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Kinds of Angels

Kinds of Angels

There are different kinds of angels that you might see throughout our life. The different angels have different characteristics. Here is a guide of the different angels that you might see.


This is an angel name that means, “brother.” This is an archangel that is a male and that plays music. They are normally seen holding some kind of instrument. This kind of angel will have 6 large wings that are yellow and blue in color and with feathers.

This angel will wear a robe that has warrior clothing under it and then a bright colored cape over it.


Cherubs are normally seen as male, and they are small and infantile. They have wings that are feathered, and they are seen naked or with a swath around their middle area.

These angels are known in paintings and collectables, and they are often part of renaissance art.


Uriel is an angel that has tan colored wings. This is an adult male angel but is feminine looking. The angel will have a crown or a halo and is dressed in high necked clothes that go to the floor and are long sleeved. They also will wear green or brown robes.


Hashmal is an angel that isn’t very known. This is an angel that speaks fire and is known to reflect the words that they speak. This can be a male angel that has flames or orbs surrounding it. He is a bright angel that might make you feel blinded when you look at him.


This angel has 6 wings that are extremely large. This can be an adult female or male angel and the wings are there to cover the whole body.

The wings are so large that only the feet and the head of this angel is seen when they are standing around due to the covering of their wings.

No Winged Angels

Some angels do not even have wings. Some believe that all angels have to have wings, but this isn’t how it really is. These angels are there, and they are normally white or colored and they have a strong aura.

Invisible Angels

Angels are sometimes seen and sometimes they aren’t. Some angels are invisible, and they are only there to work behind the scenes. Just because you don’t see an angel doesn’t mean that you won’t hear them speak to you. Always be open to listen.

Final Thoughts

What kinds of angels do you know about? Always know that there are angels that are surrounding you and they are there to help you and to keep you safe and guide you on the right path in your life.

Having Spiritual Aloneness

Taking time for yourself

Taking time for yourself can help to build up your spiritual self. There are things that are going to go on in the world that might make you feel worried or scared. This is okay because everyone has these times and these moments.

When you are ready, you can do things that can make your life better. You can clean out your cabinets, declutter your home and you can get rid of things that cause pollution to the world around you. When you do these things, it can make your life better and the world around you.

People will often be with family and being with family can bring on a certain amount of stress, especially if the relationships are strained. Some people will be isolated at home, and they will feel lonely or other people will be at work and they will see that they are constantly busy.

Having time to yourself is a great way to open up your spiritual self. It is a time to reach a different level in your spiritual man and to help you to find closeness in what you want and what you need.

Increasing Your Spiritual Self

Here are some ways that you can reach your spiritual self:


Take time to meditate for a few minutes each day. Do this for at least 10 minutes and you will see that your vibrations can increase. Meditating can help you to relax and help you to have a clear mind. You will see that as you do this, you can increase your time and you will see that meditation gets stronger. This can help you to learn to visualize and to grow in your psychic gifts.

Spiritual Guides

Your spirit guides are there to help you and to guide you. They want to connect with you. They will be there to help you on your spiritual journey. Ask your guides to show you who they are.

Third Eye Chakra

If you want to develop your psychic gifts, you need to develop your third eye. This can increase your clairvoyance or other clair gifts. As you meditate, imagine your third eye opening. Doing this can help to open up the eye. If you feel a tingling sensation, this could be a start.


Psychometry is a psychic gift where you can read the energies of objects. You can do this when you hold an object in your hand. Concentrate on the object and see what comes to you. Imagine where it has been.


Go outside and walk around nature. Take time to breathe the fresh air, listen to the birds, walk barefoot in the dirt or sand, or listen to the birds singing. Notice and appreciate everything about nature around you and how beautiful it is.


One great way that you can develop your spiritual self is to write a journal. Journal things that make you happy, journal what happens when you meditate and journal the things that your spirit guides tell you. All of these things can help to boost your spiritual being and can help you to feel free and happy.

Final Thoughts

Taking time to be alone is important and this can help you to develop your psychic gifts. Embrace times that you spend alone and see this as a gift that can help to reveal new things to you.

Keep Your Spiritual Self Grounded

Raise Your Energies

If you aren’t balanced and grounded in your spirituality, then it can mean that you are focusing too much on other things in your life. There are things that you can do to help yourself develop psychically and this can be a supernatural treat for your life.

It might be hard for you to feel that you fit in this world and maybe you are taking too much fun out of your life and being too serious. You have to have fun and be serious in life sometimes. If you have neglected yourself in things like doing your job and avoiding socializing, then you are not balanced.

Staying Grounded

Once you realize that you need to be grounded, there are things that you can do such as go out in nature and hugging a tree. This is just something that lasts only temporarily though, and you have to figure out how to stay grounded.

One of the best ways to remain grounded in your life is to go through a healing session. This can help you to balance your mind, body, and soul. If you have been hurt by some kind of trauma or pain in your life, you need to be grounded.

There are things that you can change in your life to make sure that you are staying grounded and here are some ways:

How You Eat

Make sure that you are eating right and that you are balancing your diet. Doing this can help you to stay grounded. People often find that they can be more grounded when they eat root vegetables, while others like to try different diets.

Some will choose to do veganism while others will become vegetarians. This can help you if you need to be more spiritual, but others prefer adding meat of some kind to their diet such as poultry, eggs, fish, or other means.

If you feel that you are spacy and you aren’t able to feel right in your mind or your body, adding some meat can help to make this better for you.

There are some people that are sensitive to what they eat and so they might need to change up their diet here and there. Adding meat might be against what you feel in the spiritual self, but this can help to ground you.

Also make sure that you are eating enough. You should eat at least 3 meals a day and it would benefit you to eat in between these meals so that you aren’t constantly fasting. Fasting is a way to grow spiritually but it doesn’t always help you to be grounded.


Another way to stay grounded is to have self-care. You need to make sure that you are taking care of your spirit and your body. Do things to pamper yourself such as getting your nails done, getting your hair done, dressing up or doing whatever makes you feel good.

Spend some of your time and money to invest in what you look like, and this can help to ground you and help you to feel better about who you are.

Self-care can also mean that you need to do things that are fun such as taking up a new hobby or doing something that brings you excitement and encouragement. Maybe you want to take a class, start working out more or doing something else that brings you joy.

Physical exercise can help your spirit and your body, and it can help you to be more grounded. Being grounded means that you are able to feel good in your mind, body, and soul and when you exercise such as doing cardio or doing weight lifting, you will feel better about who you are.

Raise Your Energies

Raise your energies and your vibrations. Start by imagining what you want in your life and what you can do to make these things a reality. Use the Law of Attraction to attract things in your life that you want and need. Be serious about the things that you desire and get them.

Try and be positive even when things are hard in your life. Being positive can help to get rid of negativity and can help to ground you.

See Things Differently

Try and see things from a different perspective when you are going through hard things. Go out and be around people that are positive and full of energy and connect with them. Increasing your energies and having fun can make you feel more grounded and stronger.

Be Practical

One thing that you need to make sure that you are doing is being practical. Make sure that you are taking care of things that are important in your life such as your family, your finances, your career, your home, and all of those things.

Baking, cooking, cleaning, and other things can help you to stay grounded. When you are doing what you need to do in your physical area, it can help you to be grounded and help you to not be trying to escape from reality.

Final Thoughts

Being grounded spiritually and physically is very important for your health and your spirituality. Make sure that you are doing what you need to do to stay strong and to keep yourself at peace with the world around you.

Reading the Symbols of Tea Leaves

Symbols of Tea Leaves

Reading tea leaves takes time and practice. You start by making your tea, letting it steep, drinking it, swirling it counterclockwise with your left hand, putting the cup in your right hand and then look at the pattern of the leaves.

Reading Tea Leaves

Even though it might sound easy to read tea leaves, the truth is that you need to follow things in a step-by-step fashion in order to do it right. You can always leave the cup in a saucer so that the leaves can settle but once you are ready to read then you need to follow the rules.

What to Do for the Reading

Here are some things that you need to do before doing your tea leaf reading:

  • Clear your mind.
  • Trust yourself.
  • Don’t try to change your guess after you read.
  • Let your intuition help you.
  • Look at the shapes of the leaves carefully.
  • Don’t try to make an answer come to you.
  • Discern the shapes and how the leaves sit together.
  • Don’t read the leaves in a timely manner.
  • The meaning of the leaves are there for you to interpret on your own.

How to Read Tea Leaves

You need to make sure that you are prepared to read your tea leaves. You can find information online about Tasseography or you can watch videos or buy books.


The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have the right materials for the tea reading. Pick the right kind of tea and get a cup and a saucer that has a handle. The tea set is best if it is white.

Make sure your area is clean and clear and put a table cloth on the table. The tea isn’t made for you to drink and be merry, so you need to not add any extras to it. Take a little bit of tea leaves and put them into the cup. Pour boiling water into the cup and cover it with the saucer and let it steep for a few minutes.


Drink the tea and only leave a little bit of the leaves at the bottom. The person getting the reading will want to likely know their future and this is when you need to ask your spirit guides to give you help. Ask the question you want to know the answer to.

Take the cup with the handle in your left hand and then move the cup in a counter-clockwise fashion so the tea leaves swirl. This will make some of them stick to the bottom and some of them stick to the sides.

Put the cup on the saucer and leave it for a few minutes while the leaves settle. You should only do this with the person with you that wants to have the answers.

Make sure you have a clear mind and ask the question that you want answered. The handle of the cup is representative of the residence it is considered the “south point” of the compass.

The cup can be put into three parts: the rim, the side, and the bottom. The rim means the one getting the reading, the side means the event that is coming, and the bottom can mean the future. The symbols that come into the cup and that go closer to the handle are more likely to happen.

Knowing the Future

The reader takes the cup from the one getting the reading. Concentrate on the one getting the reading and look in their cup. Look at how the leaves are moved around. There will be some kind of pattern of lines, dots, circles, figures and more. Notice the different shapes and how they are formed.

Turn the cup around and look and see the different symbols that show up and look at them from the different sides. Notice how the lines and the figures work together. Notice the position of the leaves. Are the leaves close to the bottom or the top?

The prediction that you give will be based on the tea leaf symbols. You need to notice the symbols in order to do the reading. The teacup can tell a good outcome if there is a symbol in the right position.

The heart symbol can represent a relationship or also an “L” or even the name of the person the one the reader is waiting to meet. The relationship might be soon or in the distant future.

The crown symbol can mean success and if you are starting your own business then this can mean that you are taking on hard things and you will face a hard future.

Seeing the Symbols

Finding the symbols might be hard unless you see an actual figure, but it takes time and imagination to make it work. You have to use your intuition to be able to see the things in front of you. Don’t just make a decision.

Some symbols might be large while others are smaller. The bigger ones have a larger and more important purpose. A large circle can mean that you are going to get a bunch of money but a small circle and mean that you might get a little money.

Letters or Lines

You might see letters such as an “S” and this can have different meanings such as a serpent which would mean bad luck. This can also mean a bird that is flying, and it can mean you are going to get good news.  This letter can also mean that you are going to meet someone with that letter in their name.

The smaller tea leaves are the ones that will form the lines, and this can mean that you are going to be on a long journey. If a line ends before it gets to the handle, then that could mean that the person getting the reading should move to a different residence as a wave can mean that the person is going on a trip.


Dots in the reading can mean that something is coming. If it is close to the rim, then it can mean that the situation will happen soon. There are different interpretations of the meanings of the dots and of all of the different lines. You need to keep an open heart and an open mind when doing reading.

Ideas for Reading Tea Leaves

Here are some ideas to take into mind before doing your reading:

  • Notice the largest signs first and then the smaller ones.
  • The amount of shapes that are in the cup can be significant and mean a change in life.
  • Look at the spread and the shapes and see what area they are in.
  • Don’t get too out of control with your reading. Focus on what you are seeing and then interpret it.
  • Be slow. Let the person getting the reading hear what you are saying.
  • Keep a journal of the times that you do a reading and what the outcome was.

Symbols of Tasseography

Here are some of the meanings of the symbols in tea leaf reading:

  • Airplane: A project failed. Can also be a balloon or an aircraft.
  • Anchor: Means to prosper in business or relationships.
  • Angel: Something good in love is happening.
  • Apples: Long life and success is coming.
  • Arrows: A bad message is coming to you.
  • Axe: You are an overcomer.
  • Birds: Brings a good journey.
  • Boat: A friend will visit.
  • Bouquet of flowers: Overall good in all things.
  • Bridge: Something positive.
  • Butterfly: Having success.
  • Candle: Being enlightened.
  • Car: Getting wealthy.
  • Castle: Coming into money.
  • Circles: Money.
  • Clouds: Troubles.
  • Clover: Great luck.
  • Coffin: Sickness or death.
  • Compass: Travelling.
  • Cow: Prosperous.
  • Cross: Delay or death.
  • Crown: Success.
  • Dagger: Friends will help.
  • Dragon: Large changes.
  • Eagle: Honor.
  • Elephant: Good luck.
  • Fish: Good news.
  • Fox: Getting backstabbed by a friend.
  • Goat: Enemies:
  • Greyhound: Working hard is paying off.
  • Gun: Slander.
  • Hammer: Overcoming challenges:
  • Hat: Being successful.
  • Heart: Good things in love or money.
  • Horseshoe: Being successful in choosing love.
  • Hourglass: Danger.
  • House: Success in business.
  • Kettle: Death.
  • Kite: Long trip.
  • Knife: Disaster through hate.
  • Ladder: To travel.
  • Letters: Depends on the letters and the dots.
  • Lines: Journeys.
  • Moon: Peace and success.
  • Mountain: Power.
  • Mushroom: Separation of lovers.
  • Owl: Sickness or poorness.
  • Pear: Wealth.
  • People: Depends on what they are doing.
  • Pick: Jealous friend or faithful lover.
  • Pine tree: Being content.
  • Rabbit: Success.
  • Rat: Loss.
  • Reptiles: Arguing.
  • Ring: Marriage or other things.
  • Saw: Stranger trouble.
  • Scales: Lawsuit.
  • Scissors: Breaking up.
  • Shark: Death or danger.
  • Sheep: Success.
  • Ship: Journey.
  • Snakes: Bad omen.
  • Squares: Comfort.
  • Star: Good luck.
  • Swan: Good luck.
  • Sword: Arguing.
  • Trees: Good luck.
  • Triangles: Good luck, inheritance.
  • Umbrella: Annoyed.
  • Unicorn: Scandal.
  • Wheel: Getting an inheritance.
  • Worms: Secrets.

History of Tea Reading

This was first done by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nun. It took place about 2737 B.C. People were drinking tea and talking about their life and then some symbols came at the bottom of the cup.

Leaf reading is called tasseography and is a reading that has been found throughout history. These are rituals that are done often in Europe and China. Some people write about this now and it is seen in popular movies.

Best Tea to Use

It is best to use loose-leaf tea that can settle. This will leave behind the different leaves and sediments that can form different patterns, lines, and dots. This is the best tea for reading because of its size. Don’t use ones with fruit or flower buds.

You should do your reading when you use a tea set, and you can choose one that is patterned or one that is white. Don’t use designed cups that make you not able to see the patterns. Cups that are too light colored might make the reading messed up.

Coffee Tasseography

You can also use coffee if you want to do coffee reading. This is sometimes done by different countries and the cup is divided into horizontal sections with the handle being where the sitter sits and the bottom the future.

Final Thoughts

Tasseography is something that is done as future telling. It involves using coffee, tea, wine and other things and it relies on your intuition. Practice this and then when you are ready to do your own reading you can be successful.

If you need help, find books online. You can find ones that help you to do easier readings and can help you to practice your skills.

Being in a Toxic Relationship

Toxic Relationship

There is no real class on not getting a terrible boy or girlfriend and there are people that just like the idea of being with someone. Dating someone is something that you give a chance and you either make it or you don’t. If you are like most everyone else, chances are that you will have a lot of bad relationships.

Being in a bunch of different toxic relationships can make it hard to deal with dating. The problem though is that there are people that go into toxic relationships because they make bad dating something that is a habit. They end up hurt and sad, but it happens.

People often put their partner as an object instead of a person and sometimes they take their partners as a prize instead of someone to share a relationship with.

Understanding Toxicity

A toxic relationship is one that happens when people put love over respect, affection, and trust. Love is not the only reason to stay in a relationship and there has to be other reasons that are listed. If you put love as the biggest reason to be in a relationship, then chances are that you are going to miss out on a relationship of respect and care.

You will put love first and you will see that your partner ends up cheating on you because you tolerate the way that they treat you. If you put love over affection, then you will have a partner that is there but that doesn’t open up to you.

People will tolerate being in a bad relationship because they have low self-esteem or because they allow their emotions to be in charge of what they are wanting.

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

There are different kinds of toxic relationships and most of the time people ignore these signs. Instead of finding a healthy relationship, they allow their toxic relationships to be in control of who they are and what they want.

Keeping Score

Keeping score means that you date someone and they are always blaming you for things that you have done in the past. If you made a mistake in the past, they keep up with it like they are keeping score. This can end up causing fight after fight.

This kind of person will keep reminding you over and over about what you did wrong. This is toxic because they are taking the problems that you are having together, and they are focusing on things that you did in the past. They are manipulating you to make you feel guilty.

Most of the time in this situation the partners will spend all of their time trying to prove that they didn’t do anything wrong and that they are not as guilty as the other person.

How to Handle This

This issue needs to be dealt with and if you are with someone that is always cheating on you, there is a problem. If they tell you they do this because you cheated 10 years ago, this is unacceptable.

Passive Aggressiveness

This is when a person doesn’t say what they are feeling but they try to make their partner figure it out without saying it. They don’t say what upsets them and they do things to make their partner mad so then they can complain about them freely.

This shows that you are not able to communicate with each other and if one partner is always putting out hints, they fear being afraid of what they have to say.

How to Handle This

The best thing that you can do is to express what you are feeling. You have to openly communicate if you want the relationship to have love and support.

Blackmailing Commitment

When a person has a complaint in the relationship and will threaten the whole relationship. This can be a situation such as if your partner is angry, instead of saying, “you seem angry,” they say, “I can’t be with someone who is always angry at me.”

This is called relationship hostage, and this means that even when the partner does something small, it can make the relationship seem like it is going to end. This happens because the person feels that they aren’t able to communicate what they are feeling and there is a lot of distrust.

How to Handle This

You can get mad at your partner, and you won’t always like what they do. This is normal. You can be with someone and not like everything that they do, and you can fix this by talking to each other without being judgmental.

Blaming Your Partner

Some people will blame their partner for what they are feeling. They will get frustrated with their partner because of something they are going to do like go out with their friends and then when they lash out, they will think you are insensitive. This happens when one person wants their partner to always base their day on your emotional state.

This is dangerous because you can’t blame your partner for everything that happens in your life. They have to have boundaries and your partner can’t make you feel good about yourself all the time. This is a codependent relationship.

The problem with this is that it causes people to resent each other. It makes there be frustration and bitterness and it can lead to manipulation of feelings and wants.

How to Fix This

You have to be responsible for what you are feeling. Your emotions are yours and your partner doesn’t have to be obligated to make you feel better all the time. The times that they choose to be with you should be because that is what they choose and not because of how you are feeling.

Being Jealous

This happens when one partner gets upset when their partner talks, texts, or hangs out with someone else. This can be overdone, and the partner will get angry no matter what they do with the opposite sex, and they get angry to try and control their partner. This can cause them to start looking into your phone, reading your messages and your email, and following you places.

Some people think that this is cute, but this is actually dangerous and toxic. The jealous partner feels that their partner doesn’t love them, and it can make them act crazy. If your partner cannot trust you enough to be around other people, they don’t trust you and they just want to control you.

How to Fix This

You need to trust your partner. You need to not make jokes about being jealous and you need to make sure that you are controlling your feelings.

Buying Things

When problems come into the relationship, the partner will buy things to try to make the problem go away or be ignored. One example of this is when parents get divorced and so they buy big things like a swimming pool for the kids so that they don’t have to feel bad.

Buying stuff for someone doesn’t make the problems go away. This situation will only make people get madder before the situation is actually solved. This can also cause women to get more upset with the man so that he can buy her more stuff or vice versa.

How to Fix This

Deal with whatever is going on and stop trying to cover it up with buying things. There is nothing wrong with doing nice things for each other but make sure that you are doing this because you love each other and not because you are trying to suck up.

Finding a Good Relationship

When a relationship is toxic, it affects everyone. Here are some ways that you can change your relationship and make it work:

  • Both you and your partner make plans to change. There has to be a willingness to make things work.
  • Both partners realize that there has to be affection, trust, and respect. They both have to want things to get better and agree to work through things.
  • There has to be open communication without blaming from both partners.

Fixing a toxic relationship can be hard and if you can’t fix it though, you need to just end it and find one that won’t be toxic in your life. Once you are ready to turn your toxic relationship into something good, make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. You can talk to someone such as a counselor if you need help.

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When Your Loved One Dies

When Your Loved One Dies

When you have a loved one that dies, you probably want to know what happens next. Transitioning to their next life can be something that is beautiful and exciting. When someone goes from life to death, they leave their physical body, and their spirit continues on.

Death is a change that everyone will experience, and this is part of the journey in life. Even though you might not understand it because you haven’t experienced it, it is something that can take time to adjust to.

When you talk to your loved one through a medium, you might want to ask them what happened when they transitioned. You might want to ask them how this felt and have them tell you all about it. This can help you to know more about what to expect.

What Might Happen When Your Loved One Dies?

Here are some things that might happen when your loved one dies:

They Are Met by Other People

Your loved one might meet angels, people, friends, family, and strangers when they die. When someone is dying, they might want to meet up with their loved ones that have went before them.

Being afraid to let someone go might keep them from reaching the place where they want to go. Sometimes when a person that was married gets a reading from their deceased loved one, they want to cross over and meet with them soon.

They can sometimes see the spirits of their loved one when they are getting ready to die and it isn’t uncommon for someone to have visions of their dead friends and family members when they are in their final stages of life. Some people will see animals that are waiting for them on the other side.


Some believe that the spirit leaves the body right away and others believe that the spirit waits until the body releases it. Regardless of this, there are some people that will have bad things happen to them that causes their death such as mental illness or some kind of trauma. When the spirit leaves the body for these situations, it can be released before the body dies.

A deceased loved one that sees you suffering might come to you and take you out before your body actually dies.


There is a time between death and going to the other side that some believe the spirits can sleep and rest. This can allow the spirit to recharge from their death. This space doesn’t mean that the spirit isn’t going to cross over, it is just a resting place before that happens.

The person usually has healing before they transition, and this allows them to get rid of any pain in their body.

Reviewing Their Life

When the loved one is ready to cross over and they have their resting period, they can take time to review what happened to them while they were on earth. This is the life review time.

This can happen to them with other spirits and angels and sometimes there are up to seven of them. These are times where they can see all the good things that they did on the earth from their birth to their death. They will see their life played before them like a movie.

The review that they have of their time on earth allows them to understand and appreciate their life even more. Once it is done, they can see things from a different viewpoint and can understand their own actions.

Going Straight Through

After the earth review, the spirit goes to where it is going. This can be a time where they visit you and where they come to readings that you try to have with a medium.

Some spirits will come to the family, and some will discuss their ideas with the angels and guides. The people that were teachers and healers will continue to the spiritual world to keep doing what they were doing.

Next Incarnation

The goal of the souls in this article is to incarnate again. They are meant to give unconditional love to the universe, and they might have to learn many things along the way. Some people have very few lives and others have many lives.

Each time you go to a different life, you will have a different soul group. This will be your friends, relatives, loved ones and strangers that you meet along your journey. These are people that will assist you through your path.

The loved ones that have crossed over might even come to you again in this life or they might continue to a different place. Some spirits wait for their loved ones to complete their stages before they move to another life.

Final Thoughts

There are different things that people believe, and some believe that these are the stages of transitioning into death. This process can be different for everyone and can be thought of by different people.

It usually takes a spirit about 10 days to cross over to the other side and so you have to give them time to cross over. Many spirits will visit you before they go to their next life so that they can let you know that they are okay.

Using Love Mantras to Have Power

Love Mantras

Are you curious if the person you are with is the right person for you? Talking to a psychic about this can help and they will often look at your Akashic Records to see what has happened in your past life in regards to love.

When someone wants to know about their relationship, they might not understand love and they might not feel that they are getting what they need out of their relationship.

Love is something that needs to grow and needs to have care. If love isn’t taken care of then it will not work out. Love needs to have kindness, actions, intimacy, peace, and happiness.  When someone isn’t getting what they want in their love life, the relationship probably won’t work out.

Next Relationship

Maybe you have decided to end your relationship and you wonder what you need in your next relationship. When you figure out what you want and what you need then you can find a healthy partner. Don’t forget that love is about happiness, and this means that you should have fun. Love doesn’t have to always be serious.

People often only focus on the problems that they are facing, and they forget to remember the fun times that they have had or to create more fun. They also forget to stop being so serious and they forget that intimacy is important.

Love Mantras

The important thing that you can do is to remember that love is full of energy. You can use love mantras to increase your energy and to make the relationship have a lot of love. A love mantra can give you the desires that you want in your relationship.

Using love mantras can help you to get what you wish for out of your relationship and the universe will help you with this as you increase your positive thinking. Here are some love mantras that you can try out:

  • I am in a good relationship.
  • I am getting what I need out of my partner.
  • I love to be in love.
  • Love will always find me.
  • Love is something that is fun for me.
  • I have peace and happiness in my partner.
  • I bring positivity to my relationship.
  • My partner makes love feel like it is easy.

Final Thoughts

Being in love is not always an easy thing and relationships take time and work. If you are in a relationship that is lacking fun and intimacy, try using some of the love mantras above or try to make up your own. You can have the love life that you deserve.

When You Love Someone Too Much

Love Someone Too Much

Love is one thing that makes the world go around and when you find someone that you feel like you want to spend the rest of your life with, are they are sure as you are? You need to make sure that you have communication and that you are able to talk about the future. If they are shutting you down, chances are that they aren’t meeting your emotional needs.

What do you do when he isn’t giving you the understanding or if he seems to be losing interest? Does he want to spend more time with his friends than you do? Or do you feel that he is suffocating you or being overly dependent? What if you have been dating him for years and years and you keep waiting for a proposal that never comes?

How do you know if he loves you the same as you love him?

There are things that can go wrong with any relationship and when things don’t seem fair, it is just what it is. When you are in a relationship and you wonder if you should stay with him or if you should move on, you need to figure out what is going on.

Ignoring Me

Are you with someone that isn’t giving you attention that you need, or you feel that they are ignoring you? Many people have had this happen and when it happens, it can really bother you. The truth is, he isn’t that into you or he wouldn’t ignore you.

When a man is dating a woman, you have to understand that a man will do things in the relationship to be close to you. If someone doesn’t want to be with you, that’s okay and their choice but they should tell you. Don’t try to force them to be with you. If they hurt you and don’t want to be with you, let them go.

Being in a relationship takes two people that want to be involved in each other. If he isn’t giving you interest that you are giving him, walk away and find someone else to be with.

Making Contact

Why does someone act like they like you, but they wait for you to be the one to contact them? If you are in a relationship and you are the one that has to always initiate the contact, it could be at first that they are shy and don’t know what to say. But if you get used to him and he never calls or doesn’t ask to get together, this can be a sign that they might not like you that much.

If he gets excited when you reach out to him and make a plan and when you spend time together you have a great time, chances are that he is just being lazy, and he doesn’t bother to take the time to make the relationship better. Some guys are really just like this. But, if he doesn’t want to put effort into the relationship, figure out if that bothers you or not.

Has He Lost Interest?

Have you met someone that you seem to be compatible with and things are going great and then out of nowhere he stops calling or texting you? If this happens, chances are he doesn’t want to be with you anymore and he doesn’t know what to say.

You might think he is attracted to you but if he isn’t interested in you anymore, let him go and find someone else that is.

Overly Dependent

Being codependent in a relationship is when you are having self-destructive behaviors such as addiction or poor mental health and you are in a relationship where you are only focusing on one persons needs. This can be a control problem and when someone is codependent on you, don’t focus on what you are feeling but focus on if you are allowing them to act this way.

They are not right in what they are doing but they would not be doing this if you didn’t allow them. Stop letting them be dependent on you and stop meeting all for their needs. This is very toxic and when you say no, you will see that this can change their behavior. You might need to talk to a counselor if this keeps happening.

Talking About You

A partner that you are with should not be confiding into other people about what is going on with your relationship. They should not make their friends think badly of you or dislike you by pulling them into your disagreements. If he is complaining about you and not focusing on making the relationship better, then he is speaking against you.

Catching your boyfriend lying about you to your friends is something that you should never put up with. This will make you look bad, and this is a time where your partner is not taking any responsibility in the relationship and why it is lacking. You might have to fight for yourself and to stand up for yourself and that is okay.

On the other hand, sometimes we need people that we can vent to and so if this is happening with someone, he is close to, this is different.

Will he Ask Me to Marry Him?

Have you been dating a long time and your boyfriend hasn’t even hinted on marriage? This can be someone that loves you but not someone that wants to get married.

You need to look at your relationship and find out what you want and what he wants. Don’t expect him to feel the same if he has never said that he does. You need to find someone that wants to marry you and not someone that is just dating you forever.

Is It Destiny or Do You Love Him Too Much?

When you are with someone that really loves you, you will know it. There will be disagreements, of course, but they will always be fixed. You can tell when someone loves you. The relationship that you are in should give you meaning and purpose in your life and it should be something good.

You can know if a man loves you by how he acts and how he treats you. A man or a woman should love you enough to care about your feelings and to not hurt you. They remember things that are important to what you want and what you need, and they will give you time, love, and respect. They will also include you in their future plans.

If you haven’t met the perfect person yet, you can meet them at some point in your life. Find out what is good for you and be with someone that is going to love you like you need.

Other Relationship Questions:

  • Should I leave my partner? If your relationship isn’t fulfilling to your life, then you don’t have to feel bad for leaving them. Find happiness and do what it takes to be at peace.
  • Is the relationship balanced? Both you and your partner should be putting time into the relationship. If you aren’t loving each other equally then this might not be the right relationship for you.
  • Do you want to stay in the relationship? Do you feel happy, and do you feel that you are fulfilled in the relationship? If not, then you might should move on.
  • Is your relationship a toxic one? When you feel taken advantage of, neglected, talked about, treated poorly and you aren’t getting your needs met then your relationship is probably toxic.

Is This Love?

Not every relationship is going to be good and if you are with someone that doesn’t love you then you aren’t in a good relationship. Don’t give your heart and your life to someone that doesn’t love you back.

Dedicate your heart and your life to people that will put the effort into the relationship that you put into it. You don’t have to settle for someone that isn’t going to love you or meet your needs.

We all wonder sometimes if we should stay in certain relationships and if you don’t feel that you should or if you have questions that you can’t answer, talk to a psychic to give you help with your love life.

Are You Sad or Is Your Aura Just Blue?

Aura Just Blue

Your aura is your energy shield that surrounds you and it is always changing colors. This represents the experiences and feelings that you have. There is a style that comes with your aura and when you want to heal it, you have to understand the energy and the colors behind it.

The aura is made up of different energies and these energies are attracted to your style and your colors. The style of your aura can mean that you can be guided to reach your best self. As you change your energies and your field around you, you will see that your aura style will change.

Blue Aura

A blue aura is one that allows you to balance your energy. When you have low vibes, your color can be blue. This can also happen though when you are:

• Relaxed.
• Easy going.
• Don’t want to be bothered.
• Happy.
• Comfortable.
• Plain.
• Fashionable.
• Stylish.

Having a Blue Aura

If you have a blue aura, here is what your style should look like:

  • Wear: Blue jeans and blue clothing.
  • Listen: Listen to music that flows and gets you in a good mood.
  • Clothes: Clothing like jumpsuits and terry cloth items.
  • Watch: Find shows on Netflix that are full of mama energy and that show people being kind and loving.

Final Thoughts

No matter what color your aura is, there are things that you can do to increase your aura energy and help you to feel good about who you are and what your life has for you. Find ways to cleanse yourself and to make sure that your aura is strong.

Remember, your aura will pick up the energies of those around you and so make sure that you are around people that are positive, fun, and energetic. The whom you give and the more you show off who you are, the happier you will be and the brighter your aura will be.