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Why are Some Aspects of a Reading Not Coming True?

Why are Some Aspects of a Reading Not Coming True?

Psychic readings serve their purpose, especially when you need to unburden the mind and declutter the soul. Some go to the psychic often to help understand the next steps or pathway in life, but when a prediction or two does not come to pass, disappoint reigns. This brings so many questions to the forefront about the initial predictions.

Free Will

When receiving a psychic reading, it is with the expectation that the predictions will come true, but few remember that the future is never set in stone. While certain elements in our lives are consistent, like eye color, our children, or even a soulmate, free will can change the course of other things.

Psychics are able to see the current path and explain where you are going in the future if the path remains the same. However, some people unknowingly change their own paths without being aware that a divergence can have major repercussions. In some cases, the outcome will still be the same, but in others, an entirely new future has been determined.

Simple choices that are made following a psychic reading can alter your path because you have chosen to change directions thinking that the reading has determines the path, when your choices are actually shaping the future. However, just because your choices changed, it does not mean your path will not come back to where it was predicted, it may just be in a different manner.

Some recommend a reading every 3 months because of the changes that free will can bring about. With consistent readings, the future becomes more predictable because most people stay pretty consistent on a path for at least three months before making choices that could alter the path.

Lack of Contribution

We are in charge of our own futures, but as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. The future will not unfold as we want if wrong choices are made or a path is chosen that leads us away from it.

Most people go to psychics with love or career questions. When the questions are career focused the person is often ambitious and driven in their work environment, looking for reassurance that all the hard work will eventually pay off in the long run. On the other hand, those who want a promotion or better position, but are lazy and unmotivated, will make choices that do not lead to the future they desire unless they change their path.

While a spirit guide can nudge us toward the best possible life, free will allows each person to decide where life will ultimately take each of us. We are in control of many things in destiny and on the life path. While each of us is in the driver’s seat of life, a psychic can predict which roads should be taken to reach the point we desire most.

When seeking the help of a psychic, begin with an intention of being a proactive member in the pursuit of the dreams you desire. Ask the questions about the path that will move you forward in your goals or about the changes that are needed to make yourself stand out on the path.

Finally, keep in mind that the universe is not on a deadline for your life. While the future may be keeping in line with what a psychic predicted, it is unlikely to happen overnight. Be patient. Many of the happenings that we wish to manifest will take time to unfold, so we must stay the path and wait. Even when a psychic reading is clear, exact timelines are nearly impossible to see on the timeline. Some predictions will naturally take longer to come together, things like a new home or a long-term relationship.

It is beneficial to understand that you may not yet be ready for what is to come and while it may be part of the future, it will not arrive until other things have happened first. This means there is no reason to stress over predictions that have not come to pass.

Learn to relax and simply enjoy the ride of life, staying focused and even excited about what you know will be coming at some point. There is no need to worry when the future is bright.

What are the differences between psychic reading and energy healing?

What are the differences between psychic reading and energy healing?

What are the differences between psychic reading and energy healing?It is amazing how energy works. When I first started, I didn’t know the difference between psychic healing and energy healing. But I have come to discover that it is very essential to understand this for clarification.

First, healing is something that human beings cannot tell. If one can hear their divide guidance it is indeed a blessing and it is a gift that can be given to others. Psychic reading doesn’t come from the human perspective but it comes through channels of love and light. Psychic readings give worth information and whatever we do with the information is what’s important.

You should which one between psychic reading and energy healing is appropriate for spiritual growth. This is because both of them do have space. Many individuals don’t appreciate themselves or they don’t have any idea about their past or they don’t have self-love and are now suffering the consequences. Energy healing allows the healer to access different stages of a person’s life offering freewill from distinct kinds of emotional pain.

How to Block a Psychic Attack

Psychic Attack

Psychic attacks can come from two places; other people and negative forces. Attacks from other people are the most common. Negative forces can be connected to a person or a place. These forces do not include ghosts, as ghosts are an imprint of energy that emerges over and over. Entities that will attack you are a force on their own.

There are effective ways to protect yourself from attack by a living person or by an entity.  Generally speaking, psychic attacks from other people are usually unintentional and are caused by anger or negativity. It is rare that someone will direct black magic toward you.

The people most likely to have dark energy around them are those who do drugs and are heavy smokers and drinkers.  This is because healthy people have a naturally stronger aura of protection.  A weekend aura can be the result of a long illness.  The thing to remember is that no spirit can influence us unless we allow them to. This means we have to consent or be open to the will of that spirit. When you consciously try to rebuke that spirit, it will go away.

A protection prayer from a trusted psychic will help with this.

Even though it’s rare, someone occasionally casts a harmful spell on someone else. Usually, this results in a feeling of mild discomfort for the other person and not much else. Dark energy will always return to the spell caster.  It could take years for someone to rid themselves of this dark energy.  It is pointless to rage at someone if you think they are casting a dark spell on you. This only brings back negative energy to yourself.

Here are a few ways to build up your natural sense of protection:

  • Crystals

Crystals block negative energy, particularly if you can feel their negativity. Black tourmaline and shungite are effective, as is amber for protection. You can either wear or carry these crystals.

  • Smudging

Smudging is an ancient practice that involves burning sage or other herbs. When the smoke clears, the space will be cleansed of bad energy or spirits.  This can be done as a ritual or ceremony or just with the intent to clear your space.

  • Visualization

Visualization is a little more difficult. You will need to quiet yourself and meditate to visualize. Take a few deep breaths and picture yourself inside the safety barrier. If neighbors are harassing you, picture your entire dwelling surrounded by this barrier.  You should practice this visualization every day.

  • Reflective Surfaces or Jewelry

A small mirror placed in a mirror by your front entrance can deflect bad energy. Silver jewelry with a reflective surface also works if you wear it with intent. That means you think it will protect you when you put it on. Mirrored pendants work very well.

  • Calling White Light

White light as a shield can protect from negative energy; it is not the strongest means of protection. However, it works well for an empath because it keeps negative energy from trespassing on their emotions. Therefore, empaths can call a white light to protect them. White light can also be good for driving away internal darkness and cleaning the aura.

  • Meditation to Strengthen the Aura

Mediation requires us to work on ourselves. We can balance our chakras through meditation. This will help increase the strength of our aura and thoughts.

  • Positive Energy and Affirmations

Work in the same way mediation does; building our own aura with positive energy and self-affirmation increases our inner strength.

  • Flower or Gem Essences

Essences can remove depression, build confidence and build positive vibrations. You can also use an essence that is specifically designed to get rid of negative energy.

  • Relocating to a New Place

Sometimes a dwelling is so clogged with bad spirits and negative energy that it seems impossible to clean them.  If yours is an extreme case, you will more than likely need to move.

  • Cord Cutting

Sometimes people with negative energy are tied to us with etheric cording. If this is the case, you willed to be released from their psychic hooks. A psychic advisor can help you find someone who can do a cord-cutting for you.

  • Invoking Angels of God

Sometimes you will encounter someone who prescribes Angels or God as the answer to everything. Keep an open mind, as they may just be right. Divine and angelic right can remove all the negative power and entities away from us. After all, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

  • Words Can Work Magic

If we have tried everything else and the negative energy keeps us down, we can always try something simple and obvious; tell the energy to go. Tell it to return to its source; do that, and don’t allow this energy to come back into your thoughts.

  • Mantras and Prayers

There are mantras and prayers you can use to help protect yourself. Since these are very personal, you can either create our research one to use for your purposes.

Indications You were Born to be a Witch


Are you feeling like you are not living the life of an individual you were meant to be? You are attracted to something, and you can’t figure it out. Do you think maybe you were meant to be a witch? Below are signs that you were naturally born a witch.

For you to be a witch, you don’t have to practice it or curse people. The world doesn’t have to know about it. You are able to express it in the simplest ways possible.

A witch simply is a wise woman. She can feel the existence of the dead. She knows that the world has both negatives and positives. She doesn’t heed to authority but believes that as long as you harm no one, you have the right to do what you want.

Signs that you were meant to be a witch since birth:

  • You just feel like you are a witch. It’s like tapping into the knowledge that you are a witch by just reading the things above.
  • You feel like you are reclaiming your heritage by just the idea of being a witch.
  • You possess strong instincts. You follow them, and they are always right.
  • You don’t fear death.
  • You are aware that your sexuality links you with the cycles of the earth. So you can use that energy that their raw power has.
  • You trust things you can’t see and magic. You can manipulate energy and use it for both good and bad.
  • You can feel like you have been to a particular place before. You can recognize the atmosphere of a place.
  • You are not afraid to give your opinions.
  • People who are different attract you.
  • You love wearing black clothes.
  • You don’t like processed food but love fresh ones.
  • You don’t prefer gold and platinum but prefer silver and pewter.
  • You are attracted to healing, crystals, astrology, reiki, and tarot.
  • When in a natural environment, you feel at home.
  • Individuals love sharing their problems with you.
  • You love cats more than dogs due to their I don’t care attitude.
  • You love connecting the past with the present. You feel like the past should also contribute to your well-being.
  • You are very observant.
  • You fancy stormy and wild weather.
  • You can manifest what you want even though you don’t know how to do it, but you can feel when your magnetic power is working.
  • You trust that learning is a calling and fancy learning all the time.

Difficulties in Proving Psychic Phenomena

Psychic Phenomena

The study of parapsychology—metaphysical or psychic phenomena that can’t be explained by conventional laws of science—used to be a fairly common area of research. Early, formative psychologists like Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis; William James, who founded American academic psychology; and Hugo Münsterberg, a Harvard psychologist, studied it. Much of their work focused on exposing fraudulent self-proclaimed psychic mediums. Psychologists frequently engaged with parapsychology and maintained a genuine interest in the subject. But according to new research, contemporary psychologists with similar interests are routinely ostracized and mocked.

Daryl Bem, a professor emeritus and social psychologist at Cornell University, is possibly the most famous modern-day parapsychology-friendly psychologist. Unfortunately, Bem’s 2011 experiments caused a bit of a crisis in his field. Some of his peers contended that his conclusions were a hoax. Others tried to find fault with his methods, but they eventually had to admit they were technically correct. They then argued that if Bem was able to prove something as crazy as psychic abilities by using accepted social science methods, there must be something wrong with accepted social science methods.

Etzel Cardeña, a Swedish parapsychology researcher, analyzed parapsychology-related research and concluded in his new paper that Bem’s results may not have been so outlandish after all. Cardeña wrote that the strongest support for parapsychology could be found in research that uses the ganzfeld experimental method, which tests for telepathy.

In these experiments, blindfolded subjects are placed in a soundproof room and asked to describe a film clip they haven’t yet viewed. That film clip is either being played simultaneously in another room or the test subject views it after the experiment. If judges are then able to use the subject’s descriptions to pick the specified clip out of a group of film clips, this is considered proof of the presence of telepathy. Meta-analyses of ganzfeld experiments have statistically proven that significant support exists for this psychic effect.

Cardeña has concluded that existing meta-analyses support the parapsychology hypothesis. This proves the importance and legitimacy of future research into the topic. Cardeña wrote that parapsychology couldn’t be reliably explained away by experimental or analytical incompetence, selective reporting, fraud, the quality of the studies, or other common criticisms.

Due to the perceived impossibility of parapsychology, the related research is generally held to much higher standards than those of more mainstream areas of research. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it may make results that suggest support for parapsychology that much harder to dismiss. This is certainly the case among people who want to believe or already know that they possess psychic abilities.

Do Psychic Abilities Run in Families?

Do Psychic Abilities Run in Families?

I’m often asked if psychic and mediumship abilities are inherited. I consider my skills to be abilities, not gifts. I always make this distinction clear in conversations. The word “gift” implies a special talent that isn’t given to everybody. I believe that psychic and mediumship abilities are given by God and are part of our birthright. Therefore, calling it an “ability” seems most appropriate, implying a skill that may be developed.

My family includes 13 healers and Reiki Masters, as well as multi-generational psychic mediumship all the way from my paternal great-grandparents down through my kids. For example, as a young man, my great-grandfather walked past an apartment building on his late-night walk home from work. Every night he could see, through the window, the same little girl sliding down the long wooden banister of the two-story staircase inside. It was so late every night when he saw the little girl that he thought she should’ve already been in bed.

So, one night, when he saw a woman sitting on that building’s stoop, he asked her where the little girl’s parents were. The woman was confused, as no children were living in the building at the time. My great-grandfather described the little girl’s appearance, which shocked the woman. She then explained that a five-year-old girl who fit his description used to live in the building. The little girl died when she fell off the banister and broke her neck while sliding down it.

But that didn’t stop my grandfather from seeing her!

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been able to feel, hear, and see spirits. According to my parents, I communicated with spirits in our home when I was just two years old. My two kids have sensed, heard, and seen spirits since they were that age, too. They can identify family members in pictures even though the people in the pictures died long before my kids were born.

At first glance, psychic abilities and mediumship may appear to run in families, but exploring more deeply, we find that’s not necessarily the case. For example, in my family, it would be natural to conclude that those abilities were inherited and passed down along the family line. But we don’t have a way of knowing how those abilities manifested before my great-grandfather’s time.

Also, the abilities seem to have skipped over my grandfather and mother. So, if generations get skipped, how can the abilities be inherited? The answer, of course, is that the abilities are innate components of the make-up of our souls, placed there by the Divine. Our decision to develop them depends on each of us—on our ability to release the fears and doubts that bind us.

Awareness and Encouragement

My kids are growing up in a home where communication with spirits is common and quite normal. If they feel sick, they place their hands on their bodies to balance their energies. My kids are learning how they can use their psychic and mediumship abilities as assets that can impact their incarnate lives on Earth.

It’s common for young kids to see the spirits of loved ones who have passed. However, if children grow up in a home that oppresses their spiritual openness and discourages them from seeking and experiencing spiritual energies, those kids will shut themselves down from awareness.

My kids have next to no fear regarding spiritual energies. If they pick up on energy that has uncomfortable vibes, they’ll command it to go away. If they experience any issues with this, they know they can involve me to help them clear it. Since I perform a daily energy clearing in our home, such negative spiritual intrusions rarely are a problem.

As soon as somebody in a family fully embraces their spiritual abilities, other souls will notice that openness and make more connections. Therefore, it’s likely that my grandchildren will also be psychics, healers, and mediums.

Our spiritual abilities generally will lie dormant until we embrace and engage them. Like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, shedding our fears opens us up to the magnificent and ever-present energy in the world all around us. Like spreading their wings, embracing our abilities allows us to peacefully fly about the world and enjoy all the sweet nectar life has to offer!

Life Path Numerology for 2019

Life Path Numerology for 2019

In numerology, each year represents the beginning of a new energy vibration. Each year is indicated by a single-digit number, known as the Universal Year. It represents the overall energy that affects the whole world. Each year will have its own unique set of challenges and positive influences.

To calculate the Universal Year, you simply continue adding the digits together until it’s reduced to a single-digit number. So for 2019, you add 2 + 0 + 1 + 9, which equals 12. To reduce 12 to a single digit, you add 1 + 2, yielding the Universal Year of 3.

The Meaning of 2019’s Universal Year

When calculating a Universal Year, the end result is a single digit. But each component number has its own meaning. As shown above, 2019 first reduced to a 12, which subsequently reduced to a 3. This means 2019 is a 12/3 year. The number 12 represents the type of education that’s best shared for the greater good. This relates not only to practical education but also to spiritual education. This makes 2019 an ideal year to focus on meditation and follow your intuition. According to your numerology report, listening to your intuition corresponds perfectly with the energy of a 3 Universal Year.

Nature and Creation

The number 3 is associated with creation across many beliefs, practices, and cultures, including numerology. Since 2019 is a 3 Universal Year, we’ll likely see many new innovations and ideas that will have positive impacts on our precious planet. As the number 3 also represents nature, 2019 will certainly be a year for finding positive answers to environmental questions. Widespread interest in organics and natural products will continue to grow as those items become more and more accessible.

Invention and Self-Expression

A 3 Universal Year, on more personal levels, will be one of self-expression through creation and art. It’s also a year for socializing more often, being more outgoing, forming closer bonds in existing relationships, and making new friends are all supported. The year 2019 is set to be the poster year for positivity. Hopefully, it will also be a year that most people find uplifting spiritually.

Personal Numerology Readings for 2019

Now that we’ve explored what 2019 holds for the planet let’s examine your personal life path. To do this, you’ll need your Life Path Number, which is calculated using your birth date. For example, if you were born on July 10, 1980, this is how you would calculate your Life Path Number:

For July, the seventh month, you would use 7.

For the day 10, you would add 1 + 0, which equals 1.

For the year 1980, you would be 1 + 9 + 8 + 0, which equals 18. To reduce, add 1 + 8, which equals 9.

Then add those numbers together: 7 + 1 + 9 = 17; to reduce, add 1 + 7, which gives a person born on that date the Life Path number of 8. Now calculate yours! Remember you must reduce your Life Path Number to one single digit. Now you can read below for your own personal 2019 Life Path reading!

  • Life Path number 1: Focus on your relationship and your business skills in 2019. You will certainly reach higher levels of collaborating, listening, learning, and awareness.
  • Life Path number 2: Focus on setting boundaries, expressing yourself, and bettering your relationships. If 11 is your master number, the name of your game is creativity.
  • Life Path number 3: Seek professional coaching, or offer your own personal coaching services if that appeals to you. Also, focus on good luck and artistic expression. Finally, ensure you seek support if needed during the year’s ebbs and flows.
  • Life Path number 4: Loosen up and learn how to go with the flow as you focus on your own personal development. If 22 is your master number, your spotlight for 2019 is on sensitivity, optimism, and outward expression.
  • Life Path number 5: Focus on laughing more, letting go, embracing change, and sharing your feelings. This year will be great for you if you don’t fight it.
  • Life Path number 6: Try to find more ways to share. This may even lead to a new career path if that’s what you’re seeking. If 33 is your master number, you’ll increase your sensitivity, communication skills, and artistic expression this year.
  • Life Path number 7: Get out and have more fun this year! Focus on your sense of humor. Be sillier. Also, expand your emotional arena.
  • Life Path number 8: Find ways to share your knowledge of spiritual pursuits, material manifestation, relaxation, and socialization this year. Try working more with other people, too.
  • Life Path number 9: In your own unique way, improve yourself and overcome the blocks on your life path. Don’t forget to share with others about what you learned.

Numerology can reveal quite a bit, not only about who you are but also about where you’re headed! To learn more, schedule a reading with a numerology psychic right now! Do you want to discover ways to build a better future for yourself? A reading with a PsychicOz.com life path psychic may help. If you’re going in the wrong direction, a life path psychic can help you discover a more suitable path.

Energy and Letting Go

Energy and Letting Go

Everything contains energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. All people are filled with energy. But you have a limited amount of energy in your life. And if you’re using too much energy to focus on one thing, then other areas in your life will not get their share. As a result, your life will not be in balance, and you won’t be able to have healthy relationships, a healthy workplace, or a healthy self. Well-balanced, happy, and healthy people tend to attract more happiness to themselves.

So, how can you let go if you’re focusing on the wrong things?

“Letting go” isn’t only for the predominant areas of your life. It’s for everything and everybody. It’s about the flow of energy—allowing it to move as it’s supposed to. It’s an amazing process that, once you do it properly, will make you happier and put you in a more peaceful place. You’ll find that what you want will come to you more easily, regardless of the significance of what you want. Letting go will allow for the proper flow of energy.

Nobody likes letting go of things. But when you let go, you’ll discover:

  • You’ll give up the illusion that you have control and will gain actual control.
  • You’ll place your trust in something bigger than yourself.
  • You will believe in yourself and your happiness with no restraints.
  • You free yourself from fear, worry, and the emotional pain you often cause yourself with your expectations and your behavior.
  • You show that you believe in “Divine Timing,” that things will happen when they’re supposed to and not before.
  • You believe and trust in a Higher Power, and you believe that it will care for you. This will give you a sense of security that you don’t have if you don’t believe or trust.
  • You’ll learn that people only suffer from their own choices and from their own hands, not anyone else’s.
  • You’ll realize you have strength. It takes strength to walk away from something you want for something you know is right. As a bonus, this will increase your self-confidence in other areas of your life.

Learning how to let go is like winning life’s lottery. All of the gains listed above are so positive. There’s nothing negative involved with letting go. Letting go of something almost always involves a sense of loss. But if you concentrate on everything you’ll gain from the release, the positives involved will often lead to what you want. What you viewed as a loss will no longer be felt as one.

For example, let’s say you’re interested in a certain person, but things don’t seem to be going anywhere. All the time you spend around this person never grows into an actual relationship. Or if it does, that relationship is filled with problems. So you’re either spending your time desiring this person or wishing things would get better until you finally can’t take it anymore and walk away. And then the person wants to be with you.

There’s an old saying that things come about after you no longer want them. But that saying is inaccurate. Restated more accurately, “People will come around when you stop focusing your energy on them.”

This happens because you’ve let go of the energy that was smothering what you wanted most. Only when you began focusing on yourself and putting your energy into other areas were you able to be happier and more balanced. This freed up the energy around that person you’d finally given up on.

The interesting and sad thing about the above scenario is that it doesn’t have to happen like that. We don’t have to build up resentment, insecurity, pain, or other negative “baggage” we often carry due to focusing so much energy on that unresponsive person. We don’t have to put our own life on hold. Our life doesn’t have to be out of balance, and we don’t have to wait. The person will come to us if it’s meant to be. They’ll enter our lives more strongly if we can let go of the need to control the situation.

This is important because it doesn’t only apply to relationships. It applies to all areas of our lives. Letting go is a life lesson that will allow you to be happy.

So Why Is Letting Go So Hard?

Letting go is scary. Letting go—whether it’s a job, a relationship, or something in another area of life—involves trust. Most people have difficulties with trust.

Sometimes we deceive ourselves into thinking that we can fake it. We believe that we can fool the Universe into believing that we’ve actually given up and we’re going to focus on other areas in our lives. We believe that if we can just lay low and stay busy and deny that we’re waiting and putting everything in our lives on hold, then what we want will manifest for us. But the whole time, we’re still focused on what we want, full of fear that if we actually release the energy, that thing will get away. And it always does get away.

Our need to control things makes it difficult to let go. But what is it that you’re controlling if you’ve put your life on hold, you’re hanging on to the energy that you know you need to release, and you’re allowing other areas of your life to become unbalanced due to your all-consuming focus on that one thing? You’re right—you’re not controlling anything.

Besides not getting the object or person you’re so intently focused on, you’re also wasting time. Everybody does this, so don’t be too hard on yourself about it. Life should be about enjoying and learning. And learning to enjoy life can be very difficult!

Letting go is a process. People will release when they’re ready, never before. Nobody can be forced to release anything. Often, when there’s an attempt to force a release, people hold on even tighter.

But when we finally allow ourselves to let go—oh, how free we’ll truly be! We’ll rediscover the ability to breathe deeply. We’ll start to see the possibilities in all of the things around us. We’ll realize how foolish we were for holding on so tightly and waiting for things to happen.

So, what is it in your life that you’re holding on to that if you were able to release it, you’d breathe more deeply, gain more control, and finally attract something truly good to yourself?

Love & Relationship Psychics & Advice

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourself

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourself

Realize Your Capabilities Today

If you allow yourself to stretch and grow in new ways then life possibilities become limitless.  Always have in mind that you’re in charge of your own destiny, therefore, remember this anytime you feel like exploring possibilities, need a change or when you don’t know what to do. You are able to create new opportunities for yourself be it professional, love or spiritual.

Find out how you can be successful and proud as you progress in life.  You can engage in the following 5 things at the moment if you want to create more possibilities for yourself

  1. Research about New Avenues

Study your life and allow yourself to freely imagine its possibility before you embark on a journey after knowing which direction you need to take. During that moment of brainstorming don’t worry about your financial status or what you need to do at the moment. Vision without being disturbed. You can now narrow your thoughts into reality after you’ve come up with many ideas as possible.

  1. Rediscover Your Passions

You can contemplate about things you used to love or things you aspired to do as part of both your deep thoughts and not so deep thoughts.  Find out what you like and contemplate whether achieving them can be possible at the moment. Is there any possibility? Taking your passion into consideration is important but we frequently forget what makes us happy when we are in difficult situations.

  1. Be a Yes Person

Ways of creating more possibilities for yourselfAnytime an interesting chance comes up and you always find excuses or you always hesitant when trying something foreign then its time to do away with those negative thoughts and be a yes individual. You can replace the no with a yes which will enable create more possibilities in your life mostly those unexpected ones. This can be scary but it will be worth it since you’ll achieve growth.

  1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Get out of that relaxed situation if you want to realize more possibilities in your life. We frequently fear trying new things or ignore invitations due to the fact that dislike challenging what’s there. Even if it instills fear in you just be okay with getting uncomfortable. If you want to be cheered along then a friend, partner or family member can help you.  You can learn new things together and unlock your potentials.

  1. Link up with Potential Mentors and Guides

The most important way of realizing new possibilities is to get in touch with those who have traveled the same road you’re traveling in. you can check them out on social media to get familiarize yourself with their way of life. Though some individuals don’t keep it real on social media others do. You can, however, have a mentor already or get linked to one through a friend. Be confident and just request to have a coffee with them and have a talk about your future possibilities.

5 Indications That You’re Missing Opportunities

Missing Opportunities

Taking advantage of chances that come your way and getting out of that relaxed situation sounds good; nevertheless, practicing them can be difficult. Truth be told, several ingrained behaviors could hinder your personal growth and development. Once you are aware of what these behaviors are, they become easier to change. If you discover that you engage in these five things continuously, then it’s time to self-reflect and see if you can make changes to deal with these actions.

  1. You Always Find a Reason to say No

Saying no is always the best option since people fear saying yes.  Finding reasons you shouldn’t engage in things like a challenging job, traveling worldwide, and being set up on a blind date is also very easy than contemplating why you should. You could lose out on amazing opportunities if you turn down and decline offers and opportunities instantly. Know when you can begin saying yes to some things.

  1. Your Fear of the Unknown

Some individuals are more curious about what the future holds than others though it’s definitely true that everyone does this. Imagining the worst scenarios or bad things that might happen is just normal for these people. If you have this quality, then know that having a negative mindset will always hinder you from embracing new opportunities that will come your way.

  1. You Instantly Judge People, Places, and Situations

We tend to become judgmental when we feel insecure about ourselves and our surroundings. However, suppose you feel aloof when meeting new individuals or hint that you are unlikely to have fun when a not-your-thing opportunity arises. In that case, others will get into new relationships and experiences while leaving you feeling lonely and left out. You, therefore, should give people an opportunity before chasing them away.  You might meet new companions or mentors. Try and possibly fail but do not fail to try before coming to a conclusion.

  1. You Engage in Activities You “Should” Engage In

There is always that voice in our heads that always decides what we should do and shouldn’t. Our past experiences are always present in this voice. However, these “should” might be things that we are required to do by our parents, current companions, or even social expectations.  What you think you should do is always a hindrance to new opportunities and stops you from having fun.

  1. You Feel a Sense of Restlessness

At times maybe you do what you need to do. Maybe you are not a risk taker or do not frequently get out of an everyday situation. Nevertheless, you might also be urged to discover what life has in store. Don’t ignore this feeling but pay attention to it, and you’ll find new opportunities you didn’t know existed.