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Read Your Own Mind: Tarot Spread

6-card tarot spread

There are many different types of tarot spreads. Some spreads are only 3 cards while others are up to ten cards. The tarot card spread described here is a 6-card spread which is considered middle of the road for tarot readers. A 6-card spread is full of harmonic energy creating balance. It is also a great spread when the reader desires deeper insight, but not to go so deep that it covers past lives or intensely involved future projection. The focus of a self-reading is what will be described here.

To begin with, choose 6 cards placing two in the top row, two in the bottom and the final two to the right of the 4 cards in two rows. Each of these cards will reveal something about your life.

  • Card 1:

The first card is how you see yourself. There are times in which we try to convince ourselves we believe something, but the truth is very different. The first card will reveal how we see ourselves in life, regardless of what we try to portray to the world.

  • Card 2:

The second card is related to the first in that it is how others see us. We may think we portray one image or vibe to the world, but the world is sensing something else. This card will reveal the truth.

  • Card 3:

The third card reveals what does not represent you in life. Perhaps you feel anxious, but this is not shown to the world so it does not really represent who you are. The tarot reading will reveal your truth.

  • Card 4:

Since the 6-card spread is more focused on what is projected in your current life, the fourth card is representative of what is important to you right now.

  • Card 5:

Though card four shows what is important, card five is going to show what is not holding importance in your life in this moment. You may be trying to hold onto something that really is not important. If that is revealed, then let that thing go.

  • Card 6:

The final card is very revealing in that it shows the things you do not need in life, even though they are currently present. This card may be your signal to release something that is holding you back if you choose to listen.

A Read Your Own Mind tarot spread is unique and can be enlightening. Do not fear trying to use this spread just as you would many others. Keep in mind that you need to be calm, centered, and focused on the reading. If necessary, take time to meditate before doing your own reading. Most of all have fun. This is a simple spread that can be used a couple of times a month or as you go through transitions in life.

Solemness for Developing Psychic Ability


Being solemn is defined as being formal, dignified, and sincere. Solemness is about being serious about what you are focused on at the moment. One way to enhance your psychic ability is to practice solemness in ways that help you focus on all that is happening around you. I am here to explain some simple ways to help you connect to nature and become more self-aware so your psychic hearing can develop in a stronger manner.

Clairaudience is the psychic ability to hear things that others ignore or cannot hear. Some of the signs that you possess clairaudience are that you hear things others cannot from the astral realm. This can be words from your spirit guide, animal noises, music, or other tones like bells. You may also be more likely to speak to yourself or hear a “wise voice” that comes from within you but from a different place. The sounds you hear will not be scary or critical but helpful as guides. Children with clairaudience tend to have imaginary friends that serve as guides.

Those with clairaudience usually crave peace and quiet, much like an introvert, but more because they have a sensitive soul that needs time to relax and recuperate. Many clairaudients are musically sensitive or gifted and can easily play by ear or truly relate to music. However, some may regularly hear ringing or unusual noises that others do not sense.

Clairaudience may also be experienced as part of telepathy with humans, plants, and animals. This may be demonstrated by things like sensing where your dog will sit, and it actually does. You may also sense what someone close to you is thinking with regularity, almost as if you can hear their thoughts. These are forms of clairaudience.

Using Solemness

Solemness and quiet can be used to strengthen clairaudience. To build up this ability, you must learn to tune in to what most others ignore. The easiest way to do this is by getting out in nature. Find a quiet spot, preferably after the stars have come out, and lay on the grass. Take the time to feel the grass and ground beneath you. Find a comfortable spot and close your eyes. Tune into the sounds that are all around you. Can you hear the winds moving leaves? Can you hear crickets? Can you hear animals making noise or moving around? Try to focus on each individual sound, honing in on the source. Try to hear the softest sounds, like a moth flapping its wings or a twig snapping. As you do this, allow your mind to clear and try to focus on other soft sounds.

This is the way you can build clairaudience over time, by focusing on the smallest and softest sounds. Over time, you will be able to do this even in noisy environments. You are training yourself to tune in to the sounds most others ignore. As you connect further, your skills will improve.

Never Invest Time in the Unworthy

Invest Time in the Unworthy

Life is full of uncertainties, but the one thing we can all be certain of is that we have a limited amount of time in this life. Whether you believe in Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, or something else, we all only have a given amount of time. The worst part is we never know how long that time limit is, but we can decide what we do with the moments we have. This means that we choose what to invest our time in is up to us for the most part. This does not mean we can skip work and ignore family or other obligations and expect life to move forward in a positive way, but it does mean we can choose which activities. to pour free time into in our lives.

Choosing Where to Invest Time

Since we have options when it comes to investing our free time, make sure to choose things that will bring positivity into your life. This may mean having to cut out the time you invest with ungrateful people or organizations, but it will be worth it. Ungrateful people are those that you have invested time, effort, and possibly money into, but they have been unwilling to seek real change. Those who seek your help but continue to do things that are harming themselves are no longer being helped but being enabled. When we continually invest in the ungrateful among us, we are creating a bigger problem. This is not to say that everyone must pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, but that some change on the person’s part should be evident.

Knowing when someone is no longer worth investing in is tough because it is probably someone you love. Still, for your own well-being, it is often necessary. Keep in mind that being grateful is about much more than someone saying thank you. It is about working toward bettering oneself. When someone is simply accepting help without making changes, even small ones, then they are ungrateful. You must learn to walk away from those who are ungrateful for your own safety and sanity.

Other Issues

Another side effect of continually investing in those who are ungrateful is a change in your energy levels. Those who are constantly taking your time and energy are leaving their negative energy behind. This can cause you to become misaligned within your chakras and to feel unbalanced mentally. You must decide whether you continually want to give of yourself to a single person or help others that can grow and eventually help others themselves. There are few things you can truly control in life, but whom you invest time in is one you truly control.

Another potential issue is not one that is seen if you continually invest in the ungrateful. If you waste your time on the ungrateful, others you could have potentially helped, and all those they could potentially help are left without your time. If you want to put the best into the world as possible, move on to someone else. Later on, the ungrateful person may change their ways and receive help, but until that time, you have to make the choice for yourself.

It is your time to invest; what are you going to do with it?

Lying to Yourself is the Most Dangerous

Lying to Yourself is the Most Dangerous

Sadly, life is full of lies. Some of these are tiny white lies like “your dress looks great” or “she’s busy,” when these are untruths that are not hurting anyone but are still lies. There are also bigger lies that we tell one another that may cause harm but may not have been intended to at the moment. There is a very dangerous type of lie, though, the lies we tell ourselves.

The lies we tell ourselves are dangerous for a host of reasons. One relatively minor reason is that lying to ourselves can justify an unfair advantage. Let me explain. If we receive an unfair advantage, even if we did not ask for the advantage, viewing it as earned on merit is a lie. This type of lie will make it harder to discern and reward real merit and reward it when it is present.

Another dangerous truth that we often do not want to face is quite dangerous, that of a lethal habit like drug abuse or alcoholism, or even an abusive relationship. These lies are not just dangerous to the mind but dangerous to the body. If we are not willing to admit to the truth then the path could become physically dangerous or lethal.

Why is Lying to Ourselves Dangerous?

Telling ourselves lies is dangerous because, over time, we harden ourselves to our own desires. When we are willing to lie to ourselves, we become able to ignore our own wants and needs. When we continue to deny our own wants and needs, we can go down a path in life that is unsafe, unhealthy, and, most of all, unhappy. These types of lies lead us to a lack of self-awareness because the lies have cut us off from our awareness. Self-awareness is meant to refine us, so a lack of it will leave us stuck in whatever life we create without the ability to make real changes. If we end up stuck for too long, we can grow hostile toward ourselves and others.

What Can be Done?

It can be difficult to quit lying to ourselves because it is often so painful. The first real step is to admit you have been lying to yourself and then to take a full, realistic view of how your life is going and what lies you have been telling yourself. Once the lies are identified, do not focus on them but the opposite. Whatever we focus on will stay in control of our lives, so we must reword the lies into the truth we want. For example, I am not an alcoholic, and even when you are, can turn into I can work toward no longer letting alcohol control my life. The goal is to set realistic goals with achievable steps that can be attained over time. As progress is made, we must continue to be brutally honest with ourselves. If a failure occurs, be honest about why you failed and move forward.

Keep in mind the truth, even with ourselves, will always set you free.

Know What to Do and Where You Should Be

Life is hard

Life is hard. Life is also constantly changing. We can be on top of the world one day and feel buried below the dirt the next. On top of that, we are rarely where we want to be in life. Some people believe this is just how life is and are miserable, but others have figured out the secret to how to get from where we are to where we should be.  That secret is shared here:

“I am learning every day to allow the space between where I want to be and where I am to inspire me and not terrify me.”

So, what does this secret mean in practical terms? We all have areas of life in which we are not where we want to be. Sometimes the gap is huge; sometimes, there is just one big obstacle in the way. Regardless, we see that gap or challenge and allow fear to enter our minds. The trick to being able to close that gap is to let the space or gap inspire instead of terrify you. It is human nature to give up when an obstacle is reached, but if we can change that mindset, great things can happen. There are a few straightforward steps you can take to help yourself along the way.

  • Understand the Goal

If you are not where you want to be, but do know what the goal is, then write it down. Just living life for the journey without trying to reach a goal will leave you wondering in circles. Start with the goal.

  • Create a Plan

You know your goal, and you know where you are at the moment. Take time to write out the major steps that are needed to get from point A to point B. These should be broad steps at least at first.

  • Break It Down

Look at each major step and break it down into smaller, measurable steps. These smaller steps will become smaller goals.

  • SMART Goals

As the bigger steps are broken down into smaller steps, create SMART goals. SMART goals are specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

  • Get Started

Start making progress on your goals. With each victory, big or small, find a way to celebrate and know you are moving closer to where you want to be.


It can be tough to put this into action, so we will share an example. Let’s say you are currently overweight and want to get in better shape. Your plan may begin with the words “Overweight/Weak” and end with “In Shape/Healthy Weight.” Getting from one point to another will involve exercise, joining a gym, eating healthy, and practicing control. Next, you want to set SMART goals. One potential SMART goal for this journey may be “Lose two pounds in one week by exercising for 5 minutes a day and eating one healthy meal a day.” This is a realistic goal that is time-bound, relevant to the goal, measurable by the scale, and achievable.

There is no need to fear the space between where we are and where we want to be if we can break it down and track progress over time. Start tackling your space today.

Invest Wisely in Law of Attraction

Invest Wisely

Every person has thousands, if not millions of thoughts each day. Some of those thoughts are purposeful, some are automatic. Automatic thoughts are those we do not recognize until attention is drawn to them. For example, you do not think about every breath you take unless someone brings it to your attention and then, you think about breathing until something interrupts that train of thought. Those are not the thoughts that are being addressed. Instead, we wish to talk about purposeful thoughts. These are the thoughts you choose to focus on during your day for whatever purpose.

As we focus on these purposeful thoughts, we must also bring in the Law of Attraction into play. The Law of Attraction states, in the simplest terms, that we attract what we radiate. To put this another way, what we put out into the world we will receive back or reap what we sew. No matter how you choose to word the Law of Attraction the meaning is the same. Keeping this in mind, you must understand that our thoughts are things we put out into the world as well.

“Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony.”

Every purposeful thought we have can put positive or negative energy out into the world. If you choose to focus on the negative, then that same negativity will drive your actions and behaviors, and bring similar activity back into your life. Thankfully, the opposite is also true. If you choose to focus on the positive, your behaviors and actions will follow and bring positivity back into your life. You must learn to capture every thought and decide whether it is worth the time and return to invest in focusing on it. The choice is yours alone as no one can control your thoughts or focus.

When you choose to invest your thoughts wisely, our actions and behaviors will follow and what life returns to you will as well. This does not mean that all your thoughts, actions, or returns will always be positive or always be negative, humans cannot operate in such extremism without ever wavering. Life will never be completely perfect, nor all bad. However, we can attract the things we want or need most by investing our thoughts wisely.

What do you want most out of life long term? Are your thoughts investing in that area? Are you putting positivity into the world to bring positivity back? Start by answering these questions. If necessary, begin to invest your focus and thoughts toward the right things so the Law of Attraction can be helpful. The spirits in control of the Law of Attraction will gladly attune to your energies to higher frequencies if you ask and control your thoughts toward the positive. You choose how to invest. You are in control of your thoughts. Make sure you are investing for the good of self and others.

Understanding Your Soul Urge Number

Soul Urge Number

There are many numbers and numbers play a big role in the lives of many people. This is what numerology is. The Soul Urge number is also called the Heart Desire number, and this is a number that can tell you what you are feeling deep inside of yourself. When you know the soul urge number of someone, you can know if they are someone that you would want to date.

Here is what the soul urge number means:

  • Number 1

This number can mean that someone is famous and that they are ambitious. They are someone that has a big ego and they are good leaders.

  • Number 2

This number can mean that there is peace in the home and that someone is meant for a specific job. This can be a person that is sensitive and someone that is very supportive.

  • Number 3

The Soul Urge number 3 means that you are a good team player. This is someone that likes to interact with other people like those of the opposite sex. These people express themselves good and make good writers.

  • Number 4

Number 4 is a person that rigidly looks at life. They are pragmatic to the things of life and how to deal with it.

  • Number 5

The number 5 is one that is able to take on many tasks at once. They love adventure and they are very excited about living.

  • Number 6

The Soul Urge number 6 is one that is loving and compassionate. They are artistic and they are people that love to be creative and love nature.

  • Number 7

Soul Urge number 7’s are people that have a lot of knowledge. They love to learn new things and they are able to communicate well. They are able to share their feelings and even though they have mood swings they are strong.

  • Number 8

Those with the number 8 as their Soul Urge number are people that make a lot of money. They also love to have stability and power, but they aren’t very good at talking to others.

  • Number 9

People that have the number 9 as their Soul Urge number are people that are stubborn, and they are good leaders. They are often aggressive people.

Get Them to Call Without Telling Them

Get Them to Call Without Telling Them

We all desire connection in life, but sometimes life gets so busy that we do not even hear from friends. Perhaps you do not want to call and be a bother to someone but would love to hear from them. Using your natural psychic abilities is one way to get in contact with those with whom you may have lost touch. The process is simple, but it may take some practice.

Getting Started

The key is to start building up your psychic abilities using telepathy to ask a friend to call. Start with friends you are close to in order to build up these abilities before trying for those you have not spoken to for longer periods of time. To get started, think about your close friend by picturing them in your mind. If you have trouble doing this, hold and stare at a photo of the person. Imagine this person calling you within 24 hours. Focus on the person calling you within that time frame and send the intention out into the universe. Write down the time that you set and put this intention into the world, and then wait to see if that person calls. If not, try again to connect psychically with the same person. Practice makes perfect in this form of psychic development.

Once you are regularly connecting with those close to you, then try to telepathically connect to those you have not heard from for several weeks or even years. Make sure that you make no other contact with the person so you are strengthening your psychic abilities. Record when you send out the intention and whether or not the person calls. If the person does call, do not be surprised if they mention feeling like a need to call suddenly came over them. Enjoy a conversation with an old friend, and know that you can connect telepathically at any time.

Sometimes we all need to reach out but cannot make the call. Reaching out telepathically can be a good first step and great practice for your psychic powers. The true test is keeping track of the intentions you send out to the universe and following up to see if it is working. You may not be successful on your first few attempts, but keep trying. Also, know that some people may not be open to receiving your message, so the call may never come. This is why it is important to practice on those close to you at first to see if the messages are being sent.


Give it a try today by choosing a person to connect with and setting your intention. If the call comes, then know you are on the right track and mention that you were just thinking about the caller to gauge their reaction. Keep trying to connect with those you desire no matter where they are in the world.

How to Find the Right Relationship

Right Relationship

Finding a relationship can be overwhelming at times because we want things to be right and perfect. It is easy to rush into something without really knowing how it will turn out. If we instead take the time to truly think about finding the right relationship, then we will not have to question it when it comes.

Check out the tips below to find the right relationship:

  • Know Yourself

The right relationship with someone else cannot happen until you know yourself.           Knowing yourself is all about honesty. When you can be honest about what you want, who you are, and what you like, then it is easier to find the person that will help meet and enhance those needs. This does not mean that another person will offer fulfillment but that the right person will help you reach your highest goals and lead the life you desire. One person cannot complete another but can support the growth of another.

  • Know Exactly Who You are Looking For

The right relationship will be impossible to find and identify if you are not clear on what you want out of that relationship. Do you want someone that loves sports? Prefer a partner who is content to stay home and chill? Do you want an open relationship? Prefer someone who is goal-oriented or impulse-driven? There are no right answers, but you must be honest about what you want in a partner. If your goal is marriage, you may want to consider whether you want children, if you want to keep working, or where you will live. Part of knowing yourself is also knowing what you are looking for in a relationship. This area can consider looks but go deeper into what you truly desire for a long-term relationship.

  • Put Yourself Out There

Though it would be nice, the right relationship will not arrive at your front door. Make sure you are putting yourself into the dating world if you are looking for the right relationship. Accept those invitations to go out with friends and spend some time flirting if it feels right. If you are unwilling to try, then the right relationship may be overlooked.

  • Allow Them to Pursue You

Desperation does not look good on anyone. Though the goal is to put yourself out there, do not be too available when someone shows interest. Allow the other person to pursue you to a degree. This can be as simple as not always being available when someone calls and continuing to live your life until you are certain that you have found someone you like and want to enjoy a relationship with over time. Men typically enjoy the pursuit aspect of forming a relationship, so be available, but not too available.

  • Give People a Chance

Everyone has an idea of what their perfect mate will look like or do, but do not count someone out simply because they are not what you pictured. Some of the strongest relationships are formed between people who are physically very different. Be open to those who meet other criteria you have chosen instead of dismissing them based on looks alone.

  • Stop Wondering if You are Right for Them

If you have gotten into a relationship or have been asked out, do not worry about whether you are right for the other person. Be who you are and be honest about what you want. Allow the pieces to fall into place naturally. When a relationship is right, it will all work out.

Understanding Relationship Types

Relationship Types

There are different types of relationships and there are people that are different depending on who they are. Some people are passionate, and some people want long-term romance in their life. Some like to just have sex.

Different types of relationships can change over time, but they are what show how satisfied someone is when it comes to being happy. Romance happens and this is something that keeps people satisfied for a long time where sex might keep people happy for just a little bit of time.

What is the Difference Between Passionate Love and Romance?

Being in a romantic relationship means that you feel secure with your partner. You have someone that is committed to you, and you talk to each other, and you are able to have strong sexual chemistry. You love to satisfy each other in and out of bed and you might be adventurous together. You love to kiss and hold each other, hold hands, write each other notes and there is always comfort with each other.

Passionate love is something that has obsession in it. It is a time that you are with someone, but you are on and off or hot and cold. You like to be with someone in bed, but you might not want to hold hands or people to even know that you are together. You might feel insecure or jealous and you want to hug and kiss the person but not commit. You also don’t want them to commit to someone else.

Having passionate love is something that is only going to satisfy you when it comes to short term relationships. These don’t last forever, and they have a lot of anxiety and stress behind them because you are never secure or feeling that you are loved.

What is the Difference Between Companionship and Romance?

Long term relationships will sound like people that are best friends. Some relationship are just best friends and there isn’t anything wrong with having a best friend. If someone is a best friend, then they make things easy, and it is relaxing to be with them. They are there to help you and they aren’t full of jealousy or obsession. There also isn’t going to be sexual chemistry in this but the relationship will be satisfying for the long term.

Companionship means that you are grounded, and you are secure. You have a great friend that comes into your life, and they help you and you are comfortable with them. They communicate well with you and even though there is no sex or romance, there is sometimes playfulness and sometimes passion.

Companionship can sometimes turn into romance. When this happens, there is sex that comes into the relationship. This can cause the relationship to end and be hurtful later down the line.

Romance and Friendship

When you understand your relationship then you will be more satisfied with hit. There can’t be a friendship and a lot of passion in it, or it will likely end and turn sour. There has to be security in a relationship or a partnership. When you want to be with someone, do they want to settled own and is the relationship stable? Sometimes when a relationship is passionate, it can become romantic, and this is when you need to talk about what you need with your partner and find out what they need. Sometimes this works but other times it is just a bunch of painful ups and downs, and you eventually need to separate.

Companionship relationships are easier to fix when something goes wrong. If the friendship is good and romance gets in the way, they can get this back in line and fix the friendship and learn to not cross boundaries. Romance doesn’t always come with companionship and there has to be effort and devotion before it would ever work out. But, if you are in a relationship that is mature, you will be more satisfied than by just being passionate with someone all the time.