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Understanding What Karmic Relationships Are

Understanding What Karmic Relationships Are

Many people are in karmic relationships, which is not always a good thing. A karmic relationship means that you have made a contract with that soul in a different life, and the relationship can be friendships, family members, lovers, or even coworkers. These relationships are karmic relationships are normally romantic in nature.

The people with whom you made this contract in a different life might have been married, and you cheated with them, or it might have been someone you made a lover with, and your soul experienced this relationship in a past life.

Being in a Karmic Relationship

Here are some ways you can know if you are in a karmic relationship:

    • You do not understand your past relationship.
    • You have the same relationship patterns over and over.
    • You do things that you would never have done before.
    • You feel that you are stuck in the relationship and cannot get out.
    • You feel that your past relationships were pointless.
    • You are letting your partner take a lot of your energy.

If you have had these things happen to you, most likely, you were in a karmic relationship. These kinds of relationships more than likely picked up negative karma over the lifetimes, and when you are together again, this relationship is often negative. This is why karmic relationships are sometimes called soul contracts.

Different Soul Contracts

Soul contracts come from issues that you have had in your past life. This can mean that you needed healing or someone to protect you, so you had intimate relationships. These soul contracts are not always romantic.

When a soul meets for the first time, it might have stopped a soul contract. This can also be one-sided. The soul contract will be a positive thing at first, and you will love each other and commit to each other. Soul contracts are not positive, though, as people think. A soul contract means that you and your partner put in a life force to make this contract. Both partners used their energy to make this love happen.

You do not want to use all of your life force or your energy to make someone be with you. This is why soul contracts are negative and why anyone can have this kind of contract with someone.

The soul contract will make you separate from the universe, and then you will not have a positive or appropriate relationship. This is because you will use too much of your energy to cause this to happen, and the more you do it, the more separate you become from the universe. This is what makes a soul contract negative. No one should want to be separated, but they should use their life force to bring oneness or abundance.

Shared Negative Karma

Karma means that you are following the universe’s law of cause and effect. No matter your choices, whether good or bad, they will affect you in your life. You will see the consequences of your action. The choices that you make in your life will affect all of your karma, and this includes relationships that are both good and bad. When you make a choice in a relationship, you have consequences for yourself and your partner.

When you share negative karma, it means that one or both of you made a choice in your previous life, and this caused negative karma to come to you. This can be things like being too dependent on each other, being guilty of things, etc. This causes negative karma.

Your choices can bring about traumatic events in your life and cause you to experience things such as abuse or other bad experiences.

Both of the souls will carry the negative karma into the next life, and the souls are still on the same vibrations. They will keep attracting the same situations over and over again until they are able to meet together in the same lifetime and get rid of the karmic tie. The negative karma will keep coming to your relationships until that happens.

Soul Contract and Negative Karma

If you are already in a soul contract and have negative karma that happens each time you meet that soul, you add up karma. You have thousands of experiences, and you need to reach your highest good. When you see relationships are pointless, and you keep making things happen when you need to move on, you build up karma.

This is hard to understand, and when you feel that you have met someone you have known forever, your soul and your partner’s souls recognize each other because of the time you spent together.

Getting Past Karmic Relationships

Breaking up will not get rid of your karmic relationship. You must learn to understand that you have a choice to be in a relationship or move out of it. You have to understand that you are able to make choices for yourself, and you have free will.

A karmic relationship means that you have a soul contract with negative karma. It was your choice to be in this soul contract.

When you want to work through karmic situations, you cannot just break up, or you will end up back together. You will keep repeating the same patterns with the same issues.

Energy Cords

You have to get down to the root of your karmic relationship. Then, you must figure out your highest good and what you can do to overcome this karmic relationship. Finally, you have to make a way to clear the root of the problem and then walk away.

If you keep experiencing patterns in your life, you are attracting the same energies; this means that you have a karmic root that you need to take care of.

This requires more than just breaking up with someone; you have to be aware of your karmic ties and the negative karma that comes with it. You have to break the energy cord.

Finishing a Karmic Relationship

Once you are able to understand karma, you can learn to find out your life force energy. You can reach your highest good and get rid of negative karma. You can clear your soul contract and move on. In order to do this, there are lessons that you have to learn, and once you do, you can raise your vibrations. This means you will begin to attract different people and different relationships. That means that you won’t be in the same pattern.

When you complete a karmic relationship, this means you are able to figure out what happened and move forward in a positive way. You will be able to recognize the person and the ties, and you will be able to release the negative energies.

There are different ways to get rid of your karmic relationships and to understand your soul. First, you must understand the energetic bonds and blockages you share with this person. You have to clear these things, and then you can get free from the boundaries that this relationship has caused you.

Clear the Root

Ask yourself what you can learn from this situation; as you do that and learn, you are clearing the blockages in your life. Ensure you have a good attitude and are behaving appropriately along the way.

As you raise your energy, you will get things done in your life and see that you have more energy than ever before. You will see that you are able to increase your psychic giftings and find happiness in your life and your relationships.

How to Bless a Home

How to Bless a Home

Blessing an object can be done at any time, but it can be most effective during the start of a new month or during a new moon.  You can choose to do this solo or with other members of your household, including your pets!  During a blessing, the goal is to infuse your home with an abundance of positive energy.

Performing a house blessing is helpful since people have energetic relationships with their surroundings.  A home’s energy impacts moods, creativity, thoughts, and desires.  Having a blessed home elevates all the goodness in the lives of its residents.  Consider how the home is essentially an extension of the family residing within.  Blessing the home serves to bless the other facets of your life.  It establishes healthy boundaries and a precedence for anyone’s actions, residents and visitors included.  If you feel heaviness within your house, a blessing will naturally facilitate more peace, love, joy, health, gratitude, positivity, abundance, and harmony to reside within its walls.

11 Simple Steps to Bless Your House

  1. Set a positive intention and gather a candle, a crystal, and the participants.
  2. Clean your space and clothes. This includes, but is not limited to, organizing items, dusting, sweeping, washing, and moping.  Encourage more natural daylight and fresh air to enter by opening up the blinds, windows, and, if possible, doors.  Create a feeling of openness, especially with things that have shut tight for a while.  Purge items in the trash or through donations you no longer require.
  3. Start the blessing at any entry point to your home, like the front door, with a prayer like “Bless all those who call this space home. Blessed on the feet who bring joy into this house.  Blessed be this house with positivity, good health, and abundance.”
  4. Meditate, focusing on the most loving, positive, divine energy possible. Then, spread this loving energy by visualizing it radiating out to every corner of every room in your home.
  5. Ask your families’ guides, deities, ancestors, and angels to remove all negativity from your treasured space.
  6. Spread your presence throughout the house by walking all around and within with your aura as expanded as possible. This will enable your energy to take priority and ground the space with your intentions and visualizations.
  7. Harness your voice with positive affirmations like “I love you.” Dialogue with your home by asking questions like “Do you agree to release all negativity and toxic energy and only store what benefits this family?”
  8. Enter every room of your house, spending time in each corner, and recite something positive while visualizing positive energy to grow and amplify. Then, invite your family’s guides, deities, ancestors, and ancestors to intensify this energy and protect it as broadly as needed to keep your home and loved ones safe.
  9. You may choose to place a candle or crystal as a symbol of your benevolent intentions. It may be helpful to have a candle or object that reflects the four elements.
  10. End the blessing ritual with a prayer similar to the following, but above all, trust your intuition to steer you in the right direction. “Great Spirit, All-Loving Deity, bless this home forever.  May peace always dwell here.  May joy and laughter echo throughout each room.  May the gift of emotional and spiritual support always find a seat at our table.  May friendship and following thrive here.  Send your angels of light to reside within the walls of this house to guard and guide those who live and visit here.  Let this place be a sanctuary on earth – so mote it be. Amen”
  11. Celebrate the ritual by inviting other loved ones over to fill the space with new wonderous memories and joy. Make a commitment to be consistent with your spiritual work.  The more you perform similar rites, the stronger you become at manifesting loving energy so you will feel safe anywhere you go.

One final but impactful note.  Bless you, with any home you are about to sell, and watch it fly off the market over your asking price!

What is an Aura?

What is an Aura?

An aura is the layers of your energy that surround your body. This energy field interacts with your body and the world around you. For example, the aura regulates things in your skin and your body’s temperature.

Your aura will connect with your body and the energies outside of you, protect you, and keep you safe from negative energies.

Most people cannot see an aura, but some people who are psychic can learn how to see auras.

The aura is part of the auric body system, and it has different layers of the body. Seven different layers are all important to your well-being.

The auric body has three sections: the physical, astral, and spiritual planes. These are the parts where your vibrations come and where your vibrations change.

With the physical plane, the vibrations are lower, and they get higher in the astral plane, but they are the highest in the spiritual plane.

Bodies and Planes

The etheric plane is in control of the mental and emotional being, the astral plane is the astral body, and the spiritual plane has to do with the etheric and celestial.

The aura works with all parts of your chakras, and there are seven main chakras in your body. The chakras work together to make your body stronger and protect the organs.

The Ketheric body is part of the chakras, and when you have a high vibrational frequency.

The etheric body has the lowest vibrations. All of the chakras work with the aura to keep the energy moving all around. Each of the body parts has a different chakra that leads and flows the energy. There are 49 main chakras in the aura.

  • Etheric

This works with the root chakra and is part of the physical body. The etheric makes you aware of what is happening in your body, such as physical sensations and more.

You can learn to see your aura by standing in a room with a solid wall and looking into a mirror to see if you see light around your body.

This structure of this is made up of muscles and organs. Therefore, the etheric body was made before your physical body and can help you to be aware of the vibrations that your body is experiencing.

  • Emotional Body

This is part of the sacral chakra. This is the second layer of the aura and controls your feelings and emotions.

This is the shape of an egg with a different structure. This is the emotional body and can have a lot of energy that moves fast. Sometimes it is cloudy, and the color will depend on what you are feeling and how your chakras are working.

If you don’t have a connection with your physical body in this place, it can make you fear, be emotional, and dislike things.

  • The Mental Body

The third body is the mental body which works with the Solar Plexus Chakras. The mental body is part of the auric body and helps you to have strong beliefs and thoughts.

This is a mental body that helps reflect the moon and the sun. It has to do with the Virgo and Gemini and will extend the largest in your body.

There are mental bodies that work with the chakras to give you a sense that your aura is strong or weak. The Solar Plexus will help you block negative energy and help you have energies that will be there even when your mental health or thinking is not strong.

  • Astral Body

This is part of the heart chakra and has to do with your aura and how strong it is. It works with your emotions and your mental bodies and will help with your etheric body.

You will have a bridge between your physical and spiritual plane, and it is part of the heart chakra that allows you to love others and to have an open heart.

A person that is very loving has a strong light, and they have strong relationships with people. These can be at an astral level and help you see the energy between you and other people you care about.

  • Template Body

This is the fifth body in the aura and is there to support your life and to parent your body. This part of your body helps you to be formed and has existed before your physical body.

This is a place where you are in reincarnation, and then it is a blueprint for the soul. This is part of the Throat Chakra and has different levels to help you to be strong. This is where you can have a strong vibration and where you can reach a higher and healthy state. If it is not healthy, though, it can cause you to have physical problems and organ problems.

  • Celestial Body

The sixth body is the celestial body and is part of the aura called the Emotional body. This is part of your spiritual plane and helps you to have spiritual feelings.

This is when you start to reach enlightenment. This can help you to have higher feelings and to be made up of light. You are responsible for your spiritual existence in this plane, and if you have unconditional love and trust, then you will have a strong celestial body.

Most twin flames meet each other in this body, and it also has to do with your third eye chakra.

  • Ketheric Template Body

The seventh body of the aura is the Ketheric Template body. This is where you will have universal consciousness and reach your mental body and spiritual plane.

The crown chakra runs this and can help you to connect with the divine. It allows you to have a relationship with the universe and lets you link with its powers.

This is where the soul relies on the body, and you are learning and gaining new knowledge in your soul. When you get your Akashic records, you get the information from this. The lower auric bodies contain energy, which is the main power source for your chakras on each level.

What is a Clairempath?


Clairempath is part of the word Clair which means clear and the Greek word pathos which means to have a passion. When you put these things together, it can mean to have a clear mind of suffering or a clear passion.

Being a clairempathic is someone that is able to feel the emotions of other people and to know their pain, but it also is where they can know that things are happening in the world around them without someone telling them.

There is a difference between having empathy and being empathetic. Being empathetic means that you are able to know what someone is feeling and thinking, and you can understand them but being empathetic to someone means that you are compassionate and caring.

If you are someone that is an empath, you will know that the person you are talking to is sad, angry, or happy. You can know when someone that you love is going through something hard and you can help them to work through their emotions.

Being an empathetic person means that you are compassionate about what someone feels, and you feel that you should help them any way that you can.

Being an empath is something that can leave your heart broken and cause you to feel that you are overwhelmed. It can make you feel the negativity when you go to a certain place or it allows you to even feel the pain that someone is experiencing in their body.

The biggest difference between being an empath and being empathetic is that you are not able to experience the situation on a one on once basis as an empathetic person, but you can do this when you are an empath.

Bine clairempathic and clairsentience are also different things. The idea of being clairsentient is that you are able to pic up on the energy of those around you and sometimes even of things.

This can be complicated because this is also part of being a clairempathic.

Being an Empath

When you are an empath, you pick up the feelings and emotions of those around you. You connect with the people and their energies and you feel their emotions.

You can also have empathy for plants. When this happens, you are able to feel what the trees, plants and other things are feeling. If they have something negative, you will feel it.

Animals can also need your empathic gifting. If you are around an animal, you might feel connected to that animal and know what it is feeling and what emotions it has.

Physical Empath

A physical empath can happen when you are around people and you feel connected to them. You might see that you will know if they are hurting physically or if they are feeling bad in their spirit. You can even tell if someone is hungry or thirsty.

Being a physical empath for plants means that you know when a plant needs watered or if they are dry. Sometimes you will know that they need to be fed or put in the sun.

Being a physical empath for an animal means that you will know their energy and you will know if they are cold, sad or if they are too hot or in pain.

Being an earth empath means that you know that the earth has pains, and you want to work to make the earth better. When there are chemical spills and other things, you feel the pain of the earth.

As an empath for a collective, you can feel the energies of people as you feel your own energies. You will know if someone is hurting, sad or angry. You will feel when natural disasters happen, and you will have a hard time handling that energy.

Different Gifts

There are different gifts that you can have all at one time. You might not know what your gift is but if you feel pain for people or things around you, chances are that you are an empath. You will see that the world needs you and you can help it.

People are beginning to know that they are psychic and that they have certain giftings. They are beginning to help others and help the world. They are powered to do what is good and to take care of things that they need to take care of.

People think that being an empath is a curse but if you learn to handle your gift, you can see that you can handle it and make the world better.


People often believe that they have a mental disorder even though they are really just clairempath’s. They might feel depressed or sad, but they are just not embracing their giftings.

Once they learn who they are and what they can do, they learn to understand what is going on in their life. They understand that they have a gift, and they realize that they can help others. This is how they can use their energies to heal and to focus on making life better.

You can link your emotions to other people, and you can find healing in this. If you are an empath, you need to make sure that you are safe. Here are some ways:

  • Know if the emotions are yours or someone else’s.
  • Find out if your feelings are just yours or if you have picked up the emotions of things around you.
  • If the emotions aren’t yours, you need to ground yourself and make sure that you take time to rest.
  • Find out if the feelings are yours and if it isn’t, it is not your job to take the problem to yourself.
  • Know that you are loved.
  • Know that the universe has unconditional love for you.

Psychic Chat Vs. Face to Face: Chat is Better

Psychic Chat

There are times when we have questions that do not have easy answers in any form. The people who want to know the answers to these types of questions will often seek the guidance of a psychic. This psychic will likely have intuition that is more highly attuned and able to deliver the answer to those who are seeking it.

Psychics are able to access their abilities in different ways depending on their ability and personal preference. Some may look into a crystal ball, while others prefer a tarot card deck. Before technology became so popular, psychic readings were a purely face-to-face endeavor. In the modern world, psychics are now able to deliver answers through psychic chat readings online, eliminating the need to be physically in the room with the seeker.

Advantages of Live Chat Readings

A live psychic chat reading is typically done online, with the person setting an appointment time and chatting live with the psychic. This allows the seeker to inform the psychic of the question to be answered. Payment is expected through a credit card, with the price being based on rates per time it takes to complete the reading. However, this does not mean the process should be rushed, but it encourages clarity from the seeker, as time is money. Since the internet allows for a psychic consult online through video, call, or chat, it can feel impersonal. Some feel live chat readings are actually better because it is a clean reading where the reader focuses all their psychic energies on the question alone. The answer will be received from the universe, not influenced by face-to-face emotions, expressions, or other issues.

Online psychic reading platforms are typically composed of multiple individual psychics who can use divination in a variety of ways, like tarot reading or numerology. This means that you can get a reading anytime because live psychics are always available. Therefore, you can request a time and receive an appointment in moments so the reading can begin. This is very different from face-to-face when you have to go during certain hours and wait for one person’s availability.

Live chat readings allow for a clean reading because emotional bias is removed, and you control the information divulged. In addition, most online psychic organizations will provide a downloadable transcript of everything said or shared in a reading. This means you can go back to reference things to check the accuracy of the received answers.

Psychic Reading Revolutions

The internet has allowed psychics to revolutionize the way services are offered. The psychic stereotypes are gone, and consults can happen from the comfort of home. Being comfortable during a reading allows the universe to be more open to providing answers. All you need is a reliable internet connection and a way to connect with your psychic. No one needs to know you are consulting a psychic to shield you from judgment for those who do not believe in such things. This revolutionization has made psychic readings more accessible and more acceptable to a wider variety of people. You are in control of what you share, so a clean reading is more likely. The terms for a reading are straightforward, and a transcript offers you a reference point to look back on later in time. These are the reasons that live psychic chat is the best option for readings today.

Understanding Your Past Life

Past Life

Many people wonder when someone reincarnates if they come back as the same gender or if they come back differently.

Not all people come back as the same gender, and there are different ways that people can come back to the earth in a new life.

Gender does not always have to be the same, and this can be decided by what has happened to you and what you have done in your past life. Some monks are thought to come back as women, and even though there are more male monks than women, this happens due to culture.

Monks that were men noticed that there were very few female monks, and even though it was natural for women to be very emotional, men would mediate. Women often would look at Buddha and tell him how much they loved him, and the men often envied women’s emotions.

When someone wanted to connect with Buddha, they often had to act like women because the women would long to know him. This is why many monks wanted to come back as women in their next life.

Whatever your longings are and what kind of nature you have helps determine what you will come back as when you die. For example, some people think that it is a punishment to come back as an animal, but it is not a punishment for you.

Nature does not see this as a punishment but as a reward for you so that you can have the body that is best for you to get what you want in life. This is why some monks came back as women.

No matter what gender you come back as this has to do with what you want and your life goals. When nature doesn’t know what to do with you, it does what seems best for you. You can become back as a male or female, depending on what you need.

If you have a longing to come back as a different sex, this is inside of you, but you cannot make the decision, and the universe will make this decision for you.


The determination of what you come back as in your next life doesn’t have to do with whatever gender you are now but what you want and what you want to be in your next life.

If you have the desire to be a male and you are a female, the universe might grant this to you and let you come back in your next life as a woman or a female. These desires can help to change whatever you are meant to come back as.

Learn to embrace whatever you get in your next life so that you can have what you want in life after that, and you can be happy in your body and your spirit.

How Pyrite can Help You Heal

How Pyrite can Help You Heal

There are many different crystals, and some of them are healing crystals while others do things such as protect you from negativity or help to ground you. Pyrite is a great crystal for you when you are looking for a powerful and helpful crystal.

This crystal is known to help to manifest things in your life, such as money and luck. It can also help heal your mind, body, and emotions.

Fool’s Gold

Pyrite is a crystal that is known to mean fire. This crystal will spark when it is struck with metal or other things. In addition, it has been known to make sulfur.

This stone is also known as fool’s gold because it looks like gold when you look at it. However, many people consider this a great stone to have because not only does it look pretty, but it also has many powerful energies that can help you in all of your environments.

The pyrite is considered a stone that can bring good luck and can manifest money into your life. This is a stone that you need to put at your business or in your home. This stone can also help you to make good business decisions.

Pyrite can help you stay motivated and work hard, and it can help you be more creative. If you want people to be on your side or to support you in your endeavors, this stone can help that to happen for you.

You can use this stone to manifest things in your life and to change your thinking from negative to positive. For example, if you want to have more wealth in your life, you can meditate and use the pyrite to bring things to your life.

Pyrite can help you to meditate deeper and help you to get the things that you want in your life. While you are meditating, this stone can take away your stress and fear. It can help you to be stronger and can help you to have the power to do more when you are in hard times. If you need motivation, this stone is great.

Some people feel tired or overworked and if you find that you feel that way, keep this stone close to you, and it will help you have more energy.


Not only can the pyrite bring things to your life, but it can also get rid of negative energies and block new ones from coming to you. This can protect you against people who have things against you and can help you have positive life experiences.

Other stones, such as aquamarine and the moonstone, can help you when traveling to ensure that you are safe from negative energies, pollution, or any kind of thing that can bring danger to your being.

Being in a relationship is hard, but the pyrite can help you to be protected against negative energies that could be against your relationships and can help to give you better relationships in your life.

If you find that you are busy and not giving enough to your relationship, the pyrite can help you connect with your loved one deeper and can help to get rid of stress.

People that want to cause you trouble will be warded off with the pyrite and if you are in a place where people gossip a lot, keep this stone close to you to protect yourself from these things. This stone can also help people to agree with you more.

You will be able to see things more clearly and stay focused when you use this stone. Use it when you are having meetings or when you have a big project to do.

This stone can help you to be stronger and not to be anxious or feel insecure. Keep this stone close so you can have a positive outlook on life.

Healing Energies

Many other crystals have healing energies, and pyrite is one that can help to heal your body. For example, it is great if you have digestive problems, and it can help you with your immune system to keep your energy flowing.

Pyrite can keep your energy flowing and help you regulate your oxygen intake plus, it can also help you balance your hormones. If you have an infection, use this stone to treat that and any kind of lung infection or kidney disorder that you have.

On top of your physical body, this stone can keep your mental body strong. It can help you to have control over your emotions and can help you to have stronger memories. If you need to be able to recall things in your life, use the pyrite to heal your memory.

If you need balanced, or if your solar plexus is unbalanced, use this stone to have stronger sexual feelings and better control of your emotions.

Having blockages in your sacral chakra can cause you to be insecure and feel stressed out. It can also cause you to have kidney problems and can cause you to have blockages in other areas of your life. Pyrite can help you to make it through these problems and can help to stimulate your energies.

The solar plexus is connected with the digestive system and the metabolism, and this chakra is what controls your relationship and the willpower that you have in life. So this helps you to be wise and helps you to find your path in life.

When your solar plexus is blocked, it can cause you to be irresponsible, and pyrite can help to balance you.


Use the pyrite to help you to stay strong in your mind, body, and soul and to help you to stay motivated. This stone can get rid of negative energies and help bring healing to your body.

How to Use Binaural Beats Meditation

Binaural Beats Meditation

Binaural beats are a type of music or noise that has different frequencies. This is a wavelength that goes in one ear and then out the other. The brain is able to absorb these different frequencies, and they change the brainwaves as they make sounds.

Binaural beats happen because the Neural Oscillations in the brain have a certain pattern of activity. The brain is always interpreting the data, and when you understand your subconscious mind, you learn to be aware of the different ways that this stimulus happens. When you are cold, for example, your body’s energy speeds up, and that is what causes you to shiver.

The brain does the same thing, and when you have two brainwaves, the delta, and the theta, that change the frequency of the music you are listening to, it can help to change your mood.

The binaural beats help you to reach the two frequencies and allow your brain to hear the beats of the music when they are not even playing.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats happen when you are exposed to the beats; it can create changes in your brain’s arousal. This means that when you listen to them at a low frequency, your brainwaves will slow down, and you will be able to relax better. This can help remove stress from your life and help you sleep better.

If you are stressed, your brain is constantly working, but when you use binaural beats, it can slow down the frequency of your brain and help you relax.

What Do Beats Do?

Binaural beats are scientific to show you that it helps to let you sleep better and relax. In addition, many therapists use these beats to help you be treated for anxiety.

Some clinics will use this to stimulate your brain, and it helps to activate both hemispheres of the brain to help change your traumatic memories to something calming.

Binaural beats can help to get rid of anxiety and stress and can help to improve your mood.


You can use binaural beats when you meditate, which can help you reach a higher state of consciousness. When you are relaxing and slowing down, your brainwaves help you to reach your subconscious mind.

If you are working with someone in the astral plane, you will have frequencies that help heal and help you be more confident in your body and spirit.

Spiritual Work

Finding a way to relax is hard if you have never meditated or are new to meditation. Binaural beats can help you calm down and concentrate more on your spiritual work. This can be used if you want to reach your higher self and if you are a practicing medium or psychic.

This can help you get rid of problems in your life, and it can be used to stimulate your brain to help eliminate stress and anxiety. If you want to elevate your meditation process, you can use binaural beats as a healing process and an attempt to be better in your life.

Using Your Clair Giftings

Clair Giftings

Have you felt stressed out and anxious lately, and you wonder how you can feel better in your life? Chances are that you are looking for ways to make yourself feel better, and maybe you turn to tarot reading or to your different giftings. This can help you to be calm and help you figure out who you are in life.

There are different ways that you can get information from yourself, and there are four psychic giftings called the Clair giftings.  The four Clair giftings are claircognition, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.

When you have these gifts, which everyone has, you will see that your giftings can help you to change your life and become a better person. When you learn to accept your gifts and to know who you are, you will see that you are better for it.

4 Clair Giftings

  • Claircognition

The first Clair gifting is claircognition. This means that you have a feeling that something is going to happen, but you don’t know why. This is called psychic knowing, and this is a way that you can take your feelings and be able to know things without having a real reason why.

  • Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is a way that you can see things. This can come from images or visions in your mind. Maybe you have symbols that come to you or visual ideas that are warning you to be safe. This can help you in your future and help you to be able to warn yourself or others.

Some psychics will use their clairvoyance to know what is happening in their lives. They will know who is calling or know what other people are in their lives for.

  • Clairaudience

A person that is clairaudient will pick up voices or hear things. This is not with their ears; the messages come through their spirit. They will hear thoughts, and they will know that there are sounds but will not be able to know where they came from.

This can be challenging, and this can be an experience that allows you to know what is happening in your life. So instead of being upset about the voices, embrace them.

  • Clairsentience

Clairsentience is a Clair gift that allows you to know when a spirit is in the room. This can cause you to have chills or to have strange feelings.

This kind of psychic gift is something that you experience, and you will feel things and have information just from your feelings.

When you experience clairsentience, you pay attention to what is happening around you. This can be a way that you look at things in your life and know that you are being guided in the right direction.


Everyone has some kind of gifting, and they can develop their giftings and see into the spiritual world and get the insight they need. These gifts can help you have a happy life and peace and joy.

Empath Person

Empath Person

Being an empath can be very hard on someone and unless you learn to help yourself and learn how to control these emotions then you will become overly tired and experience health problems too.

Here is what being an empath is like:

  • Gather emotions of others.
  • Feel the pain of other people.
  • Overly tired.
  • Constantly tired.
  • Exhausted.
  • Have health problems.

Pros and Cons of Being an Empath

An empath has great cons because they can pick up the feelings of others and they become the most caring and loving people that exist. They want to help others and they should have the opportunity to be happy but sometimes they end up being tired and experience many health problems.

An empath deserves to be treated well and they need to learn to control their giftings. They have to learn to deal with the good and the bad of being an empath.

Difference Between Sensitivity and Empaths

If you are an empath you experience what other people are feeling. You have compassion and love, but your heart will either be happy or sad, or even in pain, depending on what others are feeling.

An empath actually feels the emotions and sickness of others and there are different types of empaths. A person that is an empath can have these things or these giftings:

  • Empath toward plants.
  • Weather empaths.
  • Animal Empaths.
  • Person empaths.
  • Earth Empaths.
  • Intuitive Empaths.
  • Emotional Empaths.

Sensitive Empath

There are different things that you can experience so that you know if you are an empath or not. Here are some things that you can experience as an empath:

  • Feel other people’s emotions.
  • Know what is going on in the world.
  • Feel overly emotional and isolated.
  • Feel other people’s pain.
  • Feel emotionally drained.
  • Know what people are feeling.

If you are an empath, chances are you are very sensitive. Your emotions will be stronger, and this can cause you to be overly sensitive.

Being a sensitive person and an empath is different and when you are highly sensitive, it just means you have feelings, but an empath can know and feel the emotions of others.

The difference between Highly Sensitive People or HSP’s include:

  • Taking someone joking personally.
  • Being offended easily.
  • Feeling only about your own self.

A person that is highly sensitive is sensitive but a person that is an empath will get physically ill when they are around someone that is emotional.

Pro and Con

Being an empath has both pros and cons and being an empath can be tiring and painful. Empaths are people that feel emotionally drained at almost all time and they suffer health issues because of it.

When an empath is overly sensitive, it can cause them health problems and mental problems but there are many good things too.


An empathy has strong feelings but if they are able to control it and manage it, they can help others and learn to cope at the same time.


The cons of being an empath can be that you feel sickly when others are sick or highly emotional based on who you are around. Even if you cannot help someone, you feel their emotions and they can weigh you down.

Why Is Being an Empath Hurting You?

If you are overly sensitive and you are emotional and suffering, chances are you are experiencing some kind of emotional problems.

If you find that you struggle line different situations, you need to take time to calm down and back off. An empath will soak up the emotions of others and this can be painful and harmful for them because it can cause them to have emotional fatigue.

Chronic Adrenal Fatigue

When you are an empathy, you might experience chronic fatigue syndrome. This can be one of the worst things for an empath because they become overly tired and they take in the negative energies. This can cause them to be drained.

When an empath spends more time with emotional people, it can cause you to be exhausted and even depressed and cause you to face bad consequences in your life. This can come along with things such as: tiredness, body pains, tiredness, digestion problems, Addison’s disease, hair loss, body hair loss, stress and depression.

You can do things to stop feeling tired but choose healthy options and give up on things such as coffee and sugar because they will not help you. Try to get rest and eat healthily and exercise regularly. You can also meditate and relax each day so that you can feel better.

  • Diet

Try to get all the vitamins that you need and eat well.

  • Sleep

Get eight hours of sleep each night and have a good night sleep so that you can have a good attitude.

  • Negativity

Get rid of people in your life that are negative and try to be around people that are positive and helpful for you.

  • Learning to Control Emotions

There are ways an empath can learn to control their emotions so they can live powerful and happy lives. Here are a few ways:

  • Stop Energy Vampires

You have to stop being around people that are always negative. If you find that you feel sick or that you feel that you need to get away from certain people, do not feel that you are being selfish, just know that your emotions and your needs matter too.

You always are going to value others above your own self and you hate when people are sick or hurting but you always have to hate when it is happening to you.

An emotional vampire is one of the main reasons that an empath will have emotional negativity and tiredness and this is because they are always putting their negative feelings on you.

  • Energetic

There are both pros and cons of being an empath and this can include being around negative people that steal your energy, the good part of this is that you will also be able to get their positive energies and you can learn to appreciate the positiveness in your life.

  • Bubble

One way you can defend yourself is to put yourself in a bubble or a shield. You can do this with your imagination and this energy shield will protect you from negative energies going into your body.

  • Thoughts

Pay attention to your own thoughts and learn to manage the ones that are good and the ones that are not so good. Always be aware of what you are thinking and learn to have control over this.

  • Forgive

You can forgive others if you want to. Those that have strong emotions seem to have more emotional problems than other people and one way to heal your emotions is to forgive others.

  • Meditation

Learn to meditate and work through any pain that you are feeling. Learn to work through peace and create this peace by meditating and being quiet for a little bit.

  • Boundaries

It is okay to have boundaries. Empaths have a hard time saying no but when you do, you set boundaries and cause people to have more respect and care for you.

  • Nature

Take time to be in nature. Going into nature can revive you and help you to feel better.  Spend time walking barefoot and let your spirit sour.

  • Viewpoint

Change how you view things.  See the good in all things including negativity and in pain. Learn lessons that can help you along in your life and learn to find them important.

  • Health Issues

Avoid people that have health issues because when you are around this, sometimes you feel the other persons pain.  Avoid too much stress and when you feel that you have had enough, take time for you.


Being an empath can mean that you are important, and you have great traits. You have strong instincts that can help you to help others. Empaths are often creative and passionate and most of all, they have huge amounts of compassion.

An empath can cope with the cons of being an empath by doing these things:

  • Caring more for others than yourself.
  • Be sensitive and carrying.
  • Learn to control how you feel.

An empath might have a hard time sleeping and have information overload, but you can take care of your emotions and your thoughts by being in control of your feelings.

Make sure that you avoid conflict and violence and that you learn to recognize the feelings that you have so that you can make sure that you do not get easily influenced by the emotions of others. When you feel emotional pain or abuse, you can have your mechanism broken down and when it is worn down it can be a problem, but you can beat it.

Remember, having the gift of empath is a good thing and the more you feel the more you will learn to understand and know others. You will find that this kind of gift is the best gift and the most rewarding in your life.