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When Your Ex Hide’s a New Partner

Your Ex Hide’s a New Partner

When you go through a breakup, it will be time for you and your ex to move on to different lives. You might be tempted to go online and find out if your ex is happy or if they have moved on. Looking at your ex online is something that is normal but if you find out he is hiding his new relationship, you might wonder why.

There are signs that your ex is being secretive about his new relationship. Maybe he won’t answer your questions, or he acts like he doesn’t even know the girl you are talking about. You might wonder why he is even talking to you if he is in another relationship.

What does it mean when he is hiding his relationship from you? There are reasons that an ex might hide his relationship from you, and he might be doing this because he is being selfish, or it could be because he is not trying to hurt you. He might be afraid that you will get your feelings hurt if you find out.

Looking at the personality of your ex is a way that you can figure out why your ex is hiding their new relationship. Look at how your relationship ended and what happened after you two broke up. Your ex might not be telling you about his new love because he doesn’t think it is any of your business. He might be someone that is rude, secretive, impulsive and he might feel that you never treated him right. Since you aren’t with him anymore, he might think that he doesn’t owe you any kind of explanation of what he is doing.

Or he might not be telling you in case he needs time to find out if he is really over you. By not telling you about his new partner, he still can have a chance to get back with you later if things don’t work out with his new love.

On the other hand, he could be keeping this because he wants to protect your feelings. He doesn’t want to go out and show off his new relationship or try to rub it in when he wants to make sure that you are okay first. He might have moved on and hopes that you have too but doesn’t want to hurt you in the process.

Sometimes an ex will hide things because he is respectful to his ex, and he doesn’t want you to feel like he is pushing the relationship in your face. He might be waiting for you to find a new love before he tells you.

His own actions might not feel right to him, and he might be worried about how finding love after you will affect others. If you have mutual friends, then he might be afraid that he is going to upset them or make them feel bad because he moved on. He might worry that if he tells you that he is with someone that you will lose your hope of getting back together with him.

He might do this because he wants to make sure that you aren’t going to get hurt in the process or he might be doing it because he is a private person. Some people don’t like to flaunt their relationship to everyone, and he might just want to protect his new love from the public eye for a while. He might want to just enjoy being with someone without having to hear about how terrible he was to you.

When you have emotional ties to someone that you have broken up with, sometimes it is better to not know what they are doing now. You might not want to see him with someone else and the truth is, since you are no longer together, he doesn’t have to tell you something he doesn’t want to tell you. He deserves to be happy just like you do, and he doesn’t need to get your approval to find it.

Checking in with the Spirit

Checking in with the Spirit

We all know someone or maybe we are that someone that has been in a bad relationship in the past. Maybe the relationship was just toxic or maybe it was even abusive. You might even know people that are so kind and loving that you cannot ever imagine that they would be with such a terrible partner.

The loving nature of others and their generosity will often make you wonder what kind of bad luck they are having in their relationship. You might find that you feel lucky to know this person, but they seem to fall into terrible relationships at every turn.

Maybe you have known this person forever and you have a strong relationship with them. The relationship that you have with them could be something you have in common such as kids, loss, grief or almost anything. This might even be the kind of person that you can share everything with from joy to pain.

A friend that has a gentle spirit and is kind and loving is one that you would think would be with a partner that would have similar traits that they have but as they go out and get into toxic relationships, you wonder what they are thinking or why this happened. You wonder how someone so kind would be subject to abuse both verbal and physical.

If this is something that has been going on for a long time, you will be there for that friend, offering to give them love and care that they need. Maybe you question why they stay in that kind of situation, but they don’t really want to talk about it.

Maybe you have someone that told you that they stay with them because they are afraid to leave, afraid others will talk about them, afraid of their finances or afraid of breaking up the family.

This fear is something that could be coming from the ego though and is not something coming from the spirit. The world is meant to be loving and kind, but people often find themselves in situations where there is none of that.

Listening to the Spirit

We should never listen to anything but the spirit. We cannot allow the judgement of others to hold us back. Our intuition is there to guide us and to help us to be our higher self and to be better. Our soul is the truth that we have that will last for a lifetime. Once someone learns to reconnect with their inner being, they can see that they can trust themselves and can learn to listen to their inner voice.

As a shift happens and you see that there is a transformation inside, you will be able to make decisions that are for the higher good. Stop letting the ego and the idea of others to hold you back from doing what is best for your life.

The best thing that anyone can do is to take time to listen to themselves, seek out their higher self and to find peace in their decisions. Find a spiritual practice such as meditation that will allow you to connect with yourself. Explore the things going on in your life and see if that is what is best for you. Change your life for the better.

How Chakra Meditation Helps You

Chakra Meditation

Are you someone that is easily stressed, or you feel stressed out often? If so, it could be because you have unbalanced chakras. When your chakras are unbalanced, it can leave you feeling depressed, down in your emotions and feeling that you are not mentally or physically well. Having balanced chakras is one important part of your health.

Why Does Chakra Meditation Help?

Being someone that is stressed or even someone that has physical issues such as being overweight or getting sick easily can happen because you have chakras that aren’t balanced. The chakras are part of your energy source and if they aren’t right, you aren’t going to feel your best.

Seven Different Chakras

There are seven different chakras in the body and each of them are part of the body and have a specific element they are associated with. They also have a color that works with them to make them stronger and to work better. These go from your head all the way through your body.

Muladhara or Root Chakra

This is the part of your body that helps you to know what you need such as shelter, food, health and more. This is found at the bottom of the spine. If the root is balanced, it will make you feel that you have what you need and to feel safe but unbalanced it can leave you stressed and depressed.

The color associated with this is the color red and the earth element.

Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

This is the chakra that is where your sexuality lies. It also is where you get your creativity from. You can be encouraged to be more artistic and to change if needed.

When this chakra is balanced, it can help you to have better self esteem and when unbalanced you might have addictions and problems with eating.

The color associated with this is the color orange and the water element.

Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

This is the chakra found in the upper stomach area. This gives you power to have strong spiritual and mental goodness.

If this chakra is balanced it can help you have a strong gut feeling and give you strength in your life. But as an unbalanced chakra it can make your memory bad and leave you stressed.

The color associated with this is the color yellow and the fire element.

Anahata or Heart Chakra

This is the chakra found in the middle of the chest and is connected to your heart and to the lungs. When this is balanced it can help you to love and have forgiveness.

Having this chakra unbalanced can cause problems with breathing and with blood pressure and make you not able to forgive.

The color associated with this is the color green and the air element.

Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is found in the throat area, and it helps you with your throat and other parts of your body. It allows you to be able to communicate good with other people and to have confidence in yourself.

When this chakra is balanced it helps people to speak truth and to say what they need to say but when unbalanced it causes problems with speaking and can cause the gums or teeth to be in pain.

The color associated with this is the color blue and the ether element.

Anja or Third Eye Chakra

This chakra is found between the eyes, and it helps you to be open to your spiritual self. It can allow you to have visions and to be more aware of your spiritual self. When this chakra is unbalanced though, it can cause you to have headaches and problems with the eye.

The color associated with this is the color indigo and the light element.

Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

This is the chakra that is found at the top of your head. It helps you to be open to your gifts and helps you to feel part of the universe. When this chakra is not balanced it can cause you to feel that you don’t belong in the universe or make you feel depressed.


When you are ready to meditate, you need to start at the base and work towards the crown chakra. Here are some ways it can help:

  • Make your love life better and help you to feel loved and to not be stressed.
  • Can change your attitude and make you feel more positive.
  • Helps you to have healing of your heart or if you have lost someone that you love.
  • Can create better relationships for you and help you to deal with things such as anger or pain.
  • It can help to balance your body and your mind. It will make you more aware and allow you to have good sleep, peace and stronger energy.

Final Thoughts

If you want to be more positive and you want to be healed, having balanced chakras is important. Try to do yoga and other things to get your energy moving and see if you don’t feel better in the process.

Are You an Earth Angel?

Earth Angel

Earth angels are people that are very caring and creative. Many of them are artists or musicians. Some Earth angels know how to manifest things for themselves and for others and some can even control he weather. The purpose that Earth angels have on this earth is to serve others and so they allow toxic energies to come into their space so others can heal.

Being an Earth angel is something that is an amazing trait. If you are an Earth angel, then some will consider you to be lucky. Here are some signs that you might be an Earth angel:

  • You are loving and compassionate.
  • Your aura fills the room and makes people feel good.
  • You accept people for who they are.
  • You are not judgmental.
  • You are there to rescue people from the world.
  • You want to help those that are needy.
  • You don’t like conflicts.
  • You will let people be angry at you and not fight with them.
  • You want people to be happy.
  • You want to feel loved.
  • You worry that you might bother people.
  • You try to stay connected to friends and family.
  • You don’t ask for help.
  • You are afraid of using others.
  • You have insecure relationships.
  • You chase after people that feel bothered by you.
  • You always feel like you bother people.
  • You never compete.
  • You leave behind things so that others can win.
  • You want everyone you meet to be successful.
  • You know that you have powers and you let the world see you how they want to.
  • You know that silence can be the best answer.
  • You choose peace over anger.
  • You want the world to be a better place.
  • You want to see the injustices of the world go away.
  • You fight for the rights that people try to take away.
  • You are a lover though and not a fighter.
  • It is hard for you to have conversations with people that are controversial.
  • You want to have relationships that are meaningful.
  • You give and give and give.

If you are an Earth angel, then you are one of the blessed people on the Earth. You are considered a light to everyone who meets you and some might even call you a lightworker. The good that you have inside of you helps to make the world a better place, even when you don’t feel like you are doing anything.

Keep pushing and being the best that you can be. Stay connected with the universe and continue to show love and light to everyone you meet!

Using Pranic Healing to Get Strong

Using Pranic Healing to Get Strong

Prana healing is based on the prana and was developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. This is considered a Chinese medicinal practice and it is sometimes called the Chi or the Ki.

As Pranic healing systems were studied, they have found that there are ways that a person can learn to heal other people and even themselves. This is something that has been practiced since ancient times. We know that we have a body that is a physical body, but we also have a spirit or an inner body that is made of energies. This energy is both positive and negative depending on what is going on around you and is sometimes called the aura.

Even scientists have found that the aura is real and that blood flows through the body and this is sometimes called Prana. Since there are different vessels that the blood and energy flows through, there are places that can be in need of a healing.

What is Pranic Healing

Pranic healing has two laws, the first is the Law of Self Recovery and the second one is the Law of Life Recovery. This tells us that the body can heal itself and that there is life in the body as long as there is recovery.

As healing happens, the energy will begin to flow correctly, and it will go through the whole body. This is a chemical reaction and light can help to make this happen. Pranic healing allows the energy to flow at a faster rate and allows the natural healing in the body to happen faster.

Source of the Prana

There are three sources of the Prana including the Earth, air and solar prana. The solar prana comes from the sun, and it causes the body to be healthy. When someone goes out into the sun for a few minutes each day, it is filled with vitamins and minerals that can make the body strong. This is important.

Air prana happens when we breathe. As life goes in and out of the body through our breath and our energy, we are able to feel the energy increasing. When this is absorbed through the body, our body knows when we need to deep breathe or breathe slower.

The Earth prana allows the body to get energy through their feet. This happens when you walk barefoot, and you pick up the earth energies.


The chakras are the energy centers, and they help to make Prana healing happen. As the energy works, it has minor and major chakras that are able to send energy to parts of the body that need it and allows the organs to work correctly.

  • There is a basic set of chakras that work with the spine and help to control the whole body such as a root would for a tree. This is where the root chakra comes from.
  • For sex, there are organs that help with this and there are energy centers that help to make this strong.
  • At the back of the belly button there is the spine and there are energy centers that control this and the organs such as the kidneys.
  • The belly button serves as a place where the small intestine and appendix sit and allows them to work correctly.
  • The spleen is in the ribs, and it helps to keep the bodies blood purified and to keep germs from destroying good things in the body.
  • The solar plexus chakra helps with the area between the ribs and helps to keep the stomach, intestines, heart, lungs and stronger.
  • The heart chakra is found in the middle of the chest and works with the thymus gland and the circulatory system to keep it working correctly.
  • The throat chakra is found in the throat and works with the thyroid glands and the lymphatic system.
  • The third eye chakra is found in the middle of the forehead and helps to control the brain, eyes and nose.
  • The forehead works to keep the brain safe and to work with the nervous system and the pineal gland.
  • The crown chakra is found at the top of the head and helps to protect the brain and the pineal gland but also works to make the whole body strong.

Using Meditation for Grounding

g Meditation for Grounding

One of the best and easiest was to calm and rest your mind is through meditation. Meditation puts you in a place where you can be in a calm state of consciousness. This is different than when you are awake, and you are always thinking about all of the things going on in the world around you. With meditation, your mind will be relaxed, and you will be able to focus on what is going on inside of you.

Meditation is there to help to bring you peace and calmness. It is part of who you are. The hardest part of meditation is to try and calm your mind and allow yourself to explore who you are. The mind is what holds people back the most in meditation. But, with practice, you will see that you can reach this state of consciousness that will bring you the peace you need.

Practicing meditation can help you to be able to look at what is going on around you now. This helps you to be able to focus on balancing your mind and your attention. When you are not focused, you will be anxious or restless and this will make you not be able to be comfortable.

Meditation can help to get rid of anxiety and stress and it can help you to clear your mind. This can also increase the feelings of calmness and help you to have peace and to be aware of the energies that surround you. As you practice this, you will see that your mind will be more open and excited to the world around you.

Kinds of Meditation

There are all kinds of meditation and not one is going to be the “right” one. Meditation works differently for everyone, and you have to decide what is best for you.

Refocusing Meditation

Refocusing or concentration meditation is when you meditate, and you are able to focus because of an object you look at. You focus your mind on what is in front of you and when you feel that your mind is going to begin to wander, you concentrate back on the object in front of you. This practice allows you to be able to concentrate better.

With concentration meditation, this helps to improve the mind and the memory. It allows you to connect with other people better and helps you to focus your mind on details that you need to remember.


Mindfulness meditation is a meditation that allows you to be more aware of what you are thinking about and what your mind is concentrating on. When you begin to focus on something other than meditation, you need to be mindful of what you are focusing on. You will be able to see if there is a certain pattern that you need to notice.

With mindfulness meditation, you are able to be more aware of what your mind and body are focusing on and feeling. It also can allow you to be more aware of what emotions you are having, allowing you to get rid of any built-up stress. This kind of meditation can help you to sleep better and be healthier in your body.

What is Grounding?

Grounding is when you are connected to the earth with your body. This is where you will share the vibrational frequencies that your body has with the world around you. Being grounded can help you when you meditate.

Using Grounding Meditation as a Beginner

Are you someone that has a hard time concentrating or you find your mind wandering or daydreaming throughout the day? Do you work in a place that brings a lot of stress? Have you tried to ground yourself, but you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere with it?  By practicing grounding meditation, you can see that you can feel better in your mind, body and soul.

Meditation and Grounding

Once you decide that you want to meditate, you need to take time to make sure you are grounded. You need to look at the area around you and see what kind of energies you are feeling. Let the energy of the earth surround you. Here are some things you can do to be grounded:

  • Go outside and walk barefoot in the grass.
  • Walk barefoot in the sand and focus on how it feels.
  • Talk to trees, hug one or touch a flower. Let yourself connect with the living things in nature.
  • Try finding an earthing mat, patch or band when you begin your meditation.

Preparing to Meditate

  • Don’t take your phone or other electronics with you.
  • Make sure that you are in a place that is quiet.
  • Give yourself at least 20 minutes.
  • Use an earthing product such as a mat, band or patch.
  • If you choose to sit on the bed or a chair, make sure that your feet are on the ground, and you are sitting up tall.
  • Put your hands in your lap and put your palms facing the ceiling.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Be comfortable.

Breathing with Meditation

  • Focus on your breathing.
  • Breath in deeply and slow through the nose and then exhale your breath.
  • Allow your mind to focus on your breathing.
  • If you become distracted, go back to paying attention to your breathing.

Visualizing with Meditation

  • Imagine that you are by a tree.
  • Allow your energy to focus on the earth.
  • Imagine that the tree has a trunk, and it is going through your body to your feet.
  • Let the trunk reach into the earth.
  • As you are deep breathing, let go of negativity. Allow any anger or hurt to leave and go into the earth.
  • Allow your energy to grow and let positivity come to you.

Using Mountain Meditation

  • Imagine that you are by a mountain. Think of all the details.
  • Let the mountain fill you and imagine that you are being the mountain.
  • Be calm and sit quietly.
  • Do not let storms or anything distract you.
  • Allow yourself to be still and to feel close to the earth.

Being Still

  • Allow your feelings to come to you and let them rest.
  • Take a few minutes to be calm and peaceful.
  • Focus and allow your mind and body to come back to the room you are in.
  • Open your eyes and then journal your feelings and emotions.

Using Numerology to Determine Compatibility

Using Numerology to Determine Compatibility

There are different numbers in your life that can help you to know what kind of life, personality and relationships you should, or you do have. When different numbers are paired together, it can show compatibility and stability.

Life Number

You can calculate your life path number by using your birthdate. Here is how:

  • Add the numbers of your birthdate for you and your partner.
  • Add the numbers for each person together.
  • Make them a single digit by adding them together or reducing them.

Number Characteristics

Here are some characteristics of the numbers:


  • Independent.
  • In charge.
  • Leadership qualities.
  • Works hard.


  • Loves to be with their partner.
  • Analytical.
  • Has good romance.
  • Supports others.


  • Creative.
  • Positive.
  • Strong.
  • Happy.


  • Practical.
  • Follows traditions.
  • Easily grounded.
  • Strong and stable.


  • Excited over changes.
  • Loves to be on adventures.
  • Sensual.
  • Likes to eat.


  • Loves family.
  • Takes caution.
  • Very responsible.


  • Eccentric.
  • Spiritual person.
  • Wants to be part of mysteries.


  • Open to business.
  • Loves to have things.
  • Materialistic.
  • Stern.
  • Leadership qualities.
  • Likes to be in charge.


  • Loving.
  • Compassionate.
  • Caring.
  • Old soul.
  • Enlightened.


  • Spiritual.
  • Enlightened.
  • Hard to deal with.


  • Loves to have goals.
  • Reaches their goals.
  • Steady.
  • Successful.
  • Moves with the times.
  • Believes in justice.


  • Spiritual teachers.
  • Lifts others up.
  • Inspires others.

Who Do They Fit With?

People that are compatible are able to live together and be in peace and harmony. Here are some examples of people that are able to fit together well:

  • Independent people with leaders.
  • People that love to be with sevens and are happy in a crowd or even on their own.
  • Challenges to the 1 are 2, 4 and 6.
  • 2’s like to be with partners.
  • 4’s are people that are serious and are practical in life.
  • 6’s are domestic people.

Bottom Line

The thing to understand is that numerology can help you to see who you are compatible with, but it doesn’t mean that being with someone or in a certain relationship means it won’t work out. Life is different and different aspects can make things work out even when the numbers don’t show that.

Be knowledgeable about who you are and what you want in your life before you get into any kind of relationship rather compatible or not.

Why Soulmates Will Not Meet All of Your Needs


People are often confused about what a soulmate is, and they think that a soulmate is someone that will meet their every need and will be their knight in shiny armor that will be with them forever. The truth is none of these things are really true.

A soulmate is someone that will be a connection for you. They will attract you and you will be drawn to them in a powerful way. It will be as if you have known them forever, even after meeting one time.

As time goes on, you will have a strong love for this person, and it will be so strong that it will make you wonder if you have ever really loved someone before.

A soulmate connection is different on each level. The first level will be calmness and peace and you will be joyous when you are with them. When you aren’t with them, you will have a hard time because you want to be with them so bad.

You will see that this is a bond that is not like any other bond that you have ever had. You will see that this is a beautiful bond and that you have been given a gift like never before and this will make you feel thankful and loved.

The truth is though, you cannot just think of a soulmate as being something great. A real soulmate is something that is completely different than this.

When you meet your soulmate, you will become someone different. You will change and become the real you. Each soulmate that you meet will help you to become the best that you can be but that doesn’t mean that they will make you happy.

A real soulmate connection is like yourself, reflecting back at you but showing you all of the things that you need to change about yourself. The purpose of a soulmate is to help you to be the best that you can and to live the best life.

Some people will want to date and meet people but when they are married, they feel that they are in prison. They are people that often date a lot and do not commit until they date for a while and they meet the one.

These people might have a fear of dating because of being committed, even though they are attracted, and they want to be close to the person. It takes them a while to see that marriage can actually be freedom and peace.

The universe will send you the perfect person when it is time. It won’t matter if you need to keep growing or if you have problems inside that you need to work through. You will see that you will have the right relationship at the right time.

If you are wanting to meet someone that will meet every need and desire that you have, you will probably be single, maybe even forever. But, if you are up to meeting a soulmate, you might find love in a different way than you imagined.

This person will be great to be around, but they will challenge you to be the best that you can be.

Maybe you are someone that has a hard time talking about your feelings. The soulmate will come to you and make you learn to express what you are feeling.

Is Your Soulmate Here?

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to determine if your soulmate is with you:

  • Are you and your person true to who you are in the relationship?
  • Do you accept each other’s flaws?
  • Do you get over issues in a productive way?
  • Do you focus on solving things or blaming each other?
  • Are you both moving forward and growing together?
  • Do you love and respect each other?
  • Do you want what is best for each other?
  • Are you pleased to do nothing and just be together?
  • Do you have a connected mind, body, and soul?

Even if you haven’t met the right person for you yet, you might be waiting to meet your soulmate. Be open minded about who you meet because people come in different forms at different times.

Becoming an Automatic Writer

Becoming an Automatic Writer

Automatic writing is when someone is able to write because they are channeling into the spirit world. This is one psychic gift that some people have. This is a gift that you can increase and develop over time if you learn to open your mind and focus on what you want.

It is easy for people to do automatic writing because all you have to do is to make sure that you open up your mind and you have paper and a pen handy. This will allow your mind to get information and messages and then to let them come through on paper. If you want to talk to the spirit world and know what they are saying, you can do automatic writing so that the spirit can give you information without you judging it.

Put a pen in your hand and have some paper. Ask the spirit world to talk to you. When you focus on your automatic writing, you will be able to get guidance that you need form the spirit world. You will be able to hear angels and guides and you will write down what they say to you.

You can use automatic writing while you are typing but the old-fashioned way is doing it with pen and paper.

How to Automatic Write

When you want to do automatic writing, you start by breathing deeply and relaxing. Have your pen and paper with you and find a place where you can sit that is quiet and relaxed. Find somewhere to be that you won’t be distracted.

You can find a quiet room and then ask the guides to give you white light to go around you. Once you have that white light, center your energy, and choose to connect with the spirit world.

Here are some things you can do:

  • Imagine that you are grounded through your root chakra.
  • Feel that the light is surrounding you.
  • Breath in deep.
  • Imagine white light coming back to you.
  • Let the light flow through your body.
  • Let the light take you to the divine source.
  • Be open to the light.

Then, put your pen down on the paper and ask your guides to give you information and to help you to do automatic writing. If you want to get information, tell your guides to give you that information.

Relax your mind and body and keep your heart open and wait for the message to come. As your pen goes, write down what you feel. Do not give up.

Automatic Writing or Faking It?

You will know if you are automatic writing or if you are faking it. When you connect with the spirit world, you have to trust yourself and believe that you are doing the right thing. You have to know that you aren’t the one doing it.

If you believe in your spirit guides, then you will see that they can help you to do this and give you the experiences that you want to have.

The best thing to do is make sure that you write down whatever comes to your mind because you will connect with the guides. Don’t stop yourself from writing and don’t judge what you write down.

Connect with your guides and just write whatever they want you to write. Once you connect and you write things down, you can then ask questions.

When you feel that you are done writing, be done with it. Thank your guides and angels for being there for you. Let your chakras close and let the energy of the universe come to you.

Once you finish automatic writing, you can go back and read the message that you wrote down. Keep all of your messages in a journal so that you can read them later.

Don’t worry if your messages don’t change your life or if you don’t understand the message right away, your guides will give you the information that they want you to have. They will give you the information that they give you for a reason. You will know what they want you to know at the time.

As you move on in your gifting, you can ask more questions and get more answers. You can connect with your guides in a fun way, and this can be a great way to practice your giftings. Make sure that you keep your vibrations strong before you start.

Automatic writing is something that many psychics do. If you have had this experience, you will know that it is interesting and fun.

Narcissistic Love Patterns

Narcissistic Love Patterns

As soon as you laid your eyes on this person, you knew you loved them. You finally feel that your life is perfect, and everything is working out for you. Finding new love can feel out of this world. As soon as life begins to calm down though, chances might be that you start to see that things aren’t how they were at first. As with any relationship, this happens but you need to make sure that you look at your relationship and see if it is a healthy relationship.

If you feel that your partner loves themselves more than they love you, many people experience this. People are all the time finding themselves with people that have NPD or narcissistic personality disorders. This is something that is very common in the United States, but the problem is, if you find yourself in this kind of relationship, it can be hard to get out.

Knowing A Narcissist

You can spot a narcissist if you learn to look for certain behaviors. This kind of personality thinks that they are perfect. They love themselves way more than they love someone else. This makes it almost impossible for them to ever really love another person. Even though this kind of personality is really good at hiding their disorder, there are certain traits that you can look for and you will know if you are dealing with a narcissist:


A narcissist will believe that they are above everyone else. They will think that they are smarter, better looking and that they are too good for things that are not upper class. They believe this one hundred percent about themselves, and they expect everyone else to see it as well.


On top of being the most important person around, the narcissist believes that they are entitled to whatever they want. They expect to be treated better than anyone else and they believe that they deserve to have whatever they want. When they don’t feel entitled, it makes them angry and sometimes aggressive.


When a narcissist is around someone, they expect them to admire them. They want to be around people that praise them and that give them the admiration that they need to feel good.


A narcissist will not treat people well. If someone has a lack in their life, the narcissist will make sure to blow that up and will make sure to put them down in some patronizing way. They will do whatever they can to make themselves look better.

No Guilt

Narcissists often have no guilt and no sense of empathy for others. They do not care what other people feel and they treat people like they are things instead of human beings. They take advantage of others whenever they can so that they can get what they want.

Narcissist Cycle

Many relationships that someone has with a narcissist will come with three different cycles. It will be idealization, devaluation, and discard. These are stages on how the narcissist will treat their partner.


In this stage, you will be with a narcissist, and they will move quick to make you feel that they are the perfect partner for you. They will make you feel that you have found a gem. They will go out of the way to make you fall in love with them and they will make you feel that you have met your soulmate.


In this stage, you will feel that you are meant to be with this person but then out of nowhere, their personality will start to show. They will be kind and loving at one time but then out of nowhere they will start to put you down. They will criticize everything that you do and will tell you that you are crazy or insecure.

They will cause you to question if you really have friends and they will tell you that your people aren’t good for you. If you question them, they will act like a victim and they will blame their parents or their ex for their own actions.


Once the narcissist can no longer feel praised by their partner, they will become abusive. They will be the one that comes out on top of the relationship, but they will keep insulting them and putting them down. They will make them feel that no one will love them, and they will make them feel like they are unworthy of love.

Love Patterns

Narcissist will have different relationship cycles, but they also have common love patterns that are often seen. When you can figure out these love patterns, you can understand the behavior and you can learn to protect yourself from this kind of relationship.

Love Bombing

This is when someone manipulates you with love. When you are first with this person, they will always show you love and affection. They do this so that you will trust them and feel that they like you. It will make you want to commit to the relationship fast. Here are some signs of love bombing:

  • They say all the right things.
  • They make you feel like the relationship has no problems.
  • They say I love you fast.
  • They do everything over the top.
  • They want to be your hearo.
  • They treat other people badly.

Focus on You

They always communicate with you and will call and text all the time. They will talk about all the things your life is causing and they will help you when something bad is going on with you. They will do this because they want you to think of them as a hero and so they will give you reasons to make your life better.

Later in the relationship though, they will bring this up to you and will tell you that they were always there for you. This is a big red flag.


Narcissist will know what they are doing, and they will give you small warnings. Because they show you so much love though, chances are that you will miss their warnings. They will tell you that you deserve more, and they will be cute and say things that you really need to listen to and pay attention to.


The narcissist will want to get sympathy from you. They will make you have no confidence in yourself, and they will make you lose your self-esteem. They will start to make up things and will tell you why you are acting the way that you are.

They will act badly and then they will blame it on things their parents or their ex did to them and how much it hurt them. They will do this so that you can feel sympathy for them.

Not Taking Responsibility

A narcissist is never at fault for anything bad, even when they do it. They will always blame their behavior on you or someone else. Sometimes they will use this technique to make you think you are the reason they act the way that they do.

Leave and Come Back

A narcissist will make the love bombing part of the beginning of the relationship so that you will praise them but then out of nowhere they will disappear. They will do things to make you think that they have left you and you will wonder what you could have done wrong.

Then they will come back to you and make you feel the best you have ever felt. They will do this so that you will feel addicted to them.

A Narcissistic Relationship

If you find yourself in a narcissistic relationship, you need to know that there is hope and that you can get out of the mind games that you are facing.

See Them for Who They Are

You have to see this person for who they are and what they are doing to you. Do not think about the good things they have done but see the negative things and the hurt they are causing.

Focus on Yourself

You have to focus on what you want in your life, and you have to breakup with them. Do not let their unrealistic behavior hold you back.


Every relationship needs boundaries and if you are with a narcissist, this is even more so. Boundaries will help you to be protected and will keep you safe.


A narcissist will feel threatened when they think that you are leaving them, and they will demand things from you. They will try to distance themselves and then come back. Have boundaries and do not let them cross them or they will keep going in the same cycle with you.

Spend Time with Others

Take time to spend with your family and friends and spend less time with your partner. This will show them that you will not take their nonsense.


Find a new hobby and volunteer your time to help others. This will make you feel good and will not make you feel that you need to be validated.


Find a support group or someone that can help you to deal with yourself after being in this kind of relationship.

Get Help

When you get with a narcissist, they will hardly ever admit that they have a problem. Try to get them to admit this and get professional help for them and for you. They will have no empathy for you, and they will hardly ever take responsibility for what they do.

They will have complex emotions and when you can get them to talk to someone that will not judge them then you can help yourself and them to move forward and to find a way for change.

It is shown that people that get therapy have an easier time dealing with their emotions. Therapy will help both people in the relationship to get past problems and to figure out how to help the unhealthy relationship. They can address certain problems and give treatment. Therapy is a useful way to keep the barriers and can help the couple to make it through these situations.

Therapy can be online or in person and when you are dealing with someone with complex emotions, therapy can help to work through the emotions so that the person can learn to control themselves. If you are in this type of relationship, get the help that you need right away.