality (with an artistic streak).
  • Dark muddy pink reflects immaturity and dishonesty.
  • Orange can be interpreted as a reading of one’s emotional health (as well as one’s reproductive organs). Those with orange auras show excitement and vitality. Viewed positively, it can mean one is courageous, sociable, and creative, whereas if an orange aura is viewed negatively, it can indicate addiction and stress.
  • Brownish orange indicates emotional repression and a lazy streak, whereas orange yellow indicates perfectionism, creativity, attention to detail, and overall intelligence.
  • Yellow represents an individual’s life energy (while also referring to the spleen). A person with a yellow aura can be interpreted as intelligent, inspired, easygoing, optimistic, and awakened.
  • Dark, Muddy Yellow-Gold represents an overwhelmed person, but clear, metallic gold suggests a spiritually active person.
  • Bright yellow represents a person who is terrified of losing power, respect, and control, and pale yellow represents positivity, hope, and optimism.
  • Green refers to the respiratory system and indicates comfortable, healthy energy. It suggests change, growth, balance, and a love of other people.
  • Muddy forest green refers to a propensity for blaming others and jealousy and insecurity; yellow green refers to creativity and clear communication, and emerald green refers to a loving person who can be considered a healer.
  • The turquoise aura reflects the immune system’s health while suggesting that a person is compassionate and sensitive.
  • The blue aura reflects the health of the thyroid and throat. It also suggests that a person is caring, calm, and intuitive.
  • Muddy blue suggests a fear of speaking the truth; royal blue suggests spiritualism, generosity, and clairvoyance; and light blue suggests truthfulness, clarity, and peacefulness.
  • Indigo aura reflects the health of the pituitary gland. It also suggests that a person is capable of deep feeling.
  • Violet aura reflects the health of the nervous system and pineal gland. It also suggests a magical, artistic, and/or psychic person.
  • Lavender aura suggests a daydreamer with an active imagination.
  • The silver aura reflects spiritual abundance. It also suggests that a person is expected to encounter money soon.
  • Bright, metallic silver denotes intuition and nurturing; muddy gray denotes fear and indicates illness in whatever area of the body it is seen, and dirty gray denotes skepticism.
  • The gold aura reflects a person’s state of enlightenment. It also suggests that a person is in touch with their divine guide, intuition, and inner peace.
  • The black aura reflects the transformation of energy. It also suggests that a person is unforgiving or suffering from grief and/or trauma from their past life.
  • The white aura reflects the protection of certain energies. It also suggests that a person is experiencing new energy and has truthful angelic qualities. Flashes of white auras indicate the nearness of angels.
  • A dirty, grayish-white aura potentially indicates illness.
  • Earth tones reflect a person who works outside; they are good, grounding colors.
  • rainbow aura reflects the presence of a healer.
  • Pastel auras reflect a need for serenity.
  • Brown aura indicates a person who is self-obsessed and greedy, whereas dirty brown reflects insecurity and negative energy.

Auras can change colors often, and our surroundings or moods can affect these changes. Have your aura read or learn to see your own to make sure it is healthy.