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The Praying Mantis: An Omen


The praying mantis is a unique and fascinating creature. They are masters of camouflage, stealth, and patience. Because of this, mantis sightings are extremely rare. However, when you do see a praying mantis, it is a mesmerizing experience. You may get lost watching just how still the praying mantis is. It’s almost like it’s meditating or staring back at you.

A Symbol of Patience and Peace

The praying mantis has long been considered the symbol of meditative or contemplative thought. It is a prime example of patience and spiritual peace. Do not be surprised if you see a praying mantis when your life is at its most volatile. They appear to remind us to settle ourselves. If you are feeling out of balance, the praying mantis reminds you to find your center.

Timing is Everything

Even when the mantis is about to strike, there is an air of patience. They are hunters that eat other insects. They are unique in that they wait to strike until they CANNOT fail. Mantises look for a 100% chance of success, and they know that that requires waiting for the opportune moment. This is the most important lesson we can learn from the praying mantis. If a bug can wait for the right time, so can we.

The Praying Mantis in Different Cultures

The praying mantis gets its name from its resting pose. It often stands upright, with its two front legs together as if praying. This has been interpreted as highly symbolic in many different cultures. Japanese culture historically admires the praying mantis because they are patient and graceful, both ideal characteristics in that culture. They are the honored inspiration of multiple martial arts styles originating in China. Even in South Africa, the presence of a praying mantis in your home is taken as a visit from that family’s ancestors. In general, many cultures call them a symbol of good luck.

At the same time, we cannot forget that the praying mantis is a skilled and dangerous hunter. Some cultures interpret this to symbolize encroaching enemies. In this case, seeing a praying mantis serves as a warning that someone is coming and they mean you harm. Unfortunately, knowing which message to take from your praying mantis sighting can be difficult.

A Prophet

In Ancient Greek, ” mantis ” means someone who foretells, like a seer or prophet. It could be considered the spirit animal of clairvoyant people and a symbol of their presence. People who meditate frequently may also find a kindred spirit in the mantis.

Actually, channeling the praying mantis is a common practice for psychic healers. They emulate the mantis, deep in meditation, and focus on the work they wish to achieve. This meditative nature is why spirits like using the mantis to communicate with us. So, if you feel like life is hectic and you’re constantly busy, you just may see a praying mantis in the future. Remember to “stop and smell the roses,” as they say.

A Spirit Guide

The term “spirit animal” usually brings to mind the image of something with fur or feathers. But the praying mantis fits in this category as well. We call these embodied spirits “totem animals.” The interesting thing about totem animals is that they choose who they connect to, not the other way around. If you are a contemplative person and tend to be slow and deliberate in your actions, it is likely that a praying mantis would connect with you. You will be successful in your endeavors as long as you wait for the opportune moment, like the mantis.

How to Move Past an Affair

Move Past an Affair

Nothing turns your world upside down quite like finding out your lover is having an affair. Discovering a cheating partner often shatters the trust built in the relationship beyond repair and means it’s over for some people. Whether you salvage the relationship or call it quits, you must take a long journey to move past an affair. The good news is it can be done. You can heal from a partner’s infidelity. Healing after infidelity happens in a series of 4 stages.

Absorb the Surprise

At this point, your head is still reeling from learning that your lover has not been faithful. You’re shocked, angry, and most likely feeling waves of depression. The most common question people ask at this moment is ‘why?’ You want to figure out who to blame for your failed love. Is it the cheater, or did you do something wrong to drive them away?

The most important thing to do right now is SLOW DOWN. Do not make major decisions or changes to your life while you are still unbalanced from this shakeup. Instead, focus on grounding yourself and taking care of yourself physically. Eat a balanced diet. Get enough sleep. The important thing is to clear your head enough to react rationally.

Reflect on the Relationship

Cheaters usually have a reason to cheat. It is not always valid, but it is there. Usually, the affair happens to supplement some aspect of the relationship that is missing or faulty. It is time for you to look back on your relationship honestly and determine what was missing. Did you and your lover have a hard time communicating effectively? Was intimacy lacking on a regular basis?

These kinds of questions can be hard to answer if you thought your relationship was fine up to this point. It’s a good time to consult a love psychic or marriage counselor to help give you some insight. If you are trying to repair your relationship, both partners need to be present for this part. You cannot fix it alone. If your cheating partner is unwilling to work things out, it’s time to walk away.

Work Out Your Pain

Society today is quick to tell folks to “get over it” on any given topic. Unfortunately, nobody has the patience to watch you work through your anger and grief. Please ignore this type of negative pressure. It will not help you heal. You’ll only redirect your pain. It will eventually manifest again as self-doubts and insecurities in future relationships.

It is perfectly normal to feel a range of negative emotions in this type of situation. You are justified in feeling sad, hurt, and angry. It is reasonable to grieve your lost relationship. Don’t let others pressure you into suppressing these feelings. Instead, let them play out and release them.

Learn to Trust Again

Depending on the circumstances, a relationship can heal after infidelity. If both partners are willing to try, you can renew your bond and even regain the trust that was broken. First and foremost, the cheating partner must recognize the pain they have caused. Next, they will have to establish more transparency to encourage you to believe in their renewed commitment to the relationship. At the same time, you must actively try to let go of your anger and trust them again. This is another process where the guidance of a psychic or counselor would be beneficial.

Above all, be patient. Healing from this level of hurt takes time. Relationship counselors report that it takes the average couple at least 2 years to recuperate from infidelity, with both partners making an effort. If your partnership cannot be salvaged, don’t push it. Walking away is the first step to your own personal healing.

Manifest Your Own Spirit Guide


Some people are more religious than others. Either way, we naturally seek guidance when facing life’s challenges. However, if you are not devoted to any particular religion, you can still desire cosmic affirmation that you are making the right decisions. A spirit guide is a great source of such affirmations, regardless of your religious affiliation or lack thereof.

We often think that spirit guides reach out to us in times of need, like some sort of fairy godmother, but this is not always the case. Instead, you can manifest your own spirit guide, like a personal deity. It just takes a little honesty, introspection, and time.

What do you need?

Your spirit guide should embody the things you need the most help with. Take your weaknesses and see them as character traits for your deity. For example, if you want to be more confident, see your guide as very confident already. In this way, your guide is a role model for what you are trying to work towards.

Don’t feel obligated to manifest a perfect angel. Every personality trait may not be a “good” one. It is all about you and the growth you are trying to achieve. For example, if you want to be more seductive with your lover or more assertive at work, your spirit guide can also embody those traits.

What does your spirit guide look like?

There is no right or wrong answer here. Your mystical mentor could be a human, animal, or neither. It’s all about what fits the traits you selected in step one. You could learn patience from a spider or adventure from a daredevil. Feel free to let your imagination run wild.

How will you connect?

Now that your deity is created, you must decide how you will communicate and connect with them. In the movies, this is the part where people meditate and have spiritual conversations in the clouds. You don’t have to do it that way. Meditation is a great option, but so is praying or building an altar. It really depends on your purpose for channeling your guiding light. You could channel them while writing in a journal, letting their words come out through your pen. A designated place and routine for connecting with your spirit guide can be useful. If you need more feedback “in the moment,” work on channeling them more like an inner voice.

You don’t need mainstream religious practices to direct your relationship with your mystical mentor. All that matters is that your guide is equipped to escort you through the challenges you face in your own situation. Now follow their lead to a more fulfilled life.

Magically Improve Your Sex Life

Improve Your Sex Life

Good sex is for everybody

How’s your sex life these days? If you’re reading this post, I’m guessing it could be better. Maybe you wish it were more active, adventurous, or simply more satisfying. The good news is YOU have the ability to improve your sex life. You have the power to upgrade your sexual experiences. And it doesn’t require studying the Kama Sutra or buying any kinky gadgets (though they are fun).

All you have to do is break free from some negative feelings that are probably floating around in your psyche. For example, you probably never noticed the feelings of jealousy, guilt, shame, laziness, and fear that are tied to sex in your mind. Unfortunately, these types of feelings are usually ingrained in us early, leading to a lackluster sex life and an unwillingness to explore our sexual desires.

  • Laziness

First, it’s not your fault you struggle to put much effort into sex. If it hasn’t been enjoyable in the past, it’s hard to motivate yourself to do it again or try to make it better. Instead, try to imagine what a positive sexual encounter would be like. Use this daydream to motivate you to change what you’re doing in the bedroom for the better.

  • Fear

The fear of failure is a natural human response to any new challenge. The intimacy associated with sex only magnifies this fear in us, keeping us from trying new things. But how amazing would it be if you succeeded? Isn’t that feeling of satisfaction worth the attempt? How much happier would you feel tomorrow if you had amazing sex tonight? And this is just one hurdle you can overcome. Once you learn how to face and overcome your fears, how many other hurdles could you defeat? Make this step one to improve your life, one challenge at a time.

  • Jealousy

Why do you want a better sex life? Is it for yourself? Or is it because someone else around you seems to have a great sex life, and you envy them? You cannot work on yourself if you’re busy focusing on someone else and what they have. For all you know, whatever they are doing won’t even be fun for you. Plus, you cannot build on what you have if you cannot see it. Look at where you are and be appreciative. Think about what you already know you like, and focus on building from that foundation. If you’re looking at the next car, you can’t see where you’re going.

  • Shame

Sex is one of our most basic instincts. It is a natural, biological act that we have only become more creative with over time. Do not let negativity and shame make you feel like you are doing it wrong. Blaming yourself or your partner is not sexy and will not help you fix the situation. Instead, think positively. Think about the parts of sex that you do enjoy and go from there. Maybe heavy petting is the best part of your sexual encounters right now. That’s completely fine. Work with that and explore it until you both find more sexual activities you enjoy.

  • Rage

Rage and anger are such wasteful emotions. They require so much of our energy and rarely contribute to any solutions. Your disappointment is valid, but anger alone is not the answer. Instead, use that energy to design a positive plan to make your sex life better.

  • Guilt

This is a common sentiment among people having lackluster sex on a regular basis. You know you’re unsatisfied but don’t know what you want. It’s probably because you never really took the time to explore sexually, and now you feel it’s too late to admit you don’t know what you like. Perhaps you have low self-esteem and don’t feel like you are attractive enough to deserve good sex. For whatever reason, your environment has not been very open or positive about the act of sex itself. This can leave you feeling guilty about your own curiosity, frustrated by your lack of knowledge, and regretful that you didn’t figure this out sooner.

Stop all that negativity today. Just because your past was in darkness does not mean your future can’t be sex-positive. So resolve today to move in a different direction. You may be surprised to hear that a Love Psychic can be a helpful mentor on this journey. They can help you unblock your obstacles and have amazing sex for the rest of your life.

How Old is Your Soul?

How Old is Your Soul?

Do you spend a lot of time contemplating the meaning of life? Have you ever visited a place for the first time, only to have it feel strangely familiar to you? Do people often say that you’re wise beyond your years? It’s quite possible you have an old soul.

Souls age just like bodies do, but their cycle progresses much slower. The cycle can be compared to our physical ages with similar stages. The new soul is like an infant. It grows to become a child, a youth, a mature soul, and eventually an old soul. A focus on big-picture topics and an interest in nature often characterize older souls.

An old soul manifests in various personality traits for the physical person. Old souls tend to like meditation and other calming activities. They prefer quiet environments like a library to busy, loud places. It should not come as a surprise if you are introverted and spend a lot of time in deep reflection. You may often hear that you’re wise beyond your years and that you naturally do well in leadership roles. Because you care about the world, you may find yourself in careers or hobbies with a humanitarian focus. Celebrities who do a lot of charity work tend to be old souls.

The most interesting thing about old souls is their connection to past lives. This often manifests as a familiarity with places you’ve never actually been. In these past lives, you’ve learned spiritual lessons that were too vast to absorb in a single lifespan. These soul memories are what lead to your wisdom, even if you don’t remember how, you learned the insights you have.

You can foster a better awareness of this type of inherited knowledge with the help of a psychic or spiritual guide. Psychic advisors can help you open this connection and access these lessons to lead a more enlightened life.

Cleansing Rituals: Attract Happiness with Magic


We all reach a point in our lives when we look around and feel dissatisfied with our current lot in life. You may feel past your prime, as if your best days are behind you. Don’t fall into this negative mental trap!

It is never too late to get a fresh start and live your best life. Who you are now may not be who you want to be, but you still have time. So take a moment to rejuvenate and refresh yourself. Then, practice a few of these healing rituals and attract happiness in your life.

Spiritual Baths

Spiritual baths are great for recharging your energy. They work best when you consider the phases of the moon. A full moon is best for this sort of energizing ritual.

Cleansing Moonwash

Start with 1 quart of witch hazel. Add 1/2 oz. jasmine flowers, 1/2 oz. eucalyptus bark, and 1/2 oz. mugwort and let this mixture steep while you prepare yourself. It is common to take a normal shower before you start so your body is clean. You may choose to fast for a few hours, pray or meditate. Do whatever you need to bring yourself to a place of calmness. Cleanse yourself with the Moonwash. Start at your feet and work your way up your body. Focus on clearing your mind.

Cleansing Sunwash

The procedure is basically the same as with the Moonwash. Start with 1 quart of witch hazel. Add 1/2 oz. chamomile flowers, 1/2 oz. cinnamon bark, and 1/2 oz. oak leaves. Let the mixture steep while you shower, and otherwise, prepare yourself for your ritual. Focus on clearing your mind while you apply the wash from your feet up your body.

Happiness Spells

Attract Positive Energy into Your Home

You’ll need a container of warm water and some lemons for this ritual. You’ll also need the following mantra:

With this wash, I banish negativity from my home.

With this wash, I banish all unwanted energy from my home.

With this wash, I invite the sparkling yellow energy of the sun into my home.

With this wash, I invite love, hope, and positive power into my home.

Squeeze the juice from the 2 lemons into the warm water. Use this water to wash the outside of every door that leads into your house. Once you’ve washed the outside of all the doors, go back and wash the inside. For the best effect, start with your front door. If the lemon water gets dirty, toss it and make a fresh batch to continue.

Once all the doors are cleaned, you can pour what’s left of the lemon water on your front step. Use a clean broom to sweep the water away and out. Focus on your mantra. Repeat it to yourself or out loud while you cleanse away the negativity.

Welcome the sparkling energy of the Sun into your home.

A Simple Spell for Self-Love

When you ask the universe for something, you must speak as if you already have it. This time, meditate in a comfortable position and place. For example, you could relax in a bubble bath or lie outside under the sky. Any place that makes you feel calm is appropriate. Here is a mantra for self-love:

I love and accept myself as I am.

I am worthy of my love and acceptance.

Others love and accept me.

I am worthy of their love and acceptance.

There is someone special and wonderful who loves and accepts me.

I am worthy of their love and acceptance.

I embrace this love.

I accept it into my life.

I give love to others in return.

Repeat your mantra several times and feel the light of love filling your spirit. Feel free to repeat this ritual periodically to enhance your sense of self-love.

Attract Happiness

Happiness is a feeling you have experienced. It’s exhilarating! That’s why we seek it in its absence. The memory of that high leaves us feeling a strong desire to find happiness again. The good news is, you can bring it to you like channeling spirits from the other side.

  1. First, find a comfortable seated position.
  2. Now, breathe in a fragrance that makes you happy. It could be imagined, or you could bring something along to help you. Maybe you remember the smell of funnel cake at a recent carnival, or your favorite part of the day is that fresh cup of coffee.
  3. Next, focus on a favorite pet or a person. Babies are a great choice here. You can see how babies and pets are happy at even the littlest thing. This happiness should be your focus.
  4. Finally, remember one of your happiest moments. Relive that happiness right now, and feel it overflow within you.

Revisit this ritual as often as you need, and soon you will be able to call upon it whenever you need an extra dose of levity in your life.

Start with choosing happiness, and you may be surprised at how the rest of your life is revamped to reflect you better.

Jump into Your Transformation

Jump into Your Transformation

If you are reading this, you are ready for a change. But you’re also hesitating like the caterpillar who emerged as a butterfly from the cocoon. You know things have changed, but are you sure you’re ready?

It’s normal to feel that uncertainty and to want to be fully prepared before you take that first big leap. At the same time, waiting too long isn’t being prepared. It’s procrastinating. Do not let your uncertainty bloom into full-blown self-doubt.

This new direction is supposed to be an adventure. Go for it! You’re as ready as you’re ever going to be.

Embrace the Possibilities

Understand that you cannot just step out onto the mountaintop. You have to learn to climb, which means you have to take that first step. Focus on taking one step at a time instead of worrying about the air at the summit. By the time you get there, you’ll be a mountain climbing master. Getting caught up in the long road ahead will only overwhelm you. Don’t convince yourself of failure before you even try.

You will always feel like you’re not quite ready for the opportunities that come to you. But, like kids with a new pair of shoes, you’ll grow into them. Just start.

What’s stopping you?

Be honest with yourself. You are on the verge of living your best life and shining brilliantly in the face of the world. So what are you waiting for? You will struggle as long as you don’t admit that the only thing stopping you, is you.

Own Your Future

It’s easy to buy into concepts like fate and destiny. The idea of having a predetermined future absolves us from having much personal responsibility regarding where we end up. The thing is, fate is something you CAN influence. Your destiny will be whatever you make it. The universe may guide your choices, but you must make them yourself.

There is one hard and fast rule to living your best life. You have to let go of the things in your life that do not work in your favor. If it does not positively affect you, it needs to go. This can include friends, self-talk statements, habits, and routines. Break out of the small box you’ve managed to cram yourself into. Letting go of negative influences is easier said than done for most of us. But doing it will make all the difference in realizing your full, glorious potential. Be the butterfly, not the caterpillar.

Enjoy the Adventure

We’ve spent most of this time talking about your end goal. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride. Life is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. The difference now is that you are systematically removing the obstacles that stand between you and your dreams. Internal insecurities are nothing in the face of your new-found resolve. Appreciate your transformation as it happens, not just after it’s over.

How to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Best Version of Yourself

How does your life compare to the one you wish you were living? Are you living out your dream? Why not? Your life is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. You are living the life you think you deserve.

That last sentence bothered you, didn’t it? Surely, you deserve more! You deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your life. The good news is, you can get there. You already have everything you need. I’m just going to show you how to get there.

One of the most common places we often feel like we deserve better is in our love lives. Why is it so difficult to find a quality partner and be happy with that person? You start to think you are unworthy or unattractive, but this is not the case!

From now on, we’re going to redefine our perspective. Feeling bad has never helped anyone. You want good vibes only because the higher, positive vibrations attract more positivity and joy.

Let’s practice a positive perspective. If you’re single, remind yourself that there is someone for everyone; and your ideal partner is also searching for you. Perhaps you already have a partner, but they don’t treat you well. Do not let their behavior make you feel less than lovable. You do not have to settle for less than what would make you happy. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason, but that doesn’t mean you must endure a frustrating relationship for the sake of having someone. You ARE able to walk away. Once you are over the initial pain of heartbreak, you will feel supremely empowered for having set a standard.

The world reflects what we put out. That is why the more you accept yourself, the better your life experiences will be. Find a hobby or activity that brings you joy and fulfillment. It could be volunteering in your community or learning a new skill like sewing or martial arts. The key is to find something that feels good to your soul. You need to feel a sense of achievement that remains positive over time.

You are not perfect. You must realize that you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be yourself. You must understand that life will throw you curveballs, which is also okay. Inner peace comes through acceptance.

Spending time in deep self-reflection is a good idea every so often. Ask yourself some probing questions to really see where you are. Questions like:

  • Am I making sure I receive everything I have earned?
  • Am I satisfied or settling?
  • Is my inner voice positive and encouraging or negative and self-deprecating?
  • Am I taking responsibility for my own happiness?

Taking a personal inventory will keep you from sinking into a negative headspace when the goal is to live your best life.

You are worthy no matter what you have thought of yourself before this moment. Love yourself, and the world will respond accordingly. Happiness isn’t found. It is made.

Benefits of Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward

A “pay it forward” principle promotes a great idea of random acts of kindness to strangers in the hope that they, in turn, will do something nice for someone else. Every day in some small way, you can brighten someone’s day with an act of kindness. Not only does it help someone else, but you benefit both mentally and physically.

Here’s how life-changing being kind to strangers can be:

  • Giving Makes You Happier

Did you know that people who spend a portion of their income on others tend to be far happier than those who don’t? This puts a new spin on money-buying happiness. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. It could be something small, such as paying someone’s bill or buying groceries for an elderly neighbor. The joy of giving seems to spark happiness in the brain. Humans are social animals and hardwired to help others. This is why helping someone gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

  • Giving Makes You Healthier

If a psychic reading online prompted you to take better care of your health, here’s an easy way to do so. Being kind to others will make you healthier. Several studies show that helping others can protect us from disease and prolong one’s life. Giving brings joy. When we’re joyful, our stress levels drop, and our immune system gets a boost. Compassion and empathy shove aside negative emotions and release those feel-good hormones called endorphins. And once the bug bites, you might find yourself craving more of the “helper’s high” and continually looking for ways to help others.

  • Kindness Builds Communities

Remember the saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? Many people have forsaken this philosophy and become self-centered. Gone are the days when kids asked the neighbor for a cup of sugar or when people sent casseroles to needy families. Today, people focus on looking out for themselves. In 2010, a Michigan University study found that college students had 40 percent less empathy than young people in the 1970s. As time has gone by, we’ve become less trusting and less giving. Showing neighborly kindness can mitigate many of the social ills plaguing communities.

  • Kindness Breaks Down Barriers

The news is littered with stories of terror and violence. Fear has made people suspicious and has even bred hatred. Yet, it is often amid tragedies that we see strangers helping strangers. This is because inherent in our human nature is the desire to help our fellow humans. Don’t wait for a clairvoyant to predict the next major tragedy to start helping others. Be more tolerant and understanding of others now. You’ll see that every person, irrespective of race, color, or creed, faces struggles and that we all need a helping hand from time to time.

We are living in turbulent times in a harsh world. However, we have the power to change that. As Whitney Anthony writes in her article on Tiny Buddha, “It’s the simple, unexpected acts of generosity that change lives, and a culmination of these small acts can change the world.”

Healing with Energy

Healing with Energy

We have all heard about healing with energy. Unfortunately, most of what we hear is confusing, and all information seems to contradict anything previously heard.  This article will put together all of the information in a way you can understand.

The article will divide this type of healing into three categories. This article is a good way to help you start healing and improve your journey.

What is healing with energy?

We can say we use the Earth and Universe to recharge our psychic batteries.  We renew our energy to heal and survive. As spiritual beings, we need to connect to a source to keep us moving.  We need to connect our energy from our bodies to our minds.

Healing with energy allows the body actually to renew and heal itself naturally. We are more than just our physical body, made up of flesh and bone. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses energy chakras. Our current sciences reinforce the idea that we are all made of energy.  Reiki healing is becoming quite well-known. This is a form of energy healing.  If you can connect with your energy fields, you will be able to focus and gain a more positive outlook which, in turn, makes it easier for your body to heal itself.

Human beings are constantly working with electromagnetic pulses.  All of our physical and emotional problems are connected to a block or imbalance in our energy.  Our daily stress comes from a demanding life. This causes us to go out of balance, and this causes problems such as mood swings and insomnia.   Focusing on positive energy can help the body to heal.

Healers believe that our health issues begin when we are stressed. The stressor can block our energy. Stressors don’t just hurt our energy; they can be a barrier to overcome before we can grow as people.

We need to take care of ourselves. This care includes looking after our personal energies.

By healing our energy, we can clear away anything preventing us from reaching our full potential.

Healing in our mind

We all know that the mind is a very strong force. Our thoughts are connected to both our physical body and our body’s energy.  If our energy is blocked, we cannot reach our full potential.  A way to clear out any blockage is to clear the negative thoughts and energies is to let go of any resentment associated with past trauma and hurtful relationships.  Holding on to the negative will only lead to negative physical responses.

The best way to stay positive is to start each day anew.  Feel your emotions as they come and process your emotions as they come. This way, you can start each day with a clean slate, and it will help keep your body in balance.

Once you begin to balance out spiritually, you can be positive. This will allow you to see your life and the world from a  completely different perspective.  In addition, positive thoughts will protect you from negative energies.

You can also unblock your energies by consulting with a Reiki healer.   The Reiki practitioner will collect energy from the universe and convey it back to you.  This energy goes to where you need it most. You may need a few treatments for your energy to balance out completely.

You can find where your blockages lie by meditating.   Then, you can consult a healer to help you sense your blockages and teach you how to clear them.  These energy healers can see and interpret your aura colors.

What is an energy healing?

Energy is healed through any kind of therapy that works with our physical energy. This therapy helps us better access our body’s own natural healing tools.  In addition, identifying the current state of our body’s energies can help us avoid further or future injuries by helping actually to prevent future stress. There are several ways to heal our energies. Some examples are Reiki, as mentioned above, cleansing the aura, balancing the chakras, and even crystal healing.

While these methods are not a substitution for seeking medical help, they are a good way to get in touch and stay in touch with your spiritual side.  This can influence your mental state. It is important to know that healing through energy isn’t regulated by law. An energy healer does not need a license; however, these healers are usually certified in another type of healing, such as complementary or alternative medicine.

Many people associated with the health profession, such as nurses, counselors, and therapists, are drawn toward working with energy professionals.

When you seek an energy healer, you should ask how they work and their methods.   You can also ask if they have certifications or credentials.   Of course, you should also ask anything else to help ease your mind and soul.