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Narcissistic Love Patterns

Narcissistic Love Patterns

As soon as you laid your eyes on this person, you knew you loved them. You finally feel that your life is perfect, and everything is working out for you. Finding new love can feel out of this world. As soon as life begins to calm down though, chances might be that you start to see that things aren’t how they were at first. As with any relationship, this happens but you need to make sure that you look at your relationship and see if it is a healthy relationship.

If you feel that your partner loves themselves more than they love you, many people experience this. People are all the time finding themselves with people that have NPD or narcissistic personality disorders. This is something that is very common in the United States, but the problem is, if you find yourself in this kind of relationship, it can be hard to get out.

Knowing A Narcissist

You can spot a narcissist if you learn to look for certain behaviors. This kind of personality thinks that they are perfect. They love themselves way more than they love someone else. This makes it almost impossible for them to ever really love another person. Even though this kind of personality is really good at hiding their disorder, there are certain traits that you can look for and you will know if you are dealing with a narcissist:


A narcissist will believe that they are above everyone else. They will think that they are smarter, better looking and that they are too good for things that are not upper class. They believe this one hundred percent about themselves, and they expect everyone else to see it as well.


On top of being the most important person around, the narcissist believes that they are entitled to whatever they want. They expect to be treated better than anyone else and they believe that they deserve to have whatever they want. When they don’t feel entitled, it makes them angry and sometimes aggressive.


When a narcissist is around someone, they expect them to admire them. They want to be around people that praise them and that give them the admiration that they need to feel good.


A narcissist will not treat people well. If someone has a lack in their life, the narcissist will make sure to blow that up and will make sure to put them down in some patronizing way. They will do whatever they can to make themselves look better.

No Guilt

Narcissists often have no guilt and no sense of empathy for others. They do not care what other people feel and they treat people like they are things instead of human beings. They take advantage of others whenever they can so that they can get what they want.

Narcissist Cycle

Many relationships that someone has with a narcissist will come with three different cycles. It will be idealization, devaluation, and discard. These are stages on how the narcissist will treat their partner.


In this stage, you will be with a narcissist, and they will move quick to make you feel that they are the perfect partner for you. They will make you feel that you have found a gem. They will go out of the way to make you fall in love with them and they will make you feel that you have met your soulmate.


In this stage, you will feel that you are meant to be with this person but then out of nowhere, their personality will start to show. They will be kind and loving at one time but then out of nowhere they will start to put you down. They will criticize everything that you do and will tell you that you are crazy or insecure.

They will cause you to question if you really have friends and they will tell you that your people aren’t good for you. If you question them, they will act like a victim and they will blame their parents or their ex for their own actions.


Once the narcissist can no longer feel praised by their partner, they will become abusive. They will be the one that comes out on top of the relationship, but they will keep insulting them and putting them down. They will make them feel that no one will love them, and they will make them feel like they are unworthy of love.

Love Patterns

Narcissist will have different relationship cycles, but they also have common love patterns that are often seen. When you can figure out these love patterns, you can understand the behavior and you can learn to protect yourself from this kind of relationship.

Love Bombing

This is when someone manipulates you with love. When you are first with this person, they will always show you love and affection. They do this so that you will trust them and feel that they like you. It will make you want to commit to the relationship fast. Here are some signs of love bombing:

  • They say all the right things.
  • They make you feel like the relationship has no problems.
  • They say I love you fast.
  • They do everything over the top.
  • They want to be your hearo.
  • They treat other people badly.

Focus on You

They always communicate with you and will call and text all the time. They will talk about all the things your life is causing and they will help you when something bad is going on with you. They will do this because they want you to think of them as a hero and so they will give you reasons to make your life better.

Later in the relationship though, they will bring this up to you and will tell you that they were always there for you. This is a big red flag.


Narcissist will know what they are doing, and they will give you small warnings. Because they show you so much love though, chances are that you will miss their warnings. They will tell you that you deserve more, and they will be cute and say things that you really need to listen to and pay attention to.


The narcissist will want to get sympathy from you. They will make you have no confidence in yourself, and they will make you lose your self-esteem. They will start to make up things and will tell you why you are acting the way that you are.

They will act badly and then they will blame it on things their parents or their ex did to them and how much it hurt them. They will do this so that you can feel sympathy for them.

Not Taking Responsibility

A narcissist is never at fault for anything bad, even when they do it. They will always blame their behavior on you or someone else. Sometimes they will use this technique to make you think you are the reason they act the way that they do.

Leave and Come Back

A narcissist will make the love bombing part of the beginning of the relationship so that you will praise them but then out of nowhere they will disappear. They will do things to make you think that they have left you and you will wonder what you could have done wrong.

Then they will come back to you and make you feel the best you have ever felt. They will do this so that you will feel addicted to them.

A Narcissistic Relationship

If you find yourself in a narcissistic relationship, you need to know that there is hope and that you can get out of the mind games that you are facing.

See Them for Who They Are

You have to see this person for who they are and what they are doing to you. Do not think about the good things they have done but see the negative things and the hurt they are causing.

Focus on Yourself

You have to focus on what you want in your life, and you have to breakup with them. Do not let their unrealistic behavior hold you back.


Every relationship needs boundaries and if you are with a narcissist, this is even more so. Boundaries will help you to be protected and will keep you safe.


A narcissist will feel threatened when they think that you are leaving them, and they will demand things from you. They will try to distance themselves and then come back. Have boundaries and do not let them cross them or they will keep going in the same cycle with you.

Spend Time with Others

Take time to spend with your family and friends and spend less time with your partner. This will show them that you will not take their nonsense.


Find a new hobby and volunteer your time to help others. This will make you feel good and will not make you feel that you need to be validated.


Find a support group or someone that can help you to deal with yourself after being in this kind of relationship.

Get Help

When you get with a narcissist, they will hardly ever admit that they have a problem. Try to get them to admit this and get professional help for them and for you. They will have no empathy for you, and they will hardly ever take responsibility for what they do.

They will have complex emotions and when you can get them to talk to someone that will not judge them then you can help yourself and them to move forward and to find a way for change.

It is shown that people that get therapy have an easier time dealing with their emotions. Therapy will help both people in the relationship to get past problems and to figure out how to help the unhealthy relationship. They can address certain problems and give treatment. Therapy is a useful way to keep the barriers and can help the couple to make it through these situations.

Therapy can be online or in person and when you are dealing with someone with complex emotions, therapy can help to work through the emotions so that the person can learn to control themselves. If you are in this type of relationship, get the help that you need right away.

Dealing with an Avoidant Partner

Dealing with an Avoidant Partner

The way that you interact with your partner is part of the attachment theory. There are four different attachment styles that people form from the time that they are children. They pick these up from the kind of caregivers that they have.

Children that are insecure avoidant are the children that don’t react when a caregiver leaves the room. They express no emotions, and they play and act independent. When the caregiver comes back, they ignore them.

Psychologists believe that when someone doesn’t show emotions, that this means that it is pointless for the child to communicate what they need to the caregiver because they feel that if they are vulnerable then they will not be able to survive.

A person that grows up with avoidant attachment style is often full of fear and they worry about who they are around. People in romantic relationships make an avoidant attachment person feel that they are not able to function because they are cold with their partners, and they show distance instead of love.

Knowing Avoidant Attachment

There are different things that you will see in someone that has avoidant attachment styles such as:

Sending Mixed Signals

People that have avoidant styles don’t know what they want in life. They will not show attention or affection to their partner, nor will they say love often. They like to live alone, and they will often push people away, but they miss them. They think too much on the relationship, but they don’t know why they act the way they do.


People that are avoidant will have standards that their partner cannot meet. They will idealize their partner and will compare them to everyone else.

The are fearful of losing themselves and their independence and they are afraid that they will be in a trapped relationship. They will find fault in everything you do because of their childhood.

People will disappoint you them and they will belittle you when other people are around.


People that are avoidant were taught as children to survive. They were with people that were disappointing to them and didn’t help them. They never ask for things and they like to do things alone.

If they are with someone, they will choose to be alone over that person, but they are also very loyal to them. These people often mistrust others, and they are not vulnerable, and they will not show their weakness.

Idealizing Romance

Instead of your partner showing you love, they will feel that love has a certain way of being. They will want to be with people that are unavailable to them, and they will want to have deep romance, but they will most likely be alone.


This person will not talk about the relationship, and they will hide things in a way to be destructive. They will have bad habits such as drinking, cheating and more. They will not give you affection and will hold back the feelings they have for you. They will have strong boundaries.


Avoidants will be selfish, and they will care about their own needs. They will act attacked every time you bring things up.

Solutions for This Style

If you are someone with avoidant style, you need to be compassionate with yourself. You have faults but you can work on them.

Recognize how your childhood caused you to have those feelings. Find someone that you can talk to such as a therapist and discuss your past.

Identify what is going on and what behaviors and patterns you have. Once you notice these things, take time to find out why you are feeling that way.

Avoidant Partners

If you are dating someone that is an avoidant partner, you will see that it will be harmful to push them away. Talk to them and try to not be upset if they seem cold and distant sometimes.

It takes time for them to grow and to change and they need support. If you want to help them, tell them what you want form them and if they do something you don’t like, tell them. If they do good, give them praise. Don’t be fast to come up with a solution.

Do not point out your differences but try to understand each other. Don’t try to change them but try to reach goals to be intimate with each other. Learn to comfort and express your emotions with each other.

How to Deal with Karmic Relationships

Karmic Relationships

If you are someone that has been in and out of relationships, chances are that you have been dealing with a karmic relationship here or there.

Four different kinds of soulmates can come into your life: past life, twin flames, healing, and karmic soulmates.

A person who is a healing soulmate will show up to help your life improve and heal things such as your heart. They will teach you to love and to heal.

A past-life soulmate will come, and you will have an instant connection with them. You will connect with them as if you have known them forever.

Twin flame relationships will be part of your long-term relationships because they are the other half of your soul. They will make you the best person that you can be.

Karmic relationships are the ones that are hard to deal with. They come because of the karma that you have death in your life. But these people come to teach you lessons about who you are and about love.

Karmic relationships are the ones that people often have, but they don’t always know it. They only know that the relationship is hard and painful and that there are many struggles.

If your relationship goes through many different stages and patterns, if you find it up and down, if you deal with obsessiveness or selfishness, then chances are this is a karmic or a toxic relationship.

Signs of a Karmic Relationship

Here are some signs that you might be in a karmic relationship:

  • Selfishness

A karmic relationship will be one-sided, and you will feel that your partner doesn’t respect you. You will feel that you don’t understand each other, and they will always be about themselves. They will do things to have you help them all the time, but they will not want to give in to you.

This person will be self-centered, and everything revolves around them.

  • Destiny

Karmic relationships seem to be destiny. You will get in them, and you will feel connected to them right away. You need to realize that this relationship will start out good at first, but that changes over time.

  • Addiction

You will feel that you are addicted to this person. You will never be able to be away from them even though the relationship has so many ups and downs.

You will see that they are so selfish that they become addicted. They will bring drama into the relationship, and the spark will be there, but it won’t be a good spark.

This relationship is someone that you will not want to lose because they make you feel good when things are good.

  • Controlling

A relationship like this often leads to controlling. Your partner will try to control everything you do, and the universe will not help you. Instead, they will make you happy and sad, and you will feel like you cannot live without them.

This kind of controlling relationship can lead to obsessions, and your partner will want to know everything you do.

  • Feels Like Destiny

As you obsess over each other, you wonder how they chose you. You will feel that they are too good for you and that you don’t deserve them.

Even though they will often hurt you, you will still believe that the relationship is destined to be together. They will be like a magnet, and you cannot pull away from them.

  • Dependent on Them

You will become dependent on this person and base all of your thoughts and decisions on what they are doing. Everything will revolve around them.

You will lose yourself in this person.

  • Not Rational

They will never be rational or make smart choices. Instead, they will do things and tell you that you need to act a certain way to be a better person.

  • Crazy

You will sometimes feel that the relationship is crazy and out of control. There will be a major drama, and you will always have to be cautious not to upset your partner.

The karmic relationship will start good and get bad.

  • Patterns

There will be repetitive patterns in the relationship. You will have ups and downs, and you will break up and make up over and over.

  • Abuse

There can be kinds of abuse in this kind of relationship. It can be mental, physical, or even emotional.

Someone that hits you is someone that you should never be with. Do not let others play mind games with you or put you down. This should never be a pleasure for you or your partner.

  • Fearful

The karmic relationship will always have you fearing what is going to happen. You will worry that they are going to leave you, and you will worry about being left alone or abandoned.

You will fear being rejected, and there will always be tension that you have to face.


Now that you understand a karmic relationship, you need to look for signs in your own relationship to see if that is what you face. The cycle will keep repeating until you break up with them and move forward in your life.

You might need to leave this karmic relationship because they never last anyways. Admit that you are in this kind of relationship and know you need the strength to leave them.

Then, find out what you have learned from this lesson and learn to avoid it in the future. The best way that you can live your life is to get rid of these kinds of relationships and find happiness in your life.

After accepting and admitting that you are in this kind of relationship, learn to break free completely and not go back to that person. Make sure you heal and let yourself grow and know who you are before you choose to get into another relationship. This is one way that you can avoid it happening to you again.

Remembering Your Past Life

Past Life

Do you ever wonder about your own past life? Do you feel that you have been somewhere before, and you have experienced things like déjà vu? Have you ever met someone, and you know for sure that you know them from somewhere, but you aren’t sure where?

All of these things can mean that you have had a past life. This could have taken place years before your life now.

If you ever remember something from your past, you can understand why you live the way that you live now. You might have things that have happened to you in your past that you don’t want to have to go through again and so if you can learn more about your past life, it can benefit you in the now.

If there was a thing of the past life, why is it that you cannot remember anything about it? Chances are that you forget your past life because it helps you to be able to live a happy life now. If you had to remember all of the past things that happened to you in another life you might not be able to face tomorrow.

There are little things that you might remember here and there though, and this can be things that happened in your past life. This can give you information that might help you now.

Find a Past Life Journal

Whenever you have things that happen to you that makes you remember something or when you ever experience déjà vu, write these things down in your journal.

Maybe you went somewhere with a friend and the place that you went to seemed familiar to you or maybe you were studying something from history, and you felt like you had seen it before.

There can be different places that you have been in your past life and so if you feel attracted to them, chances are that you might have already seen them.

Once you have these events in your mind, you need to write them down in your journal so that you can remember them, not matter how odd they seem.

Likes and Dislikes

Another thing that you can do to remember your past life is to write down things that you don’t like and things that you do like. Are there things that you don’t like, and you aren’t sure why?

Do you feel that you are excited about things that other people don’t seem to like that much? Do you have people around you that you don’t like, and you aren’t even sure why?

What places are calling out to you to visit?  The more information that you can get about your past life the more that you can try and reconnect with what you know.


Sometimes your dreams can give you information when it comes to remembering things about your past life. Before going to sleep, ask your guides to show you about your past life.

Find a journal to write your dreams in and when you wake up, write in your book about the dreams that you have had. This can help you to remember things and go back and look at them later. If you have dreams, they could be memories that you are having.


Things in your past life might come to your remembrance and if they do, you need to write them down and look at them. Knowing about your past life can help you to live a better life and to be a better person. Even if you don’t remember everything in your past life, find out what you can and see if it can help you to live a better future.

Developing Psychic Gifts that are Lacking

Developing Psychic Gifts that are Lacking

Do you feel that you have problems and you have pinned it down to the point where you have an underdeveloped psychic issue? Do you feel that you have traits and problems because of your giftings?


Everyone is able to have intuition and other psychic giftings. There are mediums, healers, lightworkers and more. You have to make sure that you develop these giftings if you are going to be able to use them for what you want in your life.

The way that you deal with a gifting that is not developed is that you have to figure out what your troubles are and then you have to learn to cope with your problems.

Psychic coping means that you are able to take your ego and your self and cope with the soul that you have and learn to understand your abilities, even if they are not developed.

Everyone has skills that are not developed, and this can cause them to have problems in their everyday life.

Understanding the Source

When we can figure out the problem as to why we are not connected with our spiritual being, we can learn to understand the spiritual thoughts and feelings that we have.

If you are able to face your problems such as not fitting into society or feeling misunderstood, you will see that you can learn to make sense of these feelings and you can cope with them.

Traits of Not Being Aware

People are often unaware of their giftings and so they are not able to take the gift and work through in their life. The way that we process where we are and the impressions that we make on our life will help us to learn to cope with who we are and what we are doing.

We all have the ability to have tools that can develop our giftings and can help us to have peace with who we are.

You may be someone that has had to deal with things such as stress or anxiety and this can be due to not using your psychic gifting. As your life changes and you are not connected to your higher self, you will see that you are not able to look beyond what is going on in your life now. The way that you are living now can cause you to have pain and suffering in your psyche.

Maybe you can learn to figure out what is causing your problems in your life. You can learn to motivate yourself and to reach your higher self. This can help you to be inspired and help you to live a life that is happier and freer.

There are traits that you have that you need to develop so that it doesn’t affect you negatively in your mind, body, or soul. Once you are aware of the giftings that you have that need developed, you will see that you can play a role in your life and learn to grow.

As you feel that you have something missing in your life, you will see that you are always battling with things that you are looking for.

As you go through your awakening, you will be aware of things around you, and you will be thankful for the things that help you improve in your life and to grow. You will understand more what the universe is trying to show you and what you are looking for.

You will be more curious than ever, and you will see that you can find your real purpose in life by seeking it out. You will see that the more you work to have a better spiritual relationship with yourself then the more you will be able to reach out to your abilities and to find out what is important and what matters to you.

Once you develop your psychic giftings you will be able to feel fulfilled and you won’t feel so alone. You will be able to see what your giftings can do for you and you will have more compassion and understanding for yourself and for others. You will no longer judge yourself negatively.

Remember that you can change your life and you can change your abilities by developing your psychic gifting. You can realize that your characteristics make up who you are and that your free will is there to show you how to develop your life.


When you feel that you need to get away from others or yourself, you will see that you are reacting to how to protect yourself and how to be strong and in control. Learn to shut out things that do not help you and develop what you need to develop to be strong.


Depression can happen if you seclude yourself form others and this can happen because your giftings are not developed. Once you figure out what you need to do, you can get rid of your depression and find your real purpose.


Anxiety is something that can happen because of what is going on in the world around you. When you want to be part of something and you aren’t able to, it can leave you feeling stressed and uncomfortable.


Fear is something that is strong when your gifts are not developed, and it can creep up on you when you let your ego take control of your life. Being imperfect is okay and you do not have to be perfect in order to have your giftings developed. You can be unaware of what your gifts are and still not be afraid of what life has to show you.

When you develop your gifts, you can learn to forgive yourself more and not be so worried about failing.


Those that do not have their gifts developed will often ignore what they need. They will have a hard time dealing with their self and they will have low self-esteem.

This happens because they are not in the place where they feel that they are worth their gifts and often times they are not accepted by society. The strange thing is that you have to build up your self-esteem with your giftings.

You will be able to do this as you reach your inner being and when you learn to love instead of criticizing yourself.

Mood Swings

When you are an intuitive or an empath, you will see that you are picking up the energies of the people around you. When this happens, it can cause you to have mood swings and can turn your mood either sour or good.

When you are stressed or depressed, you will be moody, and you need to make sure that you learn to get these feelings in control. Having strong emotions will cause you to have low energy and when you ignore this, you will not be able to develop yourself as needed.


Some people will be highly addicted to things that are unhealthy to themselves because of their soul lack and because they are ignoring their giftings.

Hyper analytical

A person that can tell something is missing might not be able to understand what they are lacking. They might not have the energy that they need, and this can come to the point where they are not able to see things clearly.

Once you can realize your psychic giftings then you can take your skills and you can find out what you need in your life to grow and to be able to be who you want to be.

Body Movements

There are things in your body that can go wrong and not just in the soul. Once you learn to cope and control your movements and your thoughts, you can keep your energies strong. You can learn to block yourself from getting the messages and the signs that you need.

As you develop though, you will see that you can get rid of the pains in your body and you can help others to know what to do to get rid of things such as aches, cramps, headaches, and other sicknesses.

As you develop your giftings then you will learn to cope with what is going on in your body and you will see that your developing self is changing.


Learn to be more aware of what you are lacking and what you have to do in your life.

Developing Coping Tools

Meditating is one way that you can guarantee that you can cope better. You can imagine a white light centering you and grounding you.

You can learn to visualize and focus on what you need and keeping your energy strong. Learning to meditate can help you to gain the control that you need over your mind, body, and soul.

Karma and Twin Flame Connections

Twin Flame Connections

Finding your twin flame and falling in love is something that can be an amazing and exciting experience. This can change the way that you see things and can give you clear thinking. But, on the other hand, this can also be a painful experience because the twin flame connections are never easy, and they can have a lot of karma that flows from other lifetimes and past situations.

Dealing with Karma

Karma can be hard to deal with, and the twin flame connection is there for a purpose and it is there to help you know who you are and become the better person you are meant to be. This is a spiritual and physical thing and part of your journey to your awakening.

Twin Flame Relationship Problems

The twin flame relationship is not meant to be an easy road, and there will be many hard times along the way. There are different stages in a twin flame relationship, and when the twin flame time to awaken happens, this can cause the wounds that you have hidden to be revealed. This can also be one of the main reasons for your twin flame union.

Facing Deep Hurts

When you learn to face your deepest hurts, this is a time when you can get rid of this negative energy, and you can learn to heal and become awake. But, unfortunately, there will be negative energies that will cause your relationship to break up for a while, and this is the time when there will be a runner and a chaser, and it will be very painful for you and them. This will be when healing has to take place and a time when the connection will be questioned.

Suppose you have energy that is negative because of being obsessed or having bad memories. In that case, the twin flame will undergo a period of questioning, which is why it is important to get rid of this negative energy from the beginning.

Karmic Energy

If you have to deal with your twin flame leaving you, then this happens because the connection is there to help you release negative things in your life.

You have to find out what has hurt you, what is holding you back, and what your blockages are. Once you do this, you will learn a lesson about who you are. Your twin flame is the other part of your soul, and they are like a mirror to you. You will see that they also have wounds that must be healed, and you will want to help them heal as you heal on your own.

Understanding and Releasing Karma

The best way that you can heal is to understand karma and learn to release it. You must learn to love and understand who you are and work on loving yourself unconditionally. This is hard in any relationship but is necessary because the more you love who you are, the more your twin flame can love you and be loved.

Loving Yourself

Loving yourself is so important; when you focus on who you are, you can help yourself and your twin heal. The more that you look at each other and the more that you fight for your union, the stronger your relationship will be.

Learn to be thankful for your twin flame and your journey. See how excited you are and how lucky you are to have met your twin flame. Be happy for the times you spend together and the lessons you have learned along the way.

You are strong, and you are smart. You can work on being more compassionate and confident as long as you don’t give up on yourself. There is nothing that can happen that can take away who you are and what you are worth. You are amazing and beautiful, and you are someone that deserves unconditional love. You are enough.

Find What Makes You Happy

Take time to do things that make you happy. Go out with your family and friends and have fun, read a book you want to read or watch your favorite sitcom. Do something that is new and something that you can learn from. Focus on being happy and focus on making your happiness real.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction says that whatever you put into the universe will come back to you. So put goodness, dreams, and happiness into the universe and watch it come back to you. Open up your connections and increase your vibrations so that you can find love.

You can attract whatever you focus on as long as you have loving energy. Be compassionate with yourself and others, and love yourself unconditionally. Your twin flame is there for you; they are spiritual beings living the human experience. This means that there will be challenges, and the journey is a journey of healing and peace. Be compassionate for this journey and your twin flame and their struggles.

Accepting Life Lessons

Accept the lessons you are meant to learn along the way and be happy that you have the abilities and energy to experience these things. Remember that you are blessed, and be thankful for everything that comes your way, good and bad.

Thank your stars that your heart is beating and that you are breathing, and that you get to live this journey. Get rid of karma and your negative feelings and thoughts, and focus on what is happening in your life now. Enjoy your life and enjoy the things that are going on around you.

How to Get Rid of Bad Karma in Life

Bad Karma

Do you believe in karma? Do you feel that you have bad karma in your life because you hurt someone in the past or that karma is showing up because you are always in the worst kinds of relationships?

Why do you think things like this are happening to you? Do you believe that you store bad karma in your life? You can get rid of your bad karma, and you can learn to start manifesting good things in your life.

These are ways that you can get rid of bad karma fast and where you can learn to live your best life ever.

Knowing You Have Bad Karma

People often wonder if they have bad karma because of the things that are happening to them in life. There are signs that you can look for to know if you have bad karma or not such as the people that you are attracted to and the situations that you find yourself in.

The relationship that you have with others will be a sign if you have karma that is good or bad. If you are being cheated on, this can mean that you have past bad karma which means that you probably cheated in your past life.

Here are some other signs that you have bad karma:

  • Have a hard time having good relationships.
  • Feel hopeless.
  • Always feel negative.
  • Want to get revenge.
  • Want to hurt someone.
  • Have no extra money.
  • Are not able to attract friends or make new friends.
  • Do not have abundance.

Bad Karma

When someone hurts you the first thing that you want to do is to get revenge. When this happens then you will create bad karma. You have to learn to look at the things going on inside of you and the actions that you take so that you do not make more bad karma in your life.

If you have someone hurting you, you should never want to get revenge, but you need to keep things positive.

Karma doesn’t forget and it will always come back to you and everyone else. You need to use these times to work on yourself to become better.

Bad Intentions

You need to make sure that you have good intentions in your job, your relationships and everything that you do. If you want someone else to hurt or suffer then you are creating bad karma. Make sure that you are not creating this by getting jealous.

Being Irresponsible

Do not ever live your life without being responsible for what you are and who you are. Pay attention to what you are doing and make sure that you are doing good things no matter what is happening.

Seeing Others Hurt

You should never want to hurt anyone because this will give you bad karma.


Judging others can bring bad karma in your life. You need to focus on yourself and making yourself better and not on putting others down or judging them.

Having Bad Karma in Life

There are things that you can do to get rid of the karma that is in your life. This doesn’t mean that you will have an easy life, it just means you are living a better life.

Being Sorry

When you hurt someone, you need to learn to apologize. Doing this will give you positive action and will take away your karma that is bad.

Be Responsible

Learn to be responsible for the things that you do. Do not put your mistakes on other people. If you feel pain, you need to face it and be responsible for what you did wrong.


Take time to journal what is going on in your life. Write down actions that you can take to better who you are. Be responsible for the things that you do.

Do Different

When you have something going on wrong in your life then you need to look at it and face it. You need to do something different. Here are some things you can do differently:

  • Know that you need to do something different.
  • Look at the situation and leave it if you need to.
  • If you feel pain in your heart or your body, this is a sign to leave the situation.
  • Write down what you are feeling and what is causing you stress.
  • Make a decision to look at your life. Look at triggers that cause you to mess up. Make a decision that you are not going to make the same mistakes over and over again. Let your mind be in control and not your heart. Do not make mistakes and want to hurt others but if you mess up, fix it.
  • Use meditation and karmic cleansing to get rid of negative karma.


Some of the best meditation to get rid of bad karma is Atma Kriya yoga. You can do this to get rid of past mistakes and to heal your karma.

This kind of yoga is spiritual and can help you to live your better life.


If you have troubles you can talk to a therapist to help you. This can help you to get rid of negative emotions and to be stronger in your life.

When Others Hurt You

You cannot get bad karma when others hurt you. You will see that they will get the same negative karma back at them when they make bad choices.


If you are worried that you have bad karma, pay attention to your life. Find out what you did to get bad karma and work to fix the situation and to better your life. You can heal yourself and live your better life by learning lessons and moving forward in what you do.

Why is Life So Hard All the Time?

Life So Hard

Life can be hard. Life can make you look at the world differently and wonder why it has to be so rough all the time. It can be hard to understand what is going on in your life and the reasons that things can be so hard and painful sometimes.

Once you learn how to love who you are and let go of your past without judgement, you can live an easier life and learn to focus on the better things. This can be hard when you have been through failed relationships, job changes, moving and other things that cause you to not even want to get out of bed.

There are things that you can do in your life that can help you to be more positive and even when life is hard, you can find a way to live through it and to stop struggling to find happiness and peace.

How to Live Your Best Life

Here are some ways to try to live your best life:

  • Know That You Are an Equal

Everyone in life is the same, really. Some have different jobs and different families, but they all have the same struggles. Life is not easy for people that even have it easier than you. Know that following your dreams and living your best life is what matters and do that.

  • Your Own Thoughts

The things that you think are your own thoughts and not what other people think. You interpret things in your own way of thinking. People are taught to act and react a certain way and when you choose to live a negative way in your life, you are choosing to live a hard life. You have to change your way of thinking and learn to be positive. Have good thoughts and learn to see things as good.

  • Control Your Thinking

You are in control of the way that you think, and you have to learn to control your own thoughts. People are treated different ways by different people, but it is still up to you to choose to make your life hard or to make your life easy.

Talk to people that upset you and learn to understand them instead of just jumping to conclusions. Find out the differences between you and others and what makes you special. Use your thoughts to speak the truth and to be positive about your own life.

  • Be in Control

You can choose to change your life if you are not happy. You are the only one that has control of what happens to you. You are the one that chooses happiness over sadness. You choose to live your life the same or to move forward with peace.

  • Bad Things Happen to Everyone

It is okay to have a time when you feel bad for yourself but that should only be a short time. Remember that bad things happen to everyone, and you are not the only one. Everyone has bills to pay, people to take care of, health issues and more. Learn to work hard to improve yourself and be the best that you can be.

When bad things happen, don’t feel bad for yourself but learn to be thankful for the good things that you do have.

  • You Are Strong

Remember, you are a strong person, and you are able to take the steps to live the best life that you can live. Do not let things hold you back and find out what you need to do to feel happy and to feel peace.

Change your mindset and learn to put yourself first and to move forward in all things.

  • Be Kind

Be kind to others and you will feel better for who you are. No matter how others treat you, make the choice to be kind to others. Everyone goes through hard things, and you never really know what someone else is going through. Learn to be kind and you will get kindness back.

  • Things Don’t Last

Nothing in this world is going to last and that is even the bad times. Some people think that they cannot get out of their darkness because it will last forever and that is not true. Learn to take control of your life and live for yourself and live your best life.

When you keep moving forward, you will see that you can have a better life and you can win in all situations.

  • Keep Working

Set your mind to work hard and to get things done. Be accountable for what you do. You will go through hard times, but you have the chance to work through them and to work hard. Practice working hard and living your best life. Train your mind and your brain to do the best that you can be.

  • Don’t Let People Get You Down

Everyone needs to stop worrying about what other people think of them. Stop worrying about the people that want to put you down and worry about those that are good and those that are giving something positive to your life.

Some people will be unkind, this is just how the world works, and you have to learn to not let them hurt you or cause you pain.

  • Enjoy Life

Learn to have fun and to live your best life. Take control of your negative thinking by doing things that you enjoy. Reward yourself for your hard work by trying the best to smile and to have your best life ever.

Life can be hard, but you can keep going towards your dreams. Smile and live your best life and push back on the negative thinking.

Why is Life Hard?

Life can be hard because you had a bad life as a child or because as a teenager you had to deal with changing hormones and different stages in your life that were hard and pulled you down. Maybe you gained weight or got pimples and you had a hard time in school. This is something that passed, and you became better for who you are.

  • College

When you get to college, this will be a big change in your life, and this can be hard as well. You will have to work hard to keep up your work and you may even have to have a job to pay your bills while you go to college.

Along the way you will meet people that will change your life, and some will be kind and others will be mean.

  • Life is Confusing

Life is not always cut and dry and you don’t know everything. Things happen for a reason, and you have to know that even when things seem bad, something good will come out of it and you will have good things happen in your life.

  • Relationships

Relationships are hard and you will have your heart broken, probably many times. Each relationship that you are in, friendship or romance will be hard sometimes. You will have to learn to maintain your life and your focus while having these relationships.

You cannot change how someone will treat you and you need to not worry about fighting with someone constantly. If they don’t add something good to your life, move on.

  • Why is Life Hard?

Life can be hard for some people and some people can have an easier life, but that is just how it goes. Life is meant to be hard so that you can learn things and you can go through your lessons and make your life better.

  • Why Am I Bad at Life?

No one is bad at living life; some people just know more than others. Keep living and keep acting the way that you should act, and you will see that you can have the best things come to your life, even if that is in the future.

  • How Can, I Be Positive?

It is hard sometimes to be positive, especially when life is hard. You have to learn to work hard and to be your best. Once you live your best, you will see that you can be more positive. Set goals and dreams in your life and work towards them.

  • How Can I handle Hard Times?

You can handle things because you are strong. Learn to know that life is hard and that decisions are not always easy. When you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move on and learn from it. Life is full of ups and downs, but you can work through them, and you can live through it.

  • Is Life Worth Living?

Yes. Life is worth living. Everyone will have good times and bad times, but you will make a difference in this world. When you look back at your life, you will see that living your best life is worth it. When you do everything, you can live your best life, you will find meaning in it.


Life is definitely not easy, but you can find that when you love yourself and others that you can live your best life. Learn to enjoy the small things and learn to see the good things around you. Be loving and kind and stop hating life and the people around you. Know that life is hard but change your thinking to be positive. You will see that life is hard but that you can live a happy and exciting life by moving forward and embracing the good things that come your way.

Understanding Your Cosmic Partner

Understanding Your Cosmic Partner

Many people believe that there is one person that is meant to be with someone, and even though this might sound like something that is not real, the belief that you are destined to be with someone is often thought of by many spiritual people.

People that are spiritual often believe in what is called a cosmic connection. This means that they believe that there is one soul that is meant to be with someone.

Whether this is true or not, it doesn’t mean everyone will find their forever soul partner. There are different rules from the cosmic forces that people have to follow in order even to find their partner. One thing you have to do is to become the best you can be, and you have to make sure that you are ready for your partner to come to you.

Rather this seems fake or not, here are some things you can do to be your best to find someone to be your partner.

Finding Your Destined Partner

Here are some things that you need to know and understand to find your cosmic partner:

  • Your Soulmate is Already Picked Out

First, you need to know that the universe has already picked out your partner and your soulmate.

You never have to wonder if you have one because you have one that you are meant to meet up with. You just need to be prepared by making sure that you are the best you can be and that you are not acting like you are someone you aren’t.

  • Intuition

One way that you can know if your partner is close is by listening to your intuition. Your gut will tell you when your soulmate is on its way to you, and you could see this and be aware of it by looking at the signs such as:

    • Feeling drawn to certain places.
    • Getting excited for no reason.
    • Feeling that you are in a good place.
    • Wanting to go to events for no reason.
    • Being anxious.
    • Feeling like you know someone that you have never met before.
    • Feeling confident after making decisions.

When you listen to your intuition, you will see that you can find the person that is meant for you and not settle with someone who is not perfect.

  • Being the Real You

In a cosmic marriage, you have to be predestined, and the union will be good, but you have to make sure you are ready.

You need to be the real you and know who you are. You have to be your own person because once you are whole, you can meet your other half.

  • Understanding Lessons

Instead of questioning the universe, you can find out what lessons you have learned in your past with your other relationships.

When something doesn’t work out with someone, this is a sign that the universe is teaching you something. So learn to be more independent and learn to raise your vibrations.

  • Have Patience

If this is true, people are destined to find true love, but remember that there are billions of people in the world. So you have to learn to be patient.

Being with someone and going into a relationship should never be rushed. You should ensure that you know that person and get to know them deeply. You should never be in a relationship just because you are alone.

If you are after a cosmic relationship, pay attention to what your intuition tells you, and do not let your emotions control your life. You will meet your soulmate when the time is perfect.

Using Root Magic as a Witch

Using Root Magic as a Witch

Do you feel like your life and your witch crafting are two completely different things? Do you wish that you could add your crafting to your life and that you would not feel that you are so stressed when you want to do spells and other things?

Since we live in a world where we are always so busy, it can be easy to feel stressed when we have to do things. In addition, when we live in a place where there are people all around us, such as an apartment, and we don’t know any of them, we will see our personal lives as separate from who and what we are.

You can think about the world around you in different ways, and some people think that things are always separate and that they have to be. They think that things have to be categorized or that separation can be hard. Even witches will often separate their lives from their magic, and this can cause them to miss out on things.

Separating Magic and Life

One thing that you have to understand is that your magic should be part of everything that you do in your life. There should be things you can do to bring magic to everything you do and think. You should feel that your magic is a part of your life and that your life is a part of your magic and not two different or separate things. Then, when you put magic in everything that you do in your life, you will see that you can train yourself not to be separated so much.

Look at your job. Most people will not want to bring their life and their job together. They want to keep their home separate from their work because they don’t want this to be included in their family time. Then think about your friends and family. Most people want to keep their friends separate from their family members.

People like to keep their work and their hobbies, or their home life and their hobbies separate. We often even keep our clothes separate such as work and home clothing. The way that we think can be helpful in some things in our life, but it can also hold us back in other things. If we put separation in all things in our life, we will be separate from things that can work together for good.

When you feel that your magic is something completely separate from your life, you will see that your crafting will never be what you want it to be. Some witches are not ever going to be happy with putting their spiritual practices and their magic separate. This can lead them to feel that they are not real witches and that they are an imposter or bad witch. These are problems that many witches will feel each day, but you can change the way that you think.

Roots of Witchcraft

People often view traditional witchcraft as more important because they have never looked at more modern magic and have failed to see that you can put magic in your life. Witches in the past would take an idea and live with magic in everyday life. These people would take time to go out in nature, and the idea of magic would always surround them.

These people would interact with the world and their magic as the same thing, and this made them connect more with the universe. They were people that were able to heal, and they were able to talk to the spirits. These people were never separating their life from their magic; they were magic.

Most witches want this in their life. They want to be connected to the spiritual world, and they want to be able to use magic in everything that they do. In order for this to happen, they have to look at the roots of where their magic comes from. The more modern witches do not have anything to look at because their crafting is new, and they don’t really have roots.

This is why it is harder for them to incorporate magic when they do everything in their life, such as working or driving. Crafting must be put first in your life and not just incorporated, or you will never get where you want.

You can have a deeper root in your witchcraft by thinking about your magic and how you put it in your life and in your world. You can think about the new things that you practice and even read books and do more spells, but you don’t have to do this. The most important thing is to change your mindset on how you see your magic.

Each thing in your life is based around magic, and energy will be everywhere you are. This is part of your connection with the universe. This is energy that is in your pet, your neighbor, your sister, your couch, your plant, and everything around you. Everything around you has energy, and there is nothing that is void of energy.

That means that when you are magical or not magical that everything has magical energy, rather you see it or not. Magic is something that we cannot do without. The problem isn’t that you don’t have magic in your life, but the problem is that you are trained to think that you need to go deeper into your magic when you just need to open your eyes and see that it is part of your everyday life.

What Keeps Your Magic?

What holds magic in your own life? The truth is everything is full of magic. You can get overwhelmed when you think of this, and you need not completely start seeing magic everywhere, but you need to change the way that you work with magic. You need to change your mind to not think of your life as a failure but as magic all around you. Find things in your life that you can really connect with magic. Look at things you do and see what kind of magic you can use in these things.

Your ancestors and the witches of the past would use magic in everything that they did. They would plant things, use magic, or interact with the spirit world daily. Some people in this day will have a hard time connecting because they do not have access to nature and other things, but this should not stop you. Being in nature is a way to enjoy the world and the magic around you, but you can add magic to everything that is around you, even if you are in the city.

You have to find ways to connect with the magic around you. You can do this in different ways, and whatever you choose is not wrong. One person might do it differently than you do, and that is okay. You have to find out how you can connect with things and what you can do to explore the magic in them.

People often connect with things that they can by talking to the universe or the spirit guides. They will find spirits in everything that they have. They will be able to find magic in everything that they do in their life. You might want to connect with your energy, and you can use your giftings as a psychic to do that.

The goal is to find things in your life that you can change and that you can incorporate magic in your subconscious thinking. You can actively do magic even when you don’t see it. First, you have to be more aware that magic is all around you and know that you can use your roots in your life more than you ever imagined. Then, you can practice this and be aware of your life’s magic and whatever you can do to connect with it, even effortlessly.

Finding Your Roots

Figure out what you can do to be more aware of the world around you. You can make a list of all of the things that bring magic into your life. You can learn more about energy, auras, chakras, and whatever will help you to know more about magic. This will help you to see things in a spiritual way and help you to live your life to the fullest. If you live in a city, you can connect with things in the electrical sense.

You can communicate with the mechanical part of the magic and learn to read the energy in front of you. Find the crystals that will help you to keep your energy strong and listen to different witch podcasts that can help you to be strong when you cannot get into nature.

Find magic in the hobbies that you do in your everyday life. Figure out how to incorporate magic in knitting, biking, baking, and whatever you are doing. You will find that you can see magic in everything that happens around you.

All you have to do is to look at how your life is and see that there are magic roots all around you. Magic is there, and you just have to change your mind to be able to see it and embrace it. If you want to be more aware of the magic around you, open up your conscious mind and see it.