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Unlocking the Sixth Sense

Unlocking the Sixth Sense

Everyone has intuition. We have the ability to process knowledge without knowing we are doing it.  Everyone is born with a certain amount of intuition.  We use it to interact with our world in our day-to-day life.

If you have ever found yourself drawn to a place or object without knowing why or had a hunch when selecting something, this is a sign of your intuition guiding you.

In addition to guiding us to something, our intuition can lead us away from danger.   If you have ever met someone and felt that there was something off or just not right about the person or situation, that is your intuition honing in on the energies of the person or place.

Since our inherent intuition guides us without our knowing it, we can further unlock our sixth sense for further guidance and help.

  • Meditation

Mediation causes you to calm yourself and relax your mind.  This is the perfect time to open yourself to further communication with the spirit world. Still yourself and breathe and open yourself up to connecting.  If this type of meditation isn’t for you, you can do a meditation while walking in nature. You can also try writing or opening up your artistic side to calm your brain.

  • Quiet Time

Find some time in your day, not a lot, just ten minutes or so, to isolate yourself from the world and really check in with yourself.  Notice your feelings during this quiet time.  Once you are still, you can ask your intuition to guide you through a decision that may be troubling you.  Be sure to record your findings or anything else that comes to you during this quiet time.

  • Energy Sensing

This is a very simple process. You can do this alone or with someone else.  First, calm your mind and quiet yourself. Once you are relaxed, concentrate on the heart center.  Notice how it feels. Sense the energies and feelings that come from this area.  You can also try this with any other energy sources, such as the third eye or the throat. This simple process of focusing on your enemies will open you up to your own psychic awareness.

  • Signs & Symbols

Be aware of things that repeat.  These can be symbols or numbers that you see in your world.  This repetition can be a sign for the world or a spirit guide trying to catch your attention. It is up to you to interpret these signs.

  • Dreams

When we dream, we are especially receptive to the messages from our intuition. Keeping a dream journal can help you keep track of recurring symbols and themes. In addition, crystals can help clarify your dreams.

Practice the things on this list and open your mind and senses to the world around you. This will help unlock your sixth sense and reinforce your intuition.

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How Crystals Help You Find Affection

Crystals Help You Find Affection

My client ended her ten years of marriage a year earlier. However, she has tried to get into other relationships, which bore no fruit. We counseled her, and her aides uncovered that she needed to heal from the divorce before finding affection elsewhere. They also advised the use of gemstones to enable her to find affection. I counseled her with precious stones (crystals) and ordered her to make jewel remedy and use them for about 14 days. There was a revelation during our sessions; an inconspicuous power was controlling her profound healing though she had just used her stones temporarily.

Instructions for crystals preparation

Specific stones can be used for physical, psychological, passionate, and soul mending.

You can put the stones on and around the body to help in healing. However, these crystal stones need to be washed and customized before you start the healing process since they accumulate vitality. They can be purchased online, but it’s advisable to purchase them in a shop where you freely choose the ones you are comfortable with and can address you.

Put your crystals in salty or seawater to make them clean, and keep in mind that you need to erase any negative energy.  Then, ask the gem to be re-empowered with its unique characteristics and forces. Delicate stones can be placed on a bed of ocean salt (not table salt) for a couple of hours. You can as well revive the precious stones by putting them in the sun or under a full moon.

Crystal’s customization is simple. Just say something like, “I utilize this gem in light and love for astounding great of all” while holding it in your hands. After that, ponder for minutes with your stone, contemplating what you want to use it for.  What kind of healing do you need? You must be particular. What kind of affection are you endeavoring to find? You trust the precious stone to fulfill your expectations with its great lattice. Proclaim it loud ‘I customize this crystal for————— (your aim).”

Crystal Healing for Affection

You will require various distinct stones for heart healing, just the same ones I used on her: Amethyst points (2-4), Rose Quartz (7), Dioptase (1), and Watermelon Tourmaline (1). These stones shouldn’t be small and don’t need to be big, either. Dioptase can be costly since it is a unique stone and functions well if there has been disloyalty or relinquishment since it’s a great healer. If by any chance you can’t access it, you can use Rose Quartz instead.

Go to a place you can be alone and lie straight and serenely.  At home, I use a spotless space carpet which I place in my living room, and a clean table for customers. Then, if you need a pillow for your knees or head, you can go for it.

You can lay the precious stones out in half a circle from your right elbow and around your head to your left elbow. Begin with one Rose Quartz, then an Amethyst point with the point on the opposite side of your body. Then Rose Quartz, add Amethyst, then three Rose Quartz one close to every ear at the highest point of the head. Proceed down the left with Amethyst and Rose Quartz. Next, put the Dioptase on your breastbone. And Watermelon Tourmaline on your heart chakra.

Allow the vitality of the stones to do their work by resting for twenty minutes. Both stones, therefore, perform their distinctive functions and enable your healing.

During the healing, my client was emotional. You experiencing the same will depend. But it’s important to note this powerful process. Have a belief that it’s working and just enjoy the feeling. Crystal healing practices are steady once a month.

Steps to making a gem Elixir

They can be made by placing a gemstone in spring water. Refined or tap water won’t be compelling. Waters from unpolluted streams can also be used

Put the rinsed and customized crystal in water and put it out in the sun for 12 hours. Remove the crystal and put the water in a bottle. This crystal can be preserved using brandy or vodka, both 50%. You shouldn’t drink this gem, but you can add a few of it to bathing water or spray.

An Easy Ritual for Attracting Affection

Amethyst and Rose can be fused together into a ritual. This is a powerful way of working with crystals. Put them on a spotless table, light two candles, and call your aides. Request the ritual to be directed. Grasp the crystals and let their vitality run up your arms. Put them in your heart and proclaim,” I welcome and attract affection in my life.” Be ready to receive and give affection to your heart. Put them down and contemplate with them. When done, thank the precious stones, release your aides, and put off the candles.

Crystals are powerful

When used accurately, gemstones usually have a noticeable impact. Do not try to belittle their intensities.

Trusted Psychic Readings from Crystal Clear Psychics

How To Get Him Back The Right Way

Get Him Back the Right Way

If you are reading this, I am 100% sure you are interested in knowing how to get your ex back after a breakup.

There are plenty of ways to go about this kind of thing, but the reality is it is not easy, and many of them are ineffective, and not all of them will work for every guy. Each case is different.

You know him best, so check out these tips and choose the ones you think will affect your guy best.

  • Tip 1: Ask to talk to him by making him think it was his idea.

This may sound hard, but it really is not.

When you two are talking (many couples who have broken up still talk to each other), let him know that you have regrets about how the relationship ended and that maybe he will share them with you one day the reasons.

Leave it at that and move on to lighter topics of conversation.

He may not do it right away, but he will eventually have that conversation with you and think that since he initiated it, it was really his idea.

Passing the power to him makes him feel more in control of the situation and, therefore, much more likely to open up to you.

It sounds weird, but it is true.

  • Tip 2: Give him a few weeks of no contact after the breakup.

The time will allow him to have some space and begin to miss you.

Once you hear from him again (they always call you at some point after the breakup), you should let him know that you agree with the breakup and hope you can still be friends.

Once he knows that you are okay with not being with him, he will want you back almost immediately.

Men always want what they think they can no longer have, and your man will be no different.

  • Tip 3: Drop small tidbits to stir his memory.

While you do not want to call him constantly, do contact him occasionally just to keep you on his mind.

For instance, you can text him that you have just watched a movie that made you think of him since you saw it for the first time together.

Then throw in something casual such as asking him how he has been.

Do not text him again until he answers the first message, and even then, text him back only if he seems to be keeping up a conversation.

If he simply texts back, “I’m good,” then drop it for now and try again later.

  • Tip 4: Act like you just don’t care.

If you run into him somewhere, pretend he means nothing to you.

Do not be rude but do act indifferent to seeing him.

It will drive him nuts wondering why you are suddenly not pining for him.

These are all great how to get him back after a breakup tips, so choose one or try them all because one is bound to work!

This is one question that troubles the mind of all those that are not confident about themselves. If you are worth a second chance, your ex will have to give you that, as doing otherwise will be their loss.

Here is what you need to do so that your ex will take you back willingly:

  • Don’t expect fairy tale endings
    If you expect a fairy tale ending, you are very wrong. Such happy reunions happen only in fairy tales. In real life, your ex will want you back only if you bring something valuable to the table.
  • Accept your faults
    First, take ownership of your mistakes without commenting or pointing out your ex. Your ex will have to deal with his introspection themselves. Each one has to deal with their demons in the relationship game.
  • Promise to change for the better
    Just accepting your mistakes is no solution. You will have to ensure that they are not repeated again, and for that, you will have to train and retrain yourself. This takes time, and you must be patient until you have internalized all the changes.
  • Deliver more than you promised
    Your ex expects certain changes in you as you expect them to change. However, surprise your ex by delivering more than they expected. Be a better person on many fronts, and help your ex make a decision in your favor.
  • Don’t overdo the apology act
    One honest and dignified apology is enough. Overdoing it devalues you, and your ex will not like it. Also, don’t expect your ex to apologize whenever you meet them.
  • Get an image makeover
    Prove to your ex that you are worth dating and that others find you attractive enough to woo you actively. Change the way you dress and carry yourself. Lose the extra pounds if you have grown thick in the waist or on the hips. Just changing yourself on the outside will yield short-term results. If you want to be with your ex permanently, then change from within too.
  • Ask your ex out
    After the initial few weeks and after you have reconnected with your ex, test the waters by asking your ex out. If your ex likes the changes and is flattered by the new look you are sporting, they will surely agree to your proposal. That will be the answer to your question.

After a breakup, many people continue calling their ex. We often just cannot resist the urge to talk to our ex because we are still in love with them. Though you may want your ex back, there are different ways to go about winning them back. Instead of making yourself appear needy, you can do many other things to make your ex long to be with you again.

  • Stay Occupied With Friends
    Instead of annoying your ex by calling, stay occupied by going out with friends. Make plans and go on trips to keep your mind off picking up the phone every few hours. This will give you more things to focus on.
  • Associate Yourself With Guys
    Find someone new to keep your attention off of your ex. Since you are already going to be out with friends, you might as well get to know people better. This doesn’t mean that you forgot about your ex. It just means that you are trying to keep your thoughts from returning to him.
  • Get Away
    Take a vacation to clear your head. Since you have just been through a breakup, a vacation could be just what you need. Staying at home thinking about your ex is only going to tempt you even more. So instead, take some quality time to get your thoughts together.
  • Reassure Yourself
    Reassure yourself that maybe you are better off not calling him. You don’t want to dig yourself too big of a hole, or else you might have trouble getting out if he doesn’t want you back. So ignore him for a while and see if he comes to you first.
  • Get Rid of His Number
    The only way you are going not to appear needy is by not calling anymore. So get rid of his number, erase it from your phone, and forget you ever had it. This is the best way not to feel tempted to call him.
  • Actions
    Sometimes actions will speak louder than words. Instead of calling him, show him how you feel through your actions. You want him to call you first instead of you constantly calling him.
  • Stay Active
    Stay active through activities that you enjoy. This will keep you busy, which is exactly what you need. If you don’t stay active, you are allowing your mind to wander back to him. The more you think of him, the more you are going to try calling him.

Managing Major Life Changes

Managing Major Life

Sooner or later, by choice or by circumstance, you’ll likely find yourself facing the opportunity to start your life over. Maybe you’re ending a long-term relationship, moving to a new city (or a new country!), committing to a healthier way of life, or changing careers. Whatever the change is, you’re certain to experience different feelings amid the upheaval and are likely to face some major challenges. Simply put, you’re beginning your life again!

While change is never easy, there are certain steps you can take to make this period of change more manageable and to ensure that you’ll come out the other side thriving.

Here’s a short list of six things you can do to ease the transition as you start your life over:

  1. Envision the Life You Want

This time of facing change presents a great opportunity for you to do some soul-searching regarding how you want your new life to look and feel. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What about my old life was unfulfilling?
  • What should my new priorities be?
  • What would truly make me happy?
  • If I could do or be anything, what would that be?

Use these questions as a jumping-off point to dream up your new path and start yourself on the right foot.

  1. Start a Journal

This time of transition is ideal for putting pen to paper or starting a new document on your computer to jot down your feelings about starting your life over. Write out your goals, needs, fears, and expectations. You may also want to include some inspirational quotes.

Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Don’t worry about writing in complete sentences. Maybe don’t even write at all! You might prefer to draw pictures instead. Well, go ahead! The important thing is that you’re creating a record of your journey. This record will help you stay on track, so you can get to where it is you want to be.

  1. Don’t Forget about Self-Care

During this time, it’s important to focus enough attention on yourself. The stress of wanting to start your life over will likely be difficult to manage. Don’t let caring for yourself fall by the wayside. Be sure to have a healthy self-care routine in place. This routine is critical for transitioning with ease.

Be sure that you’re getting enough sleep and that you’re exercising and eating right. Also, be sure to devote time to positive thinking. This is not the time to waste your energy being around people who are discouraging or who may be trying to dissuade you from achieving your goals.

  1. Take the First Step

Whatever it is that you’re embarking on or moving towards, it won’t happen until you take the first step. Every new beginning starts with one simple step. Then, it continues as you take another, then another, then another.

If you’re ending a relationship, get rid of your ex’s stuff, and clear out the photos that remind you of the relationship. If you’re seeking a new career path, revisit your resume. If you’ve decided to make a significant lifestyle change, clear your pantry of foods that will keep you from meeting your goal.

  1. Stay on Track by Asking for Help

As you start your life over, enlist the help of a supportive friend or family member to be your accountability partner. Having a “cheerleader” as you go through this transition will help you feel less alone and make you more likely to keep going, even when it’s difficult.

This person can act as a sounding board for you as you make this transition. The partner should also be able to listen to your progress and encourage you to remain on this new path if you get discouraged.

  1. Look Back on Your Progress

As you continue your journey, don’t forget to look back occasionally to see how far you’ve come. Seeing this tangible transformation over time will continue to inspire you as you do the work to start your life over.

Every now and then, page back through your journal and read a few old entries, or scroll through photos of your past to remind yourself who you were then and who you’re becoming. You might even consider meditating on what your life would be like if you didn’t make a change.

Those six steps will help you face significant changes with courage and self-awareness. In addition, they’ll help you grow as you move on and transition into your new life.

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Choosing The Good Thoughts and The Law of Attraction

Good Thoughts

As a psychic consultant, I address a wide range of various individuals. It’s an intriguing job. Individuals are unpredictable but then share a variety of likenesses. Something that interests and rouses me is seeing the Law of Attraction at work in my guests’ lives. The same number of you know this is the guideline for showing your objectives and yearnings through positive thinking. Working with the rule that “Thoughts get to be things,” it gets to be clear that we ought to pick great musings. In any case, by what method would we be able to really place this into practice?

Worriers From an Early Age

We have learned to be adept worriers from an early age. We see our parents and the adults around us worrying and learn from them to do it ourselves. It’s actually a method we use as humans to feel “safe” and be prepared for any eventuality. But ironically, it has the opposite effect, leaving us feeling stressed, exhausted, and trapped in a never-ending cycle of negative thinking. In my experience, many people could list endless ways a situation could go wrong, but rarely can they visualize the numerous ways in which it could go right.

Pretend It’s Yours

I recommend clearly visualizing your desired end result to simplify the manifestation process. Perhaps it is a secret wish that you have not shared or something you have presumed to be just beyond your grasp. Feel the happiness, the gratitude, the sheer exhilaration, as if your desire has already manifested and is yours. Hold on to that feeling and see the mental image in detail. In my experience, the universe delivers time after time—sometimes in the most surprising ways!

Turn Your Thoughts Around

Being mindful of your thoughts is a wonderful way to bring a sense of balance to your life. Sometimes people are unaware of just how negative their thoughts are, and they reinforce the negativity with language. Think about how often people thoughtlessly exclaim, “Typical!” or “Just my luck!” when something negative happens in their lives. But if you can turn your thoughts around, you can make it so that great things are typical for you. Don’t expect the worst. Don’t hedge your bets. Don’t worry about tempting fate. Allow yourself to believe that you can have and achieve everything you’ve hoped for.

Reinforce With Gratitude

Focusing on gratitude can help us avoid attaching neediness or desperation to those things we want. That neediness reinforces a feeling of lack; as I have discovered, energy begets energy. So count your blessings, and soon, you will count more. This has to be a conscious decision for many of us as our negative thought patterns and words can be a matter of habit, ingrained over the years. In our spare moments, many of us replay negative past experiences and project those feelings onto the present and future scenarios. But you can break the pattern and change the habit. Practice makes perfect, after all. Spend a few minutes every day allowing yourself to fully believe that you deserve to be happy and see very clearly in your mind’s eye the outcomes you most desire.

Make positive changes by choosing happiness and gratitude this year. Expect the best, be ready to receive it, and then see what unfolds. It has been scientifically proven that optimism and mindfulness are actually good for your health and absolutely fantastic for stress management. So, 2016 could be an abundant year!

Signs That You Are in a Good Relationship

Good Relationship

Most individuals are involved in complicated relationships because people are complicated. At the point when two individuals find each other despite seemingly insurmountable opposition, their desires might be distinctive. Two particular identities that each convey distinctive things can have a great deal of issues. So, it’s no big surprise that most connections are makeshift. You may wind up attempting to choose in the event that you are in a decent relationship.

“I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.” – Roy Croft

What do you think are the characteristics of a good romantic partner? Is it time to commit to the person you have been dating? An intuitive reading may help to clarify the situation.

It takes time and energy to build a good relationship. Relationships are not instant. You may be attracted to someone “at first sight,” but you shouldn’t have unconditional trust and love until you get to know them. You will have to figure out if it’s worth it to keep investing time, energy, and emotion in your romance. Ask yourself: what is a successful relationship? Standards may vary among couples, but there are some important signs that you are in a healthy, happy relationship.

10 Signs of a Good Relationship

  1. Equal Partners

The ideal couple, in today’s world, are equal partners. They make decisions as partners. Deal with finances jointly and share responsibilities. There should be a balance in what each brings to the relationship. Partners give and receive in equal proportion most of the time. In the past, men dominated women and handled all the couple’s decisions. In modern society, some couples (both men and women) still enjoy allowing one partner to “take care” of another. More and more men are taking care of the children while the women work. There are also some more traditional relationships out there, where women run the households and don’t contribute financially. Whatever the roles you take, each person needs to be comfortable with their responsibilities in the relationship. You may not seem to fit the current ideal for equal partners, but if you are comfortable and happy, you are on the right track. Usually, you want to feel like your partner would be a good parent. If you have children from a previous relationship or want children in the future, keep this in mind.

  1. Communications

To be secure together, you have to understand each other truly. You can achieve this understanding through open communication. Both parties must feel free to tell each other anything. They need to know that their partner is listening. Both of you need to be open to feedback and respectful of the other person’s need to vent.

  1. Chemistry

You attract each other at every level. Intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional attraction is important. If you are bored with your partner, this is a bad sign. If you enjoy talking to them but are not interested in a physical relationship, this is a friendship. There is nothing wrong with having friends. The chemistry should be in all areas to have a romantic relationship. It’s important that you are proud of your partner. You both enjoy each others’ company and are not ashamed to introduce them to your friends and family.

  1. Trust

You should be secure in each other. This sense of security may be a feeling that grows within your relationship. At some point, it becomes acknowledged that you have each other’s back. For example, if you are in an exclusive, monogamous relationship, there is no suspicion or fear that the other party is cheating. Trust is based on self-esteem and experience.

  1. Respect

You must feel like you are with someone that is worthy. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration. This feeling is mutual. You both admire each other’s abilities and qualities. Each partner should also respect the other partner’s friends and family. This is a warning sign if your partner tries to separate you from your family of origin or doesn’t want to meet your friends. Each person takes responsibility for their feelings and behaviors. There should be no blame and no shame in a healthy relationship.

“We are all a little weird, and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love,”

— Robert Fulghum

  1. Joy

Your partner should make you laugh. You should be able to laugh together. In each other’s company, you should experience happiness, not fear or insecurity. When people pair off, they should feel that they are enjoying themselves. A joyless couple has no future or a bleak future at best.

  1. Acceptance

When you can enjoy spending time together, you are on the right track. In a successful relationship, it’s important that you accept each other as you are. Each of you may have bad habits. On the other hand, you will both have wonderful assets. Acceptance of both the bad and the good is essential. You must not invest time and energy in trying to control or “fix” the other person. If your partner is belittling or trying to change your views or behavior, take this as proof that there is a major flaw. The relationship is destined to fail if you want to change each other.

  1. Compromise

In any long-term relationship, compromises must be made. If you have disagreements, you should allow the other person’s opinions. There are some couples that belong to different religions and political parties or have diverse beliefs. If you respect each other, you should be willing to allow them their beliefs. Many arguments and disagreements require the ability of both sides to “give a little.” No two people agree on everything. You must allow the other party their views. Compromises achieved through emotional blackmail, whining, and finger-pointing are not true compromises.

  1. Affection

If you are with an amazing person but don’t feel like you care that much, it may be time to move on. Sometimes love grows with respect over time. It may also grow in one person and not another. We all have more than one soulmate in each incarnation. There are many possible partners. Don’t settle for less. Sometimes you find you are in a deep and unromantic friendship. Even though the relationship is wonderful, romance is missing. You may need to let your partner go. Set them free so they can find someone who can love and appreciate them. You need that same freedom.

  1. Encouragement

It is often said that healthy couples bring out the best in each other. A relationship is healthy when each person encourages the other to succeed. There is no fear that one will outgrow the other. A healthy relationship should nurture the freedom of each partner to pursue individual interests, education, and personal growth. You enjoy doing things together and are happy when your partner succeeds outside of the relationship. Remember that relationships don’t come with guarantees. Recognizing a potential romantic partner does not mean that it is destined to be. True empowerment is learning to recognize when you are on the right path. An intuitive reading may help you sort through the complex maze of compatibility and commitment.

Dating After Losing a Spouse

Dating After Losing a Spouse

After your loved one dies, your life will turn upside down. Whether that person was your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, and no matter how long you’ve been together, your whole life will change. What you planned to do together in the future has suddenly gone. Christmas and New Year will never be the same again, and the times you spent together before will be the only memories you will cherish. However, life must go on with the longing for intimacy and love.

Dating after losing a loved one is one of the hardest things you can do in life. You are trying hard to open yourself up to another person, knowing that you may experience that loss again. You may have the feeling that you are betraying the memory of the person you love. You may feel unfair to the new person because they aren’t the person you intended to spend your life with. All these are normal feelings. Dating after death is a big emotional battle; however, you can overcome all these negative feelings and survive.

What You Need to Know About Dating After losing someone

The first thing you need to know is that there is nothing called “the right time.” In the beginning, you will almost certainly be overwhelmed with loss because you feel there is no room for dating. But over time, this feeling will vanish gradually, and good times you remember will turn to memories, and you start to have that feeling that you’re ready to date—your heart will start to beat when a man on the street makes lingering eye contact, for example. This could be months or could be years. Grief is a characteristic feature, and it differs from one to another. For some people, especially older ones, who suddenly find themselves alone for the first time in years, a loss may lead to depression. For others, losing someone stimulates them to maintain life. So there is no definite “right” thing to do when it comes to dating.

Once you start dating, one question arises: “how open should you be to your date?” It’s difficult to answer since every relationship is different. However, you need to be honest with your new partner. That doesn’t mean identifying yourself as a widow on your profile or discussing the funeral on the first date. But when a relationship comes up, you should be honest. Part of being honest is to tell your new partner about your loss because they have a right to know that you have been hurt and you still have sorrow and memories that might be different from their experience.

You should tell them about your loss because, in some ways, there is no certain time for “getting over it.” Dating doesn’t mean you stop loving or missing a person and start loving another. Even if you are happy with your new partner, memories with your old partner can return. This is normal. We are humans, not robots. We can’t lock our emotions and feelings. It’s more complex than that.

Also, it is not fair to make comparisons between your deceased and new love. But your new partner should also be willing to accept the fact that there will always be part of you dealing with loss, and they won’t be a perfect fit for that hole because no two people are the same. Humans are complicated and difficult beings, and every relationship comes with its own tension. Always be open with what you are feeling, and respect your partner’s jealousy—a perfectly human behavior—together, you can work things out.

However, your new love should understand that you can’t change your past; your past is part of you, and you can’t simply give it up. You have been honest with them from the beginning. They should be there to help you overcome these negative feelings and emotions and not stress you more.

The most important thing is that you have a right to be happy. Being happy again with someone else doesn’t necessarily mean that you are betraying your old love. After all, they loved you, and part of love is wishing happiness for their partner. We are social creatures. Life never stays the same, life has always been about the rise and fall, but in the end, you are a human being, a creature who needs love and care.

Some people think it is romantic to never date again. And It is fine if you decide so because you have the right to live your life the way you want it to be. But it isn’t a betrayal, nor is it a failure, to feel that first romantic spark with someone else, to date, and to fall in love again after the death of your partner. You can move on if you are honest with yourself and your partners. The past will always be a part of us, and that doesn’t mean the future is blocked off.

Love, Romance and Soulmate Psychic Readings

The Advantages of Not Living Together

Not Living Together

Are you thinking about moving in with your partner? 

Keeping the mystery alive in your relationship could be a reason not to cohabitate.  Another reason is to keep the mystery alive.  One of the key components of romance is leaving something to the imagination.    If your partner is super neat and you are incredibly messy, your romance may suffer when you bring these two personality types together.

But you may also see the good side; you love being together, wouldn’t living together be ideal?  This may make sense in the first stages of relationships, but living apart can also help keep things fresh. It’s not just people in long-term relationships that are doing this. Some couples who are married are also choosing to live apart.

  • Keeping your Independence

The group LAT (Living Apart Together) is a conglomerate of people who are in committed relationships and are exclusively attached to each other but choose to live apart.  The people in this group tout the benefits of staying independent.

  • The ability to take a break

Some who choose to live apart say that LAT provides them with a place to embrace their quirky selves without compromising on chores, temperatures, television volume, etc.  They can also take a break from the world without being afraid they are insulting their partner.

  • Having the Ability to End Things Without Entanglements

One of the prime times for couples to move in together is when they become engaged.  Whether or not they acknowledge it, this is a test of their ability to make compromises on their living space.  This, however, can lead to other complications.  If the living situation doesn’t work out, the partnership has to dissolve all of the shared assets, not to mention having to get along with someone you are not in love with.

  • Appreciation for Time Spent Together

If you see someone every day, you can grow to take each other for granted. Also, you may begin to get on each other’s nerves for minute reasons that you would have never noticed if you weren’t together all of the time.

There are good sides to living apart. Romance may last longer because of the mystery. On the other hand, you can keep your independence, end things if you want/need to, and gain a better appreciation of each other.

Understanding The Meaning of Your Dreams

Understanding the Meaning of Your Dreams

Your Dreams Are Insightful!

Are you having a hard time remembering your dreams? Do you often wonder what your dream meant? Some people have better dream recall than others, but everyone dreams. Have you experienced sitting down, looking at nothing, and your mind going round and round, trying to remember what your dream is? I can help you remember and understand your dreams! 

  • Diary of Your Dreams

One way to help improve your dream recall is to keep a dream journal. Buy a journal and keep it on your bedside table with a pen or pencil. Or, if you’re more tech savvy, record your voice recalling your dream. Then, after a night of dreaming, try to recall what you remember in your dream journal upon waking.  The more you do this, the easier it will be to recall your dreams. Just give this process three weeks, and you will start remembering more of what is in your dreams.

  • Record Every Detail

No matter how you choose to keep track of your dreams, make sure you record every detail you can recall. Even the most minor details have meaning. Be sure to consider your senses and think about the following questions: What did you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell? Where were you? Were you near water, in a forest, in a house, or in the desert? Who was there? Did you recognize anyone? How did their presence make you feel? Have you had this dream before?

  • A Deeper Meaning

Each detail leads to a deeper meaning. Sometimes dreams answer questions or offer solutions. Sometimes they help us deal with stressful situations. Some dreams even tell us what’s about to happen. So when you record your dreams, think about what’s going on in your life (at home or at work) and see if there is a connection. You may be surprised to know that there is usually a connection.

  • The Astrology Connection

Be sure to include the date of your dream. Often, there is an astrological or numerological connection. Astrology and numerology are fun ways to take your dream interpretation to the next level. As a numerologist, I can add that deeper level of analysis to your reading.

  • Dream Dictionaries

You may have seen a dream dictionary in the bookstore. A dream dictionary often includes common dream elements and explains them. For example, the dictionary explains what that means if you lose teeth in a dream. If you fly in your dream or if you are near a river or ocean in your dream, the dream dictionary can tell you what all those symbols mean. However, what’s true for one person may not be true for you.

I love dream analysis! It’s one of my most-favorite requests from my callers. It’s really rewarding for me when I make a connection between a caller’s dream and something they’ve been struggling with. Then I give them the next steps, if appropriate. I also love tying numerology into a dream analysis reading because dates and numbers also play an important role! So, if a dream stumps you, call me! Let’s figure it out together.

Still In-Touch With Your Ex?

Still In-Touch With Your Ex?

How would you feel if you ran into your ex somewhere? Would you greet them, or would you find a place to hide? Do you hope that you will continue to communicate and stay in touch? Is it possible to be friends with someone who was once the most important person in your world?

You Know Them Well

Someone you used to love is not easily removed from your memory. You have shared memories and emotions, and experiences.   These are not easy things to just put aside and erase. Some think that keeping in touch with your ex can only hurt you and delay the healing process. However, some also think it’s possible to maintain a friendship with your ex.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Time To Move On!

Sometimes you shouldn’t try to be friends with an ex-love.  If they treated you badly during the course of your relationship, you should not try to be their friend.  If you lost the spark somewhere and think you may be sticking around hoping to rekindle the flame, you shouldn’t be friends.  If you have a tendency to over-glamorize the past and over-reminisce, you shouldn’t be friends.  If it didn’t work the first time, it’s highly unlikely that it will work this time.

  • Don’t Let Go!

Just because it didn’t work out romantically, it doesn’t mean you can’t be friends. You do know each other well. You know what you like and don’t like.  You have a solid foundation for a friendship. It doesn’t mean a friendship won’t work out, either. But it’s not a good idea to jump into a friendship right away

  • A Healthy Friendship

This type of friendship can work if you keep in touch and truly care about your ex and their well-being. You can still celebrate shared events, and most importantly, you can be supportive.

Some Challenges

If you don’t set clear boundaries with your ex, it may be difficult to maintain a friendship.  When this happens, your romance may spark up again; this would be problematic if you have already moved on to a new partner.   If you do have a new love, be open and honest about your past relationships.  Be sensitive to the feelings of all concerned.

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