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Why Psychics Matter

Why Psychics Matter

Psychics, when they are credible can be invaluable assets to help us process key moments in our lives.  Going to a reading is simple, and typically only takes about an hour.  However, during this hour you can get immense clarity and peace of mind.

Psychics have the ability to know where you work and the impact it has on both your life and society.  They also have insights into special dates for you and your loved ones as well as knowing key details about financial or property matters within your family.  Mediums also have the added skill of being able to talk to spirits or divine beings, which can provide you with comfort to know that your deceased loved one is truly not that far away.

The public often is quick to dismiss the talents of a psychic.  Instead, slandering them as hucksters who manipulate people’s emotions and profit on times of profound distress or anxiety.  This is why it is important to first vet a potential seer to ensure you are getting an accurate and helpful reading.  Legitimate psychics are able to harness the mystical spiritual forces that swirl around us to help people makes sense of the chaos that is daily living.  When selecting a psychic, trust the power of your intuition.

Listening to your inner wisdom is also critical during a reading to process what information is most relevant to you to gain the necessary perspective to craft a meaningful action plan for attaining the goals of your session.  Make sure you write down as many details of a readings as possible.  Sometimes information that doesn’t seems pertinent at the moment is because it is not yet time for the power of this feedback to manifest.  You may get insight into a pivotal job or person that is years away from entering your life.  However, having these notes handy can make sense of a future crossroad and give you vital peace of mind and you make the next steps forward in your life’s journey.

Intuitive Traits

Intuitive Traits

Do you ever ask yourself if you could be psychic?  There are people that know that they have special abilities, and there are people that show that they have intuition.

What is an Intuitive?

When you think of someone that is intuitive, you automatically think about them being psychic.  These people have different traits, such as:

  • Finding meanings from symbols and signs.
  • They know things without any real proof.
  • They are very sensitive.
  • They go with what their inner being is telling them.
  • They trust themselves to make a good decisions.

Everyone has some type of intuitive power, and this is not a skill that is only for certain people.  This is part of a normal personality, even though some are more intuitive than others, but this can be because of practice.

An intuitive person will know that they have feelings and will open themselves to know things.  Here are ways you can tell if you are an intuitive person.


The first thing is that an intuitive person can recognize symbols and use them to understand a pattern.

Logic or Analytical

Things with logic are not always easy for people to understand.  This includes different patterns and different concepts.

Studies show that people that have high intuition can recognize patterns as a system, and they can use them to arrive at answers to different problems.  This is because the brain has part of analytical thinking, and this is part of pattern recognition.

Recognizing Different Patterns

Being able to recognize different patterns involves having input from different areas.  This can be associated with different ideas and is often found in people that are very creative.  For example, a person that is intuitive might experience things like:

  • Being able to discern what people are thinking.
  • Able to read body language.
  • Can see red flags.
  • Knows warning symbols.
  • Can tell if someone is fake.
  • Understands when something is not right under the surface.
  • Can tell things about their surroundings.
  • They are creative and can express things in numbers.
  • Can recognize patterns.
  • Have creative ideas.

Knowing Things

Another thing that an intuitive person has is that they can figure out things and know things.  They are inspired to do things on the right track, and even when they have information, they have a hard time explaining where it came from,

These types of people get messages and don’t have a reason for where they came from.  They think about things, and sometimes, things happen.  They seem to see a lot of coincidences.

Being Different

When you have a different type of sensitivity and things that set you apart, then you might be intuitive.  If you can pick out the emotions that other people are feeling, then this can mean that you can feel their vibes.

Things like anger and sadness leave a certain feeling in the air, and if you are an intuitive, you can take these energies and understand them, even if they are someone else’s feelings.

You might have other intuitives who can sense that you have these gifts, but you tend to stay alone because highly intuitive people are often introverts.

You are easily addicted to things, and you suppress your feelings.

Gut Feeling

Intuitive usually go with their gut feeling on things even when it doesn’t seem logical.

You might know when someone is about to call you or when someone is showing up at your house.  However, there are times when you already know what someone is going to say when they call you.


Being an intuitive means that you trust your intuition and you are able to make specific calls on things.

When you are in relationships with people, there are only certain people that you will be able to trust and let into your circle.  You will follow what feelings you have, and you will know where you need to go if you want to meet someone for your life.

You don’t always have to have an alarm to wake you up in the morning, and you are always listening to what your spirit guides tell you.


We live in a world where it is hard to explain things such as intuition.  When you do explain it, it sometimes is hard for people to understand.

Being an intuitive means that you are getting guidance from your spirit guides and that you believe in the universe to give you answers.  Scientists believe this is not real, and they believe that you are basing things on evidence, which challenges intuition.  This stays a mystery to many in science.

Do you have strong intuition?  If you are, be prepared to feel things and be prepared to be highly successful in your life.

Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection

If you have ever traveled and felt like you needed to shower right when you got home to get rid of all of the negative things of your trip, the same thing can happen when you are around people or feeling negative emotions.

When we have these feelings, we can use spiritual baths to help us feel better and to allow us to release this psychic energy and allow our bodies to feel better.

Water washing can release negative energies and be a good method of cleaning your energy.

Washing with water might seem intuitive, but people who wash with air need to consider washing with water to cleanse the aura.  This can help people feel better and have better energies that are natural and build throughout the day.

Releasing these energies from our energy field can make our spirit balanced, cleanse, clear our beings, and strengthen our emotional and spiritual state.

Water can help us to release our emotions and to return to a state of mind that is peaceful and balanced.

When you take a spiritual bath, you release things that do not help you in your life.  This helps you to relax and to be peaceful.

Doing a Spiritual Bath

There are different steps that you can take to do a spiritual bath, and this is how to do it:

  • Grounding

First, make sure that you are grounded, and you can do this by visualizing yourself in a place that makes you happy.  Imagine that a root goes from your feet to the top of your head.  Imagine that you are happier than you have ever been.

This will help you to feel grounded.

  • Imagine

Next, imagine that you are going to get in the bath and that you have all the negative energies ready to move out of your body.  Finally, imagine these energies floating away from you and that your aura is cleared.

Release and let go of anything that is unforgiving to yourself and learn to have self-love and understanding.

  • Energy

When you go to the bath, make sure you are calling for your energy.  Imagine that your energy is coming back to you.

Watch how your soul reacts, and call on your spirit guides to help you.  Focus on love and prosperity, and warmth.  Be comforted and think of your bath as a success.

Once you are prepared for your spiritual bath, talk about the different things your spirit can gain from this bath and ensure that it is a positive experience for you.

  • Spiritual Baths

There are many different types of spiritual baths that you can take.  Here are a few of them:

  • Herbal Baths

You can take a bath and add herbs to it for spiritual cleansing.  Think about how flowers are part of nature and what will happen when you add them to your life.  Add them to your bath so that you can absorb their powers and you can restore your energies.

Each flower has a different meaning and plays a role in nature.  Use these to restore your energies.  Immerse yourself in the flowers and ask the spirit to restore your energy and bring you joy.

Flowers are gentle and feminine, so when you add them to your bath, you will know that healing herbs can be found right in your cabinet.

If you have flowers from a tea bag, add them to your bath as you are filling your water.

Using a teabag can help to add herbs to the bath.  Make sure the paper is biodegradable.  Use loose floras in the bath and imagine how nice this can look and cleansing it can be to your body.  You can concentrate on your bath and use oils on top of it to help make it better.

  • Salt Bath

A salt bath will absorb the salt in your skin, which can clear your mind and body.  Then, when your pores open, you will be able to get the healing properties that come from the salt and will go to your spiritual being.

Salts are needed to help you survive and are part of the earth.  There are different kinds of salts that you can use in your bath, including:

  • Epsom salt
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Celtic Salt

Each of these salts can ground you, charge your energy and relax you.

This is a different kind of salt, and it can dissolve in essential oils, prepare the bath, and make everything soothing.  In addition, there are more energies with the salt, and people will sometimes even add crystals to their bath for healing on top of the salt.

You might need to have a spiritual bath so that you can get rid of elements in your life and charge your ions and crystals with the energy field.  You can benefit from using crystals in the tub and create a salt bath with herbs, crystals, and oils so that you can use this bath to ground yourself or benefit yourself.

  • Psychic Showers

Meditating is something that can keep you rooted and grounded in life, so imagine that you are being rooted to the earth and that the roots are going through your feet.

When you enter the shower, you can see your energies increase, and once you step in, imagine your aura is being washed, and the negative energies are falling off of you.

Imagine the energy washing down the drain, and thank your spirit guides and the universe for accepting your negative energies and cleansing you.

Add herbs into the shower and make sure that the steam reaches your pores, that your pores will open up, and that the fragrance will infuse in your pores.

Add healing salt to the shower and salts and herbs to your mixture so that you can dissolve into the water and release your negative energies.

You can drain the water after your energies are renewed, release the old energy into the water, and take yourself out completely.

When to Take a Psychic Bath

No matter what is going on, you can take a psychic bath no matter what.  For example, you can have a spiritual bath if you have had a tough week or if you feel that you need to have a cleansing.

Now that you know the basics of a cleansing bath, you need to use this to increase your intuition and ensure you get guidance like this from others.  Doing this can release your negative energies and can cleanse your aura to keep your life strong.

When You Are Soul Tired

Soul Tired

Having a tired soul can leave you being down and feeling sick.  It can make you have no inspiration or desire to do anything else.  When you are always tired and feeling the need to rest, chances are your soul is tired.

Even if you get enough sleep and you shouldn’t be tired, when you have a tired soul this will happen, and you will have no energy.

Your soul is the center of your energy and when it is not centered, it will take your energy just to keep you going.  Your soul energy flows through you and when this flow becomes blocked, it causes you to be weak and tired.

Most people know that their soul is tired because they will not be able to pay attention to their needs or the needs of others.

Rub your hands together for 30 seconds and then slowly pull your hands apart until you no longer feel the energy.  If you have no energy and your hands stop before you reach shoulder width, it could mean that your energy is gone, and your soul is tired.

Here are some reasons you can be soul tired:

• Not being who you are.
• Not being able to say no.
• Not fulfilling your true purpose.
• Arguing.
• Gossiping.
• Being with toxic people.
• Keeping onto your past.
• Being negative.
• Not caring for yourself.

All of these things can lead to you being soul tired and when your soul goes through this for a long period of time, it can come as depression or a loss of interest in life.  Your psychic gifts can be lacking, and you might even start addictive behaviors.

Your soul has to be energized in order for you to be able to make it through life.  You have to figure out what the problem is in your life and learn to change it.

Here are ways you can energize your soul:

    • Use crystals.
    • Meditate
    • Cleanse the aura
    • Do a spiritual cleansing
    • Be creative
    • Have fun
    • Talk positively
    • Love yourself

When you have a tired soul, it can be hard to get enough energy even to get yourself motivated for self-love.  Get yourself out of this by doing the above things and see how fast you can be healed and get your energy back.

Your soul is powerful and even when it is just a little tired, it can affect your whole life.

7 Signs You Have Trust in Your Partner

Trust in Your Partner

Does it feel like suddenly you are becoming increasing suspicious of your partner?  Have these doubts begun to negatively impact your union?  Trust issues can arise for a number of reasons and make your reasoning skills murky.  You can easily notice that you are beginning to encounter a trust issue in your romance if you seek advice about your relationship problems with a close friend or family member instead of discussing them with your partner.  Although this may be soothing in the moment, when you fail to discuss your concerns with your partner, you are only serving to widen the breech between you.

Try to avoid overthinking the situation.  Once you go down that road, there is a tendency to make flash decisions that might not always be in your long-term best interest.  Take care to be mindful about your thoughts and actions or else your relationship might sustain lasting damage.  This is due to trust being rooted in feelings rather than thinking.  Therefore, if you have been hurt by broken trust in the past then you are more likely to be more guarded in future romances.

If you can’t shake a feeling that your significant other isn’t being honest with you it is important to breathe and take a step back.  Center yourself and trying to look at the situation objectively and with as little judgement as possible.  When you have a clear mind, you will be able to hear your inner wisdom better and take positive steps towards healing any hurts within yourself or in your union.  However, we can all use a little help from time to time.

Here are seven signs that help you see the amount of trust in your relationship:

  1. Was your first impression favorable?

Think back to when you first met.  What were your initial thoughts and feelings?  At the point of meeting your gut instances are the sharpest.  If you felt peaceful and open, then this is your spirit telling you that this person is worthy of your trust.  However, if that cute girl gave you an uncomfortable sensation that you overlooked because they were so attractive then this is a major warning sign.  Often when physical vibrations overtake us, we can mistake this for physical attraction and thus ignore glaring warning signs.

  1. Does you partner allow you to explore the health of your relationship as individuals and as a couple?

Healthy trust is built on dialogue and shared experiences.  If one member of the couple is hurting than both partners must work to address the underlying issues and heal them.  If you feel like something is amiss it probably is.  If you can’t talk about these fears openly and honestly than this could be a flag that your trust has been broken.

  1. How does your body respond to your partner’s touch?

When your partner suddenly enters the room how do you feel?  If they come in for a hug or a kiss do you lean in or bristle for what is to come?  Noticing your comfort level around your partner is key to understand your level of trust with them.  If your body is able to relax, especially to a point that you are complete at ease, then that is a very hopeful sign your relationship is healthy. But if your stomach flips or your muscles become rigid then pays close attention.  Frequently, we when we are fighting to cling to a relationship, we will brush off subtle, yet vital closes that our intuition is telling us that something is wrong.

  1. Pay attention to any red flags

Again, look at your relationship objectively and especially your earliest days together.  If you begun your affair with linger doubts, but ignored the warning signs then these red flags are bound to surface at later dates.  You must be able to talk about any concerns with your partner first in order to strengthen your bond, otherwise you are bound for heartache.

  1. You can easily believe what your partner tells you

You might be having some doubts currently, but are you able to get out of your head and back to reality?  Think about your typical interactions with your partner.  When they tell you something are quick are you to fully believe them?  How to do you feel when they come home late and tell you that the boss had them work overtime again?  If your gut tells you that what your partner is saying is valid and true, then it probably is.  Yet, if your partner has a history of being caught in a lie and has not been while to own up to and alter their behaviors, then believe that trend as well!

  1. Is your partner a steadying force in your life?

Having a consistent partner is a key sign that they are worthy of your trust.  Having a typical rhythm to your love can go a long way in building trust.  Knowing that they regularly call or text you, as well as having standing date nights can help you make peace with a jarring occurrence.  When behavioral patterns suddenly change you need to pause and assess what caused this change.  You both must have open and honest dialogue to understand expectations.  If feelings get bottled up then mistrust is allowed to breed and thrive.  Get out of your head and get talking with each other.

  1. What are your Communication Patterns?

When communication breaks down then even the strongest relationship can become unhealthy.  If you have noticed a lapse in communication, but have a history of easy and meaningful dialogue then you have a little work to do, but things can be repaired in time.  But, a history of closed doors and closed lips signals that some mistrust is there.

Twin Flame Energy Stealer

Twin Flame Energy Stealer

Do you feel that you have found your twin flame?  Is it possible though, that it isn’t your twin flame at all and it is an energy thief?  Here is a lit that will help you know if you have met your twin flame or if you have met someone that is a false twin flame.  A false twin flame is an energy thief and will cause you to become a victim in the relationship that is toxic.  This can cause you to lose your goals and to be destroyed.

  • Obsession

If you cannot think of anyone else but them, chances are they are a false twin flame.  A twin flame is meant to make you whole and so the thoughts should be more on yourself than them.

  • Overpowering

If this person wants you to have sex and you feel violated or used, there is a good chance this is a false twin flame.  You should not have any sex without being surrendered and having peace.  You should have a motivation in your life for healing if you are with your twin flame.

  • Worry

When you feel that you are worried about talking to this person, then they are a false twin flame.  Your real twin flame will leave you feeling comfortable and confident when you talk to them and you will not have fears.

  • Communication

Communicating in dreams will not be regarded as important and a false twin will only show up in a dream as a distress.  This means they will not communicate with you in the dream and will not bring you comfort.  They might confess something or make you feel negative.

  • Distance

A false twin will distance you emotionally and will not take accountability for their actions.  They might harm you or abandon you making you a victim.  This can be a psychopath and an energy stealer.

  • Control

A twin flame will never control or manipulate you.  If you see this behavior, then you are trusting a false twin flame and you will be used and mistreated and left feeling guilty all the time.

  • Vulnerable

A false twin flame will not open up to you or share their secrets or weaknesses.  They will want to control you and manipulate you and will use your weaknesses as a weapon against you.

  • Aggression

A real twin flame will never be aggressive with you and will not be disrespectful or try to violate or abuse you.  If this is happening, this is a false twin flame and will lead to more aggression against you.

  • Not Interested

If you find this person is not interested in the good things that happen in your life and only want things to happen that benefit them, chances are they are a false twin flame.  They will not even bring up your success and will only like it if it involves them.  They will have no concern for your goals or dreams and will not support you.

  • Jealousy

A real twin flame will know that you are the mirror of their soul and you are meant to be together.  They will not use your past against you or try to make you feel less then you should.  They will not be toxic and will make you feel secure and strong and not emotionally wounded.

  • Boundaries

When someone is not following your boundaries and is refusing to live by your rules, they are not your real twin flame.  Maybe they are always changing your plans or taking away your confidence.  Maybe they are not communicating with you and are taking away your energy.

  • Bad Luck

If you continuously have bad luck since you have been with this person, chances are they are affecting every part of your life in a negative way.  If you have a healthy relationship, you will find that they support you and will change their efforts to help you.

  • Flow

You might also see that you are not having good energy flow and that your relationship is toxic and sickly.  You might not have the talents that you need or you might not be having the energy that you are used to having.

  • Emotional Pain

If you have emotional pain and it is from the other person, chances are they are stealing your energy.  They will distance you and cause you to have thoughts of fear and worry.  They will make you not feel good and you will be vulnerable to them and to those around you.  Sometimes you will feel panicked and aggravated.

  • False Twins

A false twin will not want to cuddle or be around you physically.  They will stay far from you when you sleep and will always distance themselves from you.  They will not validate your relationship.

  • Eye Contact

A false twin flame will not be able to look you in the eye because they will not care about you.  They will keep their eye contact to themselves and will hide their motives.

  • Manipulation

A false twin flame will manipulate you and take your time and cancel plans or not even tell you plans are cancelled.  They will take your energy and will be the cause of your behaviors.

  • Blame

A false twin flame will always blame you when things go wrong.  They will never be accountable for their actions and they will not admit that they do things wrong.

They will blame you for past events and will always refute your efforts to make things better.  They will discredit you and make you look bad and will always have a motive that does not help you.

  • Kindness

A false twin flame will only be kind if it helps them.  They will act like they are a victim in the relationship and no matter what you do, you will not be able to please them.

  • Stalk

After you break up with a false twin flame, they will stalk you and promise to change even though they won’t.  They will follow you around and proclaim their love for you and if you let them back, they will start back within a day stealing your energy again.

Remember, when you are with a false twin flame, you are a piece of their property and not part of them.  You will not be treated like a human being.  They will not appreciate you and you will be in a bad situation that will make you lose yourself in them.

Heart Chakra Pain Explained

Heart Chakra Pain Explained

When feeling emotional symptoms like moodiness, being overly critical, sadness, and possessiveness, it could be because of pain that originates in the heart chakra. The heart chakra is sensitive and pain can cause adverse reactions. When physical imbalances  in this particular chakra occur, you may experience cardiac or respiratory concerns or even a heaviness in the heart.

Causes of Imbalance

When there is pain in the heart chakra, it is most often linked to a broken heart. This is caused by someone you love or once loved, letting you down. Trauma and loss that causes abuse, rejection, and even grief can leave imprints in the heart chakra. Located in the center chest area, the heart chakra is a connector for upper and lower chakras. In many ways, one could say the heart chakra connects the spiritual and physical. So, when it is blocked or disturbed in some way a wave of negative emotions can overcome you.

Physical Issues

When there is a blockage in this chakra, it tends to hurt emotionally. However, there can also be physical manifestations if the blockage is not acknowledged, cleared and healed. An imbalance can lead to arrythmias, heart disease, coronary heart disease, and congenital heart disease if left blocked. Lung issues may also develop in the form of asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, and chronic bronchitis. Even issues like breast cancer, upper back issues, and an impeding of the immune system can be related to a blocked heart chakra.

Emotional Issues

The heart chakra is necessary and essential in being able to receive and give love. There are many emotions relate to this chakra. These include:

  • Love and Hate
  • Anger and Bitterness
  • Grief and Forgiveness
  • Compassion and Self-centeredness
  • Generosity and Commitment
  • Gratitude and Trust
  • Many others

This fourth chakra is affected by life events like death, divorce, birth, abandonment, emotional abuse and much more.

Clearing and Healing

The heart chakra is needed so that we can give and receive love. Love is the basis for all healing. In life, love comes from three main sources: others, self, and divine love (universal source). All types of love register within the heart chakra an offer healing effects. When we love and forgive others, healing can occur. When we let go of resentments, we can start to heal ourselves.

To heal the heart chakra, we must practice self-love and respect by tuning into our spiritual selves and radiating love. We can send love and gratitude toward yourself and others in forgiveness and compassion. Over time this helps us develop strong core chakras and will keep us balanced.

Health Plan

To get and maintain heart chakra health, try the following:

  • Self-love – Meditate regularly while sending yourself appreciation and love. While meditating, visualize the heart chakra. It is a green, radiant orb. If blockages are seen, see them falling away as love overcomes.
  • Gratitude Journal – Daily, write out five things you are grateful for and read them as soon as you awake the next morning. Continue this daily.
  • Kindness – Create a habit of sending kindness to yourself and out into the world.

Clearing Common Psychic Energy Blockages

Clearing Common Psychic Energy Blockages

Psychic energy encompasses the energy flowing around us that follows our conscious intentions and thoughts. It includes the energy we use to tap into our higher consciousness and psychic abilities, along with the energy involved in our intuition.

Psychic energy can strengthen and weaken. Three common causes of weak psychic energy are dehydration, tension, and the presence of negative energy. Let’s explore these causes, as well as some steps you can take to alleviate them.

  1. Dehydration

Dehydration is a common cause of psychic energy blockages not only when you focus on your own supernatural abilities, but also when dealing with the energy of others. Many people get weak and tired when working with psychic energies. This directly correlates to dehydration. Allowing your fluids to totally drain depletes and weakens your psychic energy. This can be avoided or alleviated by simply drinking enough water to keep you physically hydrated energetically clear.

It can also help to keep water flowing around you. For example, working near a body of water, a waterfall, or a stream can do wonders to top off your psychic energy supply and keep you spiritually and energetically hydrated.

  1. Tension

As with all energy, psychic energy needs clear paths to flow. Too often we experience blockages not only in our physical bodies but also in our energy fields that hinder the flow of energy and prevent it from moving freely. Then, when psychic energy begins moving through you, it gets caught in these blockages, which creates uncomfortable physical tension.

Tension blocks reveal where your psychic energy is stuck, so they’re especially obvious when you work with your own energy. Clearing such blockages can be an involved process, especially if they’ve been in place for a long time. Blocked energy becomes stagnant, which causes pain.

Once such blockages are cleared, you’ll discover that in addition to the tension release, your psychic abilities have grown more powerful and your energy is stronger. Here are several methods to clear blockages to ensure your psychic energy flows freely and continually:

  • Yoga is popular for its ability to release both physical and energetic blockages. Yoga paired with mantras and intentional relaxation techniques is especially powerful for energy clearing.
  • Meditation takes practice to be effective. But meditation is very adaptable. You can work on it anytime, anywhere, and as often as you’d like.
  • Tai chi is an ancient art that looks simple, but it’s extremely effective and powerful. It’s a wonderful skill to master, and its flowing movements bring about great relaxation and health benefits and remove blockages.
  • Reiki is a type of energy healing that’s performed on clients by reiki masters. They use the energy flowing from their hands to discern where you’re blocked, and then help you clear them. If your energy is significantly blocked, it may take several sessions to achieve the desired results.
  • Healing practitioners, such as psychic advisors and energy workers, and holistic therapists, use varied approaches to release psychic energy blocks. If the above methods are not appealing to you, you should be able to find an appropriate healing practitioner to work with you and clear your psychic energy flow.
  1. Negative Energy

Many types of energy are all around us, so it may be difficult to avoid the negative energies that surround and emanate from others. Some people may not even be conscious that they’re draining your energies to the point of exhaustion. But others are energy abusers. They suck the energy out of others, leaving them feeling weak, tired, and drained. This is the most harmful and exhausting form of blocking and draining psychic energy.

People who use psychic abilities to help others are especially susceptible to energy suckers, and recuperating from this type of drainage can take a long time. Ideally, we would surround ourselves with people and energy that feeds us rather than harms us. But this is not always easy, and negativity is sometimes unavoidable. So, it’s up to you to protect and shield yourself from negative energy.

As you learn to be more aware of and tuned into your psychic energy, you’ll discover that you’re more aware of others’ energy, too, and you’ll become able to determine the source of the negative energy.

There are three easy ways to defend yourself against the negative energy surrounding you and to keep your psychic energy positive, clear, and strong.

  • Perform a cleansing ritual. This type of cleansing ritual clears your psychic energy field, allowing you to clear away any undesirable energies stagnated around you. There are many ways to perform cleansing rituals, including dowsing, smudging, and meditation. Further information on these and other cleansing rituals can easily be found by searching online.
  • Keep your psychic energy balanced. Stay centered within yourself, be aware of how your psychic energy feels, and periodically check on it. Like meditation, you can center yourself anytime, anywhere. To center your energy, simply take several deep breaths and repeat an affirmation to yourself, such as, “I center my soul’s energy within myself.” Feel free to use whatever affirmations work for you. But as you repeat the affirmation, imagine your psychic energy gathering in the center of your body and radiating out through your extremities. This simple balancing exercise is an effective method to restore harmony with your energy.
  • Protect yourself with a psychic shield. This is done by simply visualizing a shield of light protecting both your body and your psychic energy field. Your shield allows no negative energies to invade. It can be any color, texture, and size you’d like. Its power lies in your energy, thoughts, and imagination. It’s more durable than any negative force that exists. You can protect yourself with your shield at a certain time every day, or at any time you feel like you need protection from negative spirits or energies.

Once you’re fully aware of the protective effects of these methods, you’ll become more conscious of when you need them and how you can regain your balance. This will keep you physically healthy and safe, as well as allow your psychic energy to strengthen and grow.

5 Reasons You Can’t Be Friends with Your Ex

Can’t Be Friends with Your Ex

You can never rewrite the past, no matter how much you may hope otherwise.  This is why it frequently does not work to be friends with your ex.  After you break-up you require a significant period of time to grieve the end of a relationship.  Although in the moment, it may feel comforting to try to shift back into being friends with your ex, in reality it stirs up a number of complications and potential for pain.

You may feel that by being friends immediately with an ex can help you resolve unfinished business.  You may also be afraid that separation will hurt them or yourself.  You might also be afraid of being alone, and by having them as a friend can ease your transition into a new phase of your life.  Instead of turning to your ex, the friend, turn to a therapist.  Examine what you seek in maintaining contact and it can help you gain a new sense of clarity of what you need to improve upon in your life.

Read on to discover five reasons to distance yourself from your ex:

  1. You gain time and space to heal without complications. A breakup is a major loss and you need a grief period to process your feelings and emotions.  Being in regular contact with your ex only delays this process caused unnecessary hurt.
  2. You are able to begin a new chapter in your life. You need to shed the version of you that was present as one half of this former couple.  Through the breakup you will gain new insights into who you want to be and who would want by your side in the future.
  3. You kids might get confused. Children typically have a desire for their parents to get back together romantically.  So, although it is essential you and your ex are cordial and communicative as coparents, being close friends might cause your kids undue pain trying to get you both to reconcile.
  4. If you went friends to begin with the resentment will only grow. If you weren’t friend to begin with, unresolved feelings will only cause you both to experience a range of negative emotions and complicate your healing process.
  5. You need time for you! It will be tough for you to feel free to explore new sides of yourself or go out on dates if you remain friends with your ex immediately after a breakup.  You run the risk of them deterring your healing progress and keeping you trapped in a box that you weren’t meant to occupy.

It’s hard to create distance from a person that was once so dear to you.  But you need to accept that this chapter of your life is over and prepare yourself for your next great adventure.  This doesn’t mean that you can’t ever be friends with your ex.  Just not soon after a breakup.  Instead focus on yourselves and healing the trauma of this loss.  In time, you might be able to once again enjoy each other’s company, but in a healthy manner that doesn’t stir up a host of unnecessary memories or complicated emotions.

Real Signs of Love

Real Signs of Love

True love is like having the perfect relationship.  You can see if your love is true by the following signs:

    • When you can only keep your eyes on your partner.
    • When you look at them, you feel like your heart skips a beat.
    • Takes time.
    • Isn’t just lust.
    • Is not an infatuation.
    • Has a strong connection.
    • Sexual arousal is very strong.

When you wonder what true love is, you need to know that to have true love, things need to go slow, and the relationship needs to build.

When you first start dating, this isn’t love; this is just a feeling.  Even if you are crazy for someone, you aren’t really in love.  You are just in the first part of love, the part where you are attracted to them, and they arouse you.

True love is something that is not really defined; it is a love that we all want and chase after.

True love is when you have someone who isn’t there because of what you have, but they like you for what you are and understand you.  You are angry at them when they hurt you, but when they do something great, you are proud of them and never jealous or rude.  You don’t let your ego take over.

When you find someone you truly love, your behavior changes, and you become a better person because you have found someone special.

When Does True Love Happen?

True love takes time to happen, and it isn’t right away in any relationship.  If you think you are in love with someone that you just met, you are more than likely to experience arousal or infatuation.  When these feelings begin to fade, you might experience problems in the relationship, and you might argue or fight.  This is when real love starts to come into the picture.  This can be a turning point where you turn away from each other, or you break up because you feel that you are not compatible.

If you both understand each other and feel that you should be together after this stage, chances are, you are on your way to true love.

Having True Love

True love is not something that can only happen once.  You might experience this over and over again in life, and you might have this happen with your spouse or with another partner.  In addition, you will feel true love for your children and your family members.

True love can change as time goes on, and those of us who have experienced true love know that love can be special and heartbreaking.  But when you find true love, you aren’t afraid to try new things, and you aren’t afraid of things ending badly.  People know in their hearts that true love is there, and they become fearless.

When you are with someone, and the relationship becomes sour or the love begins to fade, it can take years to get over that relationship.  It can cause people to split or cause people not want to love anymore.

You might decide that a relationship will not ever reach true love, and what happens in your life can change how you feel about true love.

When you wonder if true love and romance are the same, they aren’t; even though romance plays a big role in love, you cannot base love on just sex.

Forcing It

You cannot force true love.  True love has to be something you want, which comes naturally.  You cannot fake it, and you cannot experience true love unless your heart is pure and you understand that you have to relate and communicate with your partner in order to find real love.

True love comes when you and your partner want to be together all of the time, and you get a bond that is selfless and all about your partner.

Signs of True Love

True love is not easy to define, but you will know if you have true love in your relationships by these signs:

  • Give and Get

With true love, you are able to give love, and you are able to receive love back from your partner.  You will have the desire to please them, and you will show this with your actions.

  • Happiness

True love brings you happiness, and just by being with your partner, you find that you are happy and smiling all the time.

  • Pain and Hurt

You might get hurt when you are upset with your partner, but they will never make you downright angry.  You will get aggravated at them for a few minutes, but you will not be able to stay mad at them for long.

  • Giving

When you find true love, you want to give of yourself completely.  You will do whatever it takes to make your partner happy.

  • Effort

True love brings effort, and you will improve yourself and try your best to please your partner and to make them feel loved.

  • Hurt

You will never hurt your partner or want to pay them back for what they do.  Likewise, you will never want to see someone else hurt them.

  • Keep Your Word

When you make promises, you will stick to them and never break your promise to your partner.  When you have true love, you will be strong and morally right towards them.

  • Us

A true love relationship is not a me and they but an us.  The relationship becomes one bond, and you become closer each and every day.  Your partner becomes part of your present and your future.

  • Sharing

You and your partner will share everything, even in suffering.  If there is a burden, you and your partner will share it together.

  • Pride

You will always be proud of your partner and happy when they do something great.

  • Jealousy

When you are jealous, it will never be of your partner.  Instead, you will want them to do well, and when they do, you will support them and be happy for them.

  • Suffer

You will suffer if you have to in order to see them happy.

  • Their Point of View

When your partner has an idea or a different point of view, you will listen to them.  Then, you will plan your ideas in ways that it will make your partner happy and will not upset them.  Finally, you let them be involved in the decision-making in life.

  • True Love

If you are in a relationship and you don’t feel that you are experiencing the signs of true love, chances are you aren’t, or you might not have given the relationship enough time.  This is because true love takes time, and you have to make it past the part of infatuation before you can ever reach true love.

Take time and see if you and your partner fall in love.  You cannot force this, and you cannot make something work out that isn’t meant to be.  If your love doesn’t bring you happiness, you might need to take some time off and date other people.

If you feel that you are both happy, don’t try to change things.  Be selfless and love no matter what.  Let the perfect love come.  Try to understand your partner and help them to understand you.  Soon, you might find that you are experiencing true love.