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Best Beginner’s Guide to Meditation


Meditation is one way that you can change your mind and that you can become fit at the same time. There are different techniques and you can learn one that works best for you.

Buddhist tradition looks at meditation as a sport and it is also considered to be a family activity that can be done at home. There are different kinds of skills that can be used when you meditate.

It can be hard for a beginner to meditate for long periods of time and to think of nothing. There are some different tools that can be used such as training DVD’s or online videos that can help a beginner to be able to mediate easier. The best way to start meditating is to focus on your breathing and then to change your concentration to nothing later.

Concentration Meditation Techniques

When you use concentration meditation this means you are focusing on one thing. This can be your breathing or it can be saying mantras or single words. You can even concentrate on a candle flame or counting mala beads. Focusing on the mind can be hard so it will be harder for a beginner to meditate without using these tools for long periods of time.

This kind of meditation can help you to focus your awareness on a single thing and once you see your mind wandering, you can find something else to focus on.

Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

Mindfulness meditation means that you are not letting your thoughts drift while you are meditating. You need to make sure that you aren’t allowing thoughts to come and if they do you aren’t to judge them. You need to be more aware of what you are thinking of.

As you meditate with mindfulness meditation, you will see that there are patterns that you can do. You can be more aware of your experiences rather good or bad and once you learn to be balanced, you will be able to be still longer.

Other Meditation

There are many other kinds of meditation that you can try. You can do a daily meditation where you focus on being kind and you can get rid of negativity out of your mind. This can make things more positive for you and help you to be more compassionate.

Why Does Meditation Help?

Meditation is a way that you can learn to relax. This can help you to get rid of stress and to not react to hard things.

Relaxation can have benefits for the nervous system and here are some other benefits of relaxing and meditation:

  • Having lower blood pressure.
  • Better circulation.
  • Lower heart rate.
  • Lower respiratory rate.
  • Less perspiration.
  • Less stress.
  • Lower cortisol.
  • Better overall well-being.
  • Relaxation.

Doing meditation on a consistent basis can help you to have better immunity and better brain functions. You can meditate and reach the benefits of having a healthier mind, body and soul.

In Buddhist religions, the best benefit of meditation is to not be attached to things and to let your mind release control of things that are going on around you. This can help you to be enlightened and help you to no longer cling to desires that you have.

Ways to Meditate

Here are some of the best ways that you can meditate:

  • Sit in a comfortable place.
  • You can use a chair or a cushion for comfort.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.
  • Don’t try to control your breathing but be normal.
  • Focus on how your body moves as you breathe and how your stomach goes in and out.
  • Don’t try and control the pace of your breathing.

Keep meditating for a few minutes. You can start with just 2 minutes each day and then you can build up. There are different things that you can use that can help you to meditate and to learn to relax more.

Use Colors to Balance Your Chakra Energies

Chakra Energies

Do you feel that your mind, body or soul is off and you aren’t feeling like your best self? If so, you might have some kind of chakra blockages. If this happens, there is something called color therapy.

Color therapy is a type of therapy called chromotherapy and it is when light is used to help to increase the energies in the body.

Light is full of energy and when light works with other things, there are colors. Each color has its own wavelength and therefore each color has its own kind of energy. For example, red and yellow have different vibrational frequencies that they work on. Chromotherapy is a way that you can use colors to balance your energy.

Understanding Colors

Colors can affect your mind, body, and soul. Colors are powerful and even the colors that you wear can affect your mood. When you wear red, it might make you feel more energetic and powerful. If you are in a green room, it might make you feel calm.

There are other things that have to do with color therapy such as when you wear black, you might be mourning. If you want to heal your chakras, you need to pay attention to the colors around you.

Chakra Colors

All of the chakras are represented by a different color. Here is a list of the colors and the chakras:

  • Root chakra: Red.
  • Sacral chakra: Orange.
  • Solar plexus: Yellow.
  • Heart chakra: Green.
  • Throat chakra: Blue.
  • Third eye chakra: Indigo.
  • Crown chakra: White or violet.

If you need to fix one of your chakras and to balance it, it is important that you wear a color that is associated with that chakra.

Chakras and the Body

Here are the body parts that the chakras relate to:

Root Chakra

• Kidneys.
• Genitals.
• Spine.
• Bones.
• Legs.
• Feet.
• Anus.
• Urethra.

Sacral Chakra

• Pelvis.
• Reproductive organs.
• Urinary tract.
• Small intestine.
• Kidneys.
• Sexual organs.
• Back.
• Colon.
• Spleen.

Solar Plexus Chakra

• Liver.
• Spleen.
• Stomach.
• Diaphragm.
• Metabolism.
• Pancreas.

Heart Chakra

• Lungs.
• Ribs.
• Hands.
• Wrists.
• Circulation.
• Heart.
• Thymus.

Throat Chakra

• Jaw.
• Thyroid.
• Arms.
• Throat.
• Neck.
• Mouth.
• Nose.
• Vocal cords.

Third Eye Chakra

• Pituitary gland.
• Nervous system.
• Mind.
• Nose.
• Ears.
• Eyes.

Crown Chakra

• Nervous system.
• Brain.
• Pineal gland.
• Mind.
• Head.

Using Colors to Heal the Chakras

You can use chormotherapy as a way to help with your chakras. Using color therapy can help you to open up your chakras. There are ways that you can use this to bring balance and this can happen by wearing a color that is associated with your blocked chakra.

You can also eat foods of that color, burn that color candle, meditate and visualize the colors, or incorporating the colors in your everyday living.

There are different ways that you can balance your chakras by using colors. Notice which color works with the chakra that you need to have balanced and try something useful.

Connecting with Nature Spirits

Connecting with Nature Spirits

Some people wonder why connecting with nature is important. The problem is that people are disconnected from danger, and this happens because of electronics and other problems. There are symptoms of nature disconnect all over the place.

No one takes care of the earth like they should and they are often abusive from too much pollution from fracking and not using the resources like they should be used. When being disconnected from nature, it causes people to lose sight on how important nature is.

Different cultures still have a high regard for nature, and they allow the nature spirits to guide them. People forget that when they don’t take care of the world that they pay for it at a later time.

Nature Deficit Disorder is a term that is coined by Richard Louv. He calls this “alienation from nature,” which means that we don’t use nature as we should and it causes there to be physical and emotional problems, even lessening our senses.

When someone is depressed or overwhelmed or they don’t feel like anyone is on their side, or when you feel that something is missing, something probably is. We need to be covered by respect, kindness, gentleness and conversation.

Reconnecting with Nature

As we reconnect with nature spirits, we can live in a place of peace and harmony. We become nice to the world, take care of plants, and do what is necessary to make things better.

As we become awakened, we can call on the nature spirits to heal us, guide us and to love us. We can realize that the world is taking care of us and that spirits are smart, fun, playful and love you to be here.

There are many kinds of nature spirits and each time that you decide to live in harmony with them it can better your life. There are spirits and energy in all things such as flowers, plants, land spirits, water spirits and more and all of the elemental beings of fire, air, earth, and water.

Explore the nature spirits and find out what they have to say to you. When you connect with them you will:

  • Be grounded.
  • Be open-minded.
  • Be respectful and humble.
  • Be light and playful.
  • Listen to your heart.
  • Let go of expectations.

Be Grounded

As you get deeper with nature you will become in tune with it. You will be more aware of the world around you and you will be able to breathe easier. You will notice the seasons, the birds, insects, and animals. Let life be around you.

Be Open-Minded

Being open minded means that you can meet the different spirits. You will see beyond what senses you have and you can tap into the energies that they have each day. Nature spirits can come to you, and this will be worth it.

Be Respectful and Humble

Nature is a place where the spirits are and so always be humble and respectful of them. Talk to them and let them show you things.

Be Light and Playful

Have fun and enjoy nature. Don’t just go out and always be serious but connect with love and playfulness. Be honest with nature spirits and connect with them. Don’t take everything so seriously. Lighten up and play and have fun.

Listen to Your Heart

Your heart will guide you and will show you what you should do. You will know what park paths to take and you will be drawn to flowers, birds, insects and more. Let your heart guide you and let your vibrations raise.

Let Go of Expectations

Everyone has expectations that hold them back. Let go of these things and let things come as they please. As you walk, pay attention to things around you and listen to the messages. Don’t expect there to be anything specific, just enjoy life and let go of all of your worries.

Does Empathy Hurt?

Feel Sad and Guilty

We are all emotional beings, some more than others. Because of this, some wonder if empathy can be harmful to you. The truth is that empathy can be dangerous and hurtful to you if it makes you to feel guilty. For example, a narcissist can use empathy to hurt their victims. This can cause damage to the relationship and make people bitter and hurt.

How Can Empathy Hurt You?

Here are some of the ways that empathy can hurt you:

Making You Feel Sad and Guilty

Some people donate things to people because they feel sorry for them. When people feel too much empathy, they will look at people that are upset and they will feel that they are responsible to make this go away. This is sometimes called empathy-based guilt.

This kind of guilt can come to people that believe that the happiness of someone else depends on what they do. This is also sometimes called survivor guilt.

While some believe that they can make others better, other people believe that they cause distress to others and they can take away the suffering that they have. A person that is depressed will have survivor guilt and will often be submissive but those that are only mildly depressed are the ones that show the most empathy.

People that are depressed are often the ones that feel responsible for people the most. They are the ones that want to fix others even though they need some kind of fixing themselves.

Cognitive Empathy

People that are psychopaths are often considered those with cognitive empathy. This is part of an antisocial disorder, and it leads to behavior where there is no remorse. This is a personality disorder. Sometimes psychopaths and narcissists are in the same category, and they all have cognitive empathy.

Psychopaths are great at making their victims blame themselves for the way that they are being treated by that person. Manipulation plays a big role in cognitive empathy and in the role of people with a psychotic disorder.

Relationship Empathy or Hyper-Empathy

Having too much empathy can cause your relationships to not work out. It can cause one partner to put a lot into the relationship while the other partner doesn’t. This can cause the one to become bitter. There should never be too much empathy when there is love and it should be a positive thing. Empathy is not always healing.

People that are hyper-empaths are people that are very sensitive to social stimuli and they have a hard time dealing with their feelings in a positive way. They also have a hard time making decisions that would help them the most. They will often become exhausted in order to make the relationship work.

Empathy Fatigue

When you get empathy fatigue it can cause you to be exhausted and to not be able to cope with things around you. It can happen when a person has a chronic illness or when they go through some kind of loss or trauma.

This is also sometimes called compassion fatigue because it says that tiredness comes because of the size of the emotions and this can cause a decrease in being able to empathize with others. When you work in a place where you have to have a lot of empathy, it can cause you to get burnt out.

Burnout can cause you to be tired and emotionally exhausted and you will not even want to go to work anymore. This is seen most in high touch jobs such as medicine, journalism, teaching, nursing and law. This is also seen in stressful job careers.

Empathetic Aggression

Most people believe that empathy is good and that empathy and aggression don’t work together. When your empathy reduces then it can increase your aggression and your irritability. More empathy makes people more peaceful and less aggressive.

Empathy can make you angry when you care about someone, and you know that they are doing things to threaten themselves. You know that they are going to go through something that will cause them pain and this can cause you to feel aggressive. This is normal.

You don’t get angry because you are around someone, you get angry because you know that there can be harm to this person. This can happen when there is hurt inside a place where you have a strong connection such as hurt to your friends or your family members.

Anger and aggression are different and here is what they mean:

  • Anger: A response to a threat or a situation that can be frustrating.
  • Aggression: When you will harm or hurt another person in anger.
  • Frustration: When you are expecting someone to give you a reward, but they don’t.

Understanding Empathy

Empathy is knowing how someone feels or being able to put yourself in the shoes of others. Empathy allows you to feel the emotions and the thoughts of other people and it is what gives you meaning in your relationships.

Here are some other definitions of empathy:

  • The ability to understand a situation that someone you love is going through.
  • The ability to share your ideas, emotions and thoughts with other people.
  • The ability to share the emotions of others from their perspective and not just your own.

Can Empathy Be Negative for You?

The main reason that empathy can be negative for you is because it can cause you to feel stressed. Those that are empathic have been found to have chronic low-grade inflammation in one study and in another study, these people have high stress hormones of cortisol which is the fight or flight hormone.

Having too much of anything can be negative and this includes empathy. Hyper-empathy is sometimes termed as being an empath, which is someone that has strong feelings and emotions. These people are often victims of manipulation, and they experience high levels of burnout and exhaustion.

Sympathy Versus Empathy

Sympathy is different from empathy because it is having compassion towards other people. This can mean that you get with a friend that has lost a loved one or you cry over a lost job. You might even talk about your boss that was mean to your friend.

Sympathy means that you are declaring how you feel and the sadness of someone that you care about. Sympathy is something that is not bad for you, even if you have a lot of sympathy, this will not cause you stress or anxiety.

Empathy can become too much for a person because some people are always trying to make things better instead of just having compassion.

Kinds of Empathy

There are three types of empathy including cognitive empathy, emotional empathy and compassionate empathy:

  • Cognitive empathy: When you can think and predict what someone is thinking or when you are able to look at things from your own perspective.
  • Emotional empathy: When you feel emotions that someone around you is having. This is kind of like sharing emotions with each other.
  • Compassionate empathy: When you are understanding what someone is going through and being responsible or acting to help them to feel better.

Final Thoughts

Empathy can be something that is hurtful or dangerous if it is used overboard. Most of the time people don’t consider empathy to be something negative but it can be. If you have went through some kind of trauma, empathy can be triggered and it might not be beneficial to the person being empathic or the one receiving it.

Difference Between Karmic Lessons and Debt

Karmic Lessons and Debt

There is a difference between karmic lessons and karmic debt. Once you understand these things then you can learn to live the best life that you can.

Karmic Lessons

Karmic lessons are the vibrations that are missing in your life. These come from your birth name. The vibrations are the energies that you have never felt not in the present life or in your past life. These lessons will come to your life over and over again until you learn them and you learn to become the master of these energies.

You will see that once you master the energies that you will learn your lesson and you will be able to have a better life in the future. If you are someone that uses numerology, then you probably believe in the past lives.

Karmic lessons are past life lessons that you will learn to do in your life and you will become perfect at making them work. Karmic lessons are not something that you have to do as a sacrifice to avoid things but you are missing vibrations that you need to work on.

When someone is missing a vibration, they will see that in their name. This is the birth name that they were given officially. The choices that the person makes will create karma throughout their life now and in the future.

Karmic Debt

Karmic debt is the amount of karma that you have accumulated in your life. This karmic debt can be found by the karmic debt number. This is a number that is based on the choices that you have made in your past life. These choices were things that you did on your own free will. This is similar to the reap and sow concept.

The debt that you acquire over the period of your life will be the debt that you have to pay back. This payback can come in the form of bad things happening to you in your present life. This might end up with you dealing with abuse or being free of abuse to have real love.

There are some numbers that can represent karmic debt and these numbers are 13, 14, 16 and 19. These numbers are karmic debt numbers. The numbers that are there represent your life that you lived in the past. Chances are that if you have these numbers in your karmic debt that you have lived a selfish life.

Final Thoughts

The karmic debt that you have doesn’t mean that you have done something wrong in this life but in a past life. You should never feel guilty of the choices that you make but you can use your karmic debt number to understand why some things happen in your life. There will be some areas that seem like patterns and these patterns will teach you a lesson until you master it.

Karmic debt and karmic lessons will help you to understand why things are happening in your life. You will see that you can go in the right direction, and you can pay back your karmic debt so that you will have good things in your life in the future.

Keep working towards any roadblocks that you have and face the challenges that come in your life through karmic and other situations. You can work towards living your best life.

Enhance Meditation with Rituals


When you need to calm your mind and be in control of your thoughts, meditation can help. It can help you to have a clear mind and to have clear thinking. You can use guided meditation with music while using things such as aromatherapy, mantras, crystals, and other things while doing rituals. This can help you to be more inspired and to increase your spirituality.

Using Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can help you to have a strong meditation ritual. You can put some on your skin or you can try smudging. This can help you to relax and to be stress free. When you meditate, you can use these things to increase your practices.

Essential Oils

These oils can be used, and they are from leaves and roots. They can be used on your skin or when you bath. Here are some of the best ones to use:

  • Lavender to calm you.
  • Peppermint to help you focus.
  • Sandalwood to give you mental clarity.

Find the oil that you love the most.


Smudging can help you and is done by many cultures. It was originally practiced by the Native American culture. You can do this by putting dried herbs together and lighting them and letting the smoke enhance your mind, body, and soul.

Here are some of the best herbs to use:

  • Palo Santo is a scent that has mint, leather, or vanilla.
  • Sage is a scent that is common and increases intuition and decreases stress.
  • Sweetgrass can bring in positive energies.

Using Mantras

Mantra is a Sanskrit word and is known as mantra meditation. This is when you repeat a word or a phrase over and over. You need to believe the mantra to make it work.

Crystals and Stones

You can use crystals and stones to meditate with. This can make you stronger and can help to get rid of negative energies. You can do this when you meditate, and it will make your meditation work better. Here are some of the best stones:

  • Rose quartz will inspire you and give you self-love.
  • Labradorite will help you to be more mystical.
  • Selenite will cleanse your soul and mind.

Final Thoughts

You can meditate to get rid of negative thinking. It can also help you to have better emotions. When you need a break, meditate and be more mindful. This can help you to concentrate while you keep improving your meditation.

Spiritual Zodiac Signs

Spiritual Zodiac Signs

There are some people that put their religion first and they believe in gods and religion. They believe in supernatural things from birth to rebirth and have thoughts that the universe is always watching them.

According to astrologists, there are some signs that are more spiritual than other signs. Here they are:


The Scorpio sign is hard working people, and they want to reach their dreams and goals. They work hard and take care of things because they believe that there is a higher power guiding them. They have strong energy and the believe that good and bad things deal with karma, and they believe in rebirth.

These are passionate people that are caring and loving to others, and they believe that their karma is what helps to guide their lives.


This sign is one that believes that the universe is a strong power that is always watching. They try to find ways to make things in their life meaningful. They believe in religion, and they like to do rituals and traditions to follow their beliefs.

This is a sign that loves life and, they are positive. They believe that good things are always around them.


The Pisces is one of the most creative of the zodiac signs. They are also very spiritual. They believe in fantasy, and they think that the world is full of mystery. They look at the different meanings that life has, and they bond with people that are close to them.

This is a creative and imaginative sign, and they believe that there are gods, and that good people go to good places and bad people go to bad places.

Spiritual Zodiac Signs

What is your zodiac sign? You may or may not be spiritual but if you are one of these three signs, find out how spiritual you are based on your zodiac. Your personality can tell a lot about you based on your sign.

No matter what you believe, keep living your best life and working towards a better version of you!

Knowing If You’re in a Karmic Relationship


Have you ever had a strong connection with your partner and the connection is so strong that you feel like it is magnetic? This might be someone that you cannot stop thinking about and really, you think it might be your soulmate.  If you are on a karmic relationship journey, it can be hurtful and emotional. Sometimes these are relationships that end with someone being obsessive and rude.

Love is the one thing that you need to look for and you need to make sure that your relationship isn’t karmic. Karmic relationships only last for a short term and there are so many red flags that it should be obvious that you are in that kind of relationship.

Knowing You are in a Karmic Relationship

Here are some ways you can know that you are in a karmic relationship:

Strong Connection

You will have a strong, instant connection. This will be someone that you are connected with right away and that you feel like you cannot live without. This can be someone that is from your past life.


Karmic relationships are full of drama. The connection is there but you ignore all of the red flags. This will be an emotional coaster and you will have ups and downs.

Communication Problems

You will have communication problems with this person. You will try to talk things out, but they will always make excuses or always blame you. The relationship will feel like you are the only one putting anything in.


Karmic relationships are codependent. They are one sided and your partner will forget that you have needs because they are always getting their met. They will bond to you, but you will become dependent on them and forget who you are.

What do Karmic Relationships Do?

Here are how karmic relationships affect you:

Feeling Addicted

You will want to be with your partner, and you will never want them around you. It will be like you are addicted to them. This will be hard, and your partner might want to end the relationship.


This kind of relationship is tiring because there are so many ups and downs. You will feel mentally tired, and you will never feel that you are well and strong.

It Seems Impossible

You will feel that this kind of relationship is impossible, and it will hurt your mental health. It cannot last for long because you will grow exhausted.

Getting Out of a Karmic Relationship

The fastest way to get out of a karmic relationship is to first admit you are in one. You need to not deny the red flags and you need to see that you can get out of it once you understand what is going on.

Find your own happiness and focus on who you are. The relationship will have such a coaster effect that it will be hard to walk away from, but you can do it. Your life will be better once you walk away and find your freedom.

Embracing Your Intuition

Embracing Your Intuition

Your intuition is your small voice that you have that can help you when you need it. It isn’t something that is proven or something that is scientific, and it comes from inside of you. Some call it a hunch while others will call it a gut feeling or more.

Using Intuition to Guide You

Intuition is more than just a thought. You need to take time out of your life to practice listening to your intuition and letting it guide you.  When you get tired or when you need information, your intuition can give you that information.

You can get senses and feelings, and this is part of your intuition that can guide you in all things in your life. This is something that comes, not to your mind, but to your unconscious mind. This is based partly on memories or things that have happened in your life or it can be a message that your body picks up on. It lets you know when things aren’t good or when you are doing something right.

Developing your intuition takes time and practice and it is based on more than just thinking. If you are listening to your intuition, you can find that it isn’t the same as your emotions, but it is something deeper.

When you ignore your intuition then you are not accepting the emotional connection of the message that wants to help you. Your emotional feelings and the thoughts that you have can help you with your intuition.

Intuition is something that you should never ignore but you should never follow it without thinking. It is a message that can help you to live your best life.

Increasing Your Intuition

Here are some ways that you can increase your intuition:

  • Keep your mind quiet.
  • Listen for quietness of the intuition.
  • Listen to your intuition even past your emotions.
  • Flow through things and be flexible when stuff comes up.
  • See if the message repeats.
  • Try to start intuition moves small and then get bigger.
  • Journal all the times that you have followed your intuition and you will see that it will get stronger.
  • Be happy when your intuition guides you correctly.
  • Talk to yourself and listen for the responses that your body and mind give you.
  • Pay attention to the way that your body reacts to certain situations.

Having an Underactive Chakra

Underactive Chakra

Your crown chakra or your Sahasrara is the seventh chakra in your energy center. This is the place where you can reach your spiritual self and where you can make spiritual connections.

When you have a chakra that is underactive, it can cause problems in your life. Having a crown chakra that is underactive can cause you to feel worried and cause you many different problems that you need to fix.

Symptoms of an Underactive Chakra

There are different physical and emotional problems that you might have when your chakra is underactive. If your Crown chakra is underactive, here are some things that can be wrong in your body:

  • Problems with nerves, leaving your body numb.
  • Degenerated or weakened muscles such as muscular atrophy.
  • Neurological conditions.
  • Less vivid colors, quieter sounds or even problems tasting things.

The problems that you face with an underactive chakra can be small or large. There are problems that can be severe, and you might need to see a doctor if you are having extreme problems.

Mental Problems with Underactive Crown Chakra

There are physical and mental problems that you can face with an underactive chakra. Here are some of the mental problems:

  • Feelings of having no purpose. You might have no meaning in your life.
  • You don’t want to be around people or to socialize. This takes away your interest to talk to others.
  • Feelings of depression which come from a chemical imbalance.
  • Problems learning new things. You might want to learn more things but not be able to retain the information.
  • Having a negative attitude. You find that nothing seems to be right for you and you cannot shake the feelings of negativity.

If you feel that your crown chakra is underactive, there are ways that you can heal this. One of the best ways is by meditating.

Meditating to Heal an Underactive Chakra

The best way to meditate is to first find a quiet place that you can relax. Take time to breathe and focus on your breathing. As you focus on this, imagine that there is air coming from the root chakra through the spine and then up to the top of your head to the crown chakra.

Keep your focus on this area and allow the energy to flow there. Observe what kinds of problems that you are having and be determined to fix them.

Meditate for at least 10 minutes and imagine different images that are flowing around you. Imagine that you are in unity with the universe.

As you leave your meditation, focus on yourself and relax. Concentrate on what kind of things you want to do in your life and what kind of spiritual truths you need.

Getting better is your main goal. Do this exercise a few times a week to keep your crown chakra strong and balanced. You can do this to help your other chakras as well.