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Real Signs of Love

Real Signs of Love

True love is like having the perfect relationship.  You can see if your love is true by the following signs:

    • When you can only keep your eyes on your partner.
    • When you look at them, you feel like your heart skips a beat.
    • Takes time.
    • Isn’t just lust.
    • Is not an infatuation.
    • Has a strong connection.
    • Sexual arousal is very strong.

When you wonder what true love is, you need to know that to have true love, things need to go slow, and the relationship needs to build.

When you first start dating, this isn’t love; this is just a feeling.  Even if you are crazy for someone, you aren’t really in love.  You are just in the first part of love, the part where you are attracted to them, and they arouse you.

True love is something that is not really defined; it is a love that we all want and chase after.

True love is when you have someone who isn’t there because of what you have, but they like you for what you are and understand you.  You are angry at them when they hurt you, but when they do something great, you are proud of them and never jealous or rude.  You don’t let your ego take over.

When you find someone you truly love, your behavior changes, and you become a better person because you have found someone special.

When Does True Love Happen?

True love takes time to happen, and it isn’t right away in any relationship.  If you think you are in love with someone that you just met, you are more than likely to experience arousal or infatuation.  When these feelings begin to fade, you might experience problems in the relationship, and you might argue or fight.  This is when real love starts to come into the picture.  This can be a turning point where you turn away from each other, or you break up because you feel that you are not compatible.

If you both understand each other and feel that you should be together after this stage, chances are, you are on your way to true love.

Having True Love

True love is not something that can only happen once.  You might experience this over and over again in life, and you might have this happen with your spouse or with another partner.  In addition, you will feel true love for your children and your family members.

True love can change as time goes on, and those of us who have experienced true love know that love can be special and heartbreaking.  But when you find true love, you aren’t afraid to try new things, and you aren’t afraid of things ending badly.  People know in their hearts that true love is there, and they become fearless.

When you are with someone, and the relationship becomes sour or the love begins to fade, it can take years to get over that relationship.  It can cause people to split or cause people not want to love anymore.

You might decide that a relationship will not ever reach true love, and what happens in your life can change how you feel about true love.

When you wonder if true love and romance are the same, they aren’t; even though romance plays a big role in love, you cannot base love on just sex.

Forcing It

You cannot force true love.  True love has to be something you want, which comes naturally.  You cannot fake it, and you cannot experience true love unless your heart is pure and you understand that you have to relate and communicate with your partner in order to find real love.

True love comes when you and your partner want to be together all of the time, and you get a bond that is selfless and all about your partner.

Signs of True Love

True love is not easy to define, but you will know if you have true love in your relationships by these signs:

  • Give and Get

With true love, you are able to give love, and you are able to receive love back from your partner.  You will have the desire to please them, and you will show this with your actions.

  • Happiness

True love brings you happiness, and just by being with your partner, you find that you are happy and smiling all the time.

  • Pain and Hurt

You might get hurt when you are upset with your partner, but they will never make you downright angry.  You will get aggravated at them for a few minutes, but you will not be able to stay mad at them for long.

  • Giving

When you find true love, you want to give of yourself completely.  You will do whatever it takes to make your partner happy.

  • Effort

True love brings effort, and you will improve yourself and try your best to please your partner and to make them feel loved.

  • Hurt

You will never hurt your partner or want to pay them back for what they do.  Likewise, you will never want to see someone else hurt them.

  • Keep Your Word

When you make promises, you will stick to them and never break your promise to your partner.  When you have true love, you will be strong and morally right towards them.

  • Us

A true love relationship is not a me and they but an us.  The relationship becomes one bond, and you become closer each and every day.  Your partner becomes part of your present and your future.

  • Sharing

You and your partner will share everything, even in suffering.  If there is a burden, you and your partner will share it together.

  • Pride

You will always be proud of your partner and happy when they do something great.

  • Jealousy

When you are jealous, it will never be of your partner.  Instead, you will want them to do well, and when they do, you will support them and be happy for them.

  • Suffer

You will suffer if you have to in order to see them happy.

  • Their Point of View

When your partner has an idea or a different point of view, you will listen to them.  Then, you will plan your ideas in ways that it will make your partner happy and will not upset them.  Finally, you let them be involved in the decision-making in life.

  • True Love

If you are in a relationship and you don’t feel that you are experiencing the signs of true love, chances are you aren’t, or you might not have given the relationship enough time.  This is because true love takes time, and you have to make it past the part of infatuation before you can ever reach true love.

Take time and see if you and your partner fall in love.  You cannot force this, and you cannot make something work out that isn’t meant to be.  If your love doesn’t bring you happiness, you might need to take some time off and date other people.

If you feel that you are both happy, don’t try to change things.  Be selfless and love no matter what.  Let the perfect love come.  Try to understand your partner and help them to understand you.  Soon, you might find that you are experiencing true love.

Have You Lived a Past Life?

Past Life

It is almost impossible to figure out information from your past life.  Some people remember things from their reincarnation, while others will see them only in hypnosis.  However, you can see clues about your past life if you learn to pay attention and see what is happening in your life.  Different ebbs of life go in cycles, including birth, flowering, aging, dying, re-growing and more.

It makes sense that our lives are always changing because of our energy, and the energy cannot be gotten rid of or destroyed, so it has to go somewhere.

The biggest thing to remember is that there is a difference between your ego and your essence, and it is your ego that dies and is afraid of dying, and your inner being or your essence never dies and travels to different places.

Reincarnation is when you experience living, and there are clues, if you pay attention, that will tell you if you have lived a past life.

  • Beyond Your Age

When you feel uncomfortable or feel that you have sensory overload because you are beyond your age, chances are that you used to have a simpler life.  You long for this and wish to reconnect with that part of yourself.  You only feel good when you are close to nature and outside.

  • Dreams

If you always have the same dream, specifically of certain people or places that you have probably never been to, chances are that they are trying to connect to your current life from your past life.

  • Being Psychic

When you can read other people and their past life, chances are you can see their successes and failures.  You can see where they have lost things and loved other people, and you know their enemies.  Sometimes you can connect with people from your past life.

  • Intuitive

Being intuitive means that you are sensitive to things around you.  This can be feelings or spirits.  For example, you might just have a feeling about your past life and know that you have experienced that same thing at some point.

  • Memories

Remembering things that you don’t know about or having flashes of memories can mean that you have lived a different life.  For example, if you remember telling a secret or hearing something, this can be a sign.  However, memories are not déjà vu and need not be confused.

  • Déjà vu

Déjà vu is when you feel you have done something or been there before.  This can be a situation, a place, or a person.  Sometimes, even smells can bring about feelings of déjà vu.  It is said that at least 1/3 of the world has experienced some type of déjà vu.

  • Healer

Being a healer in your past life brings up the possibility that you will be a healer in your present life. For example, you might have been a nurse in the past life or healed other animals, plants, or people at some time.

  • Fears and Phobias

Having dread or worry can be a sign of past life trauma.  For example, if you are afraid of water or spiders, chances are you had a violent death by those means in your past life.

  • Rebirth

There is no real guide about reincarnation, and there are many stories that people tell.  There are also different theories, such as that people are conscious beings and individuals but that the soul will need to mature, and that is why it will sometimes attach to another body.

When you feel alone or separate, chances are you need a different body to live in to experience being accepted and whole.

Why Reincarnation?

No one really knows why people reincarnate; it is just what happens.  However, when someone lives a past life, they don’t completely lose those thoughts or experiences, and they need to understand that their soul can go to a higher level.

Opening the Chakra

Opening the Chakra

The Chakra is a big part of New Age thinking, and it is part of yoga and new age thinking.  The chakra helps you to view your life and your body and to have physical healing.  This is different than some things and is part of self-realization that the body and the mind need to be opened, and opening the chakra requires change that can happen after meditation.

The chakras became part of yoga because yoga is part of meditation and can help to calm the mind.  This is how your life revolves around you and can center you in your astral body, your physical body, and your mind.  When your chakra is open, it allows you to reach a higher state of consciousness and can help you to be aware of yourself.

Chakra Yoga and Healing

Sometimes, when people think about balances in the chakra, it is talked about as a disease.  This is when treating the chakra becomes important, but some healers claim that they can bring healing to the chakras, while others feel that people’s energies can change the chakra and bring knowledge through experience.

Most chakra healing is part of color therapy, herbs, gems, crystals, and psychic healers who help with their occult powers to make you better while working on the chakras in the body to open and awaken them.

When you use yoga for chakra, it is not for healing but for understanding yourself.  The internal practice of yoga means that you pray and do what you need for yourself and that you use other things, such as diet and herbs, as a secondary source.

With yoga, most humans will be saved by this spiritual practice, and many feel their chakra is closed and that it does not work right because of a disease or some problem, but this is not true.

When you live in this false reality, you will not be able to see the true body or mind or be aware of your own self, and you will think that since your chakra is closed that you are not able to be healthy and that you will be unbalanced emotionally, mentally and unsuccessful.  The truth is that the chakra goes beyond the mortal parts of this and that it is the center of your physical body and can take part in the digestion, respiration, and reproduction parts of your body.  Therefore, yoga views the chakra as a part of healing but as secondary healing.

Some people confuse their chakra with the functions of the physical body, and they don’t understand that the parts of the body, such as the spiritual body and the physical body, belong in different planes.  Some of these planes can only be reached by dreams, and some with out-of-body experiences.

The chakra is not part of this, and even though it plays a role in your awareness and spiritual awakening, it can correlate with the body and mind, and the two are not the same.


When the chakras come together as one function and have a high source of energy, they can help the physical body.  The role of the kundalini, which is serpent power, is that it is energy that is part of being aware and paying attention to what you are thinking and giving you free thought.  A person has this gift when they are able to move beyond thought and enter a prana or a life force where the sushumna is the center.  This is when you think through your thought process and share an energy with the physical body that cannot be taken away.  When you get the kundalini working and open the chakras, you go into a trance, become part of the unconscious body, and are in a waking state without moving.

Chakra and the Organs

The chakra takes place in different parts of the body, such as the heart, navel, sex, root, and other chakras, and all of them are part of the physical body.  They are also elements of the earth, air, fire, ether, and more, and they control the cosmic functions of the elements, and the chakras give access to our lives.  When a chakra is opened, it means that it can give you knowledge and unity with the elements and the organs.  This is where the chakra is opened and helps the body to function correctly.

An open chakra can make you have a strong sex drive or cause an overly emotional life.  These can be energies that are universal and come with feelings.  The chakra, as the sex center or the heart center, helps the organs in the body to function right, and when the chakra is open, you will see signs such as the physical organ working correctly.

Open Chakra

When you have an open chakra, you can tell by having a deeper sense of being one with the universe and nature.

  • Earth Chakra

The Earth chakra is when you can experience the earth, such as the dirt, hardness, and texture, and you can feel the earth’s vibrations.  You might even smell things and know that you are part of nature.

  • Water Chakra

Water chakra is when you take part in the elements of water, and you are prone to wetness, softness, and coolness in nature.  This is when you can even taste the water and the energy.

  • Fire Chakra

The Fire chakra is the third chakra and is one of cosmic fire.  This is unity with different energies such as light, heat, color, and illumination and gives you an understanding of fire energy.

  • Air Chakra

The fourth chakra is the air chakra, and it is part of motion, subtlety, change, penetrating things, and is part of the life source.  This is when the cosmic air will give you energy and will help to increase your consciousness.

  • Ether Chakra

The fifth chakra is the ether chakra and is part of the experience of space, light, clarity, and structure.  This helps you to understand all of the chakras and the energy around them.

  • Mind Chakra

When the mind chakra or the third eye is open, it opens you to creativity, like-mindedness, discrimination, perceptiveness, and being able to detach.  This allows you to be able to put all of the elements together and have an open mind.  This gives you divine perceptions and manifestations.

  • Consciousness Chakra

The seventh chakra is part of peacefulness, infinity, happiness, immortality, and self-realization.  It allows you to see yourself as who you are and know that you can rely on yourself.  It allows you to experience sounds, lights, deities, and visions.

Psychic Powers

All the chakras work together to help you be part of the universe and become one with nature.  As a result, you are able to work in sub-planes beyond the physical world, and you can use your senses and life force and have power over them.

Not all yoga ideas explore these worlds of the chakra, and it is important to unify them and to notice when there are different things going on in the world.  For example, there can be different images or thoughts, such as bubbles and waves.

Opening the Chakra too Fast

If you open the chakra, you need to have a pure heart and mind and not force it.  If you awaken it too fast, then you can lead yourself to become disturbed and stressed.  This can cause you to lose energy and not be awakened as you could have.  This can bring on nervousness and disturbances in your mind.

This can also cause you to have the chakra shut down and slow down with less activity and cause it to be deranged.


Healers can help to bring the physical body and the chakra in line and can help to treat emotional and physical problems that some people have.  These can be imbalances and can be from an external situation.  For example, the healers might want you to change your diet or to practice yoga or other practices, including gems and crystals.  This can lead to a disciplined lifestyle.

Understanding the chakra is not the end of it, and you have to learn to understand yourself.  You have to be able to reach into nature and focus on the chakras and things that develop around you so that you can understand and know what you are doing.  Things you eat can affect your body, and the chakra is like a map of your body that helps you to know where you go astray.  The goal is always to be seeking.


Siddhis are when there are yoga-like powers that can help you to have power, like levitating someone.  This is when the chakra is open, and other powers enter the body.  These can be physical powers and can bring about energies that you can use in your physical body and your unconscious mind.  These can be visions and trances and can put you in trances where you are often in other parts of your mind and having different spiritual experiences.


When you have different experiences, this can be confusing to some people. It is important that you are self-aware, know your body, and are not afraid of what you will experience, even if it is an out-of-body experience.

Palm Reading Guide

Palm Reading Guide

Though palm reading is often called little more than a parlor trick, it is actually an ancient form of divination. It is much more personal than things like using runes or tarot reading and more flexible than a birth chart, as it can reveal what has been with us since birth and what may be ahead in our future.

As with most practices, palmistry has different forms, some of which are more complicated than others. Therefore, a highly in-depth reading may consider finger lengths and proportions, among other factors, for a more accurate reading.

This guide is about the bare basics in regard to the palm’s major and minor lines, which is much less daunting. Anyone can read a palm, but intuition must be trusted more as the reading goes deeper. Being psychic is highly helpful.

Life Lines

The life line is the first of three major lines. This line is a big deal because it is indicative of health and life path. Though some will tell you otherwise, it does not dictate death. The life line does not move around but can grow or shape if healthy habits are altered.

Look for the depth of the line to determine how easy or difficult life will be. When it branches upward, it refers to positive changes or recovery, though downward tends to lean toward the negative. Seeing a complete break may mean an accident or other sudden change occurred or will occur.

Head Line

Another major line, the head line, is considered the most important in palmistry for the Chinese. Also known as the wisdom line, it represents everything mental in life. This includes things like intelligence, willfulness, intuition, and for some, how you react to or receive information when it is shared. When the line has waves, it implies a creative person, but a single curve is indicative of idealism and curiosity. A line that appears completely straight points to meticulousness and practicality or could mean the person is materialistic or has this type of lean.

Look for the length in this line as an indicator of how actions and decisions are generally approached. If the line is longer, the person will be methodical, but people with shorter lines are more impulsive. Deep lines mean a strong memory, and faint lines tend to show a struggle to focus on any activity. If there is a break in this line, mental strife will likely happen.

Heart Line

The heart line is often called the love line. Some believe this points toward and predicts romantic love, but it can also show how you approach heart matters and emotions. This can include family, friends, or any significant others. This line can have different placements, and that is important. You have a selective yet satisfying love approach if it starts below the index finger. If it begins under the middle finger, then you are likely more selfish, possibly insatiable, toward love and affection.

Look for deep lines to show that much is invested in your loving relationships. A faint line leans more toward an aloof attitude and a disinterest in love. Forking in this line reveals the ability to balance emotions with logic, and breaks show personal, emotional issues. A strong curve means you are perfectly comfortable expressing emotions, whatever they may be.

Relationship Line

Similar to the heart line, this is not just about romantic relationships or the number you may have in life. It is more focused on how commitment is handled. Look for deep, long lines to show that you enjoy long-term commitments. A shorter or faint line points toward experiencing on-again/off-again type relationships in your life.

Fate Line

The fate line, sometimes known as the destiny line, is thought to never change by some, but others believe it can change over time. It represents the influences in your path, including personal choices, career, and even ancestry. Breaks in this particular line show a major loss or bad luck, but a double line can mean a highly successful career.

Health Line

The life line indicates overall health, but the health line can show what you can do as a healer. The more visible this line appears, the more of a natural caretaker you likely are. Those in service or healing professions will likely have a very clear line. Breaks can indicate a personal illness or an illness of a loved one, but a frayed line shows an illness that has come and gone.

Simian Line

The simian line is rare and happens when the love and head line connect. It is also highly significant, especially when appearing on both hands, as the qualities are much more pronounced. Those who have one or both simian lines will struggle to separate decisions from emotions. The presence of the line points toward a controlling type of personality, especially when in a relationship.

Bracelet Line

The bracelet lines are not technically on the palm but on the underside of the wrist. They reveal the level of balance between the mental, physical, and spiritual self. Most people will see three lines, though some may see four which shows a long life. Solid, deep lines can demonstrate a healthy, prosperous life, but less than three lines are indicative of grave circumstances that are soon to come or overall poor health.

The Thin Veil

The Thin Veil

In between the spirit world and our world is called liminal space.  This means there is a threshold that has a space of time and space between the spiritual and physical worlds, and this is called a veil.  This can be in October, November, and the days that are close to Halloween and Samhain.  This is when the veil is the thinnest and the time you can connect with the spirit the most.

People and Places

When the veil is thin, the elements of the earth, such as fire and air, meet; this is where the veil is thin, and people can connect.  This is a larger space, and this is when the veil is lifted, and the places are familiar to people.  This can be the places on the earth such as Stonehenge, where people can meet with the ancient people.

Samhain is the last harvest and the beginning of the New Year and a time when summer and winter are in harvest.  This is a time to celebrate Halloween, but the thinning can even start in September because it is the Virgo season.

Opportunities When it is Thin

If you are a psychic, you can best connect with the spirit during this season.  There are places in your life where the veil will be lifted, allowing you to connect with the spirit world.  If you take quiet moments, then you will see that there are times when you can celebrate your spiritual connections more.

Psychic Abilities

If you do not look at or explore your abilities, then you will not be as open to the abilities or aware of the ones you have.  This can cause your energy to drain, and you do not have the boundaries that you need.  If you choose this, take time to ground yourself, ground your energies, and ensure you are pure.

When the world changes, it can cause people to change, and when time is lifting, there is less sensitivity to the world and the spirit world.  So the more you use your gifts, the better it can be for everyone to connect with the spirit world around us.

Getting Rid of Negative Energy

Getting Rid of Negative Energy

When people break up, sometimes they complain about negative energy from the relationship.  For example, the person will sometimes feel that there is fixation or obsessiveness around them, and they feel this is unhealthy.

The important psychological aspects of obsession are not just an attraction, but it is when there is energetic entwining, which is entwined with spiritual energy.

There are aspects of obsessive fixations, and these need to be understood as well as the entanglement of spiritual energy which is often times recognized and is always there.  Some people will fail to understand that a romantic relationship starts with a fire of passion, and later when the relationship goes bad, it brings up drama. It can burn out and cause the relationship to fail.  Sometimes we put ourselves completely in these relationships and have difficulty healing from them.

Romantic Attraction

Romantic attraction happens through nature and is an unseen magnetism that defies reason.  People feel this and believe things that they usually wouldn’t.

Sometimes people see this as mysterious love, which is unreliable and incorrect.  Once these ideas are accepted, the person is encouraged to become involved with someone, even if there is no real interest.  Spiritual beliefs cause people to have romantic fixations, which are not always divine.  Make sure you are cautious and allow time to see if your love is real.

Spiritual forces are always working to make inappropriate relationships; when you bond with these people, they can be complicated and negative.  This can cause us to be ignorant and have negative energy that tricks and weakens us.  This can drain us and cause us to suffer in life.

We can see that things went too fast when we sorted all of this out.  From a spiritual perspective, we see that existence in this life is temporary on the planet, and we have to follow our mission of the soul.  We need not spend time in unhealthy relationships and work on looking for growth and our purpose in life.

Young people sometimes follow love without thinking about things and think there is a destiny when they aren’t meant to be with that person.  This means there is nothing wrong with being single, and it is not a big deal if you don’t find a romantic partner.

Too many people think that we have to be with someone to be happy, but negative energy comes in your life when you hook up with people you aren’t meant to be with.

When you begin to recover from a bad situation, you can eliminate your negative thoughts and find romantic choices that are good for you.

Pain of Rejection

Most people long for love and want to be romantic and in a sexual relationship from the beginning.  But unfortunately, people are always looking for the perfect love and looking at relationships to be what they aren’t, and the relationships are not always good.  This can lead to a traumatic breakup.

When we look for romance and do not give ourselves chances to find the perfect person, we will have deep spiritual and psychological feelings, which can cause us to be sad or lonely even in a relationship.

We must find changes, mature, and work within ourselves to find the right relationships.  Even when things are painful, or we have been rejected, we have to figure out how not to feel this way and how to abandon those thoughts.  We have to understand that when relationships aren’t healthy, there is a chance for rejection, but that is not bad.  This can lead to false blame, jealousy, and mental imbalance, but we must get free of this.  We need to use the Second Law of Romantic Attraction.

The Second Law of Romantic Attraction means that if one relationship isn’t right for one person, then it isn’t right for the other person in the relationship, either.  So when we argue that we are suffering, we haven’t been rejected, and we need to figure out our reality and count it as a good thing.

Negative energy will come when you are with someone you shouldn’t be with.

Why Love Doesn’t Change

Girls want to have romance, and they watch things like Cinderella and think this is what love is.  Other girls know that men are not easy to understand when they become adults, and romance is not normal.  A generation of people must learn about real love and try to figure it out.  Unfortunately, most people will go without ever figuring it out.

This can also lead to negative energy and cause women to think that men like them when they do not and men to think they can just be friends.  It can also make a man think that they can understand women, and it can change a person’s point of view.  Therefore, it is best not to argue with people.

We have to work on learning to communicate with our partners, which can help us not feel worthless or useless.  If something bad happens, then it can cause negative energy in your life.

When a woman or man breaks up with each other, it can cause them to wonder why the person won’t change.  This can cause the relationship to look dysfunctional.

The imbalance of this type of relationship causes an imbalance of power and can cause people to not be in a healthy situation.  In addition, this can cause people to be emotional and can make them think that love is real even when it isn’t.

Love cannot change people from one thing to another.  Nature has made love the way it is, even if we are happy or have a different opinion.  No one can turn someone into something else in a relationship.

When you are with someone, they are who they are, and you need to know that before you choose to get involved in the relationship.  If you don’t learn who they are, it can hurt your heart and soul and cause you to be emotional and sad.

Let it Go

If you don’t understand someone, let it go.  You do not always have to understand everyone and everything that is going on around you.  Even when a relationship ends, you don’t want to hear about it, and you don’t want to talk about it; you just want to understand it.  A breakup can be understood by someone seeing the relationship, but it is harder for someone who has a failed relationship to see why it didn’t work out.  The problem isn’t about understanding; it is about wanting to understand why they can’t work it out.

When you see what you are really seeing, you can understand the person more.  Why did you want to give this person your heart?  What does this experience do for you?  Can you grow from this?

Something good has come from it, and you must bring closure and understand what good has come from it.  Just because the relationship is over, it doesn’t mean that things have to be negative and obsessive.  You will get energy from how you react, so make sure you do not react with bitterness or pity.

Relationships don’t need permission or understanding to end, and you cannot negotiate with love.  Ending a relationship is not the end of the world; you have to let go so you will not be stuck in negative energy.

Life will show you what belongs to you and where you need to go.  However, you will not be rewarded for having negative energy; it will just cause you to waste a lot of time.

Energy Cleansing

If you want to cleanse your energy from a bad breakup, here is what you can do:

  • Get your power back-do this by removing thoughts specific to that person.
  • Get energy from the former lover-do this by connecting with them in their thoughts and taking out all the energy that you left for them.
  • Aura cleansing-cleanse your aura by taking baths regularly and using table salt. Cleanse yourself and allow yourself to heal.

Love is one thing that can fail, and there are no lifetime guarantees when you love someone. However, regardless of whether your relationship fails, you need positive energy and genuine love to have the right heart and joy over sorrow.

Superpowers Possessed by Empaths

Superpowers Possessed by Empaths

Empaths are real-life superheroes that help heal humanity. This is how we do so.

  • Vision

Awakened empaths have the ability to see symbolism in situations. This simply means they can see what is happening in the world, businesses, and the world with deeper meaning. This view allows for disengagement from the minute details of a situation to focus on the real issues. Empaths can make changes by being visionary leaders.

By taking responsibility for the gifts natural to empaths, referred to by some as a superpower, we can take a stand for the future and bring back harmony into the world. Some empaths feel that the ability to see good in others keeps them vulnerable, but when used with discernment, it is a powerful and rare tool. If you feel taken advantage of as an empath, work on discernment to be better protected.

  • Intuition

Everyone has intuition and a gut feeling, but empaths have a unique gift. The ability to receive or feel intuitive guidance requires a strong sense of self and self-respect. Self-esteem is equally important because it allows us to heal and maintain a healthy body.

When we lack things like self-esteem and self-respect, it can negatively affect relationships. This can cause a lack of certainty, and our lives may feel somewhat out of control. Part of being an empowered empath is mastering energy, emotions, trust, and even respect for oneself.

  • Psychic Ability

Empaths are not just emotionally attuned but psychically as well. Similar to intuition, these feelings of insight can come in different ways. Sometimes it is a mental image and gut feeling, but it may vary for empaths. When this happens, trust the feeling and be there for those you are alerted to as much as you can.

  • Presence

Empaths have an extraordinary ability to be with others. Though the gift is often ignored as a form of self-protection, empaths often fear being overwhelmed by the energy others produce which can be a drain.

Instead of keeping a distance, learn skills that will help. This is confidence in personal abilities so that you are able to communicate personal needs and feelings appropriately. Given the powers of the empath, simply being present can serve as a healing tonic for those around. If you remain hidden away, you are doing nothing to help the world. Empaths amplify higher vibrations, so charge up that gift and show up for those in need.

  • Power to Heal

Though some empaths are afraid of the ability, you know you can self-heal and heal others. Are you willing to accept and use this gift? This can be tough because many empaths struggle with feeling hopeless or out of control. Some may suffer from low self-esteem or depression. Others may develop actual physical issues until control of their abilities is gained.

As control over the abilities is mastered, you can see soul-level wounds, build self-esteem, accept the differences, and recognize the abilities. This can take years, but the work is worth it.

  • Creativity

Most empaths are creative by nature and work in fields related to creativity. A natural gift is an ability to create something tangible out of single or multiple ideas. This ability should be used for the greater good.

On the individual level, empaths struggle with anxiety, depression, and, often, exhaustion. Nationally, the government is manipulative, and universally, wounds are nursed with drugs, alcohol, food, and technology. However, this can all be ended when empaths start using their abilities. This can shift fear into love.

Empaths are gifted, and trying to fit into a suffering world only causes more suffering. While it may not be easy, empaths must awaken these powers and let them be revealed. To master this, empaths must live up to their full abilities while dealing with any deeper issues that may be personal in nature. In addition, empaths must be more direct in communicating with others as well. In fact, there are three things every empath must master in order to use the natural gifts that have been given. These include:

    • Using an effective yet efficient system to process energy so shutdowns and lashing out are no longer issues.
    • Establish healthy boundaries that do not give such sanity, and centeredness is assured.
    • Clearly and confidently communicate personal needs, so support and understanding from others can be gained. Along with this, stop trying to be normal.


If you are an empath, quit trying to hide it under the curtain of normalcy. You have a choice: stop buying the lies or enhance your gifts appropriately. Empaths are superheroes. It is not easy, but someone must lead the way. When you are ready, start taking the steps. The world could depend on it.

Listening Carefully to Your Psychic Self

Listening Carefully to Your Psychic Self

Our inner selves speak to us on a continuous basis, but we must learn to listen. Our powerful thoughts could change the world around us, but we must take the time to listen to these hopes, fears, and intentions. We need to welcome these feelings and deeper connections to harness the abilities that are inside us all. Below are some ideas to help you better listen to what is at our cores.

Intuitive Abilities

Each of us has some type of ability, some have more than one, but we must tap into it in order to really be able to listen and share that ability with others.

There are four major intuitive abilities:

  • Clairvoyance – defined as clear seeing- allows us to perceive things beyond the current realm of sensory contact, seeing into the future or another time.
  • Clairsentience – defined as a clear feeling; this is the sensing of the physical and emotional states of others through means other than the five senses. Often feeling the past, present, and future, psychics with this ability can feel information from inanimate objects like houses or buildings.
  • Clairaudience – defined as clear hearing- perceiving the messages, sounds, and words sent from the spirit world that are not audible to the normal human ear. The messages may be heard as if someone was talking or simply pop into their mind.
  • Claircognizance – defined as clear knowing- encompasses the other intuitive senses while supplementing the five physical senses we already have as part of the normal human experience.

While these four abilities were at one time considered a New Age type of thinking, they are now common and often researched in scientific fields and disciplines. In fact, there are probably times that each of us can identify with one of the abilities clearly. Think of a time when you knew something before it happened or knew you should avoid someplace specific but ignored this feeling. When things went poorly, you likely remembered that feeling you had and realized you should have listened. This is the inner voice speaking, but we must learn to listen.

To work on your own natural ability, you must practice, just as you would for a sport. First, find a calm space and relax your mind; some prefer soothing music, while others need complete silence; now let your mind wander. Trying to force a vision or thought is not necessarily effective, so try to simply relax. Then, when a form or vision does come, embrace it.

Most people are trained to ignore intuition which leaves psychic potential undeveloped, but others let these abilities come forth and grow to help others. Meditation is part of this development for most who are practicing. If you wish to know more, books, articles, and full sites are dedicated to these practices. Never be afraid to start listening to your psychic self closely. Your inner voice is trying to offer you a message you need to hear, be willing to listen and seek.

What is the Aura?


Is the Aura Real?

The Aura is real, but how people interpret it is different for all people.  For example, some think it is a vibe, while others consider it an energy.

It is unclear if the energy can manifest the spiritual and physical body; not everyone believes that the aura is part of our state of being.

One way to think of the aura is as the energy that people around you give off.  For example, some people make you nervous or excited, and others make you relaxed.  The aura is the reaction to this energy.

What are Auras?

People radiate low levels of electricity, which is the electromagnetic field.  The ancient medical system believed that this energy is passed in up to seven different layers, and each layer works with the different parts of your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health.  It is thought that the layers can influence the other layers and can affect your health.

Are Auras Vibes?

Auras are like vibes because they tell you something about what is happening around you.  For example, if you are angry, upset, or excited, you know these feelings without even saying anything.

You are tapping in on what people around you are feeling, which is a sense of a vibe telling us what is going on.

Does Everyone Have an Aura?

Everything that is living has an aura around them.  Sometimes, even plants can have an energy field around them.  However, some believe that the human energy field is more complex, and that is because people are more evolved than other things.

It is like our aura is always broadcasting what is going on around us.

What Does the Aura Look Like?

Some people feel that the aura can differ depending on what is happening.  Some believe that a camera can pick up this color of energy, and one type of photography called aural photography can capture the circle that is egg-shaped around a body, which is the aura.

Some artists believe that the aura is shaped like a halo and that it surrounds the body physically.

How Can You See the Aura?

Cameras can capture the aura, but if you don’t have this type of equipment, you might not always be able to see the aura.  Some people say that they can see it when they squint and look in a mirror, but this takes practice.  So instead, try to focus on it and look in your peripheral vision to see one.

Some people see the aura as a fuzzy white light that is a couple of inches thick, but it can take time and attention to know what you are looking at.

Can You See Someone Else’s Aura?

If you are able to see your own aura, you might be able to meditate and know how to focus enough to see someone else’s.  Of course, you don’t have control over the elements that another person has, but some people have a more prominent aura, and this could make it easier to see.

Why Are Aura’s Different Colors?

A different color represents each layer of the aura, and this is how we connect emotionally and spiritually to the aura.

For example, some layers might be brighter because they have more energy, while others are dull based on how stressed or anxious we are.

Not having color isn’t concerning because the aura changes over time and can be any color it wants to be at that time.

Aura Colors

Here is a guideline of the different colors and what they mean:

  • Red-energetic and strong-willed.
  • Orange-thoughtful and full of adventure.
  • Yellow-relaxed and friendly.
  • Blue-spiritual, a free-thinking person.
  • Indigo-Connected, kind, and curious.
  • Violet-Smart, independent and wise.

What Do the Colored Layers Mean?

Each layer is part of the chakra, and so they are the energy within the body.  Some layers will be more dominant, and others will be less dominant.

Red is said to be from the physical layer of the chakra and can be seen between the tailbone and the pelvic bone.

Orange is said to reflect from the sacral layer by the naval.

Yellow reflects from the emotional.

Why are Some Aspects of a Reading Not Coming True?

Why are Some Aspects of a Reading Not Coming True?

Psychic readings serve their purpose, especially when you need to unburden the mind and declutter the soul. Some go to the psychic often to help understand the next steps or pathway in life, but when a prediction or two does not come to pass, disappoint reigns. This brings so many questions to the forefront about the initial predictions.

Free Will

When receiving a psychic reading, it is with the expectation that the predictions will come true, but few remember that the future is never set in stone. While certain elements in our lives are consistent, like eye color, our children, or even a soulmate, free will can change the course of other things.

Psychics are able to see the current path and explain where you are going in the future if the path remains the same. However, some people unknowingly change their own paths without being aware that a divergence can have major repercussions. In some cases, the outcome will still be the same, but in others, an entirely new future has been determined.

Simple choices that are made following a psychic reading can alter your path because you have chosen to change directions thinking that the reading has determines the path, when your choices are actually shaping the future. However, just because your choices changed, it does not mean your path will not come back to where it was predicted, it may just be in a different manner.

Some recommend a reading every 3 months because of the changes that free will can bring about. With consistent readings, the future becomes more predictable because most people stay pretty consistent on a path for at least three months before making choices that could alter the path.

Lack of Contribution

We are in charge of our own futures, but as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. The future will not unfold as we want if wrong choices are made or a path is chosen that leads us away from it.

Most people go to psychics with love or career questions. When the questions are career focused the person is often ambitious and driven in their work environment, looking for reassurance that all the hard work will eventually pay off in the long run. On the other hand, those who want a promotion or better position, but are lazy and unmotivated, will make choices that do not lead to the future they desire unless they change their path.

While a spirit guide can nudge us toward the best possible life, free will allows each person to decide where life will ultimately take each of us. We are in control of many things in destiny and on the life path. While each of us is in the driver’s seat of life, a psychic can predict which roads should be taken to reach the point we desire most.

When seeking the help of a psychic, begin with an intention of being a proactive member in the pursuit of the dreams you desire. Ask the questions about the path that will move you forward in your goals or about the changes that are needed to make yourself stand out on the path.

Finally, keep in mind that the universe is not on a deadline for your life. While the future may be keeping in line with what a psychic predicted, it is unlikely to happen overnight. Be patient. Many of the happenings that we wish to manifest will take time to unfold, so we must stay the path and wait. Even when a psychic reading is clear, exact timelines are nearly impossible to see on the timeline. Some predictions will naturally take longer to come together, things like a new home or a long-term relationship.

It is beneficial to understand that you may not yet be ready for what is to come and while it may be part of the future, it will not arrive until other things have happened first. This means there is no reason to stress over predictions that have not come to pass.

Learn to relax and simply enjoy the ride of life, staying focused and even excited about what you know will be coming at some point. There is no need to worry when the future is bright.