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Tarot Cards and Zodiac Signs

Tarot Cards and Astrology

Tools of divination are many and some can include astrology, crystal ball reading and tarot cards, to name a few. Tarot cards are something that have been around for years, and they are symbolic. There are four suits that work with the tarot cards including the Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each of them are related to the elements of the earth.

There are Major and Minor Arcana groups in the tarot cards and the Major one is associated with planets and with the zodiac. You might need to use astrology when you are doing a tarot card reading and so figuring out how to combine them can be useful.

Tarot Cards and Astrology

Doing a tarot card reading can be beneficial to some but if you want to make it stronger, using zodiac with certain cards can help you to understand things more. You can also use the planets and the constellations to help you answer your life questions.

Major Arcana cards are part of your astrological signs, and this means that you need to notice when these cards are showing up and how they are related to the astrological signs. The best way to start with this is to understand the different signs of the zodiac and what they mean. Once you learn how the zodiac is related to the cards, you can understand how to incorporate this in your reading.

  • Aries

The Aries is the first of the zodiac and it is represented by The Emperor card. This is a royalty that is sitting with a Rams head. The Ram symbolizes the Aries. The person in the picture is holding the ankh, which is the symbol of life and an orb, the symbol of power. The energy of the Emperor is about taking charge and being a leader.

This sign is ruled by Mars and the Emperor is one that often is short tempered and proud. Even when he makes mistakes, he doesn’t always admit it. This is a symbol of power and having things in order and that is what the Aries likes.

  • Taurus

The Taur is represented by The Hierophant card. This is the second sign and represents thoughts, emotions, and matter. This is a card that works with the planet Venus and the same that rules Taurus.

Taurus is a sign that is stubborn but has strong ethics and values. They don’t give in when they are challenged, and they are very loyal and give great advice to those close to them.

  • Gemini

This sign is associated with The Lovers card. This is a sign that shows companionship and duality. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury which is a communication planet. This is a sign that is sociable and one that can look up and work towards their intuition.

The image on the card shows that there is a pair of the tree of knowledge, and it is used to solve problems and to balance energies.

  • Cancer

Cancer is associated with The Chariot card. This card shows a crab that has a warrior in it. They have come back from fighting victoriously and the cart is being pulled by two sphinxes. This shows the ability for the Cancer to be able to be in the physical realm and the spiritual realm.

This card is ruled by the Moon and is a very intuitive sign. It shows a river in the card, and this shows that the Cancer needs to learn to go with the flow. The moon is powerful and will do what it takes to protect itself emotionally.

  • Leo

The Leo sign is one that is represented by the Strength card. This card shows a female that is opening the jaws of a lion. The lady has enough strength to hold the jaws open and this shows that the Leo is passionate, strong, and loyal. Leo is ruled by the sun, and it is one sign that is impossible to ignore.

Leo is always wanting to do things new, and they trust in their own strength and abilities. They have confidence and patience, and they are able to shine through things in their life.

  • Virgo

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, and they are represented by the Hermit card. This is a card that shows being by yourself and having solo energy. This is a wise card, and the picture shows an older person that is holding a light to be able to see where they are going. The lantern represents truth and knowledge, and this is a skill that is important.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and it concentrates on concentrating with oneself and not with others so that you can be healthy on your life journey, and you can take care of your own life.

  • Libra

Libra is a sign that shows scales. Scales represent justice and fairness. The Libra is ruled by Venus, and this is a planet of love and money. Libras love the arts, and they are very smart. When stressed though, Libras can be balanced by the scales of what they want and what they need.

The picture shows justice and authority and what holds you to be accountable for what is right and just. It shows that there should be peace even when things are chaotic.

  • Scorpio

The Scorpio is represented by the Death card. This card is one of the most misrepresented cards on the deck. Death can be fearful for some people, but it doesn’t normally mean a physical death but the death of something in life that needs to be changed. This card is often misunderstood just like the Scorpio iso. Sometimes you have to tear something down to make it better and this card shows foundation and energy and not something that you should be afraid of.

  • Sagittarius

The Sag is represented by the Temperance card. This card shows an angel that is moving the water with a golden chalice. It shows a foot in the water and a foot on the earth. This represents being everywhere at once.

The Sag is ruled by the planet Jupiter which means abundance. This shows that the Sagittarius wants to have everything in their life and that they can find common ground if they don’t judge things prematurely.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn is represented by The Devil card. This is another card that people want to often avoid. This card can mean that you are in a manipulative or toxic relationship but that you will have strict energy to work things out.

The Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and is associated with timing and following rules. The Devil card shows that you need to make sure that you don’t put your ambitions above everything in your life.

  • Aquarius

The Aquarius is represented by The Star card. This is a sign that is a water bearer sign, and the Star card shows a lady that is by a stream. This card can mean something new happening and since the Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, it can show that they serve others.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and uses technology to make life better. This sign is about having hope and reflecting in life.

  • Pisces

Pisces is represented by The Moon card. Th is a sign that is ruled by the Moon. The moon works to guide your emotions and represents the subconscious parts of your life.

The Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune which governs your dreams and creativity. There are so many things that aren’t known that the Pisces will go head first in order to learn something new.

Final Thoughts

Once you understand that the Tarot cards work well with astrology, you can use this in your readings. You can use this for relationship, career, or destiny readings. The cards can show you that you need to pay attention to what is going on in your life. Notice if the cards come in reversed that you need to look at the dark parts of your personality.

Native American Full Moon Rituals

Native American Full Moon Rituals

Native American people are often associated with the spiritual world. They use the world around them to live and to make their life better. They use the rocks, the mountains, and the land to live off of and they use the sky to guide them. All the planets and animals, plants and all of nature is important to this culture. One of the most important things in the natural world to the Native Americans in the moon and they often call the moon “Grandmother Moon.”

What is Grandmother Moon?

Grandmother Moon is thought to watch the earth and to take care of things around it. She is said to control the tides in the ocean and other bodies of water. The changes in life are based around the cycles of the moon. Many Native Americans believe that there are women that watch over the earth and over the bodies of water.

Water is something that brings in life just as women have babies and because of these thoughts, Grandmother Moon is thought to be close to women. It is believed that she is the one that cleanses the menstruation cycle.

What is Moontime Ritual?

One of the rituals that the Native Americans use is the Moontime ritual. This is a time to women and is given to females so that they can cleans their mind, body, and soul. This is a time that the women have a Great Spirit, and they are powerful, and they bring in life.

The woman will take this time to talk to Grandmother Moon and to ask her to give her strength, courage, and wisdom. The mother will ask for guidance about her children and will talk about problems that she is having with the family members and friends. It is thought that Grandmother Moon would help the women to balance their energies and to trust her to keep them safe.

When Moontime happens, females will not cook, take care of the children, clean or do anything except take time to be calm, to relax and to spend time with Grandmother Moon. Women will use this time to reflect and to seek guidance and spiritual growth. This is a time that the family members will take over all of the daily activities and chores.

Full Moon Guide

There are different rituals that the Native Americans use during the full moon. Each year, the tribes will figure out what rituals they want to use based on history and based on tradition. Here are some of the full moons and what they mean:

  • Wolf Moon

This moon happens in January and is a full moon. It is when the wolves cry out because they are hungry, and they are there to find their place.

  • Snow Moon

In February the Snow full moon happens and this is a time when it normally snows heavy.

  • Worm Moon

The Worm Moon happens in March and is a full moon and a time where the worms become alive and active and prepare for the spring to come.

  • Pink or Breaking Ice Moon

This moon happens in April and this full moon represents the wildflowers that are coming because of spring. This is when the weather gets warmer, and the snow starts to melt.

  • Flower or Planting Moon

In May the flower or planting full moon happens and this is when it refers to a time when the flowers will be all around. This is also a time to start planting crops for the fall harvests.

  • Strawberry Moon

In June the Strawberry full moon can come and this is when it is time to gather the strawberries.

  • Buck or Corn Moon

The full moon in July is the Buck or Corn moon and it is a time where the buck is fully grown and the month that corn is planted.

  • Sturgeon or Fish Moon

In August this full moon happens and is a time where the fish are abundant, and the fish can be caught to last for the whole year.

  • Harvest or Autumn Moon

September is a time for this moon, and it is a time to harvest the corn and the crops. It is a time when the leaves start changing colors and it gets cooler out. It is telling you that winter is going to be coming soon.

  • Hunter’s Moon

This full moon happens in October and is when men will go out and hunt and will store food away for winter.

  • Beaver or Dear Rutting Moon

The November full moon happens when people prepare their homes for winter just like the beaver prepares. The Native Americans often believe that they should go to their log homes and stay there for a while. The deer will often scratch their antlers against trees during this time.

  • Cold or Long Night Moon

The December full moon happens when it is cold, and it is a time when the nights are long and dark. It can be super cold in some places and this moon is reference to how long the nights are during the winter.

Full Moon Rituals of Native Americans

Since there are so many full moons, the Native Americans take these times into consideration to cleanse their energy and to get rid of negativity out of their life. During the full moon and for three days, most of the people will do a special full moon ritual. Just like with the Grandmother Moon, all the people that are female will participate in this from the youngest to the oldest.

Some of the traditions are different but many of the women will sit around and tell stories, they will eat together, bless the waters and the gods, beat drums, smoke tobacco, ask for blessings and will pour water into different containers. This is a generational thing that is often passed down from generation to generation.

Lunar Planting Ritual

Full moon rituals will be different depending on your culture, but some will use it during times of planting and times of farming. This ritual is a time where the Native Americans will look at the cycles of the Grandmother Moon and will know when it is time to plant the seeds. Seeds planted during a full moon can work much better and the crops can be blessed.

Smudging Moon Ritual

Smudging is a way that you can cleanse yourself and your area from spiritual negativity. It is a ceremony that is meant to cleanse and purify. Grandmother Moon can be used to get rid of negative energies and to bless the crops and this can happen with smudging.

During this ceremony, Native Americans would use an herb such as tobacco to cleanse the area. This is used because tobacco is considered to be sacred and used for medicine. To do this, they would put dry tobacco in a bowl and light it with matches. They would then take a large feather and would wave the smoke around. At least two people at a time could use this bowl of smoke. The women would go outside, and they would blow the smoke all around the world. They would say this blessing while doing it:

“Grandmother Moon, please come and cleanse the hands of the things that we touch. We use our hands to make amazing things. Please blend our feet together and take us to the places that we need to go. Cleanse our hearts so that when you send a message, we can hear it. Cleanse your voices so that we speak the truth. Cleanse our eyes so that we can see all of your beauty. Grandmother Moon, please carry this smoke all over the world and beyond the spiritual places.”

When the tobacco is burned out, the youngest female there would take the ashes to a spot in the soil where the crops will be planted and bury it there.

Final Thoughts

Traditions of the Native American culture are very important to know because they use their traditions to connect with nature and beyond. As you learn of the different cultures and the rituals that are used, know that these things can be done even in your own culture if you so choose.

Why Get a Yes/No Tarot Reading?

Yes/No Tarot Reading

Have you ever wanted a yes or no answer right away and you feel that you need this answer fast? There are people that have been there and almost everyone has been at one point or another. Maybe you have a fast relationship or job question that you need an answer to, and you just need to have a clear mind on it.

Using a Yes or No Reading

A yes or no reading can come in handy when you are in this kind of situation. You might have a lot going on and you just need to get a clear answer and have it fast. This kind of reading is straightforward and can give you the answer that you need fast. You can do this by pulling out five cards and then asking the questions that you have.

Cards that are even are no answers and those that are odd are yes answers. You can do this by pulling from the Major Arcana cards or the Minor Arcana cards that have numbers on each of them.

If you get a court card such as a page, king, knight, or queen, you can decide if you want these to be yes or no answers. Most people will use them as no. You need to make sure that you are picking which cards mean yes and which cards mean no before you ever get started and don’t try to change this later.

Here is what this kind of reading can look like:

  • Yes or No Card 1:

If you ask, “Are they upset with me,” and you get the Emperor, The Star, and the Ten of Swords, the answer would be no. You might need to talk to this person and let them apologize for how they reacted to you.

  • Yes or No Card 2:

If you ask, “Are they ignoring me and will they call me soon?” Since this questions has two parts, you need to look at the five card with this reading. You might get only one yes card and if that is the case, they aren’t ignoring you. You can have the King of Cups, the Three of Pentacles, the Queen of Pentacles and the Two of Cups and Swords.

This can tell you that they are making choices based on who they are. You should communicate with this person and find out what is going on with them and what their intentions are in hour life.

  • Court Cards Yes or No

You can use the court cards with the yes or no and in this case, the court cards mean a no answer. That means when you get any king, queens, pages, or knights that the answer is going to be no. You can use this in your spread and use your intuition to guide you through this.

When you get a card reading that has a strong yes such as the Ace of Swords, it can mean that you are getting a yes that is standing. If the Queen shows up, you might have a strong no and this will work with your communication and what is being asked.

  • Yes or No Card 3

If you ask, “Will They Know that I am going to leave?” You pull five cards, and you find out what is going on in your life. You might pull the World card, Page of Swords, Four of Pentacles and Nine of Wands and the Knight of Swords.

This can mean no; they don’t know you are going to leave but that is not an easy answer. You need to look at your job or your relationship or why you are asking this question and find out if you should just walk out or if you need to have a conversation.

The World Card can be the first card and that means that you might need to have an inner introspection on what is going on in your life and be more open to what is going on with that person. This might mean that you need to move on, but it might mean that you need to talk things through.

These readings can be very accurate for your questions if you have a quick answer that you need.

Asking Yes or No Questions

There are spreads that you can use that can give you yes or no answers. These aren’t always the best thing to do because if you do this then you aren’t going to get the deep answers that you might be seeking. You can do a five-card spread and you might get your feelings hurt or feel that you are being taken advantage of by the answers that you get. Instead of doing this, you might want to consider having a conversation to find out what is really going on.

If you ask if someone loves you and you get a no, this can mean that they don’t love you, but they don’t have a deep love that you want.

Questions to Ask in a Yes or No Reading

Here are some of the best questions to ask in a yes or no reading:

  • Is someone thinking of me.
  • Do they want to commit to me?
  • Will they ghost me?
  • Are they hiding something from me?
  • Will I get the job I want?
  • Will they understand me?
  • Can I do this?
  • Can I let this thing go?
  • Will this situation work for me?

The questions in a yes or no reading focus just on the questions that you are asking and sometimes they can help but sometimes you really need more answers. Take time to focus on what you are asking and see if the cards can give you more information.

When you want to get a reading, you need to make sure that you are asking the right things and that you aren’t getting yourself upset over something that you can solve.

  • Yes or No Card 4

If you ask, “Will I get this promotion?” You might pull the Eight of Swords, the Four of Swords, The Nine of Cups, and this can mean a strong no. You might have then used the other cards to ask if you should stay at the job or if you shouldn’t.

This might be another no answer and then you can see that you will stay at your job and that something better might come up in the future. Even though you won’t get that in your yes or no reading, you might decide to go deeper with a different kind of reading so you can understand things more.

  • Yes or No Card 5

If you ask, “Will my partner listen to me?” And you pull the Hermit, the Sun, the Four of Wands, the Ten of Cups, and the Three of Swords, this can mean a no answer and it can be confusing and it can cause you to have hurt. You need to make sure that you are at a place where you don’t lose yourself because of the questions that you are asking.

Are Yes or No Readings Accurate?

You can get an accurate reading by doing a yes or no, but you won’t get the details that you might need in order to make a real decision. You will need to remember that these kinds of readings should be done if you need desperate answers fast.

Remember, there are different ways that you can ask your questions and make sure that you are asking the right questions in your reading. You can even do a follow up reading so that you can get the answers that you are seeking in a deeper way.

Have fun with this kind of reading and always be honest with yourself and with what the cards are saying to you. This can help you to find the answers you need.

Changing the Contracts of Your Soul

Fixing Your Soul Contract

The past holds a lot of things in your life including contracts that you have made. The past that you have is something that you cannot rewrite no matter how bad it is.

Soul Contract

A soul contract is one that you have entered into during your past life. This is something that your guides asked you if you wanted to choose and when you chose it, you made the decision to learn a lesson. The lessons that you had in front of you were ones that you were never able to perfect, and these lessons are what makes your soul contract.

If you have the same patterns or problems that keep creeping up, this can mean that you have a soul contract. You are probably not even aware that this is happening and that is why seeing a psychic can help you.

Fixing Your Soul Contract

The best thing about a soul contract is that you can talk to a psychic, and they can help to change your soul contract. It can be written to whatever new goals that you have in your life. It can work towards your lessons that you need to learn, and it can help you to create new values.

Once you decide that you want to change your soul contact, you might not realize how long this can take. You need to learn the things that you say you want to learn and if you have done this, your soul contract will be complete. If there are things that you needed to learn and you never did, you will need to change your soul contact. This can be upsetting and frustrating because you will keep having the same problems over and over until you update this contract. You can change your life once you change your contract and reach your life purpose.

Before you came to earth, you chose to learn something like patience. There were problems that you faced in your past life that tried to teach you to be patient. If you didn’t learn to do this, you will keep getting tested until you learn to be patient.

You might not have thought that you had to learn to be patient until you got older but the sooner that you learn the lessons of your soul contract, the better your life will be. You will see that you will learn your life lessons as you commit to what you are learning. You will keep being tested in whatever you decided that you wanted to learn until you either learn it or until you amend your contract. A psychic can help you with this.

Maybe you decided that you wanted to learn how to handle a broken heart. You will keep going through broken relationships until you learn your lesson on how to heal and how to be compassionate to others that have had their heart broken. You can either run away form love or you can commit yourself to learning and growing. You can decide to talk to a psychic to change your goals and your contract or you can let your psychic help you to figure out how to grow and how to learn the lesson in front of you.

As your soul grows, you will see that the past is there to guide you so that when you get into your present, you will be able to reach your destiny. Most of the time though, people that have freewill will change their minds once they decide that they no longer want to deal with the lesson that they should be learning. The best thing that you can do is to learn to live your best life as you experience the needs that you have and the desires that you choose. The choices that you make can help you to work through things in your life and to change for the better.

Your mind, body and spirit are there to help you grow. As you talk to a psychic and you find out about your soul contract, you will see that there might be things that you need to change. This is the first part of living your best life. Get yourself out of your rut and don’t keep doing the same things over and over again. Don’t let the patterns in your life define who you are. Get your soul contract reading and get your contract changed if you need to.

Spiritual Guide Versus Angels

Spiritual Guide Versus Angels

Do you know what it means to have a spiritual guide and an angel? As you develop your own spiritual self, you will see that your angels and your spirit guides are there to guide you and help you, but they aren’t the same.

Understanding Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are always going to be there with you from the time that you were incarnated. There is always at least one spirit guide with you. You will have one guide that is there to assist you, and this is a guide that has evolved into a spirit.

Guides have once been humans too and so they understand what you are going through and they want to help you.

Humans to Spirit Guides

A human will die and will be taken to their higher self. This is when they can become a spiritual guide. They come to assist you and to guide you. They want to help you, but it is up to you to communicate with them and to know them better. You form the relationship with your guides that you want.

How Many Guides Does Someone Have?

There are guides that people have and some have as many as 1 to multiple. There are different guides that can come at different times and for different reasons. Most people get new guides until they are 21 and then they have the same guides the rest of the time.

Do Spirit Guides Help?

Spiritual guides are there to help you and they are there so that you can talk to them and get the information that you need to better your life. If you are going through something hard, your guides will be there to help you to move forward and to help you to feel better in your life.

Finding Your Guides

Guides come to you when you meditate, and they can be from different cultures and from different times in life. They are all different and they are there when you need them the most.

  • Animal Spirit Guides

Animal spirit guides exist as well, and these can be spirit guides that come back to you after you have had them as a pet. They will also be there to guide you and help you.

  • Understanding Angels

Angels come from different realms, and they are part of a hierarchy of angels. Most of the time the angels are grouped by what they are able to do such as a guardian angel is one that guards and takes care of you. Angels are full of unconditional love and wisdom, and they are there for good things. They have not been humans or other things in the past and have only been angels.

  • Talking to Angels

You can talk to your angel guides by asking them to come to you. You can ask your angel guides to watch over you and to help you from being harmed. They can keep you safe from things that can harm you out of nowhere. Use your intuition to know when your angels are close.

  • Archangels

Archangels are very known angels. These are angels that are part of the angelic realm, and they will work with different things in your life. Some of the most popular archangels are Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. You can call on them to heal you and to protect you.

Spiritual Guides Versus Angels

Spirit guides are there to be with you all the time. They sometimes come in light. Guides are there to help heal you and to guide you and most people feel that spiritual guides are more personal than angels are.

Angels are there for special healings and they will come to work with you when you need something. You can’t communicate as easily with your angels as you can with your spiritual guides who will likely communicate back with you.

Working with Angels and Spiritual Guides

Psychics will be able to work with angels and spiritual guides. They are there to interact with them and to help you to learn to communicate with these spiritual beings. If you want to, you can interact with these things on your own and you don’t need the help of a psychic, but they are always there to help you when you need advice.

What is a White Chakra?

White Chakra

There are seven main chakras in your body, and they are all connected to different colors. What happens though when you have a white chakra? White chakras don’t refer to a chakra but the energy behind the chakra. Having white chakra energy means that you are one with the universe. When you have a white chakra, this has to do with your crown chakra, and this shows that you are someone that is enlightened.

The crown chakra is found at the top of your head, and it is the seventh chakra. When you have a crown chakra that glows with white energy, it can mean powerful things for you. Since this chakra sits at the top of your head, the energy of this can have to do with being one with the universe and having a strong consciousness. 

When your crown chakra is balanced, it can help you to live a good life. You can do this by meditating and reaching your higher self. It takes time to get your crown chakra balanced but you will benefit from doing this.

A crown chakra that is blocked will cause your aura to have a dull grey color. This means that you aren’t connected to your soul and that you might become someone that is neglecting your spiritual and physical needs.

Bringing Healing to the White Chakra

The crown chakra that glows white means that you are connected with your soul and with the universe.   This light is made of all different colored lights of the rainbow and there are wavelengths that mean your chakra is healthy and active.

This glows white and when the light is pure, it means your vibrations are raised and that you are or have gone through your enlightenment or your awakening. This can happen when you reach oneness with the universe through meditating and working on your energies.

Connecting with the universe can bring energy to your chakras and if you start to feel nervous, this can happen because you aren’t sure where you are connected with the universe, and you might need to have healing for all of your chakras.


There are some people that have a white chakra halo, and this is often depicted as angels or saints. This is something that happens when someone reaches their real enlightenement and this is something that will be visible when you look at your aura.

This kind of halo doesn’t mean you are holy or religious at all, it just means that your crown chakra is healthy and that you are becoming enlightened. Someone that has ascended will also have this and they are called ascended masters.

Most people on earth will never reach this level of enlightenment but you should look at the ascended masters and do what you can to reach their level of spirituality. The crown chakra can represent the energy in your aura and if you see this then you can develop it.

What Does a White Chakra Mean?

White is a color that means something new and purity. It can show you possibility and hope in your life. White is a cleansing and pure color that means that you will have balance and can help to center your mind.

This color chakra is found at the crown chakra, at the top of the head and since this is the chakra that has to do with your spiritual development, it is when you are enlightened that this color shows up.

When your crown chakra is balanced, you can tune into your spiritual self, and you can embrace the world around you. When unbalanced though, it can cause you to feel depressed and disconnected.

You can develop and balance your white chakra and here is how:

  • Nature

Take time to connect with nature. Go outside and pay attention to the things happening around you. This can ground you and center your energy.

  • Meditation

Meditating is one of the best ways to center yourself and to balance your chakras. This can give you a clear mind and there is no right or wrong way to meditate. Find a way that works best for you.

  • Visualization

Visualize your chakra and how balanced it needs to be. See the white light covering your body from the top of your head to your feet and filling you with positive energies.

  • Yoga

Yoga can bring balance to your chakras. There are some poses that are better for balancing the crown chakra, find them and do them.

  • Talk to Other People

Find people in your life that make you feel good about who you are and who bring you inspiration. Surround yourself with these people and the positive energies that they have.

As you balance your white chakra, you will feel connected, and you will be able to have peace and harmony inside of yourself.

Where is the White Chakra Found?

The white chakra energy is found at the crown chakra. The crown chakra has no color but when you get the white chakra energy, it is the highest energy that you can have, and this means that you have a strong spiritual connection.

White Aura

A white aura is another rare thing. This is the most powerful color of all the auras, and it means that someone is powerful and pure. It also means that someone has a deep connection with spiritual truth and that they are protected.

If you have a white aura, you will have a higher focus on the spiritual world and you will be pure and innocent and be someone that has strength and truth.

This can mean that you are able to reach into the spiritual world and talk to your angels and spirit guides. This also means that you are protected by white light that keeps you safe from negative energies around you.

The white aura can mean that you have power and that you can overcome things that other people might not be able to. It also means that you can reach any goals that you set for yourself.

What Does a White Chakra Mean?

A white chakra is the seventh chakra and is found at the crown chakra. This is a spiritual connection that is pure. It represents being at your highest self and being through your spiritual awakening. This is where you can connect with your divine self and the life around you.

What Does a White Chakra Help?

Here are some benefits of having a white chakra:

  • Being connected to your spiritual self.
  • Being one with the universe.
  • Having infinite wisdom.
  • A higher view on life.
  • Strong clarity.
  • Increased psychic gifts.
  • More intuition.

What Happens When a White Chakra is Blocked?

Here are some things that can happen when a white chakra is blocked:

  • You can’t reach your spiritual self.
  • You feel lonely and isolated.
  • You are in a mental fog.
  • Confusion.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Difficulty concentrating.

How Can You Balance a White Chakra?

As said above, there are ways that you can balance your white chakra such as:

  • Meditating: This is a way that you quiet your mind.
  • Visualizing: Imagine a white light shining on you.
  • Breathwork: Try breathing exercises to help open your crown chakra.
  • Essential oils: These can help you to open your crown chakra such as sandalwood.
  • Crystals: Try crystals such as quartz or amethyst.

What Are the Best Foods for a White Chakra?

Here are some of the best foods for a white chakra:

  • Cauliflower: Helps to cleanse the body.
  • Coconut: Nourishes and cleanses the body.
  • Almonds: Opens the crown chakra and brings clarity.
  • Spirulina: A nutrient rich food that purifies the chakras and the body.
  • Honey: Opens up the crown chakra and is an antibacterial and antifungal food.

Get Your Feminine Energies Strong

Feminine Energies

You can embrace your feminine energy if you are male or female. Most people have heard the idea of divine or sacred feminine energy, and this can be different depending on what you believe in. It can be spiritual to some, but it can be physical to others. This is part of the yin and yang energies.

Feminine and Masculine Energies

No matter if you are a man or a woman, you will have both feminine and masculine energy. Masculine energy works with being a leader, staying focused and being aggressive whereas feminine energies can be based around creativity, connecting with others, vulnerability, and intuition.

This is a feeling of being awakened and free and it is a way that you can be relaxed and express who you are. Feminine energy though is just like regular energy, and it can wear out due to high demands and an environment that might not be healthy. Even if you are a housewife or your un the home, you can become stressed due to all the things you have to do.

Women that spend too much time in their masculine energies will often feel stressed and not feel like they can get things done and this will not help you if you want to have a romantic relationship or if you are sexual. If you have too much masculine energy, you will be someone that always wants to be in charge, and you might have a hard time finding sexual chemistry with someone. How do you get more feminine energy?

Finding Your Feminine Energy

If you feel run down or in a rut, chances are you might need to boost your feminine energy. You need to learn to have more self-care and get in touch with yourself. Here are some ways to get your feminine energy moving:

  • Wear Something Nice

Find something that makes you feel cute and wear it. Try a sundress or a jumpsuit. You can even wear the classy black dress. Find an outfit that makes you feminine.

  • Wear Your Favorite Perfume

Put on some perfume that is your favorite scent and it will make your mood happier.

  • Eat Healthy

Drink a lot of water, eat healthy foods of fresh fruit and vegetables. Make sure that you eat foods that make you feel good.

  • Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Use a good moisturizer on your skin after you shower, after lunch and before you go to bed.

  • Light Candles

Even if you’re just hanging around your house, light some candles. Find ones that make you smile and ones that smell good.

  • Do Your Makeup

Fix up your makeup and put on some lipstick and this will make you feel more feminine right away.

  • Take a Bath

Taking a bath can help you to relax. Try adding some essential oils or some bubbles to your bath.

  • Add Flowers

Add flowers to your home to bring nature into your environment. This will boost your mood.

  • Get a Massage

Getting a relaxing massage can help you to get rid of stress and anxiety. This can help you to get rid of tension and is a great way to care for your body.

  • Make Something

Being creative can help you to feel good about who you are and embrace your feminine side. Try to color something, paint, knit, do pottery, or create something special. This can help you to relax and make you feel accomplished when you see the finished product.

Final Thoughts

If you are feeling down or sluggish, it might be time to embrace and connect with your feminine energy. Try this so that you can feel balanced and strong.

Astrology and the Planet Mercury

Astrology and the Planet Mercury

The smallest planet in the solar system is also the fastest to orbit around the sun. Mercury only takes 88 days for this to happen. It is known to be named from the Roman god Mercurius who was the god of messaging and was the one that went between the gods and the mortals on earth.

Mercury is one of the planets that you can see without binoculars, and it has been seen as the planet of the night sky since it can be seen by people all over the world. The planet was first written about around 3,000 BC by the Sumerians.

Mercury is harder to spot when it goes further from the sun, and it was one of the planets that was discovered but no one is sure exactly how.

What Does Mercury Mean?

The planet Mercury is one of the smallest planets and it is known as the evergreen planet. It has young energy, and it brings something new to the things it works with. It is linked to the nervous system, respiratory, the mind and the way that we communicate.

Mercury is neither feminine or masculine energy and it is a trade planet. It is based around money and is a safety zone if you want to try new things. It is known for being a virtuous planet, but it is serious and calculated but sometimes deceptive.

Zodiac Signs and the Planet Mercury

Gemini and Virgo are ruled by mercury. They are air signs, and they have characteristics that make them want to communicate and have knowledge. These people also have a hard time making decisions sometimes and they can change their emotions. Some people find faults in these signs, but they are very adaptable people, and they make sure that people are always excited and having fun.

Symbols of Mercury

Mercury is a planet that influences others. It is a regular retrograde and it means that the energy of Mercury governs and changes frequently. It rules over wisdom and communication.

Relationships and things that we peruse are impacted by the flow of the Mercury energy and when Mercury is acting right, it will show you things that interest you and help you to focus your energy on the right place?

Mercury in Retrograde

People often talk about Mercury in retrograde but don’t always know what it means. This planet sometimes gets a bad reputation in retrograde but why? When in retrograde, it looks like Mercury is moving backward. The solar system has different planets that rule life on earth, and it can affect our lives and when there are planets in retrograde it sometimes causes there to be imbalance on the earth and can cause bad luck to seem to take place.

It is thought that Mercury retrograde is a huge influence and when people argue and when there are accidents or people act a certain way, it is looked at like Mercury was the cause of it. This can also include issues with family, friends, and things at your job.

Numerology and Mercury

Mercury works with those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd each month. If you have a life path number as 5, it can mean that you are part of macro and macros which includes the five elements including space.

Natal Chart

Most people know their signs such as the rising and the sun sign. Not all people know their Mercury sign though. This is a planet that is moving fast and can take 14 days to transition through the zodiac signs.

Meaning of Mercury

If you wonder about your Mercury sign, whatever zodiac sign you were born in and where Mercury was at that time is your governing planet. This can have to do with your knowledge and communication in life.

  • Aries

These are people that won’t say things unless they mean them. You can get honest information from an Aries when Mercury is there. This can be someone that will tell you a sentence or a paragraph, but you won’t see them lying. They will be an honest friend.

  • Taurus

When Mercury is in Taurus, it can mean that you will be stubborn and slow. You might have a strong drive one week and not have any energy to do anything the next week. The energies can move up and down during this time. If you have spent time making plans but don’t get them completed, this can happen during this time.

  • Gemini

Mercury in Gemini can make you feel like you are home. It can make you witty, to be able to communicate well and to pursue whatever you need in your life. You can gain knowledge and not lose sight of what you want.

  • Cancer

Mercury in Cancer can have people having a hard time dealing with their emotions. They might wake up and feel empathy for others and feel sensitive in their emotions during this time. This can be draining.

  • Leo

Mercury in Leo is one where life can be full of adventures. This can cause someone to think fast and to set goals but to change them fast. You can find friends, but these will be people that might bail on you early.

  • Virgo

When Mercury is in Virgo, it can mean that you are settled. It can mean that you are impulsive and delighted at things you do. Carry out your plans and don’t stop.

  • Libra

Mercury in Libra is a time to ask questions. You will have strong wisdom and you will be able to use your people skills. Use this time to communicate.

  • Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio have a sharp tongue and they will say whatever they want. They are often vengeful and are people that are wise and strong.

  • Sagittarius

Those that are part of Mercury in Sagittarius are ones that are fun and adventurous. They are spontaneous and they like to do things without making a plan. During this time, people do more than they talk.

  • Capricorn

Mercury in Capricorn can mean that people are stable and that they are obsessive. They are individuals that are passionate and that set goals. They have things that they want, and they will fight to get them. They are strong in their work ethic.

  • Aquarius

When Mercury is in Aquarius, this is a time to be logical. This is a time to be smart and to look at situations. When you struggle and when you are friendly, keep working towards your goals.

  • Pisces

Mercury in Pisces means that these people might think big. They are people that are emotional and sensitive. They often get lost when they are thinking, and they have strong imaginations. They need to learn to silence what is in their mind and to be able to care about other people.

Final Thoughts

Mercury is important in astrology. You can find out more about your personality and who you are by finding out about Mercury and what it stands for.

How to Purify Your Home

purify your home

Cleaning your house is important but everything around you is full of energy and the energy is even in the air that we breath. This is why its important that you cleanse your home and your space so that you can get rid of negativity. This can help you to be more thankful for what you have going on in your life.

Places like Japan find purifying very important, and they have different rituals that they do. They will even cleanse themselves before they enter certain buildings, and they will have visitors to cleanse themselves as well. These are things that happen that allow you to become one with the world around you in a positive way and to keep the area sacred.

Here are some ways that you can purify your home:

  • Palo Santo

This is an herb that means, “Wood of the saints.” It has been used in different rituals from healing to cleansing. It was used even in ancient times in the Inca empire. It has different properties that can help to bring healing and cleansing, and it is only harvested from dead trees that died naturally.

  • Using Palo Santo to Cleanse

You can light a stick of Palo Santo and let it burn for at least a minute. Whatever room that you want to cleanse, blow out the stick in that room and let the smoke fill the space. You can even do this in closed spaces and corners. Ask the spirit guides to bless your home and protect you. Be thankful for the smoke.

  • Salt Cleanse

Salt cleansing has been used and needs to be used with a spirit of thankfulness. This is a Shinto tradition, and it can lift your mood. You can also do a bath ritual where you bath in salt water. Japanese practices called mori-Shio also use salt where they pile it around doorways to get rid of negativity.

  • Using Mori-Shio

You can do your own Mori-Shio by putting a small pile of salt at your front door and it will not let negative energy get in. Another idea is to sprinkle salt in each corner of the room or to cleanse objects with salt. Leave it out for a couple days before you get rid of it.

  • Incense Cleanse

There are traditions all over the world that use incense and in Japan, this has been done since the sixth century. It would be done for the emperor before he left the court. Egyptians also used this method and would use it for healing rituals. Babylonians would use incense to call on the spirits. This is often burned to have scents in your home but also has great properties such as antibacterial qualities. You can use this by opening the window and lighting it to clear the air.

  • Using Incense to Cleanse

Light one end of the incense and let it sit for at least 20 seconds. Blow it out and then put it in a holder and let it burn until it goes completely out.

  • Tuning Fork Cleanse

Sound is used for many things, and it has many benefits when it comes to healing. This is something that has been used for years and years. It was even used in Greece during ancient times to help treat sleeping disorders and to heal the sick.

There are certain sounds that can help to get rid of stress in the air and you can use a tuning for to help increase your vibrations so that you can see into the spiritual world.

  • Using a Tuning for Cleansing

Find a place to sit while holding your tuning fork. Set a strong intention about getting your space cleansed. Tap the tuning fork against something solid like a crystal. While the sound moves around the room, close your eyes, and meditate. Do this as often as you need to.

  • Essential Oil Cleanse

Essential oils can be used to help cleanse your area. The best way to enjoy the essential oils is to put them in a diffuser. This can put a good aroma into your area and as the oils go into the air, it can get rid of impurities.

  • Using Essential Oils for Cleansing

Put your oils in a diffuser and add water. Don’t overuse the essential oils and only a few drops are needed. Let it blast out a mist and cleanse your area.

  • Air Cleansing

One of the easiest ways that you can cleanse your area is to open the windows and let the fresh air come into the home. Open your windows each morning to let the air move throughout your home. This will help you to breathe fresh air and will bring positive energies into your home and your body.

How to Trust Your Inner Voice

Trust Your Inner Voice

Psychics are able to give readings, but a good psychic won’t tell you what you want to hear but they will tell you what they see and what they are able to know about you because of your energies. Some people hate that they can’t get a predictive reading, but other people appreciate that they are given the chance to trust their own inner voice.

Sometimes a person isn’t psychic, but they might pick up things in their inner voice. You can have your own psychic gifts and you can use them to better your life if you just learn to trust that you have them and trust that your inner voice is there to guide you.

Your mind will manifest information to you and when you begin to believe this, you can move forward in your gift of intuition. This can help you to make decisions that are both large and small. Not everything that you will feel will be what you want to feel or hear but it will be the trusting in the process that helps you. As you learn to trust yourself and your inner voice and feelings, you will develop your gifts for the better.

Developing Your Inner Voice

Here are some ways that you can develop your inner voice:

  • Listen to It

The best thing that you can do is to listen to your inner voice. Know that it is there and know that it is going to help you to live your best life and to make good decisions.

  • Quiet the Mind

The inner voice that you have is not going to pressure you to listen to it and you will have a choice just like anything else. If you learn to quiet your mind and pay attention to the information that comes to you, you will be able to hear it.

No matter how you have to quiet your mind, do it. This can be through meditation, going on nature walks or even just relaxing with a cup of coffee. Make time to do this each day so that you can listen and hear.

  • Allow Negative Thoughts to Come Out

The inner voice that you have is not always the voice that your mind and body needs to hear. Sometimes the voice that you hear is going to be negative. This can be negative feelings that you are having or negative thoughts. It is okay to have these, and you need to let them come out so that you can free yourself from them.

When negative thoughts or feelings come to you, let them come out and let them speak to you. Let your negativity come out and tell you how terrible life is, but only let it come out for a few minutes each day. Once you are done with these feelings, let your higher self take over so that you can heal from these feelings, and you can become stronger.

  • Be Realistic

Be realistic in the information that you are getting inside of yourself. Make sure that you test your inner voice and that you are confirming what you are feeling. This is a process that you will need to do until you are strong in yourself.

  • Find How to Trust

There are little ways that you can listen to your inner voice, and you can learn how to trust yourself. This is a way that you can figure out if you are accurate in what your inner voice is telling you. Ask your inner voice something small like how you should spend your Sunday afternoon and then do it.

Once you listen, note how this made you feel and note anything wild or extreme that happened to help your day be even better.

What Does Trust Feel Like?

After testing your inner voice, note how you feel when you get it right. Maybe you get a goosebump or maybe you have a peace that you haven’t had in a long time. This is how you can know that your inner voice led you correctly.

As you connect with your inner voice and you learn to be truthful to yourself and to believe in yourself, you will see that you are listening.

Connect with Your Guides

Take time to connect with your spirit guides and ask them to help build up your gifts and help you to trust more. Ask them to help you when you need it. Most spirit guides won’t come to you unless you ask for your help and so this is totally up to you to make this happen.

Final Thoughts

Trusting your inner voice is one thing that can help you to grow for the better. Your inner voice will guide you and as you learn to listen and believe, you can become stronger and more connected with the universe around you.