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Signs from the Spirit World

Spirit World

When a loved one dies, waiting to hear from them is hard. If they do not come to you in the spirit world, it can make you feel that they are not around and cause you to feel sad or lonely. Spirits will often give you a sign and make it so that you cannot ignore the signs or messages that they are giving you.

Here are some signs that spirits will give you, especially ones from loved ones that have died:

    • Electricity
    • Smells
    • Animals
    • Objects
    • Numbers
    • Dreams
    • Thoughts or Visions
    • Feeling watched
    • Songs
    • Buzzing in ears.


Spirits love to play with electricity, which is one of the biggest signs that a spirit is close to you. They want to get your attention, and so they will turn the lights on or off or turn the television or radio off when you are listening to it.

Since a spirit is made of only energy, it can use its energy to turn on things and turn them off. If the television turns off or on, there are reasons behind it, such as the loved one wanting to turn on their favorite song or show, or when you are thinking about them, they want to confirm it.


A person that has passed away will sometimes come back as a spirit to see you, and they will have the smell that they had on earth., It can come in the form of smoke smells, the perfume they used to wear, or even something they used to cook.

The signs can confuse you sometimes, but remembering their smell can be comforting to you. Remember, do not be afraid but know they are just saying hello.


Animals such as a bird or a butterfly can come to you for a short period of time. For example, they might peck on the window or show up on a sign. They are doing this to communicate with you, and the signs that they give you are just to let you know that you are not alone.


When your loved one wants you to know that they are there, they will send something to you to show you, such as a rock, coin, or feather. These gifts can mean different things, such as:

    • A coin with the year your loved one was born.
    • A rock that is on your bed.
    • A clothing item of your loved one.

Remember, do not be afraid; just say hi to your loved one.


Your loved ones might send you signs and symbols that are repeating. This can be repeating numbers such as 333 or 111, which can be seen on the clock or signs. Maybe you will even see them through strangers, on license plates, bumper stickers, or more. This is a sign that your loved one wants to visit with you.


Dreams are one of the easiest ways for your loved one to communicate and visit with you. This can be a strong dream that is very memorable. These can be dreams that you remember for a long time. Here are some things that might happen when your loved one is communicating through a dream:

    • The dream is vivid.
    • It will be a color dream.
    • It can be something of your loved ones that you are holding.
    • It can be in the form of words or objects.
    • The dreams might confuse you, but you can notice your feelings of peace and joy when you dream of them.

If you ask your loved one to show up, chances are they will.


Our loved ones do not have a chance to speak to us, but they are in spirit form. They give messages to you in your dream, and these are telepathic messages.

Make sure to pay attention to the thoughts that you have because it is probably your loved one trying to communicate with you. This is a good thing; talk to them when a thought comes to your mind.

Watching You

Sometimes we feel that someone is watching us, and this can be energies of the spirit of your loved one. This is when you are grieving, and they come to watch you because they want you to know that they are okay.

You will continue to feel your loved one even after they die because they are still around you. Even when you are sad and grieving, your loved one will want you to know that they are okay. They will watch you and protect you and will never leave you alone.


When your favorite song comes on, chances are that your loved one has made it a place for you.

Learn to listen to the music you hear wherever you are, such as in the grocery store or car. Then, when you hear the song playing on the radio, turn it up.

If you are watching television and a song comes on that reminds you of your loved one, listen to it and see what kind of message they are trying to give you.

If your loved one loved music, they will be able to communicate with you through music.


When your loved one talks to you, they talk in a different vibrational frequency than you are in. So if you hear buzzing in your ear, chances are they are trying to get your attention:

    • When the buzzing starts, pay attention to where you are and what you are looking at.
    • See if the ringing starts when you read the newspaper or a book. Then, stop reading and see if it stops, and then read it again to see if you get a message.
    • The ringing can come when you are thinking about something or when you are getting a sign.


Even though this is a short list, the truth is that it is common for your loved one to try to communicate with you in different ways.

If you have not seen any of the signs listed, tell your loved one that you want to see them and want them to visit you. Ask them to talk to you or to come in the form of an animal, and then see if that animal appears before you.

The more you pay attention to your surroundings, the more your loved ones will communicate with you. Learn to be patient and learn to communicate with them so they can communicate with you.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

People have mental, physical, and emotional illnesses, and this is a basic philosophy that comes with healing traditions. When someone is distanced from the divine, there is a chance that their well-being is affected.

The divine is a place of all of your energy; when you are away from it, you will become ill and have things happen o you in different forms. This is because it lets you know that you need to reconnect with your spirit so that you can be whole.

Spiritual healing is important and can help you to have a real nature in the spirit world and to be healthy. The truth is that when you are discerning and cautious, chances are you will look more inside and find that you need healing, but you might be afraid of false healers and people that are scamming you.

When someone has been experienced in spiritual healing or works in a spiritual field, they will find that there are different kinds of healing for everyone.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing is when you practice balancing your soul and your chakras. Then, when you need spiritual healing, you will see it as a reconnection and see that it can help you to be strong and healthy like never before.

Types of Spiritual Healing

There are different types of spiritual healing, and some people only focus on balancing the etheric body and the energy field. For example, shamanic healers will help you focus on your soul, while holistic healers will focus on your soul, body, heart, and mind. Some psychologists and counselors are even starting to do spiritual healing as part of their counseling.

Here are five different types of spiritual healing:

  • Healing of the body or physical healing.
  • Healing of the heart or emotional healing.
  • Healing of the mind or mental healing.
  • Healing of the soul or soul healing.
  • Healing of the body, heart, soul, and mind or holistic healing.

Here are some questions you will need to ask in order to get the healing you need:

  • What kinds of struggles do you have in your life?
  • What kind of issues is pressuring you?

No matter what kinds of answers you have, you will need to understand different kinds of healing to know what kind of spiritual healing you need. For example, if you have pain in your body and are chronically suffering from pain, you need to work with someone who does healing of the body.

On the other hand, if you have some kind of depression or stress that you cannot deal with, your body is aching, and you cannot shake things, then you need to find a holistic healer. Likewise, if you deal with things such as depression or grief, then chances are you need an emotional healer.

Other types of spiritual healing include chakra healing, herbal remedies, reiki, meditation, etc.

How Can I Heal My Soul?

If you love and believe in spiritual healing, this is something that you might be missing from your life. Some people can say what they are feeling, while others do not realize what they are feeling and just feel lost or hurt.

Some might feel that they have a lost or broken soul, but this is just part of spiritual healing. When something is wrong with you, and you feel like you have lost touch with your soul, chances are you are living a life that has no joy and peace.

You have to know how to heal your soul, but not real healing but a finding. Those that are spiritual healers understand that they can do different things to find themselves and to heal their souls, such as:

  • Care for themselves
  • Have inner child healing
  • Shadow work
  • Soul finding
  • Introspection
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Connecting with totem spirits
  • Nature energy

Always use discernment when you go for spiritual healing because not all spiritual healers and teachers are the same.

Dark Side of Spiritual Healing

There is a reason why most people do not talk about the bad parts of spiritual healing, and the main reason is that they do not even know that there can be a dark side to it. Or chances are that they just do not want to face this.

There are ways that a spiritual healer can self-destruct; even though it sounds crazy, it can happen. There are two parts to spiritual healing including:

  • Resistance

This is when the spirit will resist getting rid of certain things like bad memories or bad things that have happened. When you want to get rid of these things, you do it because you do not want to suffer. As a result, you can suffer from anger, depression, anxiety, and other things.

Everyone needs to understand that when you try to heal, it is not always about healing; it can also be about getting rid of negative things and keeping them gone.

You want to get rid of your anxiety and suffering, but if you have been deeply hurt, you might become overly tired of trying to be healed and have difficulty finding your happiness.

When you are constantly trying to heal yourself, you might become resistant to what is happening to you and not be able to be healed. So you have to understand what you are going through and try not to hide reality.

  • Dark Teachers

Another issue is that some spiritual healers are people who are not about you but themselves. They do things for their own gain, and even though this is sad and hurtful to those looking for help, these people want to make their own money and not meet the desires of their clients. When this happens, it can cause you to suffer more and make you not be able to move forward.

You need to make sure that you find a spiritual healer that will give you the power and will make you independent. They will give you the right path, and you will have strong enlightenment. However, you will find that you can be in a dangerous situation if you do not find the right healer.

Authentic Healing

Healing does not hurt you and stops things from controlling your life. So spiritual healing is not the problem; the problem is our mental thoughts and allowing bad healers to come into our life.

Healing is used to help you find your potential and help you to deal with damaging things. True spiritual healing allows you to figure out what you are going through, fix it, and not just push it under the rug.

When you pretend or ignore a bad situation, it causes there to be more pain later. When you need to be healed, you will find that, which will help you stop caring about the burden of pain and suffering.


Spiritual healing sometimes is thought to cure suffering, but the truth is that you have to learn to suffer through it and then learn to solve the problems. When you are unrealistic, you have to understand that your suffering can get deeper. So figure out what is really the issue in your life and heal them so that you can be a better person.

History of the Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball

Divination tools have been used for many years, even back to ancient times. The history of the crystal ball is surrounded by the idea of a divine orb surrounding people. The crystal ball is considered a mystery and used by psychics worldwide and is in many different films and cultures.

If you are clairvoyant, the crystal ball can help you with your senses and help you increase your giftings.

  • Scrying

Scrying is found in many books and prophecies, and people have been using this in history for years and years for telepathy and other things. Even in early times, looking at crystals was known by the Egyptians, the Iroquois, the Chinese, and many other different cultural groups. Still, the earliest recorded use was from the Celtic Druids in Ireland and Britain. This early tool was used during the Iron Age but was pretty much forgotten by 600 A.D. during the Christian period.

Those who are educated and part of ceremonies know Julius Caesar and other Roman philosophers such as Pliny the Elder, who was considered gifted and known to use reflective spheres, and this is where it is thought that the crystal ball came from.

Some of the earlier balls were made out of beryl, which is important because beryl is a mineral that is reflective and known to connect with psychic energies.

The first people that did gazing would look into the stone, meditate, and go into a trance where they would find out things from the past, present, and future. Some believe that psychics are only gifted in seeing into the future, but the crystal ball can be used as a tool to see in all aspects of time.

Gazing into a translucent or reflective surface and getting messages or information from it is known as scrying. It can be used on fingernails, water, blood, mirrors, or anything that is reflective.

  • Ballers

Different cultures have used crystal balls for things such as healing, and even during the Middle Ages, the balls were used by the Druids, and they are thought to have been used during the medieval time by the Anglo-Saxons for magic and just for looks. Some believe that Merlin and King Arthur used the crystal ball.

During this time, crystal balls were used with wire fasteners to hang places, and the people that owned them were considered to have power and strength. In addition, these balls were thought to get rid of sicknesses and evil spirits.

During medieval times, these were used at graves and were often found in the graves of rich women and some men, who would be with their different possessions in their graves. However, some believe that the crystal balls were used only by pagan cults.

  • Crystal Ball

The crystal ball gained more popularity after the Middle Ages; even Queen Elizabeth I had one. She believed in the occult and had a medium and later met a guy named Edward Kelley who showed him what scurrying was and how it could help people to communicate with the spirit world.

It was believed that this ball could fight off demons, and these were normally made of obsidian or other dark stones. In addition, some believed that the angels were the way they talked to the gods, which was why scrying was important to them.

John Dee was the advisor of Queen Elizabeth 1, and he believed that he would get messages from people that had died and from the spirit world when he would use crystal ball scrying.

  • Political Advice

Some people, such as Jeane Dixon, were gifted at using the crystal ball even from an earlier age, and she was known because of the predictions she made about political things. In 1956, a famous magazine, “Parade Magazine” said that a democrat president would be elected and assassinated, and Jeane Dixon was the one that predicted it. She was right because it was JFK.

She also believed that Alec Baldwin would get sick, that Ellen DeGeneres would crash an inauguration of the president, and that there would be a World War III. She would carry her ball everywhere she went and spent time in many presidents’ offices, such as President Nixon. She even predicted the terrorist attack and joined Nancy Reagan’s trusted astrologers list. After she died, Dixon’s crystal ball sold for over $10,000.

  • Roma Fortune Telling

One of the best descriptions of the crystal ball comes from a woman that people thought was a gypsy because of the things she wore, such as fancy jewelry, bangles, and scarves. She would predict the future, and the thing about this is many fortune tellers came from Roma, Italy. The Catholic Church was unhappy about this, believing that fortune-telling was wrong.

Roma adopted things that other cultures had with crystal ball readings, and the gypsies became some of the most known fortune tellers in the world. Even in Virginia and New York, a law came for those that would trade cash for fortunes.

  • Magic

The crystal ball resulted from the people traveling from Roma, Italy, and they were fortune telling and gazing, which was interesting to people around them. One performer, Alexander, was known for being a crystal ball reader, and he would answer the audience’s questions, and they were sealed in envelopes even before the show started.

Crystal gazing was always something up for debate, and it was questioned because people did not believe that psychics were real, and they thought that the audience was just easily deceived.

  • Fortune

Fortune-telling machines are found in many different areas, and the machines are given money, and then the gypsy-looking guy with a scarf on will hold a crystal ball and tell the people’s fortunes. This was shown in 1910 and was a big thing with the movie “Big” in 1988, called Zoltan Speaks.

The machines were considered evil land creepy and could be worked for just a few pennies at carnivals. Zoltar was even replicated at Coney Island.

  • Pop Culture

Crystal balls are part of pop culture, and they are even seen in “The Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy takes the mask off of Professor Marvel, who has a turban and talks about the crystal and a tornado that is coming. In the next few scenes, the Wicked Witch of the West tells her commands to the giant crystal ball and watches Dorothy and the others on the ball. Once Dorothy is held captive, the Wicked Witch cries as she sees images of Auntie Em in the ball. The crystal ball from the movie sold for over $100,000, and some of the proceeds went to the New Jersey Teen Arts Program.

In the “Labyrinth,” Jareth the Goblin King would use the crystal ball to mix together things, and they weren’t meant to look into the past or future, but they were meant to see dreams. Bowie didn’t use the ball at all, but the juggler showed the ball through the armpits of Bowie.

  • Crystal Balls for Guidance

When you gaze into the crystal ball, it can be seen now in sports, politics, technology, business, and other things. It can be used to cast the future and know what is happening in the spiritual world. This also can be used to heal others and to show the future.

Gina Jean, a scryer, believes that crystal balls should be used for guidance and not looking into the future. However, you will see that most psychics do not use only use crystal balls; they use them just as tools. They also use Tarot cards, palm reading, and other divination tools.

Kim Allen uses her crystal ball when she does readings, and she uses two types of balls crystal quartz and a smoky obsidian ball. She tells her clients to pick the ball that attracts them, wave their hand over it, and see where the energy comes from.

When Allen does her reading, she cleanses the ball with Florida Water which is water, alcohol, oils, and cologne. This is then buried in the sea salt for a few days, and she keeps it on her ball.

The history of the crystal ball is one of the most powerful things in the spiritual world. It is not just finding messages but is rooted in culture and witchcraft. This is very popular and is used in many communities. Psychics do not always use these now, and even if they are clairvoyant, they do not need to have a crystal ball, and they do not need these for their giftings.

Gazing Into the Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball

Gazing into a crystal ball has been used by many spiritual guides, psychics, and healers. This has been a part of life for many, even since ancient times. People who use gazing enter into a meditation state, and they can see visions and get messages from the spirit. Gazing into a reflective or translucent surface is called scrying, which can be done with many kinds of stones and surfaces.

One famous person, Nostradamus, used an Obsidian mirror to do his predictive works. It is recommended that people that begin doing this will first use a clear stone such as a quartz crystal ball or a Smoky quartz crystal ball because they allow you to look at them, and they are natural stones.

You have to find out which stone is best for you and know which stones you can use for gazing. A natural crystal can really help you to see what kind of psychic powers you have.

Steps for Gazing

When you choose to start gazing, the first thing that you have to do is to make sure that you cleanse your crystal ball. The crystal ball will pick up energies from when it is made until it is in your hands. So you have to eliminate the negative energies and do this at least one day before using it.

  • Space

Make sure that you have a quiet space that is relaxing and not distracting. You can burn candles or incense but ensure the room is quiet and dim. Allow your positive energies to come into your life.

  • Holding the Ball

Hold the crystal ball with both of your hands, and if you have a large crystal ball, you can put it on a stand on the table in front of you. You need to touch the ball so that you can feel the energies and connect with the ball. Put both of your hands on the ball.

  • Breathing

Breathe in deeply and learn to relax. Also, take time when you exhale. Keep doing this until you are able to relax your mind.

  • Gazing

Stare or gaze into the crystal ball for a few minutes and allow the visions or messages to come to you. Never try to force the ball to do anything; you can see images in the imperfections of your crystal ball.

Use the images that come to you, in your mind or the crystal ball, to focus on your higher self. Focus on the divine energy and do this as long as you need to.

  • Energies

When you finish your scrying, thank your angels or your spiritual guides for the wisdom that they have given you. Thank them for giving you messages.

  • Finishing

Take deep breaths and tell yourself to wake up. Exhale as you do. Once you come from your trance, allow yourself to build up your energies. Reflect on what you have experienced and drink some water to hydrate yourself.

How to Use a Crystal Ball

How to Use a Crystal Ball

Crystal balls are very beautiful, and people are very attracted to their beauty and shape. What is the purpose of a crystal ball, and what do crystal spheres do? There are different things that a crystal ball can do to help you and give you special energy.

Crystal Ball

A crystal ball is considered a perfect shape because it is a circle and equal on all sides. When you use different crystals, you will see that the ball’s energy goes through the whole ball, so the energy can help direct you.

Using a Crystal Ball

People from ancient times have been using crystal balls as healing tools, and they have used them for gazing, fortune telling, scrying, prophecy, and more. The ball will impact you when you connect with the energy that it has.

Power of the Crystal Ball

Some people have a large collection of crystal balls because so many different ones can be chosen.

The crystal ball can have many different healing attributes based on what kind of crystal it is made from. Crystal balls are perfect in shape, but a real crystal ball will have different imperfections. However, the balls will be smooth and symmetrical and nice to touch.

You can use the crystal ball for gazing, which is when you can see images and help to connect with your higher being. You can also learn to use crystal balls for meditation.

Some crystal balls are made of quartz, while others are made of Smoky Quartz, Rainbow Quartz, Amethyst, and many other minerals. The type of mineral used to make the crystal ball will help determine its sheen and inclusions.

Other crystal balls are opaque, such as the Lapis Lazuli or the Jasper; even the Pyrite has vivid patterns when you look at it.

The Tiger’s Eyeball is often a huge crystal ball, and it can be made out of Silver Sheen Obsidian, or it can be small such as the Aventurine ball.


When you talk about crystal balls, you will hear the word “scrying.” Scrying means that you stare at an object and you allow your intuition to give you information through the ball and to your mind.

There are different kinds of surfaces that you can use for scrying, but most of the time, people use crystal balls.

Crystal Balls and Fortune Tellers

One of the things that psychics do with crystal balls is fortune telling. Because of the shape of the ball, it can be perfect for gazing and scrying, and it can allow you to have a focus point to concentrate on.

There are no edges on a crystal ball, so it is perfect for gazing. Likewise, you can put the crystal ball in any position, which can be perfect for gazing.

How Does it Work?

The crystal ball is considered a divination tool and can help you find your magical powers within. The stone does not give you any powers; the information that comes to you allows you to use the ball to help you do things such as fortune-telling.

The information you gather will come from your spirit guides or angels and can help you connect with your higher self. You can get knowledge in your mind from your higher beings, and when you are connected to something such as a crystal ball, it gives you an open mind and allows magic to come to you.

Real Crystal Ball?

Many crystal balls are made of glass instead of crystals. These balls are clear and cheaper, but you must know that they are not real crystals. A perfectly clear crystal ball will have bubbles in it and will have no imperfections.

A real quartz crystal ball will have imperfections such as dips, inclusions, and more. These types of crystal balls are more expensive, but they have great healing properties.

People who think of crystal balls usually think of clear things, but most crystal balls are not clear at all, which is okay.

Some natural crystals used include chrysocolla balls, cuprite balls, bloodstone balls, rhodonite balls, jade balls, and more. These types of balls have great healing energies.

Even though a person can use gazing and scrying with a glass ball, most people that are psychic prefer having a real crystal ball. They like that their crystal balls have imperfections, and they can often see rainbows and patterns in the ball.

The thing with crystal balls is that they take years and years to form and form by using the earth’s energy. However, these crystal balls’ energy helps you improve your imagination when you gaze.

Glass balls sold as crystal balls are not real and are usually made in some kind of factory. Therefore, they don’t have the same power as a real crystal ball, even though they can be used for some things.

Metaphysical Uses

Here are some ways that you can use your crystal ball to help you in metaphysical practices such as:

  • Scrying and Gazing

One popular thing to use your crystal ball for is for scrying and gazing. This can be done with any type of stone or crystal ball, but just make sure that you are drawn to the crystal ball when you choose it.

  • Meditating

A crystal ball can help you with meditation and can help you reach a relaxed state faster. The shape of the crystal ball is easy to hold when you are meditating, and depending on what kind of crystal ball you choose, you might have different energies, such as healing energies or energies to help you with soul journeys.

  • Feng Shui

When you put the crystal in a certain spot, you can balance the Feng Shui. Of course, this will not work with a store-bought crystal ball, but it has to be a natural crystal ball that comes from nature. Use this crystal ball in your room or workplace so that you can reap its benefits of it.

  • Healing

There are many stones that are healing stones, and a crystal ball can help with healing just the same. So hold the crystal ball in your hands and focus on the healing.

You can hold the crystal ball over your chakras, or someone else’s to help heal their chakra and increase their aura strength.

  • Harmony

If you want to have harmony during a meeting, put the crystal ball in the middle of the table. This can help you to focus and can help you to spread your energies out with everyone in the room. This can allow a meeting to go smoother and for there to be more cooperation.


A crystal ball can be used for many different things, such as:

  • Massages

If you choose a strong crystal ball, you can use it with massage oil and lotion to rub it on your muscles and soothe your sore spots.

You can do a massage on your own or have someone else do it for you.

  • Stress

Another thing that crystal balls can do is help you get rid of your stress. You can use ones that are small, just a couple of inches, and hold them in the palm of your hand. Then, carry the stone with you so you can use it wherever you go and when needed.

  • Decorating

One great thing about crystal balls is that they are very attractive and can be used in your home or office. You can also use these spheres in your garden. If you want different balls in your home, pick different sizes and different crystals for a big collection.

  • Cleansing and Charging

Cleansing and charging your crystal ball are easy, and you can do it the same way that you do other stones. Make sure you know what kind of crystal you have to pick a safe cleansing for your stone.

If you have Angelite or Selenite, you will not want to put it in water because they are fragile and can break in the water. However, using quartz or amethyst is okay in water or even cleaner.

Buying Online

Remember, there are different sizes of crystal balls, and they come in different crystals. So look at the different choices and pick which ones are best for you.

You can purchase these balls online but be careful who you buy from so that you can be satisfied with your purchase.

To know which crystal ball is perfect for you, look at all of the different collections, such as:

  • Calcite
  • Fluorite
  • Gabbro
  • Agate
  • Amethyst
  • Obsidian
  • Jasper
  • Moonstone
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Moonstone
  • Serpentine

There are so many different crystal balls that you can buy that you need to really let your intuition guide you and help you to make the right choice.

Your Crystal Ball

If you have a crystal ball, you can try different things with it and see how its power can help you. But remember, the power lies within you and not within the ball.

Crystal Balls

Crystal Balls

If you are new to the psychic realm or if you have always just been curious about how to use a crystal ball, the first thing that you want to know is that you have to use your psychic senses in order to see the crystal ball really work for you. So, remember to use your intuition to help guide you in all things.

Choosing a Ball

A real crystal ball is something that is very beautiful and it is unique. Like a snowflake, there will be no two crystal balls that are the same. Instead, you can find different spheres that are made of glass that look exactly the same, and these can be used for crystal ball reading or scrying, but they do not have the same kind of power as a real crystal ball.

A crystal ball is imperfect, and it will have cracks and imperfections that you can see, and this is what makes the ball precious and unique. The crystal ball is made of quartz, and if you can find one that is completely clear, it is not really quartz but glass.

A real crystal is hardly ever clear because of its imperfections, but the imperfections help psychics focus on the images that come to the ball.

When you choose a crystal ball or any other kind of crystal, you need to make sure that you use your intuition to help to guide you. Make sure that you find a crystal that calls to you and feels completely perfect to you and that you feel connected to it.

One of the most common crystal balls is made of clear quartz. This has a natural energy and can amplify your psychic giftings, such as your clairvoyance.

Other types of crystal spheres can be used as a crystal ball, such as amethyst spheres or other crystals. These kinds of crystal balls are good for healing, love, fears, addictions, past issues, and more. In addition, these types of crystal balls work well when dealing with different kinds of issues, such as family or self-esteem problems.

  • Size

One thing to know is that size doe does not matter. Some crystal balls are huge and cost a lot of money, but the truth is that you do not need that kind of ball for the ball to show you its magic. You can choose a small, medium or large ball, depending on what kind of money you want to spend.

  • What is Inside

It is not the ball that has the magic; it is what is inside of you that is important.  You always need to make sure that you have your crystal ball cleansed so that you can get rid of the negative energies in the ball. This is easy, and you can do it simply by picturing the crystal ball surrounded by a white light. This will cleanse your ball. You can also say a simple prayer when you imagine this, such as, “Dear angels, please come and remove all of the negative energies from my crystal ball and cleanse it. Please raise the vibrational frequency of this ball so that it can help me to know what you want me to know.

When you do this, also take time to imagine a white light surrounding you. You can ensure that you and your crystal ball are cleansed when you imagine yourself and your ball surrounded by white light.

  • Environment

The next thing you need to do is make sure that you are using your crystal ball in an environment full of positive energy and peace.

If you are a beginner, you need to find a quiet room where you can concentrate without being interrupted or distracted. For example, you might want to light incense or light candles and put on some quiet music to help you relax.

Choose a room with hardly any light, which can allow you to see visions and pay attention to what the crystal is trying to say to you. If you choose a candle, choose a white one so that you can have peace and purity.

Once you are comfortable with the white candle, you can experiment with colored candles that can help you with your spiritual giftings and help you to stay calm and seek the truth.

When someone does a crystal reading, they are called scryers. They might use different scents during a reading, such as frankincense, sage, sandalwood, or more, to help raise the vibrations. There are other scents that can be used, such as jasmine, magnolia, pine, rose, and more. The smoke can help you to see what the crystal ball wants to show you.

Prepare Yourself

Make sure you have a positive state of mind and are grounded. Sometimes it is best to be quiet, especially if you are a beginner, because this allows your mind not to be so active. You can also take time to meditate to help you relax or take a salt bath. Doing this can help to center you.


Having expectations is good, but having too many expectations can cause you not to be open-minded. You might only see things that are the outcome instead of seeing things that are coming to you or helpful to you.

Once you begin, make sure that you clear away your expectations and keep an open mind. Let the spirit guides know that you have questions and that you want to get some answers.


Make sure you pay attention to what the crystal ball wants to tell you. Hold it in the hand you are dominant with and sit where the table is at a good height for where you can look into the ball for a long time.

Allow yourself to relax and make sure that you sit very still; this can cause you to learn to ground your mind and mental state.

Say a short prayer and allow positive things to enter the space that you are sitting in. Then, ask your spirit guides or your angels to help you.

Take time to close your eyes and focus on your third eye and let it become activated. Make sure that you are imagining that you are sitting in front of a movie screen, but the screen is the crystal ball.

Breathe in deeply and relax and allow anything negative to leave your thoughts. Let positive energies come to you and eliminate negative energies while you bring positive ones in.

Focus on the third eye, look into the crystal ball, and let the ball draw you in. Take time to focus your eyes until they become out of focus but keep your mind on the crystal ball in front of you without blinking or closing your eyes.

The crystal might become smoky or get darker but whatever happens, make sure that you are focusing on the changes and that you are keeping your mind clear. Sometimes when a new psychic or crystal reader sees this, they get too excited, and they cause their mind to lose concentration and can lose the connection they have with the ball.

Ask questions when you look into the ball.

What to Know

You may get a mental picture or see some kind of picture when you look at the ball. These images can happen in your mind, or they can actually appear on the ball.

There might be things that you see in the crystal or things that you see in your mind, and this can cause you to be tingly or to feel numb. This raises your vibrations, and it can cause you to have more energy than you had when you started because your angels are bringing it to you.

You can practice doing things like holding the crystal ball and tuning into the energy of the crystal. Crystals are easy to connect with; if you meditate while holding a crystal, you can connect with it. You do not have to take time at the moment to interpret what you see; just allow the energies to surround you and connect with you.

You and the Spirit World

Pay attention to the different sensations and pictures that you see. Notice what you are feeling and notice what you are seeing but make sure that you do not judge yourself or try to change or question what you saw.

When the pictures begin to disappear, you have done all that your mind will allow you to do in this session; allow your mind to return to normal on the physical plane, and you will notice that your energy is shifting. Let your eyes refocus and take in deep breaths.

Remember that you can tune into your psychic information when you use a crystal ball. Learn to have fun and to allow the ball to talk or speak to you. Use this type of tool for divination and keep practicing until you are able to do this smoothly.

Let go of your expectations, and if its images do not appear to you right away, then take time and keep practicing. Focus and learn to match the vibrations of the ball with your own energies.

When your connection is stronger, you will begin to see changes as you look into the crystal ball. Thank your angels for helping you, and always remember to surround yourself with white light.

Using a Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball

When you want to use a crystal ball, one of the first things you need to consider is the area in which you will practice using your crystal ball. Make sure that you have a room that is dark or has very little light. Play some quiet music in the background and burn some incense. Make sure that the light and the smell infiltrate your mind.

  • Light

Make sure that you have the crystal ball sitting in front of a candle. This can give you some additional light. You can also use a candle that has a colored flame so that you can bring peace to the room. Purple or blue is a good choice.

  • Scents

You can use incense in your room, which can be a tradition or your own thing. Try incense such as Sage, Frankincense, and Sandalwood.

  • Preparing

When you do any kind of reading, you need to ensure that the area is prepared. Try to talk to the spirit guides and let your noise be minimal. Think with your mind and speak to them.

When your spirit guide wants to give you information, you can be aware of this in your mind, and you need to remain quiet and think about what they say to you.

Take time to reflect on what they are saying to you. Then, ask them to guide you and learn to relax. You can even do something relaxing beforehand, such as go for a walk barefoot in nature or take a salt bath. Then, let the calmness and peace come into you and take away your troubles before you do your reading.

  • What to Expect

You should expect things to happen because expecting things is looking forward to something, but the problem is that when some people expect, they expect there to be a certain outcome. On the other hand, you should not expect things to go a certain way because you need to let the spirit give you the answers that are true.

  • Practice

Take time to practice gazing into the ball. Practice until you are able to discipline yourself to be patient and to be relaxed. Once you feel this patience, you can exercise doing this and keep trying until you can be quiet and relaxed.

When the room is lit, and the incense is burning, you can sit comfortably in an area where you can hold the crystal ball with both of your hands.

If you decided to light a candle behind it, it would give you a chance to see into the ball. Look into the ball for a few minutes and allow your eyes to adjust to the area and the ball.

How does the crystal ball make you feel?  Do you feel connected to the ball, or do you feel that you have something moving inside of you? Do you have a tingling feeling? Put the ball back onto the stand and let the reading start.

The crystal ball should sit on the stand in front of you where you can stare at it at a comfortable height. Try not to blink or look away and gaze at it as long as you can. Let your mind be clear.

When you look deeply into the ball, a mist should form, and it means that you have made a connection with the spirit world. Be very still and let the door to the other side open. Keep staring and stay calm and relaxed. When the mist clears, you can allow yourself to see pictures that form in the ball.

There might be images that you did not expect to see, which can be strong messages to you. For example, you might see a single picture or have a feeling, and you need to try to make sense of what the picture is trying to tell you.

Do not stop concentrating, and do not jump to conclusions. Let the picture tell you what it means, and when the images fade; you should consider what you just saw. You may notice that you are thirsty and tired once the pictures disappear.

  • Record

Once you see the images fade, take a drink of water to give you energy and write down what you saw. Put this on a piece of paper and write down all that you noticed.

  • Patience

Reading a crystal ball and gazing into it takes a lot of practice. You may have to do it over and over again, and you need to be very patient. Allow your mind to be quiet and clear when you are gazing into the crystal ball so that you can allow your mind to be free and see more images. The crystal ball will be like a movie screen for you.

Our mind is very receptive and accepts what it is feeling and hearing without stopping it. Sometimes we do not even know what we can get out of the ball, and our mind will absorb everything that it comes in contact with.

This happens because our mind is part of our body that connects with our higher self, allowing us to be more conscious of what is going on in our lives.

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

When you think of the Law of Attraction, you need to understand that this is something that is drawn to itself. The Law of Attraction goes hand in hand with the Law of Vibration, which says that everything is full of energy, whether it is living or an object. The energy creates a vibrational energy that allows you to flow out a frequency that will manifest in your life depending on what you are doing.

When you understand the Law of Vibration, you can then understand the Law of Attraction. This attraction is all around you, and once you understand it, you will be able to recognize when it is surrounding you and when you experience things that fall in this law. Nothing happens for no reason; it happens because you attract the energy to make it happen.

How it Works

The Law of Attraction works differently for different people because people make their own realities. They attract different things, and when you are aware of them, you can be more in control of what you want in your life. When you have a negative thought, it does not mean that will happen because everyone falls short, but you have to focus on where your attention goes. If you have a negative thought while you are sleeping, it does not mean that you will be in bed with a dragon or something bad.


When you are always letting out negative energies or thoughts and want something else, like happiness, you have a battle going on with what you want and what you are attracting. So you become stuck, and things that you do not want in your life come to you because you are not aware that you are calling them forth.

Even though you may not understand or even know that the Law of Attraction exists, it has power over your life and what you experience. Once you begin to pay attention to where your attention goes, you will have more control over what happens in your life.

There is nothing that you want that you cannot have and nothing that you cannot achieve once you set your mind to it.


When you try to change your thoughts, this is hard; instead, pay attention to your feelings. For example, when you have negative feelings and want a positive emotion, change your thought pattern to go to something that makes you feel better.

Pay attention to what you are feeling; this can help you control your mind more and let you think about things you want instead of what you do not want.

Using the Law of Attraction

Everything you see and everyone you know has a vibrational frequency that they bring to you. The signals have to match before the Law of Attraction can happen, and even when people look and act differently, they can still be attracted to one another because their vibrational frequencies are the same.

If you want to find a soulmate or a person that is kind and loving towards you, you have to have the same traits in order for them to be attracted to you.

You can create your desired reality by learning to control your emotions. Write down what you desire in your life on paper or put pictures on your wall. Do not think your imagination is unimportant; you have to learn to picture the life you want to attract it to yourself.

Once you figure out what you want, act as if you are already in charge of that life and are getting what you want. Manifest your life dreams and see what comes to you.

Removing Energy Blocks

Removing Energy Blocks

Whether you want to believe your home is energy block free or not, there are blocks. Unless regular smudging and other cleansing techniques are used, there are probably certain areas in your home that are keeping  you from moving forward in specific areas of life. However, we are largely under quarantine so this is a great time to change those blocks. Though being stuck at home can be emotionally exhausting and we may want it to end yesterday, lightworkers understand that this time is important for self-healing and contributing to healing part of the universe as a whole. Since this is the case, we do our part and stay inside.

However, this does not mean that this forced time cannot be used advantageously. Some may choose to use the time to meditate more or practice psychic exercises. Some may jumpstart a personal power by removing energy blocks that have accumulated, but so far been ignored. If this is the case, we can help you get started.

Sensing Energy Blocks

Before taking on energy blocks, you have to be able to find them. While some are easy to recognize, others are a bit more difficult to sense. It is much more difficult to find energy blocks when there is too much going on around the area. You may struggle to find the block if:

    • The television is on, even in the background
    • New about the pandemic is on all the time
    • Loud music is playing
    • Social media has your attention
    • Others are in the room using any form of digital communication

This boils down to a need to shut everything off in order to tackle energy problems. Sit still, in silence to sense the feelings with everything off. If you can enjoy this, then it is a positive sign. However, if you get uncomfortable or distracted, then there is an energy issue.

Common Sources

When it comes to energy blocks, there are a few places it is more likely to occur. These will be described below.

  • Memories and Mementos

If you store things with emotions attached to them, good and bad, then these items hold energy. They are meaningful, but can take you back and hold you in a previous emotional time. If you rarely view the item(s) and they are hidden in a closet somewhere, question why. If it is because of the emotions stirred up when around it, then it may be time to cleanse that energy.

  • Cluttered Area

If you have a room or area that always seems to collect junk, like a desk, drawer, or closet, then energy is not able to get through this area. In fact, it is likely you have not tackled this are because you can feel the energy around it. Another major source of this energy block is bags and boxes that have not been used for many years and are collecting dust. Get rid of it and clear the energy for the area.

  • Avoided Rooms

When a home has good energy, you feel good no matter which room you happen to be in at the moment. If there is an area you subconsciously avoid because of memories or general feelings, then a block is likely present. If a whole room seems to have a block, start with that room.

Solving Blockages

Now that the problem areas have been identified, we can correct them. Start by eliminating things that cause the blocks or at least distancing yourself from them. Try going through a drawer and tossing everything that has not been used in a year. Even if just tossing the things you no longer want, you will likely feel lighter. Expand this to all the areas that feel blocked.

There will be times we run across boxes of sentimental things that do not make us feel good, but we cannot toss. This is often those things from loved ones who have passed on. While these may cause grief at the moment, that grief will pass and feelings change. In cases like this, put them in a garage or storage building where you do not constantly feel the energy effects.

There is also the option of using metaphysical means to clear a given space. Try smudging your house, especially where blockages are sensed. There are also crystals like black tourmaline or black obsidian that can lessen negative energy for certain blocks. Place these in blocked areas as part of décor.

Gift of Intuition


Having intuition is a great gift, and no matter what kind of beliefs you have, the truth is that you can use this gift as fully as you want to. Some people have a natural sense of intuition and are able to use its power without even realizing that they are. Sometimes it happens to where it becomes natural, and they do not even realize they are doing it.

It will feel natural and be a part of their thinking. For other people, though, using intuition is something that they have a hard time relating to because they do not understand it or they forget what kind of power it gives them.

Unsurprisingly, our culture has caused us to be programmed more toward logic and thinking than it does toward intuition or imagination. But unfortunately, this is not something that is taught in schools, and there is no real guidance on using your right brain skills when you are young or when you get older.

There are some steps that can help people to open up more and to become more in tune with their gift of intuition:

  • Saving the Energy

Intuition will help save you energy and is not strenuous like analytical thinking. We think about intuition outside the box, and we will get the answer immediately. This is something that you just know without having to study.

  • Solving Problems

Intuition can help you to solve problems., Maybe you have a hard time finding a solution to something, and no matter how you look at it, the problem seems hard because you are not able to get your mind to get the answer. Listening to your intuition helps you to solve problems that seem unsolvable.

  • Finding the Way

Using intuition can give you directions when you are lost. Being lost in the real world makes you vulnerable to ways to find your way back. It is good to be vulnerable to your intuitive skills so that you can find your way spiritually as well.

  • Saving You

When you try to be rational, you can get fewer answers than if you are just trying to be understanding. This is because you cannot always predict things when you analyze, but intuition allows you time because it lets you feel things and not move away from them.

  • Relationships

Relationships need help sometimes or can be disastrous and so if you want to have a good relationship that keeps going, use your intuitive skills, and you will see your time improved.

You can develop intuition by staging, understanding, and reinforcing the process.

  • Staging

When you begin to stage, you will prepare yourself for bad habits. You will train your mind to be open and think outside the box. Following routines will become a different tune, and you will learn to change your route and do things you normally don’t do.

  • Self-Talking

Intuition will allow you to talk to yourself happily and playfully. It will be strict with you when necessary, but you will always know it is on your side. Be gentle with yourself.

  • Instincts

Learn to trust your instincts and your gut feeling. These are there for a reason, and when you learn to go deeper into your mind, you will realize you can sync this with what is happening in your life.

  • Space

Everyone needs to have space, and when you give yourself some, your intuition will increase, and you will break habits that are not good for you.

You will learn to converse more with yourself and trust your decisions. Intuition is there to give you space and help you with past beliefs that are not for you.

Understanding the Process

You have to learn to be ready and to face your intuition. This is not something that you can just stop having or put on hold while you do other things. You will not have free time away from your intuition; you will have to learn to live in the present and always be ready for it.

  • Point of View

Intuition allows you to change your point of view to where they are clearer and where you are able to change what you are focusing on.

You will spend more time focusing on things higher in your life and things you can do to improve.

  • Listen

You should always listen to what your body is trying to tell you. You have gut feelings for a reason, and the reason is so that you can make good choices. For example, take it as a sign that your chest is tightening while going somewhere.

Learn to form a habit of listening to your body and listening for signs. Doing this will help you to be more sensitive.

  • Asking Things

Intuition will help you to know what questions you should ask. It will help you to have your attention on the right questions at the right times.

Sometimes you will get an idea about something unclear and need a clear answer. Intuition will help you to know what question to ask.

  • Reinforcement

Always be ready to focus on what your body is telling you and to listen to your body. This is a great way to reinforce your intuition and tune in to what your body tells you. Learn to trust your own vibes and to use visualization to help you.

  • Gratitude

Having gratitude is important and goes hand in hand with intuition. Your spirit guides will want you to be grateful for what is happening around you and what is going on in your heart. Always make sure you take time to value things in your life that help you live a better life and a more fulfilled situation.